The New Babysitter | [In Proc...

By Stars-and-Guns

6.8K 270 56

Poppy is awaiting college, but she has nothing to do over the summer holidays. So what better to do than get... More

Chapter 1: The Idea
Chapter 2: The First Day
Chapter 3: ..Michael...
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: We were wrong
Chapter 6: Erica
Chapter 7: Over Night
Chapter 8: Explanations and a bonus
Chapter 10: Hold back the tears
Chapter 11: Leaving
Chapter 12: The Fight
Chapter 13: The Smut
Chapter 14: 6 Months So Far
Chapter 15: Worse than I imagined
Chapter 16: Twisted
Chapter 17: Urge
Authors note :
Continuing . . .

Chapter 9: Goodnight

278 15 0
By Stars-and-Guns

Both our eyes shot open at the three, loud knocks on the heavy door. His hand was on my jaw, and the other on the couch so he could hover above me. My legs were spread for him to lay in between them. I had a purple hickey on the left side of my neck and my lips were still parted.

We both looked at the door for a couple of seconds, dreading its sudden interruption. Whoever it was on the other side of the door, I already hated. To the depths of hell, I hated them. I want that moment so badly and they just made it disappear into thin air, returning only as a memory.

He turned his head to look at me, but I still had mine on the door. I didn't want to look at him now. I thought that he might realise that he didn't mean it, that he was just drunk and that he'd just jerk back and go wash his teeth or whatever.

I couldn't stare forever, so I finally gave in and looked at him. The depths of his eyes, the colour, the highlighted streaks, the shine from the very small lamp behind me, it all stared at me and I stared right back.

We stayed like that for a moment. A few seconds passed and he suddenly brought his face closer to mine, going in for another kiss, trying to recover the moment back.

I tilted my head so we could access each other's lips better, and, with both our lips parted, we moved in closer.

But then the knocks began again, and we both stopped in the second. We didn't continue kissing, and I felt annoyed.

He bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief. I threw my head against the arm of the couch and rolled my eyes to the back of my head in annoyance. The volume of hatred I had for the person on the other side of the door was unreal.

There was a rustle of movement as he proceeded to get up from me, stumble through the blanket that was now thrown onto the floor and then stood in front of the door.

His hand went to meet the doorknob, but I saw that he hesitated. He was afraid of what was awaiting him on the other side. What if Erica turned up? Or someone with terrible news?

Then he swung the door open, and all I saw was his surprised expression, with his eyes wide. I got up to try and see what he was staring at but I couldn't see as the door was blocking my view.
Then his eyes weren't as wide, and his expression went back to a little shocked, yet not normal.

'I've..' I head a man's voice. I knew it wasn't Michael because it was a little deeper and raspy, but it didn't sound cheery. The sentence broke off and I heard the man cough to sharpen his voice. I braced myself and dug my nails into the warm and comfortable fabric beneath me.

'I've got bad news.'

I wasn't sure if I were ready to hear it. What could have possible gone wrong now? Would we have to rush into the hospital again?

'There was a package that was meant to be delivered to your house.'

What? I relaxed a little, and my fingers weren't white from gripping the couch anymore, but I was so much more confused.

'And I'm afraid there was a problem. We have no sign of it being delivered anywhere. We're wondering if you have it yet?' asked the man, and I suddenly understood.

It was the fucking mailman. My whole body collapsed on the sofa. I felt a little sorry for him, he was forced to come here at this time, in the dark to just ask about some silly package. Yet I still hated him and his company for interrupting what I lusted over for so long.

Michael began shaking his head and placed his thumb and pointer finger on the brim of his nose. 'No, no we didn't get anything-'

'I'm sorry did I wake you up?' the mailman interrupted again. He's good at that isn't he?

'No, we weren't sleeping.' Said Michael boringly.

'Did I interrupt something?' he began questioning again.

I took a deep breath. I didn't know the old man but it took everything in me not to scream 'YES YOU WRINKLY ASSHOLE, YOU DID!' at his poor face.
There was an exchange of words and soon the door was shut and Michael was sat back on the sofa next to me.
'That was a little annoying.' He finally admitted, after a long, uncomfortable yet not awkward silence.

'A little?' I burst, thankfully not too loud though.

He chuckled and shook his head.

'I think we should go to bed, he did point out it was pretty late and that normal people would be sleeping now.' He said as his hand travelled to my leg, trailing small patterns for a few seconds before letting go.

'I'm not normal though.' I said and huffed, earning another chuckle from him. His hand went back onto my leg and started travelling up to my thigh until he was stood up. He then took my hand and pushed me upwards, to which I cooperated.

I picked up the blanket from the floor and put it back onto the couch lazily. Then I reached for my bag and followed him up the gigantic white stairs. I, after a good few weeks, still wasn't use to the above-average size of the house and found it quite tiring to walk around it all day nearly every day.

We got to the upstairs hallway and I swayed my bag over my shoulder. I went into the bathroom to change into my pyjamas and brush my teeth and face while he went into another bathroom that joined his and Joes room.

I went inside, and I felt quite weird getting naked in his bathroom. It wasn't what I'd expect when I was looking for the job. However I didn't really expect liking the boss so much that I made out with him on his couch while his son stayed in the hospital with his ex-wife. Wow, it really did make me sound horrible.

I took off my clothes and replaced them with a small top and bottoms in stripes. The top had a huge cute ice cream on it and the stripped shorts had a smaller version on one corner.

My hand went to turn the tap on as I used my hands as a small bowl, then I dipped my face it and rinsed all the makeup off my face.

I got my towel from my bag and wiped my face. When my eyes finally open I realised there was a big splash on the floor. Why does it look so easy in the commercials?

I opened the door and just as I did he stood there, with his knuckles about to knock on the door that shifted behind me.

'I.. um.' I began as his hand went behind his back. His teeth bit his bottom lip as he tried to form the right words

'I don't really want to sleep alone,' he started again, and I smiled just at the thought of what he was asking.

'Can you - oh God damn it. Can you come and sleep in my bed with me?' he pushed out and I nodded with a small, 'Sure.'

I wanted to take his hand but I didn't, it wouldn't have been right.

He led me to his room. It wasn't the first time I was in here, but It was the first I was to stay here. He didn't turn on the light but instead the two lights on the bedside tables and hopped into bed. I just stared for a little, admiring the view of him in just his boxers.

I snapped out of my admiration and closed the door behind me, then dived into the bed myself. It was pretty comfortable, more than mine for sure. It wasn't tight but I wished we were closer. I wished for more but as far as luck goes for me, we weren't going to get any closer any time soon.

Or so I thought, because as soon as my head fell on the pillow his hand wrapped around my waist and pulled my closer. Maybe my luck Is getting better with him around. Except the fact that joe is in hospital, but it does have some advantages to it. God I love joe, I sound so horrible. That's not what I meant.

His nose and lips were nearly touching the side of my head, and I thought about everything that happened so far. I was distracted by what would have happened if the mailman hadn't interrupted.

He took a breath as if he were trying to say something but stopped. I turned my head to look at him and his lips nearly touched mine. I felt stupid as my heart began racing again.

'I explained the hardest topic. But there's a little more I didn't include.' He said and I creased my eyebrows.
'What is it?'

'My Job.'

'What about it?' I pretended to be confused, yet I begged for explanation. There was a lot of mentions of it and the "fame" and "money", as well as avoiding the topic when I asked near the start. So it was easy to say I was curious about it.

'It's a little complicated.' He leant up on his elbow and half hovered above me, so I really didn't complain.

'It was another reason to why I stayed with Erica.' He pursed his lips together and looked me in my eyes. He looked away when he say me already looking.

'' he bit the inside of his cheek. 'It started when I was 16. It all did, my three other best friends. We made a band, started posting on YouTube. It's crazy to think it started there. It developed after time, with Erica by my side the whole time. We broke up and in that time we released our first single, which got mildly popular and we got famous in a way.' He smiled at the memory.

I was confused (surprise, surprise) as to what exactly his job was now.

'So we got some money in our pockets and soon, she was back. I hadn't had time to date anyone but her, maybe 2 temporary people while in the short breaks. But she stayed, and by the time we released our second album most of the world knew us. She stayed because I had so much fame and money, but also the fans. She was easily jealous of anyone that could take me, and that was millions. But she still stayed during the good and the bad.'

I knew where this was going. Fuck. I got myself into a hole didn't it?

He bit the side of his lip, and breathed out a long, thick sigh.

'Nobody knew about joe. They still don't.'

At that I was surprised. They don't? for three years nobody knew? How did he manage that? Is that what Erica meant by "fame and money"? Must have been.

'I hid him. They knew about Erica and they knew about our huge breakup. But.. not about Joe. So I didn't want you to be scared when you spot a paparazzi somewhere when we're out or something.'

I nodded.

'So you're a worldwide popstar?' I asked and he cringed.

'Not pop star, please not pop.'

'Fine then. Country singer.' He chuckled. His arms stopped supporting his head and it fell onto the pillow next to my face. Then he turned his head and pressed his lips to the side of my head.

His fingers slowly moved to my chin, and with that he turned my head towards his direction. Then his leaned on his elbow again and gently pressed his lips on mine.

It was gentle, his lips were plump yet soft and squishy. I pushed my head a little heavier on him, and he kissed me back harder.

Soon his hand travelled yet again to my jaw and rested on my neck and his lips were working perfectly against mine. We were back to the position we were downstairs half an hour ago, before the hickey.

He stopped then, even though nothing else moved.

'I don't really want to forget this.' He whispered gently, still against my lips.

'I don't either.' I softly shook my head, admitting what I wanted to say since it started.

'But I think it might confuse joe a little.'
He was right. I didn't want to confuse joe at all, I wanted to stay a close friend who looked after him. But I didn't want Michael to stay the dad of the kid I'm babysitting. I wanted more, and we already went too far if we were going to stay at that stage.

'Yeah.' I said and swallowed a lump. God, he's going to ask me to forget isn't he?

Of course he is. Fuck. He loves Erica, he never stopped. Jesus Christ I'm a fool.

'I understand.' And with that I turned around. Only a little, but enough for me to not feel his breath on my face anymore.

He still put his arm lazily on my waist and said, 'Goodnight Poppy.'

'Goodnight, Michael.'

Oops there I go with my long ass chapters again. Feel free to point out any mistakes. Commenting and liking is highly appreciated.

Other than that, don't do lettuce, eat school and stay in drugs .


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