With Tendencies To Run Away

By sofaraway_a7x

3K 93 52

Rayne and her little sister Marie are in their senior year of high school they ahve been hanging with the sam... More

With Tendencies To Run Away


205 7 7
By sofaraway_a7x




Still Marie’s POV

The entire drive back to my apartment was silent.

It was irritating me. I tried to bring up Brian and she shot me down.

I know that she might not want to be with Brian but he deserves to meet his only son.

“Come on Ry, don’t be like this.”

“Marie. Don’t.” She says sternly. Her knuckles turning white from clenching the steering wheel tightly.

I roll my eyes and continue to look back out the window. I guess now isn’t such a good time to tell her that Jimmy invited us over for a cook out.

Ah, fuck it.

“So Jimmy asked us over for a cook-out like old times. I said that we will be there. It’s today. After you pick up Nolan.”

She slams on her breaks and pulls off to the side of the road; I grab a hold of the dashboard, almost flying out the window.

That’s saying something because I have my FREAKING seatbelt on!

“Jesus Christ Marie! I don’t want my son around Brian!”

“Oh get over yourself Rayne! He deserves to see him! You haven’t dated anyone in three damn fucking years because you know that you are fucking in love with Brian! Bite my ass Rayne! You know it!!”

I am so sick of her bullshit. Time for me to put my foot down; why should I be punished because of her?

She looks at me, she doesn’t say anything and continues her driving. We pick up Nolan, after saying bye to our parents we climb back in the car.

“Where are we going Marie?” I smile at my sister.

“1121 Pacific Coast Highway, HB”

She smiles and takes off towards Jimmy’s house.

I’m satisfied because I finally won an argument, and I am anxious to see matt!!

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