Torn Between Love And Hate {S...

By refresh

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[EDITING] Naruto finally sees Sasuke again after what happens. But along comes a mysterious guy and gives Nar... More

Torn Between Love And Hatred {NaruSasu} {Yaoi}
Meeting Naruto
The New Guy
So We Meet Again... With Some Unexpected Guests
Nightmares and Screams (Part 2)
The Forgotten Memory

Nightmares and Screams (Part 1)

684 18 9
By refresh

Naruto's P.O.V

It's dark. It's cold. I keep running, but from what? The fact that Sasuke is in fact a cold-hearted killer now. He was nothing like that in the past, so why now? And why him of all people? Why did it have to be him...? I cried the whole night, cried to sleep, cried to my sanity. Who can I turn to now? Sasuke was my best friend... And my love. I couldn't tell him that in time and now I won't be able to. I was too late. It's too late for anything. These thoughts ran through my head as I fell into the deep oblivion.


A sleek figure slipped out of the shadows and crawled on top of Naruto. His white teeth flashed in the moonlight. However the light faded as the clouds began to cover the moon. The pale, white moon, just like Mikami. The person on top of Naruto. He held up a syringe containing some mysterious liquid. Swiftly he jabbed it into Naruto's arm. He swiped at the needle but Mikami held his arm. He injected the liquid into his bloodstream. Quickly he took it out and backed into the shadows.

"Sleep tight, Naruto..."


Naruto P.O.V

Sun shone through the curtains and streamed onto my face causing me to wake. With a groan, I stretched my arms and staggered into the bathroom. 

"Man I had the strangest dream last night..." I yawned and began brushing my teeth. Gotta tell Sakura and Mikami later. I got dressed and ate some breakfast as usual. When I was out the door, it hit me.

"Crap! I have a super important mission I was supposed to do today!!" I screamed as I raced to where we were supposed to meet. When I arrived, all tired and puffed out, Sakura was yelling at me, Kakashi was telling me off and Mikami was saying good morning. I brushed off Sakura and Kakashi, telling them that we could still do the mission and that I wasn't that late.

"Good morning to you too, Mikami," I beamed. I wanted to tell Sakura and Mikami-kun about my dream but we were late for the mission so I decided to take them later. As we travelled to our destination I read what we were supposed to do in our mission. I scratched the back of my head and sighed. We were supposed to look for a A-rank criminal, who hacked his victim to bits. We had to catch him and bring him back alive which is usually a pain in the ass.

"Ah man," I mutter, closing my eyes. Then I remembered my dream. 

"Hey Sakura! I had this weird dream last night." When I said that she looked at me with a worried look, but then hid it.

"What happened?" She asked curiously. I frowned but then began to describe what had happened in my dream. Mikami sat there staring at me and it was getting on my nerves. After I finished explaining there was a long pause until Mikami spoke,

"Isn't it good that it was only a dream?"

The way he said it made it sound like it wasn't a dream. They both stared at me until I gave a fake smile.

"Yeah, you're right I guess. Well anyway-"

"We're here you guys, it's time to get off." Kakashi interrupted me. Sakura and I got off and shakily jumped off the swaying boat. As we left shivers went down my back as I saw an unforgettable expression from Mikami.


"Okay, we're supposed find a S-ranked criminal and capture him dead or alive. He is dangerous so be careful." Kakashi explained to us. We nodded and set off to find this criminal. Sakura was with Kakashi and Mikami was with me. I suggested that we jump to the mountain top to try and get a view of the whole forest. He nodded in agreement and started going ahead. We reached the top in a matter of minutes and scanned the entire forest, discussing where he could possibly hide. After we pointed out the blind spots in the forest we started to go and search for him. 

We wandered those areas a bit and moved on if there were no signs of him being there. Eventually we went to our last blind spot. I scanned the area and started to wander around, with Mikami following me.

"Do you think he's here?" I ask in a hushed whisper. Mikami shrugs and keeps on walking. I frown but say nothing as I walked off in another direction. Soon the number of trees decreased as I got closer to the huge hole I spotted earlier. I walk around the hole once and decide that no one would hide in there. I spot Mikami out of the corner of my eyes and I yell out,

"Mikami, this hole is huge! Come here!" 

Mikami looks at me with a grin and starts walking over. Seconds later Mikami looks panicked and starts to run over here. I turn around in confusion and standing right behind me was the S-ranked criminal we were supposed to capture. I hesitated a second and he pushed into the hole. I still have a surprised look on my face. 


*** Mikami's P.O.V ***

"NARUTO!!!!" I scream as I plunge down the hole. I grin and give that criminal a thumbs-up. He grins and before he can say anything his whole body starts inflating and chokes him. Good, the drugs are working. Everything is according to my plan. As we plunge into the darkness.


Well I've made you wait long enough :D What do you think is going to happen? What are these drugs Mikami is talking about? Does it have something to do with the liquid Mikami gave to Naruto? Why was the criminal helping Mikami? 

Just let those questions sink in as you wait for the update ;D

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