Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friend...

By jemsparkle

11.3K 271 181


Diamonds:A girl's best friends.
Diamonds:A girl's best Friends,pt 2
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 3
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt5
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 6
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 7
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 8
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 9
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 10
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 11
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 12
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 13(JJ's pOV)
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 14 (it's up,don't kill me!)
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 15
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 16
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 17
Diamonds:A Girl's Best Friends pt 18

Diamonds:A Girl's Best 4

590 18 8
By jemsparkle

9:15pm,Kelley residence.

JJ's point of view

"Hey there!would you like to dance?"a guy asked me.I groaned inwardly.He was the fourth guy to ask that in the last half hour.

"No thank you I'm with him."I snapped while Leo casually placed his arm behind me on the couch,looking pointedly at the guy.

"I thought he was with her."the guy said nodding to Dee,who was sitting next to Leo,whose other arm was around her shoulder casually. Next to Dee was Val.

"How about you,hon?"the guy said looking at Val.

"Actually all three of us came with him."Val said irritatedly.

The guy reeked of some awful cologne.His hair was covered in way too much gel and he was wearing a hideous carribean style shirt.Millionare or not that guy's get up made me want to puke.

The guy looked at Leo curiously.

"Oil mine"Leo said smirking.

"Oh."the guy said and went away.

Only the millionaires' kids were allowed in the party and by Oil mine Leo had meant to tell the guy that his father owned it and he was loaded with cash and hence we were with him.

Long story short Leo was posing as a millioaire's playboy son and we were his dates.

We were at the party of George Kelley's son,whose father was the CEO of a multibillionaire company.

Our client had wanted us to pick somehting up from George's office.The item in question was going to be at the house tonight,when George's son was having a party.We had got into the party and to blend in Marcus had suggested we take Leo too,although we could've pulled it off without his help I was glad he was there so we could atleast turn down the various

offers of "dancing"we were getting by telling them we were with him.

The place was crawling with teens and people in their twenties getting drunk,dancing or getting upto God knows what.All I knew was that we had to wait till 9:30 and then sneak out,grab the item and leave.

The party had been a good alibi for us to get in without getting noticed.

"Damned perverts!"Val hissed as one of the guys next to her accidently knocked his drink on her dress while trying to get her to dance with them.

Few minutes ticked by as we sat quietly,observing the others around get drunk and dance.

"Heyy.Gimme some sugar"some guy slurred in my ear while sitting next to me.

He was clearly drunk and tried to grab my waist.I shoved him back and he passed out on the seat behind him.

I coulnd't wait to get out of here.Few minutes later the clock struck 9:30.

"Let's go Val."I said getting up.

Dee got up as well but Val pushed her back gently causing her to land on Leo's lap.

"No you stay we'll call if we need help."Val said winking and left Dee flushing as red as a tomato.

"Up?"I said to Val as she pushed back another drunk guy.

"Yeah."Val said.

"Spoiled brats."Val mumbled as a girl strutted around in a dress which was a bit too much revealing.I guessed it must've been a designer dress from the way Val was eyeing it.

"Time?"I said once we got into a bedroom and locked the door after us.It was a big room,well furnished and since no clothes or cosmetics were seen on the dressing table and the tables I guessed it must be a guest room.

"9:32"Val said looking at the clock in the bedroom.

I pulled at my dress,a plain black,strapless gown that reached the ankles and ripped it off.It came off at once.

Val pulled off hers too,a scarlet silk one with short sleeves and ankle lengthed.

Val had designed these dresses.She had inserted velcro tapes on the sides instead of stitching then which made it easier to take them off.We had worn shorts and a strapless shirts underneath the gowns so we could crawl in the vent without being hassled with our gowns.

We laid out our dresses on the bed and I pulled out my bag from under the

bed.We pulled out two belts,with small pockets attached to them that contained the stuff we would need to get the item.We put on the belts,gloves and Val dragged a coffee table to the wall that had a vent in it.

Val stood on the table,unscrewed the screws on the vent's covering with the battery charged screw driver.Two minutes later she lifted the covering off and put it down then she hiked herself up and crawled into the vent.I followed her.

We crawled for three minutes and then Val stopped infront of me turning around to look down on the opening of the vent beneath us.

She took out the screw driver and unscrewed the covering of this vent as well and set it aside carefully.We took out the pen torches from our belts,turned them on,looked down and grinned at each other as we spotted a table directly beneath us.

Val jumped down on the table and I followed her.We were in George's office.

We hopped down from the atble and threw light around us looking for the main desk.We spotted it and went behind it to the big painting.Val and I felt the painting's frame for the loose panel and Val must've touched it as a soft click came followed by a slight grating noise.The painting sprung sideways and revealed the door to the safe.

"Bingo!"Val said under her beath.I looked around in the pocket of my belt and pulled out a small square device atached to two wires.

The safe had an electronic lock.I plugged in the wire to the lock and hit the green button on the square device.The device turned on and numbers began to change rapidly on the screen of the device until finally stopping on the combination number 34876.

A click click click noise was heard and then the door opened slowly.Val and I threw light on the inside of the safe and saw a bundles of cash,some jewellery bags and a big black box with a small lock on it.We took out the box and closed the safe.Then we went up the vent,Val screwed it back in it's place and once we reached the room we had come from Val screwed the covering to that vent as well.

I put the box in the bag we had brought,then we took off the gloves and the belts,put on our dresses and got out of the room with the bag.

Leo was talking to Dee who was laughing.

She looked up and we titled our heads slightly owards the door.They both got up and we left the house.

"Got it?"Dee asked.

"Yeah."Val said as Leo opened the locks of his Lamborghini and we got in.

"Where to now ladies?"Leo said starting the engine.The engine growled and I leant back into the seat.

"Home."Val said grinning.


10:23pm,secret lair.

Val's point of view

"Hey what are you doing?"I said sitting on the table.Zack was looking at a small black ball like object that had a flat bottom.

"Oh,Hey Val.Nothing just checking out this bomb."Zack said in a matter of fact voice.

"Bomb?"I squeaked,getting off of the table.

"Yeah."Zack said.

Honestly that boy scares me sometimes.He's building a bomb for Pete's sake and he's so relaxed as though he's making a toy instead.

"Zack?You're making a bomb and you're not even wearing anything to protect yourself."I said looking at him with wide eyes.

I wonder if Marcus knows what he's upto.

"Well it's not that big a bomb.You know how you guys have to mix chemicals in the test tubes whenever you are out getting stuff for the clients?"Zack said looking at me.

"Yeah."I said not certain where the bomb fitted in.

"Well,instead of using the test tubes all the time I thought I'd make this ball like flask.It's shock proof.It's divided in the middle with a glass wall that moves away when you push this little button here.You see,I'm going to fill the flask with two chemicals. Namely,Cupric sulfide on one side and Cadmium Chlorate in the other.These two chemicals explode within seconds of contact.So from now on when ever you guys need to blow stuff up, you stick the ball on the door from this side,"Zack said showing me the

bottom side of the flask which was flat.

"Then push this button here and step at least twently feet away from the flask.I've rigged the wall in a manner that will allow it to move thirty seconds after the button is pushed so make sure you're out of it's way by then."

"You mean when we stick the ball like flask on the door,push the button and step away,the wall moves out of the way of the two chemicals and thirty seconds later the door will blow up?"I said.

"Yeah that's pretty much it."Zack said.

"Oh.Not bad"I said.

Zack grinned,adjusted his glasses and bent down on the table again.


A/N:Yes,yes I know I rule XD hehe

the bomb flask,don't know if it exists,the chemicals mentioned are higly active and dangerous and yes they do blow up on contact.The chemicals used earlier in the previous gigs were actually Natrium powder and water.

Yes I know water isn't a chemical I just couldn't think of/find any two chemicals that exploded on contact yeah if you were curious about it then that's what was used earlier.

Thank you Sapphire Star for the help.

Thanks for reading,voting and for your super fab comments.You all get virtual dimamonds for reading.Love ya.<3

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