3A.M Confession

By Tattoo_Heart

25.5K 1.4K 63

Be careful when you confess something at 3a.m . It's the devil's hour and all those creepy creatures are list... More

3a.m Confession
The Doll
The Clown Statue
The Dead Boyfriend
The Call
The dead boyfriend #2
The Severed Arm
I'm Sorry
The face in the window
Knock knock
The missing bride
The lady in the black
The phantom hitchhicker
The Fatal tan
I'm still here
The Apartment
Raw head and bloody bones
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary Returns
Bloody Mary Whales
The brick wall
The brother's revenge
Burnt Church
Dancing with the devil
Death waltz
Devil on Washington rock
Don't turn on the light
The face
Golden Hand
Hairy toe
Ghost in the Alley
Adoption from hell
I found something living in my Attic
The Countdown
The Evil One
From the mouth of babes
Under Edinburg
Haunted house in De Aar
"another girl" Who liked my boyfriend
A true happening
An untold tale
Blue Tidal
Devil's Movie
Funeral Omens
Windows in the bathroom
This isn't a story
This new old house
I hate it when my brother Charlie has to go away
Seeing Red (The First Day of School)
They got the definition wrong


113 9 0
By Tattoo_Heart

This is my first article ever so please forgive me if there is anything wrong. The incident which am going to tell you guys is a real experience happened in the year 2006.

Basically am from Chennai, India. During 2006, we lived in a apartment at the ground floor which has 1 hall, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Each floor has 4 houses and totally there are 4 floors so 16 houses altogether.

In the first floor there were a family with a husband and a wife with their kid who was about 2 years. I don't speak to them much but a casual smile whenever I look at them.

One day they came back from their holiday and right from that time the couples were fighting so loudly. After shouting at his wife, the husband went out by taking his son with himself. That was the mistake he did because after they left she hanged herself. It was so sad to look at the kid cause he doesn't know that his mom left him. Police came and investigated everyone in the apartment, nobody had a clue about the real issue but everyone knew that they fought badly just before she died.

Then we came to know that her husband had illicit affair with her own sister and she came to know this during their vacation that's the reason she took that extreme step. Few months later he married her sister and moved to different apartment which was close by (it hardly takes 1 minute from the current apartment).

It was a summer time our AC didn't work that day so we opened all our windows and slept. Opposite to my bed there was a window and one night the dogs were barking so loudly which woke me up. I was terrified to look outside so I called my mom asked asked here to close the window cause the dogs were driving me crazy. Then she closed it. Same thing was happening for many days.

This time my dad got very angry and went out to call the security guard so he make the dogs go away but he didn't see the guard. He saw the white figure coming down from the first floor. He was literary shocked and came home. He was watching the figure from the window just to make sure he was not crazy. The figure was going to the next apartment were her husband lives with her sister and after 5-6 minutes the figure return back to the first floor.

Dogs were following and barking wherever the figures goes so we can clearly hear that the barking starts from our apartment and leads to the other apartment and again comes back to ours. Initially dad didn't tell us about so that we remain sane. From the next night we close all our windows and sleep even though it was hot. Thank god we fixed our AC soon. And to our surprise the whole barking and shadow thing gone once her sister gave birth to a beautiful girl baby. We all think that it was she who reborn in a new avatar.

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