To Be Away From You

By Yourlostlove

7.8K 346 287

Megan and Sarah are twins. They were inseparable but now, there seems to be arguments between the two all the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

212 10 8
By Yourlostlove


Unedited chapter. In need of an editor. Please PM or comment if interested. Thanks for understanding. Dedicated to @JimmyDaWeirdo because he is such an awesome crazy friend of mine and is always making me laugh :3 You're the best :P 

Pic of (April the meanie) to the left XD —>

Read, Enjoy, Vote, Comment, Fan AND SHARE! :3


Out of breath, I stopped. I bent over and tried to catch my breath as I felt the blood rushing through my veins. I stood up straight and took off my earphones, taking a deep breath and stretching. The sound of the waves crashing met my ears. The vast blue sea stretched miles and miles in front of me. I slowly walked over to the beach and sat down on the soft sand. It was still dark outside except a few rays of the sun as it started to rise. I check my watch; it was around 6 AM now. I had left for a run at 5 AM. Last night had been eventful. Once Robert had come home, we had all had dinner and then watched the TV. Sure enough, the snake story started playing and it was pretty weird. Most focus had been given to my interview and the guy who had interviewed me. Zachary, Adam and Ethan were also interviewed and the snake was shown too. All in all, everyone was on TV. At least that's what I had thought until April started screaming and crying that she wasn't featured and that her friend had been featured. That's when we all seemed to realize that April really hadn't been mentioned on any part of the show. Robert was terrified to find out about the rattlesnake whereas everyone else seemed freaked out by April. Everyone quickly made up excuses and went to their own respective rooms whereas Robert tried calming down April. 

I on the other hand just stood up awkwardly, trying to decide whether or not I should help Robert. Thankfully, my phone started ringing; it was a call from my parents. Quickly excusing myself and wishing them a good night, I ran upstairs. We talked about how everything was and how we missed one another. They said Sarah was out and that she said hi and everyone wished me good luck for starting the new school tomorrow. With that, I hung up and went to bed.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of sand crunching under someone's footsteps close behind me. I didn't give much thought to it, as it was the beach after all and millions of people go running every morning. 

"Mind if I join you?" I heard a deep husky voice ask me. I looked around to see if the person had asked someone else but it was evident that he was asking me as not a single person seemed to be around. I looked up at the person and nodded. 

"Great!" he said as he sat down resting his hands on his knees. I just looked at him and smiled. The sun rays were starting to show and I could see a little bit of the guy. He had black hair and smooth skin. His jaw looked strong and he had bulging biceps. He also had a basketball player kind of height. Overall he seemed like a strong and not to be messed with kind of guy.

"Uh do you like um, can't you- darn it. Um you don't speak?" His question took me by surprise as I stared at him with incredulous eyes. "I mean you don't like it..?" He seemed unsure and terrified. I stifled a giggle and looked away. This guy thinks I'm dumb. 

Quickly shaking my head, I started laughing. For some reason I found this absolutely hilarious. He just stared at me and scratched his head. He looked so cute. "I'm not dumb! I can speak just fine!" I grinned at him. He looked at me dumbfounded. 

"But you didn't speak to me at all so I just thought..." He stopped. I looked at him to find tints of pink on his cheeks. I had this urge to pinch his cheeks for some reason. And I felt my hand come in contact with something smooth and warm. To my horror, I realized that I really had pinched his cheeks! OH MY GOD STOP IT MEGAN! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

I quickly moved away and apologized "I'm SO SORRY! I don't know what has gotten into me! You just looked so cute with the blush and-" You called him cute! Great job creep-o! 

"I mean not cute! You just looked so, I don't know. I didn't mean to say cute!" I would have continued if I hadn't felt a hand clasp my mouth and the sound of amused laughter. I looked up from the sand to see the guy laughing. Great. I haven't even gone to school yet and I had already managed to embarrass myself in front of this guy. School has hundreds of students, what was I gonna do?

 I looked down at the sand; embarrassed and hoping that the ground would swallow me up. Suddenly, I felt him shift beside me and he moved his hand away from my mouth (I hadn't even realized!) and lifted my chin up. I found myself staring back into his deep blue eyes. He gave me a smile and whispered, "You think I'm cute?"

My body felt as though it had turned to stone. I couldn't seem to reply. I just nodded. Seeing this, his smile turned full blown and he leaned in closer. "Well I think you're adorable." I took a sharp breath and right then, my phone started ringing. Thankful for the distraction, I scampered to answer whoever was calling.

"Megan, where are you?" I could hear Zachary on the other line.

"Good morning Zachary! I'm at the beach. I just came down for a walk. I'll be back soon."

"Oh okay, do you want me to come get you?"

"Oh no! I'm fine. I can come back on my own Zachary. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Alright, see you Megan!" And with that, he hung up. I heard something move beside me and when I looked, I found the boy still staring at me with a smile. He really was a thing to look at. He could be defined as handsome. No wait! Handsome could be defined by Him! Gosh I shouldn't be here staring at him like an idiot. I gave him a small smile and stood up.

"You're leaving?" he asked, getting up as well. I nodded in answer and we both started to walk to the main road.

"I guess this is it." I said. For some reason, I didn't want to leave his company.

"This is it." He smiled.

"Alright. Well I should go now. Bye!" I said.

"Goodbye!" and we both started to go our separate ways. After about 15 seconds, I heard him call out. I turned around to see him looking at me from a distance.

"Nearly forgot! The name of the beautiful lady?" he asked. I smiled and I could hear him laughing softly.

"Megan!" I laughed and ran towards home. Today might be a nice day.



Okay okay, kill me now. I'm so sorry guys, I was just so super busy! I've had this chapter on a draft form since forever but school is getting crazy and I have my semester exams coming up. I also got my heart broken so thats a plus (-_-) But well, Megan is back! And this time, with a new character! PLEASE SUPPORT ME YOU GUYS. Please vote and comment and read!

I was unable to put up TBAFY for the Watty Awards but I doubt anything good would have happened if I even had put it up. Oh well. Love you guys.


I promise I'll try uploading more often and I hope you guys haven't given up on me yet. <3

-Yourlostlove <3

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