She's my Genie (short story)

By UnoDosTriss

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What if A Genie... comes up to you and ask you your 3 greatest wishes!? And in the last wish... would you set... More

Chapter 1 *~*~*~*
Chapter 3 *~*~*~*

Chapter 2 *~*~*~*

284 3 0
By UnoDosTriss

#Rafael’s POV

“morning sleepy head! Rise and shine!”

“but mom, I don’t wanna get up…”and I covered up my face using my blanket. “what’s a mom?”  I quickly got up and my eyes open so wide.

“waaaaah!!!!!” I screamed. “hahaha!!! You scream like a little girl!” and she gave me a smile. “what are you doing here?! Who are you!? How did i?!” “shh!! Stop, you’ve got a lot of questions there deary… ok let me introduce myself. No talking ok?” she said. I just gave a confusing look. “ok, my name is August. I am a genie!”

“YOU’RE A WHAT?!” I asked. A Genie?! What is she talking about? Is she crazy?!

“shh! Simple instructions cannot follow! Be quiet. Yes I am a genie. And the name is August. And another fact about me is I can read minds…” she gave me a serious look. She is now staring at me and it feels like she’s really reading my mind.

“Just kidding! Hahahaha!” what?! Is she crazy?! “hey, you genie! Are you crazy?” I told her. “no silly head. I’m just messing around” and gave me another smile. “what are you doing here… genie?” I asked. “hey, I have a name. once again, I am August. Well about your question, isn’t it obvious?” she replied. OBVIOUS?! What does that even mean?! “what are you talking about?!” I asked. “duh?! You’re wish?! Can’t you remember?” she replied. My wish… “I wish to be happy again…”Oh! “so it means that…” “bingo! You got it! I am your genie and you’re wish!”. “I’m still confuse about what is happening around here, why are you here?! Who sent you? I didn’t wish you… I wish for happiness…” I told her. She just kept quiet for a while. Then… “Ok, I’ll explain. That star that you wished last night, that star sent me here to help you. I am a genie of happiness.” “wait! so you mean there are a lot of genies out there?!” “yeah! There’s January the Genie of Change, February the Genie of Love, March the Genie of Luck, April the Genie of Enjoyment, and so much more! And you didn’t read the reminder, did you?” “actually no.” “well FYI, the reminder says: if you take charge and make things happen for yourself, it can go very quickly. “ahhh ok… so can I get 3 wishes?” “NO.” she replied. “What?! I thought genies give their master 3 wishes?” “excuse me! You are not my master and I am not a servant. I was just kidding about the 3 wishes, yes 1 genie is equivalent to 3 wishes!” “wow! So can I make wishes now?” I asked her.  She snapped her fingers and a floating paper appeared in front of me that made me jump backwards my bed. “yes you can make wishes and your wish is my command but not all. Rule no. 1, I can’t make one person fall in love with you. Rule no. 2, I can’t make the dead, live again. And last but not the least, you can’t wish more. For example: I wish for 3 more wishes. No. it’s illegal.” “Ah ok. I understand.” She snapped again her fingers and the paper was gone. “so, where can I stay?” she ask. I look around. “sorry we got no extra rooms” “oh well, no room no wishes.” She walked out and grabbed the door knob. “wait!” she looked at me. “well… umm… I guess you can stay here at my room…” I said. It feels kinda awkward though cause’ she’s a girl and I’m a boy. “well ok.” What?! Ok?! “I’ll stay on the bed, while you stay on the carpet.” “WHAT?!” “well then! It is settled.” She snapped her fingers and my bed turned into a girly one! What The!? “isn’t it cute!” “you just destroyed my bed!” “no I didn’t. I made it better! Hahaha!” I turned around and whispered “tss… I didn’t know genies were very annoying” “you were saying?!” she asked. “nothing.” And I went inside the bathroom to freshen up. “hey by the way! What’s your name?!” she asked. “Rafael, Rafael Salvador.” “oh ok…” it’s been quiet for some time. It’s kinda embarrassing cause my room is a mess. I wish I could clean it up quickly. I’m done taking a bath and gladly I bought my clothes inside the bathroom so I won’t be dressing up around the room. Once I was finished, I went out and… “WOAH!” my room was so clean. How? “glad you like it Raffy!” “hey, don’t call me that.” “why?” “just… don’t! wow, my room looks so good! Very good actually. Why did you clean it up?” “its you’re wish actually.” And she gave me another smile. “say what?!” “yeah, you wished for this.” “I didn’t told you to make this come true?!” “but I heard you, you said I wish I could clean it up quickly.”well there, I did it!” “great! I wasted one wish! now I got 2 wishes left! Isn’t there any extra wish you can give me?” “3 is 3!” “tsk! Ok. Let’s go outside!” I grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her out of the room. “wait! is that a command or a wish?!” I just giggled. Good thing, no one was home and no one saw us. If someone did, I think they’d give me an interview about this creature. We went directly to the park; she’s been quite for a while. Once we got there, I asked her “hey, why so quiet.” “ummm… please…” “what? Hey you’re blushing!!” “umm let go of my hand please…” and I let it go… woah that’s weird. “why are you blushing?” “well, it’s the first time that a human held my hand.” “hahaha, well congratulations! Aren’t you human too?” “you’re not listening are you?! I told you earlier, I AM A GENIE! Not a human nor animal. I’m just a Genie! Ok?” “ok. Do you ever wish to be human?” “well, I want to, but I can’t…” “why?” “I’m a genie, giver of wishes but I can’t wish on my own. But for once, I want to feel human, like you and everyone else.” “well maybe I can help you with that.” “really?” “yeah! You give me wishes, and I’ll help you feel like human!” “oh thank you thank you so much Rafael!” she hugged me so tight. And suddenly, I felt my heart pounding. ‘lub dub lub dub lub dub’ my heart pounded so fast and I can feel my face turning red. What is happening to me?! “hey, you’re turning into a tomato! Hahahha!” “no-no I’m not!” “really! You’re face is really red! Hahahaha” “stop it!” “hahahaha…” since its Saturday, August and I went to different places and we really enjoyed a lot. This was the first time she tried to eat ice creams and cakes and she really like it. While me I used only 1 wish this day. And maybe tomorrow I could use another one.

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