Seiyuu Short FanFiction Stori...

By HiroC18

14.5K 434 151

This is the sequel book for Seiyuu Short Stories... What happened next? Or either an alternate ending... More

A Day with Kaji Yuki
Medicine for Kimura Ryouhei
Friends Meet Kakihara Tetsuya
Sweet Talk with Okamoto Nobuhiko
Special for Terashima Takuma
To Sakamoto Maaya, From Suzumura Kenichi
Welcome Back Miyano Mamoru
The Birthday Celebration of Suzuki Tatsuhisa

Finding Kamiya Hiroshi

3.4K 67 32
By HiroC18

Every time I enter AONI Production building, staffs and seiyuus greeted me, and I also greeted back. But since they found out that my boyfriend is Hiroshi-san, the greetings became slightly different

"Good morning, (L/N)-san. You're not with Kamiya-san?"

"(L/N)-san, today you didn't come with Kamiya-san?"

"(L/N)-san, you are really great. As expected from a pro seiyuu. Kamiya-san is dating a great person"

Yes, every time they greet me, they never fail to add Hiroshi-san in their greetings.


It's been a week since I last saw Hiroshi-san. We were exchanging mails. I understand very well that we were both busy with schedules. And I knew that today and tomorrow, he didn't have anything scheduled. I also didn't have anything scheduled tomorrow, and today I only had a morning schedule. This morning, I just stopped by the agency to get some documents, then immediately left. However, this morning, there was quite different from usual; they didn't mention Hiroshi-san!

It was fine, but I found it weird.

And after my recording, I headed back to the Agency for a short meeting. But once I entered the building,

"Ah, (L/N)-san, Kamiya-san is looking for you"

"He's here today?" I confusedly asked one of the staff. She nodded but immediately left when someone called her. I got my phone on my bag and immediately called him, but I couldn't reach him

"(L/N)-san, the director is looking for you now. He's in the third floor meeting room" I smiled and nodded in response. I headed to the meeting room and stayed there for almost an hour.


After the meeting, once I got out of the room, "(L/N)-san, Kamiya-san is looking for you. He's in the first floor lobby" one of the staff said. I bowed down towards him and headed there, but

"Kamiya-san just left. He went to the third floor meeting room"

Good thing that I had no more schedules for today, so I headed back to the third floor but then again,

"He went to the fourth floor with Midorikawa-san"

I took the elevator and once it opened, Midorikawa-san was about to enter "What are you doing here?" he asked surprisingly

"They said that Hiroshi-san is looking for me and that he's here with you"

He shook his head and pointed down "He went down first because he heard that you went to the first floor lobby, so probably he's there now"

We both went down to the lobby but Hiroshi-san wasn't there. "Where is Hiroshi-san?" I asked and it seemed like they were playing a prank on me

"I just saw him on the second floor with Onosaka-san" Shimazaki-kun answered as he gave a document to one of the staffs on the main lobby

I hurriedly went to the second floor but then again the staffs there said that the two of them already went down.

Somehow my patience was running out.

I went back to the lobby, and there stood Onosaka-san with Midorikawa-san, Shimazaki-san, and Ryou-san. I folded my hands and looked at them, surely they knew something.

"(L/N)-san" I jolted in surprised as Nozawa-san's voiced called me from behind. I looked at her suspiciously, since everyone might know something "Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, no, sorry. Nothing"

"About this one. I want to give you this. Is it okay for you to audition for this part?" She gave me a manuscript and patted my back

"Sure, I will. Thank you very much"

"No problem. But still, you look so tired and exhausted. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually" I looked at Onosaka-san and the others and chuckled "I think someone is playing prank on me. Saying that Hiroshi-san is here"

"Kamiya-kun is here" Nozawa-san answered "I saw him this afternoon. He was sort of anxious" she answered, then we noticed the people around us become quite noisy and it seemed like they wanted Nozawa-san to say no more "Ah" she chuckled and patted my head "You'll surely see him later on. Well then, I'll be going. Kamiya-kun will show up eventually"

"If you are looking for Kamiya-kun, he's on the rooftop. I saw him there a while ago" Morita-san suddenly showed up and answered. The others immediately stopped him and he seemed so lost.

"Thank you Nozawa-san, Morita-san. Well then, I'll be on my way"

"Ah, w-wait, (L/N)-san" Ryou-san grabbed my hand and smiled "Stay here for a while"

"If you give me proper explanation, then I will. I need to see the root of my exhaustion. I've been running around AONI Production for almost an hour." I smiled bitterly. But I sighed and really showed them how tired I was

"20 more minutes" they all pleaded with smiling face and I smiled back "Please? Kamiya-san really pleaded us to keep you busy"

"Keep me busy by going around" I sighed and then sat down "Okay, I will stay here for 20 more minutes"

And those 20 minutes, they were all entertaining me. I found it really weird, I didn't know what preparation he was doing. Since, we are talking about Kamiya Hiroshi here. Unexpected things might happen. Also, he surely wanted to make it perfect, since he is quite a perfectionist

"So I'll be heading to the rooftop now" I stood up but Onosaka-san let me sit again. I looked at him confusedly then Ryou-san suddenly got her make-up out "W-wait, R-Ryou-san?!"

"Stay still" she said putting make-up on me.

Another 10 minutes had passed and they were still trying to let met stay

"Thank you very much for keeping me busy. I will now go to the rooftop" I bowed down to them and headed to the rooftop.

As I opened the door to the rooftop, Hiroshi-san was there, he was busy going here and there.

"Ah, wait, Kamiya-san, don't put it there. You should put it here"

"Kamiya-san, 10 more minutes?"

"Yeah, probably 15. I don't know how this thing works"

I folded my arms, leaned on the door as I watched Hiroshi-san and two more staffs anxiously moving around the rooftop. I roamed my eyes around and I felt so moved from the effort he was doing. The rooftop was covered with purple and red lantern, his color preference. There was a big projector and a sofa. I told him before that I wanted to do what I saw online, to watch a movie on a rooftop with lanterns and candles around. I was just joking, since I thought it was impossible to do. I never thought that he would make an effort for this.

"I don't know how this projector works. It won't connect" one of the staff said. "The one who knows how to do it is not yet here" the three of them gathered around the projector and they were trying to connect it, but seemed the projector couldn't read the laptop

I chuckled and silently walked towards them "Probably because you need a VGA converter? You should get a projector that has an HDMI connector, or a laptop that has a VGA, or get a VGA converter" I commented as I saw what the problem was

Hiroshi-san looked at me once then return his gaze on the projector. But it seemed he also realized that it was me, the three of them shouted in surprise and they looked like they saw a ghost

"What are you doing here?" He asked giving me a kiss on the cheeks.

"I heard you were looking for me. I was looking for you all around the building. Thanks to Morita-san, I finally found you. Then, I never expect that you would make such effort for the joke I said" I put my arm around his waist and he did the same

"Sorry, but it seemed a failure since the projector is not working" I could tell from his voice that he was sort of pissed. As expected, he wanted to make things perfect

"No, since (L/N)-san said what's the problem is, we'll go get a new projector. Please have a seat for now and choose a movie you want to watch. We apologize Kamiya-san"

Hiroshi-san led me to the sofa and it wasn't just a sofa, it was a sofa bed. There was one big blanket and couple of pillows around. There was a center table with food and drinks, and there were couple of movies. I grabbed the movies as I sat down next to Hiroshi-san who was still not in a good mood

"Are you mad?" I asked pinching his cheeks "I ruined your plans"

"Part of it" he honestly answered. I chuckled in response but I was so happy and the beating of my heart won't stop

"Sorry, for ruining your plans. I always do that, right? Now what should we watch?" I asked while checking all the movies "Ah, is romance fine? Or action? But I want to watch Kirafes"

"Why Kirafes?" he asked in surprised

"I'm just kidding" I sighed and showed him the movie I wanted to watch, "Will this work? Romance and drama?"

"As long as you chose it" he answered showing a faint smile from him. His mood was getting better. "I should start learning using smartphones and some other gadgets"

"I can teach you" I answered putting the movies aside "But Hiroshi-san is Hiroshi-san, you don't need to learn those. You are in that age now where you survived without knowing those things" I chuckled and stood up as the two staffs came back "But if you're really willing to learn, I'm willing to teach you" I winked at him as I helped on preparing the projector and finally it worked.

"(L/N)-san, leave this to us now. Go and sit with Kamiya-san there. We'll be leaving too once the movie starts"

"But isn't this too outrageous?" I whispered to the two that made a confused face from my question "Doing this in AONI building?"

"It's fine. Kamiya-san got a permission. Don't worry about it" They both answered and I found it weird, since what would Hiroshi-san say to the upper directors for him to get a permission to use this

I sat down beside Hiroshi-san who was reading the summary of the movie that we were going to watch. I took off my shoes and put my feet up. When he saw me, he got the blanket and covered me.

Once the movie started, the two staffs indeed leave. I rested my head on Hiroshi-san's shoulder and quietly watched the movie. Time to time, when I felt my body shivered from the cold wind, Hiroshi-san would move closer to me and he would tighten his arm that was around my shoulder.

The movie took almost three hours and it was really beautiful. The romantic ambiance around added to it.

"Wait, there's one more" Hiroshi-san stood up and I grabbed the cup of hot chocolate that was on the table. It was then not too far from the building there was a fireworks display. It was very beautiful since the sky was so clear too "Let me clear this, it wasn't part of my plan"

I laughed and looked at him "I wasn't saying anything" I answered and that same time,

"Ya, Hiroshi, go sit now!" I heard Suzumura-san's voice and I shifted my eyes back to the screen "the camera is rolling now"

"What the heck is this?" I turned to Hiroshi-san and he was standing behind with his arms folded

"Just watch, I forgot what I said there. And it wasn't me who edited this"

I sat properly as I cuddled to my knees. I could hear them laughing, it was obvious, Kiramune members, and in the video there was no one, just the kiramune logo at the back.

"Kamiya-san, your face is so pale. Are you okay?"

"Hiroshi, are you nervous?"

"I'm nervous of course!" I also laughed when everyone from the background laughed at Hiroshi-san, but I could only hear their voices "But I don't know what to do?"

"Eh, but Kamiya-san can say those words, right?"

"I have my script. Girlfriend is different"

"Eh?" I became so nervous and I could feel the beating of my heart became so faster. I cuddled more to my knees and continued watching

"Kamiya-san, it's ready"

"Good afternoon! Ahre, what are you all doing?"

"Miyu-kun, tell Hiroshi to go sit now"

"What is he going to do?"

"Video message"

And in the screen it showed up, 'finally, after 30 minutes'

So it took 30 minutes for Hiroshi-san to show up in front of the camera. He was wearing a black tuxedo with white and black neck tie. A very formal attire.

"Hello" he waved at the camera and he really looked so embarrassed "I don't know what I should say"

"Good after-"

"Namikawa-san, don't ruin Kamiya-san's time"

"What are you guys doing?" I commented as I heard them bullying Namikawa-san when he entered

'Take 2'

"Hello" he again bowed down and was about to say something when I heard Suzumura-san stop him

"Don't say hello again, be normal. She's your girlfriend, right?"

"I'm nervous!" He shouted

'Take 3'

"Hello, (F/N)" I immediately smiled when he finally called my name from the video "You're wondering why I'm showing you this video, right?" I nodded to his question and there was a long pause before he continued "Actually, the day you are watching this, is exactly the same day we met. There in the rooftop. Well, for sure you know. Since you're a person who can remember important dates"

"I thought you forgot, baka" I mumbled and tried my best not to cry

"That was when you were still a newbie, right? You were crying because someone told you to quit voice acting. We were the same, I was told to do that that." And for the next 5 minutes, he briefly narrated on how we started dating "So, I know that you are feeling cold now, but I just want to say thank you for being with me all these years. You had patience with me. Thank you very much. I really do love you (F/N)"

As he said that, the tears I were holding up overflowed. I was really surprised and I felt so loved. I started wiping my tears, and I noticed the video was still on going. It was then I heard Okamoto-kun's comment at the end

"Kamiya-san is a romanticist, right?"

"I didn't expect Kamiya-san to do this" Irino-kun added, and it was then the Kiramune members, except Hiroshi-san, showed up

"(F/N)-san! Congratulations!" They shouted that made me cracked up into a loud laugh

I was crying and laughing at the same time. They were fooling around in front of the camera. But then, Hiroshi-san's face suddenly showed up

"Ah right, the me who is watching right now with (F/N), you have something to say, right? Good luck!"

The credits of the video started, and it was then the Kamiya Hiroshi who was with me, sat next to me and immediately wrapped his arms around my shoulder. He wiped my tears and he was laughing at me.

"Don't laugh!" I told him even though I was sobbing. I wrapped my arms back to him and rested my head on his chest "Thank you very much. It's a wonderful present." I looked at him and he gave me a kiss on the lips. "What are you going to say?"

"Ah, I got the permission from the directors, because I want to do and say it here" I tilted my head and waited for his next words "Let's get married"

Like his characters from anime, he left me no option to choose and just stated what he wanted to say. I tighten my embrace and nodded. I cried hard as I was so happy for what he said.

"Don't cry" he said tightening his embrace "They immediately permitted me to use this when I told them about this. So I'll say this again, let's get married"

"You really sound like your anime characters" I told him and again nodded "Yes, I'll be happy to"

As such, he gave me warm sweet kiss. The kiss took so long, but we were interrupted when the fireworks display again occurred

"It wasn't part of the plan"

"I know, you told me about it a while ago" I answered

He moved back and got my left hand "Of course, we need to have this." he put a thin gold ring with a diamond on my left fourth finger. "I love you, (F/N)"

"I love you too, Hiroshi-san"

We cuddled to each other, and stayed being like that for another couple of hours, just reminiscing memories, and planning for the future.


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