Discovered: The Good, The Bad...

By AmorieQ

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Book 1 Discovered Book 2 Stalked Book 3 Hunted When Victoria Wills, the daughter of the police captain, hears... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Silver Secrets

Chapter 26

155 23 2
By AmorieQ


Victoria's POV

Today was Wednesday which means that today my parents are coming back. I'm thrilled to have them back but I wish I could have caught the White Hawk before they came back.

There was still excitement in my veins because before I went to sleep last night after the Shadow left, Jaydan called. He called just to say goodnight and I was freaking out. I still can't believe he is mine. And yes I did tell Gracie and Leila yesterday and they freaked just like me.

I was still lying in bed thinking about how lucky I was to have a guy like Jaydan as my boyfriend when my Bluetooth radio device started to beep.

I quickly answered, "Shadow what's up?"

"Victoria we've got a problem." He says and I feel my heart beat starting to thump louder.

"What's the problem?"

"The White Hawk wants to rob a bank and create a hostage situation, he wants me to lead the group." He says.

"And what did you say?" I ask.

"Yes of course, what else could I say? If I said no he would suspect something isn't right, I mean what thief says no to a bank full of money?"

"Yeah you're right. We don't want him to suspect anything." I say.

"That's why I called, I think it is time to tell your father the truth." He says.

"What? No, this is my case and I'm going to catch this guy without his help. I'm going to show him what I'm made of." I say.

"Victoria how are you going to stop a bank robbery?" He asks.

"By calling, when is it?" I ask.


"Okay, I'm going to call the police Friday morning and say that I'm part of the White Hawk's gang and that he is planning to rob the bank today and creating a hostage situation. I'll tell them that I wanted to pull out but the White Hawk threatened me. And so I decided to call the police to stop him before he can hurt anyone. And you just make sure you have a good escape plan ready so that you don't get caught." I explain.


"No, don't Victoria me Shadow, you owe me this. I could have handed you over to my dad and proved myself to him but instead I decided to hear you out. So now you're going to hear me out and help me." I state.

"Okay I'll do this for you, we are going to rob the bank at twelve o'clock, be sure to call the police before then. And don't worry I already started with my escape plan. And remember to tell them that they should be careful because the White Hawk is very smart." He says.

"Don't worry about it I've got it covered, just make sure the White Hawk goes to the bank." I say. Then all of the sudden my cellphone starts to ring.

"Shadow I've got to go, talk to you soon and please be careful." I say.

"Roger that." He says before he disconnects and I answer my phone.

"Hello?" I say.

"Morning beautiful." I hear Jaydan's voice and my heart immediately skips a beat.

"Hey Jay, how are you?" I ask.

"Great because I have the most beautiful girl in the world as my girlfriend."

"Oh really you should introduce me sometime." I say as I play along.

"Yeah I will, what are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm still in bed and you?"

"Oh no don't tell me I woke you again." He says.

"No silly, you didn't, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm waiting for my next meeting which begins in two minutes."

"Then you better go, enjoy it and talk to you later." I say.

"Ah okay fine, but you owe me a call anyway talk to you later." He says.

"Bye." I say before I hang up.

I would've wanted to talk to him longer but he's busy at work and I didn't want to disturb him. I quickly got up and got ready for today. My parents would be here by lunch and I want to surprise them with a great meal.

When I was dressed and ready to go I went down stairs to have a quick breakfast and to start with the preparations for lunch.

I paged through the cook book in search of something delicious to make for them. I finally settled on some pasta dish with chicken pieces and a nice salad to go with it.

I quickly set up everything and started to prepare the dish. It was half past 10 when I heard a car in the drive way. I didn't expect them to be this early.

I rushed to the door and quickly unlocked it before I sped outside. My dad was already taking out the suitcases when I attacked him in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're back." I say and my dad chuckles.

"We're glad we're back too." He says and I let go of him to attack my mom in a hug who was busy climbing out of the car. There is so many things I wanted to tell them, but I know I can't if I ever want to see the light of day again.

I helped my parents with their luggage before bombarding them with question. They answered all my questions as they unpacked and I answered all their questions while we were eating.

They asked me about Jaydan and of course I told them we were finally an official couple, my mother squealed and my dad gave me a smile.

And just like I suspected my mother asked when was the big day. Luckily my dad was there to save the day by saying that he first had to approve the guy.

"There is nothing to prove he is perfect for her George." My mother says.

"Love, I don't think she should rush into anything to quick. I don't want to see her get hurt." My dad says.

"Oh please Mr I-don't-want-to-rush-into-anything, you proposed to me after three weeks of dating me." My mother says.

"Yeah, but that was different." My dad defends.

"How was that different?" I ask.

"It's different because I knew your mother for a few years before we started to date." My dad says.

"Dad I'm not going to marry the guy. Not yet at least." I say.

"Yeah I know...but just be careful okay, love can be a difficult game." My dad says with a knowing gaze in his eyes.

After we finished eating and washed the dishes we watched movies together. My parents fell asleep by the second one but I was left alone with all my thoughts.

I knew the Shadow was right about telling my father about the bank robbery but I will never be allowed out of the house if my father knew, and that will still not prove to him that I've got what it takes to be detective. So I was sticking with my plan of calling the police and giving them a tip off about the White Hawk's plan.

Eventually my thoughts also sent me off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again I was in my room, probably my dad. I heard my mother talking but there was no reply to her talking so she must have been talking on the phone.

When my mother finished her phone call she came into my bedroom. I sat upright and she took a seat at the foot of my bed.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Oh a client she wants me to come over tomorrow to discuss her case, she lives 45 minutes from so I think I'm not going to be here tomorrow the whole day." She says.

"Ah but you just got back." I say disappointed that my mother had to go back to work again.

"Darling it's work I have to. Now come down stairs so that we can prepare a delicious dinner, what do you say?" She asks and I nod and follow her downstairs.

It was quite a sight to see because even my dad came to help us with dinner. We talked and laugh through the whole night and that's when I realised how much I really missed them.

After dinner we washed dishes together and then decided to play some board games. They wanted to spend as much time with me as they could because they missed me just as much.

We played monopoly and cluedo which I won the whole time. My parents taught me how to play cluedo before I could even walk, okay maybe not that young, but I was young when they taught me to play. And ever since I could play I've never lost a game.

My dad always lost all his money in monopoly because my mother and I always milked him dry. He even had to sell all his properties to pay us.

After a while my dad said he gave up and he was never going to play again. My mother and I only laughed him off because we knew he would play with us again.

So we packed up and went to my parents room to watch a movie. They had a flat screen in their room.

After the second movie I said goodnight and went off to bed. Jaydan called me again to say goodnight and believe me I could get use to him calling me every morning and night. I could listen to his voice the whole day.

That night I fell asleep yet again with a smile on my face.

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