A Marriage of Thorns!!!

De zufish29

432K 19.3K 2.6K

He pinned me to the wall and said "You are like a prisoner. You have no freedom here, this house is mine and... Mais

A Marriage of Thorns!!!
Chap 5
Chap 15
Chap- 35
Chap- 36


8.7K 453 68
De zufish29


My reverie was broken by the opening of door. "How is he?" I internally groaned looking at the owner of the voice. Do I already have less problems that she have come to add it?

Out of formality, I stood up greeting with a salaam.

"Walaikumussalam" Our beloved aunt replied followed by Najma on trail, who just smirked at me. I rolled my eyes ignoring her.

"Jamaal said Zain had an accident. I heard its pretty bad, is it?" She asked standing beside Zain.

I nodded at her. Why I'm finding all these concerns a sham? Jamaal bhai handed me the file, who was ten steps away from Najma. I mumbled 'thank you' to him. He replied back with a smile.

"He has numerous injuries. Doctors are just waiting for him to wake up." I answered her question.

"Oh dear!" She exclaimed. Believe me she didn't have any sign of remorse in her face. "I don't know what to do. I wish I was in his place. Ya Allah! You would have hurt me instead of my child, you could have placed me here" She said shedding few tears.

Wow! Such sacrifices for a person whom she doesn't even bother to look at while living under same roof. What surprised me was a gasp from Najma. "Zain!" She stood next to her mother.

"What have you done to yourself?" My anger never reached so high like right now. She was swooning over an unconscious man, who happens to be my husband. How I wish to kill her!

What irks me the more is her mother,  who allows Najma to do all these kinds of things. She could have stopped her long back or at least she could have given her the "look" or should I say "glare" of a mother. Najma would have been a better girl if she had a better surroundings. Man! I am sometimes afraid of talking about my celebrity crushes with ammi.

"What happened is happened Najma. All we need is prayers. So pray" I eyed her. She looked at me passing me a poisonous glare and I returned the same. No, I returned it with the triple amount 

Defying my urges to kick her out, I stood there listening to the extra sugarcoated words of aunt. If words could give diabetes, I would have been taking insulin by now. "Kashaf dear, ask me whatever you want. I'm always here for you. My heart breaks watching my son like this. Allah! What wrong I've done that you're punishing my son?" She sniffled  

For a second, I was thankful that Zain was unconscious. I could imagine his rigid stone hard face with jaws clenched staring everywhere except his aunt's face. Surely her words completely makes him uncomfortable, having him internally debate on being silent or go on a big verbal fight. The same is happening with me now,  where being silent is becoming harder and harder.

"Kashaf? How will you stay here at night? Do you want me to stay back?" She asked with the glistened eyes.

"It's okay aunty. I'll manage." I replied forcing out a smile. Where the hell did she learn to act?

"Okay then. Perhaps this old woman can't stay out here" She sniffled again.

Then why show the formality?

She rubbed Zain's hand, shedding few more tears. Every single drop of it was screaming the fake action. Amidst all these Najma's eyes were shamelessly gazing my husband.  All I wanted was to yank her away from Zain and my wish was fulfilled by a nurse, whom I mocked before.

"Visiting hours are about to end" She warned standing at the door step.

For the first time in my life I was happy for the rules. With a relief I turned towards the great actors- aunt and Najma. "I'm afraid that you have to leave" I said.

There was still 15 minutes more. But sooner they go is better for my health. I can't handle any of these drama anymore. She never bothered about us. Why now? All these "My Zain! My bacha!" is just a sham.She never treats Zain as her son. Even the deaf could figure out the lies in her words. The smug smile of satisfaction displaying in her eyes, the smirks which hides behind her fake tears gives that she is doing these things only out  of formality. Thanks that no relatives are here. I can't guess how hard these will get if someone was around. As for Najma, her so called pure intention for coming here is revealed in how her eyes are sticking at Zain.

"Okay then!" She walked towards me. "Kashaf dear, ask me anything. Call if there's improvement. Keep your phone always on, I'll call you time being. I'll send you the food" She carressed my cheek, which felt like it was intended to be a slap.

I shook my head "No need of that, auntie"

"Oh please! You are my bahu(daughter-in-law)" Waving her hand in air she left after Jamaal bhai, leaving her mindless daughter behind.

"Najma!" I called her. She turned swaying her hips.

"Yes?" Her black curls bounced against her eyes.

I took seat back in the chair marking my territory with Zain. This small foolish act felt necessary. "This is the last time I'm warning you. Leave my husband. Stop giving these seductive glances at him"

I never had insecurities of Najma stealing away Zain, because I knew how he hates her guts. But now I'm afraid. Afraid to lose him in the hands of this slut. I want Zain only to be mine. The gazes she drills in my husband brings out possessiveness in me, which was not before. I want to tear her eyes out.

"You can't kick me out. This is hospital and not your room" She smirked casting another glance at him.

"Of course I cannot do anything  in this hospital. Stay where ever you want. The reception, the operating room so that they take care of your damaged brain or even in the washroom, I don't care. But if come anywhere near my husband I would surely not hesitate in kicking you out.  Because only the family is allowed to stay with him, as in his wife" I said with full seriousness.

My last word seemed to hit the target, as she left the room booming in anger.

"That was easy" I grinned looking at Zain.

Maybe on seeing the three leaving, the nurses didn't come barking the rules again. I was again in the silence waiting for him wake up. Realizing my love for him was something. I blushed at a mere thought of it like a crazy teenage girl. Only if I realized it before. Only if I had trusted. Only if I wasn't stubborn.

All these 'only ifs' doubled my will of making things right.  To make this marriage a success. That is when I promised myself that I won't let things slip out of my hands anymore.

When sitting idly was not helping, I took Zain's hand in mine and started reciting surah ya'seen, which I memorized long back. When I was in the last few verses I was interrupted by a female voice,

"You need to leave. No visitors allowed after this time" A plump nurse stood with the stack of medicines in her hand.

I ignored her and continued with my reading. Once finished, l breathed it over Zain and turned to her. "Please few more minutes"

She shook her head. "Sorry, we can't. Visitations are till five. This is an emergency ward. If it was an another ward, one relative is allowed with the patient. But not in this. You have to leave" She stood adamant.

"I can't leave him like this" I begged.

"You can wait in the waiting area. We will inform if something happens"

Something happens? What does she means that? How the hell she can be so heartless? "He is my husband, damnit!" I roared out.

"You can have the night pass, but for now you have to leave"  She shifted impatiently showing no sign of dropping the matter.

Giving up, I stood on my feet, with gaze fixed on Zain. I carefully placed his hand back. Leaning down, I pressed my lips on his forehead. "Wake up soon. Allah hafiz" I whispered.

Casting him a last glance, I walked out to the already full waiting area with a teary eyes and heavy heart for leaving his side.


Night soon spread out it's black sky. The lights were switched on inside. But it didn't disturb the mayhem. Every other second the sound of ambulance made the peoples curiously peek at the state of upcoming patients. The stretchers were pulled out in a hurry to carry them. Some unconscious, some covered in blood. The helpless look of their relatives when the door of the emergency room gets shut and the loud shriek when the news of death comes out, made my stomach churn in a pit.

Nothing was helping me. For a moment I wanted to shut my eyes and ears tightly, away from all these pains. Still there was no news of Zain. Name of Allah never left my mouth. I prayed, prayed and prayed. Asking Him for the forgiveness and the good health for Zain. That's all I could do.

At some time I had to stop my cries, because the curious and pitiful glances were poured on me. Every time a sob escape from me, the person next to me would ask who I was crying, if not he/she would try to console me. If they become quiet, then random people who didn't have any seats left to be seated would show up to enquire, only to ease their boring mood.

Informing mom about his son's situation was the hardest part. It was in the morning we talked and the next call of evening gave her the news of her son in hospital, with the possibility of going into come. She cried asking me to say that the news is wrong. Losing her husband in the accident had shattered her. Now her son in the hospital due to car crash, deepened her fears. She cried for full ten minutes in phone. If I thought I was the one who affected the most from Zain 's accident, then I'm wrong. Because this mother's love surpassed mine. Her inability to see Zain worried her. It took all of my strength in convincing her to stay in Dubai, as Zara needed her the most. Zara's husband is out of the city and since she had miscarriage last time, someone needs to be there for her. As the risk of complications in her first trimester is high. Finally after several reassurance, she agreed to wait till morning.

This was not it. I got a call from Saba demanding me to reason the Zain's actions. She wanted to know why did he dragged me from my parent's place in such inhuman way.

Well, honestly, the whole act of Zain dragging me back home, our fight and everything slipped my mind. It was only yesterday but it seems forever for me. Staying here for past few hours made me forget his every wrongdoing.

She was adamant to know every single thing happened. She was suspicious. In her words "I know Shaf , you don't have a great marriage" made my heart bleed. I don't have a great marriage, because I never tried to make it one and pushed away all the chances of it. With that all the regrets returned back.

She just said one sentience after hearing about the Zain's accident. "I'll be there"

Thus, I'm here sobbing my heart out in her shoulder. "It's all my fault Saba" I began to whimper."I never valued him before"

"Shh....its not" She stroked my back, while the other hand rubbed against my hijab.

"I messed up everything"

"You haven't done anything" She continued with her consoling."Stop crying"

Its been half an hour since Saba is here with her mother. Saba being Saba, managed get everything out of mouth. I confessed from my not so happy picture of my marriage to the realization of my feelings. But it only brought more misunderstandings.

"I have to talk about this to Mohsina. She can't sit there in Dubai like nothing when her son is not treating my daughter well" Shazia aunty literally boiled in anger. She has taken up the role of mama bear ever since ammi and abbu left.

"She didn't do anything, aunty" I looked at Saba to help me with her mom, who just rolled her eyes.

Shazia aunty shook her head in denial "Ha! That's the problem. She didn't do anything. If she was here, he would have at least acted happy and civil for his mother's sake"

Aren't we doing that already?

"Here, drink this" Shazia aunty practically shoved a hot paper cup with coffee in my hand. 

"No, I don't need anything" I shook my head.

"Stop the act. Look at yourself. Did you eat lunch?" She scolded, when I didn't reply, she pulled out a stern look like ammi.

"You better drink" Saba whispered from the side.

And that's how it went. Shazia aunty blaming my husband and in-laws, me defending them, Saba making the peace, then my mind wandering to Zain, fight with the security guard for not letting in, me crying, Saba consoling and all way round.


Remember the food and call which aunt promised? Both never came. Saba and Shazia aunty stayed till late last night until they were asked to leave. Really the rules here sucks. Its already 8.30 and they are not letting me in. No nurse came to inform about Zain's health.

Finally at 9 a.m I was allowed in. My feet didn't waste a second in taking me to Zain. The moment I stepped in the room, the sight before me caused my eyes to spill out tears.

There he was, awake, staring at the ceiling like its the most wonderful thing. A doctor stood next to him saying something and nurse was checking the vital. He mumbled back few words to the doctor. My legs couldn't stay still. I ran to him, engulfing him in a hug. My back hurts from bending so much, but I cared the least.

"Alhamdulilah!" Tears rolled down like a waterfall. "You're fine."

"Kashaf..." His voice soothed my soul. My name never sounded so good, than in his mouth. He surrounded his hand in my back, responding to my hug. His warm touch made my heart beat like a crazy drummer.

"I'm sorry for everything, Zain" I said between my cries.

He mumble a "Hmm" but winced sharply the very next second, which brought me back to senses.

I immediately stepped back. "Sorry. So sorry. You okay?"

The doctor spoke up "He broke his ribs. This type of force should be avoided" I looked away with my cheeks red in embarrassment. What caught my attention was a smile that escaped Zain's lips. Its gorgeous.

"Since you didn't complain anything about your head, I can predict that head injury is not the problem. We have to run few more test. By afternoon you will be shifted to the ward.  You have to stay here for seven days approx." The doctor said with smile flashed in his face.

"Seven?" Zain's eyes grew wide. "I can't be here more than one day. Already a day has been wasted. There's an important meeting"

The doctor opened his mouth to speak, but I bet him. "Seriously Zain? Please doctor discharge him only when he is all healthy" I pointed a stern look at Zain, who just rolled his eyes.

Giving the instructions and some other talk, the doctor left. "Where's Hassan?" Zain asked.

"Here at the hospital. He fractured his limb" I sighed. "How did this happen?"

He stared back at the ceiling. "We had an argument, I didn't see a red light and here we are" He gritted.

Not knowing what to say next, I spoke "Do you need anything? Like to eat?"

He looked at me with a small smile erupting in his face. "Water is fine"

I returned his smile back and went up to bring the water.

It seems easy and normal to me, but little did I know that the future was ready with more harder situations ahead of me.


Hey! Zain is back now and so am I;)

Thank you so much for those who voted for "A great change". Thanks a lot. If you haven't, then please go and vote on Chapter 1 (Not prologue or introduction )  of my other story "A great change" before April 26. It's the voting phase of 'YourStoryIndia' contest and my story has been selected. So please vote!

Also don't forget to leave your precious Votes & Comments here!!!

P.S. My best friend is getting married. Make duas for her future.


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