Mute {KH/FF FanFiction} (Fini...

By yunru28

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In your past home you were abused, depressed, anorexic, you self harmed... Everything was going to hell after... More

Chapter I: Hush
Chapter II: No Reply
Chapter III: Gentle
Chapter IV: Party
Chapter V: School
Chapter VI: Speak
Chapter VIII: Drug
Chapter IX: Recovery
Chapter X: Argument
Chapter XI: Dismissal
Chapter XII: Night
Chapter XIII: Mystery
Chapter XIV: Park
Chapter XV: Science
Chapter XVI: Movie
Chapter XVII: Story
Chapter XVIII: Idea
Chapter XIX: Invite
Chapter XX: Carnival
Chapter XXI: Kidnap
Chapter XXII: Condemn
Chapter XXIII: Snow
Chapter XXIV: Snowball
Chapter XXV: Change
Chapter XXVI: Adopted
Chapter XXVII: Decoration
Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment
Chapter XXIX: Christmas
Chapter XXX: End

Chapter VII: Date

2K 59 38
By yunru28

It was getting late for all of you had lost track of time playing board games. There were lots to clean up, but Sora insisted that everyone went home and he would force Vanitas to help clean up the mess. You started to help clean up, but you felt someone tug on your arm. When you turned around to look at them, you saw Roxas blushing slightly.

"I want to talk to you." He said. Considering no one was paying any attention, Roxas led you outside and slipped out the door without drawing attention to the two of you. You were standing just outside of the door, Roxas never released his grip on your arm.

"Look..." Roxas let out a sigh. "I think you're really cute, and I know you don't talk much and that's fine. But I just wanted to know if you've ever wanted to go on a date sometime...?"

You blinked. A date? You've never been on one before. Roxas barely even knew you but he wanted to go on a date. Wasn't that a thing couples did? You've never been in an actual relationship either so you had no idea how these things worked. But of course you weren't going to turn down something like that, for Roxas seemed to have built up a lot of courage to ask you. He seemed so cute and innocent, you just couldn't say no to his little face. When you nodded your head to answer him with a smile, Roxas' eyes grew bright with excitement.

"That's great {Y/N}. I don't know you well but I'd like to get to know you a bit. But don't force yourself to talk!" He seemed flustered as he lifted his hands. "Take your time. I want you to be comfortable."

You chuckled softly and nodded your head once again, thankful that he wasn't forcing you to talk or anything. At that moment the front door opened and Ventus stepped outside. When he saw the two of you, he started laughing to himself.

"There you guys are, we've been looking for you Roxas. We gotta go." Ventus took his brothers sleeve and dragged him away from the house. You waved to Roxas as he was dragged away, and he waved back with a huge smile on his face. Before long you ventured back inside just as Kairi and Riku were leaving. Kairi hugged you before she skipped away and Riku gave you a short nod of his head followed by a "It was nice meeting you" before leaving the house as well.

Vanitas followed them until he approached the door, then he closed it behind him and turned to face you. "Sora can finish cleaning up, I need to talk to you."

With wide eyes you followed him up the stairs. He led you into your room and closed the door. You nervously sat down on your bed and crossed your legs while staring at him. He shoved his hands in his pockets and let out a sigh before he decided to speak.

"Why did Roxas take you outside?" He asked.

You had to speak again to answer his question, in which you were extremely nervous to even open your mouth at this point. However you've spoke in front of him before, and you were more open to talking once again. You raised your hand to your mouth and covered it so Vanitas could only hear your muffled voice, then you decided to speak.

"He asked me on a date." You admitted quietly.

He stiffened, probably out of surprise. However he seemed pissed off for his soft eyes turned stone cold after you mentioned it. You didn't quite understand why he seemed angry. Was he jealous? Or was Roxas secretly a bad person and you shouldn't be associating with him? You were confused, but you didn't ask him what was wrong for Vanitas spoke before you could.

"Did you accept?" When you nodded your answer he continued. "He's not a bad kid, but I didn't know he'd ask you on something like that. That's all. He's too... Shy. But as long as it's not that fucking Ventus, I don't give a shit."

"Why do you hate Ventus so much?" You asked with your hand still covering your face.

Vanitas didn't answer your question. Instead he approached you and stood right in front of you, staring down with his intense yellow eyes. You looked up at him and covered your face even more, getting hot with embarrassment. Vanitas smirked before he grabbed both of your wrists with his hand and pushed you backwards so you were laying on the bed, and he was hovering above you. You could feel his breathe tickle your neck as he stared into your own beautiful eyes. You blushed and turned away.

"Whoops. Sorry I must have fell." He said with a snicker. "But while we're here..." He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your neck, which sent chills down your spine.

"Vanitas! I'm home! Come down here!"

Vanitas let out a sigh of disappointment and released his grip on your arms. He got off of you before deciding to head downstairs to greet his mother. You laid there staring at the ceiling for a while, trying to wrap your head around what just happened. You obviously knew he was trying to seduce you in a way, but why? You shivered at the thought because it reminded of you was he used to do. But you shook that thought from your mind as quickly as you could when Aerith started to call you down the stairs as well. You sat up and made your way down the stairs, wondering what she wanted from you.

"Awe there you are." Aerith said as she gave you a warm hug. "I just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all. You seem to be doing a lot better then when you first came here." You saw her glance at your thin frame, in which you responded by trying to cover it up.

"She has a date." Vanitas commented as he was grabbing an apple from the fridge. "Roxas asked her out earlier."

Aerith's eyes gleamed. "Only a few weeks in and you already have a date! Aw that's good {Y/N} I hope you enjoy it. If you need any money let me know okay?"

You nodded and shot Vanitas a glare when Aerith had turned away. Vanitas smirked and bit into his apple, seeming proud that he said something about it. You stuck your tongue out at him and he responded by flipping you off. Once Aerith was watching again you two acted as if nothing happened and you went to go hide in your room before anymore questions were asked. As soon as you sat down on the edge of your bed, Sora had peeked inside and smiled when he saw you.

"Awe a date with Roxy?" He asked as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Where is he gonna take you? Because that's cute. You guys would be cute together."

You shrugged your shoulders as he walked over to you and stood at the foot of your bed, where he then opened the curtains to your window and looked outside.

"He's really nice. We used to have a friend named Xion who used to have a crush on him. He liked her too, so the fact that he was brave enough to ask you out is surprising." Sora then frowned before he shook his head. You could tell he forced the smile that appeared on his face. "She was quiet at first like you, and she never talked either. That's probably why Roxas feels attracted to you."

Obviously Xion and Roxas had a past together, but you weren't going to talk to Sora to find out much more. You weren't ready to talk to him quite yet, but he seemed to enjoy rambling on by himself without you asking questions. You were curious about this Xion though. Did they get into a fight and weren't friends anymore? Or did she move away? You wanted to know but you still didn't want to ask. Lucky for you, you didn't seem to have has to ask. Sora kept talking as he tugged on the curtains gently.

"Xion was new to the school like you were. She never ever talked for the first few weeks. She was always quiet and shy when she switched schools. But she became close to Roxas because he was all intrigued by her. Xion, Roxas, and Axel all became pretty close. She only talked to the two of them after a while and it took longer for her to open up to the rest of us. But..." Sora sighed and released his grip on the curtains. "She was depressed. Her mom was a jerk to her all the time. And eventually she just..." His eyes began to fill with tears. You reached out your hand to comfort him, but he shook his head. "She killed herself only after a few months of going to the school. Her mom was awful..."

He started to ball his eyes out and covered his face with his hands. You were of course concerned and got off your bed to approach him. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly, gently stroking his back to try to calm him down. Sora buried his face into your shoulder and just cried. You let him cry for as long as he wanted.

"I know stuff has happened to you too {Y/N}." Sora's voice cracked as he spoke. "I don't know what happened but please... Don't kill yourself too..."

You closed your eyes as your own tears swelled up and blurred your vision. Without making it obvious you were crying, you let the tears fall down your cheeks as you whispered in his ear

"I won't, Sora."


It was the day of the date which ended up being the weekend after Roxas asked you on the date. The plans were made at school, and it was finally decided that after school on Friday night he would pick you up at your house and he would take you somewhere. You didn't know where you guys were going, for he was being extremely secretive about it. You didn't mind too much since you liked the idea of it being a surprise. However plans had changed. It was going to be a double date. You and Roxas, with Sora and Kairi.

Apparently the boys had planned the date out and never told you or Kairi about what they had in mind. They decided that Kairi would get you ready for the date at her house while the boys prepared at Sora's house and they would pick you and Kairi up later. Currently you were in Kairi's room, which of course was filled with pink and girly goodness as she was sitting on a white stool in front of her desk with a large mirror on top. She pulled up another chair and made you sit beside her as she was putting on just a bit of make up to look nice for the date.

"I don't want to put too much on, but just enough to impress him." Kairi closed one eye as she placed a light shade of pink eyeshadow on her eyelid. "You're next so don't even think about moving. I'm almost done."

Before long she had turned to face you and grabbed your face between her fingers before ordering you to look up as she was brushing your eyelashes with a mascara brush. You kept flinching because it was a weird feeling. You've never put on make up since you were younger, and the feeling of having some black goo on your eye lashes was weird. Before long she had applied a coat of foundation, faint skin colored eye shadow and eye liner. You looked into the mirror and the person staring back was definitely you, but at the same time it wasn't.

"You look adorable {Y/N}!" Kairi exclaimed as she clapped her hands together with excitement. "I won't fuss about your outfit since I don't think my clothes would fit on you... You're so tiny it's cute."

You were wearing {Place your choice of date clothes here} while Kairi had on a pink dress that fell to just above her knees and had a belt around her waist which had a red flower attached to it. Kairi had curled her hair while you simply brushed it and made sure there weren't pieces of hair sticking everywhere. You were ready for the date.

"I hope you have fun..." Namine's quiet voice was heard as she appeared inside the room. She was smiling, but at the same time she seemed upset. "Tell me how it goes."

"Oh sis." Kairi walked over and gave her younger sister a hug. "You'll find someone I promise."

Namine shrugged her off. "I know. But {Y/N} have a wonderful time, I'm sure you're excited." She shot you a shy smile before exiting the room.

Just then the doorbell rang, and Kairi dragged you down the stairs to greet the two gentlemen who were waiting. Both were wearing a pair of blue jeans with a button down shirt, but Roxas' was black and Sora's was white. They greeted you two lovely ladies with a smile.

"So are you going to tell us where we're going?" Kairi asked as she clung onto Sora's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "You wouldn't tell me earlier."

"It's still a surprise!" Sora exclaimed as he patted her head. "Neither of you get to know."

You stuck your tongue out at him and pouted while while Sora and Roxas snickered at each other. Your date held out his hand towards you and gave you his dashing smile.

"Ready to go then?" He asked. With a nod of your head you took his hand and let him lead you away from the house with Sora and Kairi right behind you.

Roxas had led you to a restaurant and kept a tight hold of your hand. The restaurant wasn't too fancy, but it certainly wasn't something you expected from a high school date. It had lovely black carpet with a tint of red hidden in it, and even had a small fountain in the front where people threw coins in. You didn't recognize any of the smells coming from the back, so you assumed you've never had this food before as a hostess led you to a booth. You and Roxas of course sat beside each other while Sora and Kairi sat across from the two of you.

Kairi seemed excited as she bounced in her seat from excitement. "I love sushi! You guys are awesome."

You tilted your head. Sushi? You have literally never heard about sushi before. You weren't sure what it was, so you turned to Roxas for conformation.

"It's basically raw fish." Roxas explained. "But it can have other things like avocados and cream inside. It's all wrapped with rice and sometimes seaweed. It just depends on what you get. I'll order for you and you can choose what you like."

You nodded your head as a waitress gave you a menu and asked what you'd like to drink. Roxas ordered {favorite drink} for you after you pointed to it and she left to grab your drinks. Kairi was already looking at the menu and was licking her lips as she read over it.

"As long as it's not spicy I'll take anything." Kairi said as she scanned the menu. "California roll is so good. But then there's the yeti roll. Oh! And the dragon roll... Oh my gosh there's too many good ones. Pink lady roll!"

Sora laughed and rested his chin on her shoulder as he decided to look over her menu instead of his own. "Get whatever you like. We plan on getting a bunch of rolls and sharing it all anyway."

You held up your menu and pointed to the futomaki roll, which you wanted to try. Roxas read it over before he smiles and nodded his head. "Of course you can get that." He said. You wanted it mainly because you knew what eggs tasted like since that's a food you had often. You were willing to try new things.

When the waitress came back with your drinks, Roxas ordered your futomaki roll, California roll, dragon roll, and a classic roll. The three of them seem excited to eat the sushi. You assumed it must have been delicious by how they were acting.

You suddenly felt some weight on top of your hand which was resting on your lap. You looked down and saw that Roxas had placed his hand on top of yours and was gently rubbing the top of your hand with his fingers. You let him do it, for in a way it was comforting and soothing. There were a lot of people in the restaurant which was making you anxious. Having someone stroke your hand was reassuring and you enjoyed it. It wasn't long before he made eye contact with you and smiled sweetly. He seemed really happy.

"I hope you like it." Roxas said as he squeezed your hand. "Not everyone likes sushi, but I really hope you do. It's our favorite food we get it when we can. It's kinda expensive but since it's a date I don't mind paying."

You shyly giggled and nodded your head, appreciating how kind he was for paying even though sushi was considered expensive. The three got into a conversation as you listened and nodded your head when they assumed you weren't listening. It wasn't long before the sushi finally came to the table. Roxas had to teach you how to use chop sticks, and how they had to pick the sushi up with the sticks and dip them in the soy sauce. You didn't understand why they couldn't just use a fork like how you were used to, but you were open minded and didn't mind trying it out. You of course we're still clumsy when trying to pick up the sushi and dropped it several times, but you managed to get the sushi in the sauce and into your mouth. It was delicious! You chewed it happily and eagerly took another one as soon as you swallowed the first.

You saw Sora and Kairi watching you. They seemed pleased, but their stares made you a bit self conscious and you began to chew a bit slower. When they realized you knew they were staring, Kairi was shaking her head.

"Don't mind us {Y/N}! Please eat!" Kairi used the chop sticks and picked up another sushi roll before putting it into her mouth. You watched Sora smoothly place his arm around Kairi's waist and hold her close to him as he nonchalantly ate another sushi. Kairi giggled and tapped his nose with her finger.

You glanced at Roxas, who's face was just a bit red when he was watching the two cuddle together. Roxas simply continued to stroke your hand as he continued to eat while trying to make conversation with you. You of course never responded, but you were very interested in what he has to say. You took in every word.

At the end of the night, Roxas was dropping you off at your house. Sora was dropping Kairi off, so you two were alone. You were standing with him just in front of the door, and Roxas was holding both of your hands. He stares into your eyes and was red hot with embarrassment.

"I had a really nice time tonight." He said as he squeezed your hands. "It was nice to see you smile like that, and seeing you eat. Let's do it again sometime."

When you nodded your agreement, Roxas leaned forward and kissed the top of your head affectionately. You blushed as he gave your hands one last squeeze and walked off, looking back as he did so. Your heart was pounding immensely, but it was alright. You had such a fun night, and you couldn't wait to try it again.

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