Pressing Charges

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Deanna's pov

Me and Prod decided to Press Charges on that bitch Crystal,they told use we hade to go to court, so we can talk about why crystal would shot me.

Prod: you ready

Deanna:yeah,everyone said their going to be their too

Prod: good

They go to court the judge tell the to rise and all that shit..anyway.

Judge :Ms.mayers please state your story

Deanna stands up

Deanna: umm...I was getting ready for my best friends wedding and Crystal shot me because she was trying to prove to Prodigy that she would shot me and I grabed the gun and shot her in defense

Judge: you may sit Ms.mayers

Deanna sits down

Judge: ok I will make my mind five minute break

Mercedes: Don't worry sis we will get thru this

Roc: after this we going to party

Judge: Attention everyone, i have made up my mind Crystal

Crystal: yes

Judge: is this you five days robing a bank

She shows Crystal robing five back five days ago


Judge: Crystal you are being sent to jail for life

Crystal: what!! no

She pulls out a gun

Mercedes: hell naw

Mylah: Really bitch,really!

Ray:Mylah calm down

Mylah:hpow can I calm down when the bitch has a fucken gun

Julio: mood swings

Jude:Crystal put the gun down!

Crystal:hell no

She goes up to the Judge in shoots her in her leg.

Mylah:I never thought I would have to use this

Pulls out a gun and shoots Crystal in the leg.

Crystal:you fucken bitch

Security take her away

Judge: Thank you so much you guys

Mylah: no prob it was my pleasure

Deanna: let's go home

Julio:yeah I had enough of all the drama

Deanna:how about we al just got to my place and celebrate

Mercedes:good idea

The ambulance come and pick up the judge

They have a little get together

Prod: Finally all the drama is over

Deanna:why don't you call diggy over

Prod:yeah why not

Diggy comes over

Diggy: i'm glad you guys won the case and Mylah shot the itch *laughs*

Ray:that was fun babe*laughs*

Everyone laughs

Mylah:we are drama free


Is all the drama really gone?

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