Hold On (Jake Miller FanFic)

By poprockerx07

44.4K 949 74

In highschool, Jake Miller had a girlfriend of his own and was the complete average bad boy-jock. But they a... More

1 ❤ The Confusion
2❤No One To Hold When You're Scared
3❤That Call Said It All
4❤ Fancies and Funerals
5❤Hangover From Last Night's Tears
6❤Thinking About Things
❤Author's Note❤
8❤Uncomfortable Diccusions
9❤Heres A Brownie For The Ride Home
10❤Why I'm Alone (Or Why I Want You)
11❤Things Get Hot
12❤The New World
13❤Questions Unasnwered
14❤Suprise At Fall
15❤And More Phone Calls
16❤Devistation And Even More Devistation
17❤Is This Too Fast Or Too Slow
19❤Gurgling,Sea Shells And A Ring
20❤Maybe He's Better
21❤Gurgling, More Gurgling, And Even More Gurgling.
22❤Weird Weddings
23❤She's Confused, Too.
24❤ Happy Endings
❤ Goodbye Ending❤
❤ Playlist❤

18❤Here She Comes

827 18 2
By poprockerx07

 Brooke's Pov. Vommentttt! Thanks for reading <3


~9 months later~

"Jake!" I eeked with joy. I was smiling so hard while I jumped into Jake's arms. "What is it baby?" he said. "Read this note!" I said. I kissed his lips before he got a chance to read it. He read out loud:

" Dear Brooke and Jake,

I am sorry. I surrender. I give up. The cops are looking for me. In fact, I'm inside my car writing this right now. I am right about to turn myself in. Mum and dad hated me. They abused me, Brooke. You just didn't know. I am sorry, again. Goodbye. Enjoy your life now."

He looked up and smiled a little. "Jake...." I said. My stomach was really churning. "Yep?" he responded back. He tucked the note into a drawer. "My water just broke..." I said.

~At the hospital, after the baby is born~

"Would you like to hold your baby?" the doctor said. Her cheeks formed a smile under that ugly blue mask she was wearing. "Yes! Give me her!" I said. Jake was standing right next to me, with his hand locked in mine.

The doctor told me it was a girl, just like we wanted. This moment was truly magicial. She was amazingly small. Only little stubble grew on her shiny head, it was brown. Wonder where she got that from?

Her eyes were sparkling blue. They were ocean blue and I couldn't stop staring into those cute little eyes. Freckles were covering her undereyes and nose. They were amazing beautiful, aswell. Fair colored skin.

She let out a small cry. She had the cutest button nose, ever. I was bouncing her up and down. "That is the phoniest cry, like, ever!" Jake had said. I held her out to Jake so he could hold her. "Boop! Beep! Dee-dee-dee!" Jake chanted weird little songs to her. She giggled and kept on smacking him in the face with her little hands.

Don't get me started on her hands-they were the size of a grape. Fingers the size of pin tacks, and nails the size of one rice bit.

"What would you like to name her?" the doctor with the mask said. She had the birth certificate on a clip board. I whispered what I thought her name should be to Jake. He tapped his Chapstick commericial lips and nodded. I've been thinking of this beautiful name for a while, now.

"I think I'll name her Peyton Nia." I said. I smiled up at Jake.

"And the last name?" she said, avoiding eye contact. "Muels. Muels is the last name." "Great. I'll be right back with the final stretches." the nurse said. Jake handed Peyton back to me. "Now Peyton, listen up. Since your name is PEYton, that means you pay all of our bills, okey dokey?" I said.

Jake had started to crack up. I kissed her small lips and she giggled again. I loved it when she giggled. But it was the cutest thing when she had sneezed, which she just did. Born at 2:13 P.M.

"I love you." I said to Peyton.

"Gahhhurllleeeeaaannnssshhh!" Peyton gurgled out. We laughed at her baby language. "We're a family now, Jake." I said. We did a small group hug.

"Picture time!" the nurse knocked on the door with a grey Nikon held in her hands. I giggled. Jake wrapped his arm around my cold shoulder and I held Peyton on my lap. Peyton started to cry 6 seconds after the flash went off.

"Awhh!" Jake and I cooed at how cute the photo looked. It printed out and I held it in my other hand. I individually kissed Jake and Peyton.

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