!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior L...

By Deannasuper

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This is how Deanna gets out of the sex shop with the help of prodigy he is not from mb but he is a model for... More

!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior Love)
Cast call
For the cast
You have to understand
I can get you out of here
Dates,mates and Drama
Dates,mates and Drama part 2
Better lives
It's your choice
It's Official
Job Job Job
Should we?
Am i?
The Dresses
Wedding Day
Pressing Charges
The crash
The truth
Getting close to each other
Lil Za
The return of Crystal
I'm killing all of you
I know what you did
What really happend
Just Memories

Happy Birthday

97 3 2
By Deannasuper

Twist's pov

I woke up and remembered it was Deanna's birthday so I got up and made her a big breakfast.

Deanna's pov

I woke up and smelt food cooking so I got dressed and went downstairs and saw twist cooking a big breakfast.

Twist: Hey baby happy birthday

Deanna: oh my god I forgot it was my birthday, thanks twist your the best

Twist: No problem baby*pecks her lips*

The doorbell rings

Deanna: i'll get it

Twist: no your relaxing today

Deanna: alright

Twist opens the door and Za was their

Lil Za: Hey twist i'm here for Kori

Twist: i'll get her

Kori's pov

I really didn't want to leave because I wanted to see Naomi again she was like my best friend at my school I don't have any friends, but I got to go and Deanna is so nice, she always gets me stuff, and Uncle Twist is funny...

Twist comes in here room

Twist: hey Kori your dad is here

Kori: do I have to leave

Twist: yeah but you can come anytime you want

Kori: alright

They go downstairs

Kori: hey daddy

Lil Za: hey baby girl

Kori: Can I come back soon

Lil Za: yeah sure

Kori: bye Uncle Twist bye Deanna

Deanna and Twist:bye

Twist: alright let's go

Deanna: wait where are we going

Twist: it is your birthday let's go

Deanna: where

Twist: it's a suprise

Deanna: alright

Deanna's pov

We got in the car and started driving,i was just silence, but not the awkward silence the peaceful silence, then we stoppe and i realized we were at the a house.

Twist: You coming

He opens the door for her

Deanna: yeah... where are we

Twist: close your eyes

Deanna: *closes her eyes* I swear if you make me fall

Twist: it's ok i got you* holds her by her waist*

Deanna: alright

Deanna's pov.

We started walking up some steps and i heard i door open, and then Twist told me to open my eyes,i opened my eyes and saw everyone their even the kids,Juvante was their even Kori and Za and some other girl she must be Atifa,i'm so happy Prodigy and Ashley weren't their, their were party décor and lots of food.

Mylah: happy birthday Deanna

Deanna: you guys are the best

Mercedes: well it was all Twist's idea

Julio: yeah he's been planning this for day's

Deanna: aww you really did that for me

Twist: yeah I just wanted it to be special

Deanna:thanks you *Hugs him*

Twist*hugs back* no problem

Deanna's pov

Me and Mylah were talking and a girl with long black hair and light green eyes came up to use.

Atifa: oh hi i'm Atifa

Deanna: oh nice to meet you i'm Deanna

Atifa: Yeah I know Kori told me a lot about you

Deanna: oh really well it's nice to meet you

Atifa: nice to meet you too I should get back to Za, oh hope you like the brownies I made them

Mylah: you made those man those are the best

Atifa: thanks

Mylah: no prob

Atifa leaves

Deanna: I can't belive you and Ray are getting married

Mylah: I know I'm so excited

Deanna: so where are we having this wedding.

Mylah: Cuba

Deanna: Cuba...I hope that plane don't crash again

Mylah: I know that was teribble

Deanna: let's just all think positive

Mylah: yeah

Twist comes over

Twist: you guys having a good time

Mylah: great time i'll leave you two alone

Twist: oh no it's ok

Mylah: no we were done talking

Twist: alright

Mylah goes and talks with Ray

Twist: you like it

Deanna: I love it

Twist:*whispers* I love you too

Deanna: what did you say

Twist: n-nothing

Deanna's pov

 He thinks I didn't hear him ha.

Deanna: I love you too

Twist: wait you heard me

Deanna: yeah

Twist: Wow, so I guess you know I love you right*pecks her on the lips*

Deanna: yup

Twist: I got something for you when we get home

Deanna: oh what is that

Twist: well it's not just 1 thing

Deanna: alright, and who's house is this

Twist: oh this is Za's place

Deanna: oh so it wasn't really their anniversary

Twist: no they were just helping setup

Deanna: aww that's nice

Mylah: can we open presents now !

Deanna: yeah sure

Everyone goes in a circle around Deanna

Deanna: ok * looks at a purple box* this one is from Ray and Naomi

Naomi: yup open it

Deanna opens the box and their was purple beats with purple T-Raww's

Deanna:thanks you guys

Naomi: no problem I payed for everything

Deanna: oh really

Naomi: yup 

Deanna: ok let me see  this one is from Julio, Mylah and Mercedes, damn this one is huge I think I need help un-rapping it

Naomi: i'll help you

Kori: and me

Juvante: and me

They open it and was a huge picture of Julio, Mercedes, Mylah and Deanna of at Julio's wedding

Deanna: man this brings back memories *starts tearing up*

Mylah: Deanna don't worry it's ok*Hugs her*d

Deanna: ok i'm hungry

Mercedes: but you just ate 

Deanna: I know but them brownies tho

Runs in the kitchen

Mylah:*laughs* I'm coming to join you

Prodigy's pov

Me and Ashley were in our hotel room and someone was knocking on our door like crazy i swear if it's Mylah.

Prodigy goes to the door

???: i'm back

Prodigy's POV

All i remember is seing a girl that looked so familiar and hade a bat a hit me so hard i black out.

Deanna's pov

Everyone left the house except Za Atifa and Kori because this is their house and me and Twist.

Deanna: thank you guys i guess i'm going know

Twist: yeah see you guys

Kori: bye Deanna

Atifa: bye

Deanna and Twist go in the car and start driving.

Deanna: that was the best birthday ever

Twist: but it isn't over yet

Deanna: alright

Twist: Your going to love this

Deanna's pov

We went into the house and the dinnig table was set like a five star restaurant and their was Chicken alfredo.

Deanna: Oh my god Twist this is so amazing,

Twist: come sit down so we could eat

Deanna: alright

They both sit down.

Deanna: i just wanna say thank you again twist this is really amazing

Twist: i should thank you

Deanna: for what

Twist: for letting me date you, your like the best girlfriend your just so different and you have an amazing personality and don't get me started with your looks, you have the best friends all my other girlfriends didn't like friends didn't like me for some reason your are just so amazing and don't get me started with those lips.

Deanna:*blushes* thanks Twist

Twist: No problem beautiful let's go sit on the couch and watch a movie

Deanna: alright

They go on the couch and cuddle and watch Diary of a mad black women.

Deanna: this movie reminds me so much of Mylah

Twist:*laughs* yeah a lot

Deanna: Can you do something for me


Deanna: take off your shirt

Twist: alright

He takes off his shirt

Deanna: damn

Twist: you like what you see

Deanna: yesss *Pecks his lips*

Twist:*kisses her back and adds tongue*

Deanna:*moans* you wanna take this upstairs

Twist: if you want to i don't want to push you

Deanna: come on

They go upstairs in their room

If yall don't like Descriptive Sex Then don't read this please thank you XD

Twist: Damn your so beautiful

Deanna: thanks twist *kisses him*

Twist:*kisses back*

They start kissing and taking off their close slowly,Twist starts eating out for a god 5 minutes.

Deanna: oh my god i want you now

Twist kisses on her neck

Deanna: it's my birthday don't tease please

Twist: alright

He thrust in her slowly

Deanna: Nigga don't play

Twist: fine

They go on for 2 hours

Deanna: damn i'm tired

Twist: same i'm going to bed good night baby

Deanna's phone starts ringing

Deanna: Hold on

Btw their still naked

Phone convo

Deanna: Hello

Mylah: did you guys-

Deanna: yes

Mylah: how was-

Deanna: great good night Mylah

Mylah: good night *laughs*7

End of convo

Mylah's pov

I knew they fucked

Mylah: Where is my 5 dollars

Ray:*Takes wallet out and gives her five dollars* your always right

Mylah: i know *pecks his lip*

Ray: good night baby

Mylah: good night

Deanna's pov

I knew Mylah was going to call me .

Twist: good night Deanna i love you

Deanna: i love you

Twist brings them close together

Twist:I love you

Deanna: you just said that

Twist: i just wanna make sure you know that i love you*pecks her lips.

Deanna: i love you too good night twist

Twist: good night baby


What do you think happened to prodigy and who was at that door???

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