The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam...

De butt3rflyTA3

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"I've been writing this since the first day I've met you Li" [completed] Mais

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De butt3rflyTA3

2. Sweaty hands

Liam had spent almost half the night finishing Louis' paper, normally it would've been done by 5 o'clock if he hadn't been thinking about Zayn.

Liam didn't really get a good stare, but he could tell that man was beautiful. He caught the beautiful hazel eyes, the long eyelashes, the plump pink lips, the deep voice that made Liam want to sink in chocolate

"Liam you're a freaking lifesaver, I'll repay you. Anything you want mate" Louis says taking the paper out of his hand, examining it.

"I-I'll think ab-about l-later" "Deal, you look like shit, no offense" he adds making him scowl. "Lou that's not nice" Harry says quietly, his throat sore.

"S-S-Sick?" Liam asks making him shake his head, his face red. "Harry here decided he wanted to try deep throating me last night, he almost killed himself on my dick"

Liam covers his ears, "G-Gross!" "Young baby Leeyum, when you find a guy. You'll want to deep throat him too"

Harry rolls his eyes, already following behind Liam down the hallway. "Did you hear about the new boy?"

Louis shakes his head reading the essay, "No, why?" "Everyone says he's pretty badass" Harry says, taking a cough drop from his pocket.

"Yeah? Can't wait to see him" "Same, they said his name starts with a Z" Liam ears perk up, "Z?" He asks, his hands getting clammy.

"Yeah, I'm not sure. But we'll see him around"

Liam nods, they all got to their English class. Suddenly he felt like he wanted it to be Zayn, he'd like to see him again.

Liam had four classes in the afternoon and the rest was blank, he liked going in the morning. It was like his school schedule, always waking up at 6:30

The three found their seats in the back, already getting their books out. "Class get out your essays so I can collect them!" Their professor, Ms. Hartman yells making the room fill with the room with papers ruffling

Louis smiles brightly, folding his hands on his desk as their teacher reaches the back. "Tomlinson? You did an essay?" She asks in disbelief

"Yes mam, I had a little help from my bestfriend" he says glancing over at Liam who blushes.

"Well done. Mr. Payne, perhaps you should encourage Mr. Tomlinson in doing more papers?"

"Y-yes mam" She sends him a fond smile collecting the rest of the papers.

Louis makes sure to grab Liam's face to kiss both of his cheeks, "Thank you Payne" he mutters fondly.

Liam tries not to smile too hard, already writing what's on the board. After fifteen minutes the classroom opens, in stepping a tall tan man with a beanie propped on his head strolling in

"Mr. Malik, you're late" Professor Hartman says raising an eyebrow. "My condolences, the principal had to see me" he says, walking up to her desk showing her the folded paper

Liam looked up staring at Zayn's back, that was even more beautiful too. He had a black tshirt on, showing off his tattoos on his arms.

He had so many of them and Liam just wanted to take a moment and admire each one.

Maybe even kiss each one?

"Damn, he can get some of this ass" Louis says biting his lip, causing Harry smack his arm. "Ow!" "You aren't supposed to be looking at other guys"

"Friends with benefits Harry, say it with me. Friends. With. Benefits" "I don't give a fuck, your mine" "Ooh possessive, me likey"

Liam had ignored them watching the way his teacher cleared her throat loudly. "Everyone, I want to introduce Zayn Malik. He will be joining us this semester so give him a warm Wolverhampton welcome"

Zayn nods his head slightly looking towards the back meeting a familiar pair of eyes. Liam quickly looks back down at his notes, praying he didn't see him.

"So why don't you sit with," Professor Hartman scans the room for seat, she notices a lot of girls move the bag fron the seats beside them, motioning to it.

"Sit up there with Mr. Payne, Liam raise your hand dear" Liam shyly raises his hand, wincing at the loud groans coming from the girls in the room.

He would've had Zayn sit with those girls, but she chose Liam and he'll never understand why. Zayn makes his way up the steps quietly, plopping in the chair next to him.

"Nice to see you again" Zayn whispers making Louis frowns. "You've met?" He asks, being the nosy person he is.

Zayn raises an eyebrow nodding, "He bumped into me yesterday"

Liam can see from the corner of his eye, Louis grinning widely. "So that's why you were grinning like Cheshire Cat yesterday you sly little hoe"

Liam's ears turns red as he continues to write in his notes, ignoring his friends and Zayn's burning stare.

Louis looks back at Harry grinning, the younger man giving him an unsure look. "So can I know the color of your eyes now?" Zayn asks softly.

Liam shrugs, "Ma-Maybe later" he says quietly.

Zayn sits back in his chair, "Alright" he says, pulling out his notebook scribbling something on the top, then numbering it from one to all the way down the page

Liam wasn't sure what he was doing, maybe that was the way he writes his notes? After class, he was just about ready to jump out from his chair and hide.

Louis kept asking Zayn questions about how he and Liam met, and the brunette wanted to punch the short man in the face real hard.

He was embarrassing him, he's already bumped and fell on his ass infront of Zayn. He doesn't think he needs to embarrass him even more by his bestfriend

The bell rings loudly making Liam gather his things quickly. Liam gets up to leave but notices Zayn in his way, "I-I, erm excuse m-me" he says making Zayn motion to his chair, the man not budging at all.

Liam swallows hard looking back at Louis and Harry who were leaving the other way. "See you later Lili!" Louis shouts, dragging a glaring Harry out.

Liam plops back down in his seat sighing, rubbing his temples. "Sorry for stopping you, but I just wanted a proper introduction"

Liam fiddles with his hands, "I-I s-stutter a lot" "So?" "I-I'll take l-long, no o-one wants to h-h-hear" Liam closes his eyes tightly, wanting to cry with frustration.

"Take your time Liam, it's alright" "I-I'm wasting y-your time" he says.

"I have all the time in the world, I faked that principal's note by the way. I was actually smoking outside the school. I can use the same one for the rest of my classes"

Liam looks at him, "Y-You faked i-it?" Zayn grins fondly, "You have brown eyes" he says, causing Liam's cheeks turn red.

"Y-yeah" "They are a very gorgeous brown, you know that?" Zayn asks with a satisfied smile. Liam chews on his lip, checking his watch instead of answering.

"Zayn Malik" Zayn repeats the words form yesterday, extending a hand. Liam shakily takes it, "Li-Liam Payne" he says making Zayn nods

"Your hands are sweaty" Zayn says standing up. Liam quickly let's go wiping his hands on his jeans, "S-S-Sorry, I-I get nervous"

"It's alright it's cute, want me to walk you to your next class?" He asks, already walking down the steps.

Liam grabs his book following behind him, "Y-You don't have t-to" he was already blushing furiously, he's never been called cute by someone outside his family and friends.

"C'mon, what do you have next?" "C-Chemistry" he says, following behind the tall man.

"Great, I got that too" Zayn says glancing back at him with a cheekily smile. Liam cursed himself mentally knowing this guy was going to fuck up his mental schedule.

+ + +

"Liam? What are you doing now?" Zayn asks, catching up to the young man who walking pretty fast.

"H-Home" "Well, do you want me to walk you? Wouldn't want the cutest guy in the world walking on his own."

Liam face grew hot, this guy seriously needed to stop. "What do you say? I'd like an answer y'know"

Liam nods. "I can't hear you" Zayn sings songs making the younger stop in his tracks. "Y-yes" "Thanks, you have a nice voice. Take pride in that"

Liam shakes his head, trying to ignore the confused stares being sent his way when he walks through the hallway with Zayn beside him.

"You don't think so?" Liam sighs deeply, continuing to ignore him as he opens the entrance door exiting. Zayn grabs his bookbag making younger stumble, whimpering slightly.

"What's the problem?"

Liam rubs his face, "W-Why do y-you keep t-talking to me, I-I can't, I'm n-not" he groans trying to get his words right.

"Liam take a breath, calm down" Zayn says, dragging him over to a bench nearby to sit down.

Liam stares at the ground with a slight frown. "W-Wouldn't you wa-want to hang o-out with s-someone else?" "Not really" Zayn says honestly.

His brown eyes stares at the ground confusedly, "A-Are you t-trying to ge-get in my p-pants?"

Zayn frowns, "Excuse me?"

Liam just wanted to really run away, or better yet have Harry and Louis walk him home or something. Maybe he should've worded it another way?

"Say that again Liam?"

Liam winces, now Zayn is going to think of him a dick now. The tall man leans over, grabbing Liam's chin making him stare right in his eyes

"Why would you think that?" Liam already feels tears pricking his eyes, "C-cause, no o-one talks t-to me out o-of nowhere" Zayn frowns placing his hands on Liam's knee.

"I-It's hard, t-to have fr-friends when y-you can't e-even say a s-s-simple sentence." he says, wiping the tears away quickly

"M-makes me t-think you're t-trying to b-be f-funny" "Liam, you're fine. I'm not trying to get in your pants, I'm not like that anymore"

Liam sucks in sharp breath, staring at him in disbelief. "G-Gee, that m-makes me fe-feel great"

"Okay maybe I should've said that another way. Look, so what if you stutter? I don't care, okay? I don't, I want to be your friend okay?" He asks, noticing Liam's face twisting a bit.

"Don't cry, you're to handsome to do that"

"Pe-people usually ig-ignore me c-cause of my st-stutter" Liam says wiping his eyes, embarrassed that he's already crying infront of Zayn.

"Look I'm not like any of those assholes who get frustrated with you not being able to y'know, speak. Just take your time, I like hearing you talk"

Liam let's out a wet laugh wiping his eyes, "S-Stop" "What? I do, do you sing?" Liam nods shyly, "A-A little"

"Yeah? Maybe you can sing for me? Would that make you feel better?" Liam shrugs, "I-I'm n-not keen of th-that"

"Alright, I'll get you to sing for me one day. Maybe I'll sing for you, would you like that?"

Liam smiles nodding, "I-I'd like th-that" "You okay now?" Zayn asks, pressing a soft kiss on his hand.

Liam nods sniffing, "Y-yes" he says earning a bright smile.

Feeling Zayn's pad of his thumb the back of his hand comfortingly made him blush, the brunette trying to avoid Zayn's pretty hazel eyes staring at him.

With thick tension in the air, Liam looks up hearing the sound of familiar boots hitting the ground.

"Liam? Are you okay?" Harry asks rushing over, Liam nodding a bit.

"Just got a little emotional, but he's alright" Zayn says, flicking at Liam's chin a little making him blush more, trying to bite back the smile that was growing.

"Maybe I'll walk you home some other day? Save me that walk for me yeah?" Zayn asks standing up, ignoring the suspicious look Harry sends his way.

Liam nods sniffing a little, "O-Okay" Zayn gives his hand one more squeeze before giving him a wink, "Curly" he says to Harry, walking past him.

Liam chews him lip grinning. "Did he just call me curly?" Liam nods, "Y-yeah" "Why were you crying? Did he do that? Was he making fun of you?"

"N-no, I t-thought he w-was p-pretending to l-like me" "Be aware of that guy though, he seems bad"

Liam smiles staring at the spot Zayn once stood, he was starting to really like him. Maybe he really did like him? "I-I don't think s-so" he says smiling

Harry raises an eyebrow, "Seriously? You know he smokes right?" Liam shrugs, if he was honest that made Zayn more attractive.

"Let's get you home, yeah? So you can drool about him later" Harry says helping Liam up

On the way there Liam hadn't talk much, he let Harry do all the talking since he likes to talk. Liam had his hand in his pockets, still feeling fuzzy from Zayn holding his hand and kissing it.

How the bright blue sky made his eyes lighter, he even noticed a cute little freckle on Zayn's eye that he was fangirling over now

When he got home, he made sure to give Harry a hug and wave before the curly haired boy turned to his direction of his house that wasn't too far

Before Liam went into his family home, he sat on the chair near the window. He had to sit for a while and think about what was happening

A guy, a very beautiful guy, keeps talking to him. He wasn't sure why but he was, that was rare

He didn't know why Zayn was acting the way he was and quite frankly it was suspicious. It's like someone had paid him to talk to him and he doesn't want to think that

Maybe Zayn does like him? Maybe Liam will actually get his first boyfriend?

Maybe he won't feel so insecure about his stutter anymore

Continue lendo

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