I. Denying My Love (Damon Sal...

By oohfluffy

213K 4.5K 550

deny it all you want, but you're already deep in love. [BOOK 1] [2013] PS. I wrote this when I was still in 6... More

Introduction of Patricia Gilbert
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
Chapter 15: Farewell Again
Chapter 16: Back To Mystic Falls
Chapter 17: Why Can't I Be A Protector?
Chapter 18: Eyes From Here
Chapter 19: She's Very Determined To Fight
Chapter 20: Oh No..
Chapter 21: Death
Epilogue: Denying My Love

F i v e

10.7K 250 23
By oohfluffy

It's Saturday.

Patricia's P.O.V

"Argh." I groaned.

I woke up at the annoying sound of my alarm clock, I harshly tapped it and glanced at it. It's 11:25 in the morning.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection at the mirror with a frown.

"I look like crap." I mumbled before splashing water on my face and brushed my teeth.

I went back to my room and combed my long brown hair, my mind getting occupied by a certain someone.

The way he acted last night, he was like ordering me as he stared into my eyes. It's like he is confident that he can make me do what he wants.

It's weird. Well, he is weird.

Maybe I really have to make a research about vamps now, but how?

I slightly nipped on my nails as I think about it.

After a few minutes, a light bulb appeared in my mind. Yes, a light bulb.

"Oh, right." I exclaimed, putting down my hair brush. "Elena told me something last Tuesday." I bit my lower lip and tapped my fingers on the table in front of me.

Elena told me that there was an old man that talked to Stefan and said that he hasn't aged a day. She said that she was aghast at what she heard but didn't show it.

In Fiction books that I've read and the Vampire movies that I've watched, they always say that vampires are immortal. Meaning they live for eternity without aging.

Then all I have to do is to get more things to prove that they are really vampires.

Why the hell am I even doing this for her?

I closed my eyes and thought of all of that.

Suddenly, a vision showed up.


I heard gun shots after seeing the year. With that, I opened my eyes in shock. I looked around, sensing that it's too quiet.

I need to get used to this.

I sighed before deciding to go downstairs.

Jenna was at the kitchen drinking coffee while watching tv, she's loudly cursing the reporter. She turned around, hearing me sit down on the chair, saw me and smiled.

"Goodmorning." She said and continues to drink and watch. I looked around the room and saw that it's just me and her present.

"Hmm, goodmorning. Where are they?" I asked, reaching for the box of cereal and carton of milk on the table.

"Elena left, probably went to the Grill. She said she doesn't want to wake you up since you hate it, so she left by herself. Jeremy, as usual, he is upstairs. Who knows what he's doing." She said and smiled, shrugging her shoulders. I just nodded and looked at the television.

"So, who is that?" I asked pointing at the reporter on the news.

" That," Jenna spat out as she glared at the said man. "that is Logan 'Scum' Fell. The jerk."

Ooh. I get it.

"Oh my. You and him?" I giggled as she rolled her eyes. "Well, he is cute." I said, making her scoff.

"Nothing's cute about him." She said and glared at the tv again.

I smirked and continued eating my breakfast. After eating, I washed the dishes and ran upstairs in my room.

I'll follow Elena then.

I changed to my floral white dress and my yellow flat shoes with little flower on the center. I put on my black Ray-Ban as I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I walked to the door.

"I'm going to the Grill! Maybe I can have lunch there or what. I'll see you in the afternoon." I waved at Jenna before walking out of the house and headed to the Grill.

Thank God, I wore my flat shoes or else my feet would've died.

The Grill is just blocks away from our house, so it's not a very long walk. I walked in the Grill and saw everyone staring at me.

I looked around and saw Elena on one of the tables. She smiled and waved me over. I smiled back and headed to their table. I can feel all the eyes from the people in the Grill and heard whistles from the boys at the Pool, I rolled my eyes.

Once I got to the table, I sat down and sighed. Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, Matt and Stefan stared at me.

"What?" I snapped at them. They laughed quietly as I glared at them.

"It's just that, we didn't even recognize you. What happened to you?" Caroline said and smiled.

"Why? Am I that beautiful to make all of your mouths drop open?" I joked, laughing a little as they laughed with me. I stopped laughing when someone caught my eyes at the bar.


He smirked as he winked at me, making me roll my eyes.

"So, have you planned the dress you're gonna wear at the Founder's Ball?" Bonnie suddenly asked me.

I forgot about that.

My mouth dropped open and I took off my Ray-Ban.

"Founder's Ball?" I absentmindedly asked her back. Caroline glared at me.

"Duh. It's tonight! How could you forget?!" She exclaimed as she frowned.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck. "It kinda slipped out of my head." My eyes drifted to Bonnie, who stared back at me. "Bonnie, can I talk to you privately? Meet me at my house at 2pm."

When she nodded with a smile, I put my glasses back and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked.


I walked out the Grill, leaving them wondering where the hell am I going, and walked to the Police Station, searching for Logan Fell.

I found him and asked if I can have a research on the year 1864. He was actually hesitant to let me but since he was in a rush, he let me use the computer section to search for the cases that happened during that year.

When he left, I quickly sat down on the chair and typed on the keyboard, I searched for the year 1864.


The council had known who did all of the unknown attacks that are blamed to the wild animals.
They were wrong.
They are not animal attacks, since if they were, there shouldn't be any body left from the victims. But the victims were drained, not a single drop of blood remained in their body. It's imposible that they are animal attacks.

The authority figured out what or who did all of that attacks, Vampires. One night, the council had planned to kill all of the monsters at that night. The council had the compass that knows when 'vampires' were near. They took every person or should I say 'bloodsuckers' that the compass pointed at. The council burned them in a tomb mercilessly, just like how the vampires did to humanity.

It was a horrible night, smelling burning flesh and hearing painful screams. The council thought that they were just normal humans like the other people. They thought that Vampires are just myths and only formed by humans' imaginations.

They are real, they are the wild animals at night and innocent people at the morning.

And that night, it was a night of a great loss.

I gasped at that article, I've just read.

They are real.

Vampires are real.

I looked at the related videos on the side of the article. A video of someone who died because of an attack. I played the video, seeing how people panicked when they saw the man getting lifted up by the authorities, blood gushing out of his neck.

I was too focused on the video when my eyes drifted at someone's familiar face. My eyes widened in recognition.

I saw Stefan at the background, it's Stefan.

It's really him.

I cannot be mistaken.

I got up and looked at my watch, it's 1:56 in the afternoon. I walked out of the station and went on the Grill, sat on the bar as Matt saw me.

"Hey Pat! What can I get you?" He said and smiled. I reluctantly smiled back.

"Cheese burger and cheesy fries with Royal, please."

"Okay, coming right up!" He said and walked away. After a few minutes, he came back with my snack. I ate them quietly, staring at the bottled of wine in front of me.

I was enjoying my time alone with my thoughts when I felt someone sat beside me.

I have this feeling that it's him.

And I wasn't disappointed with my guess as I looked beside me.

"Damon." I scoffed as I looked away from his gaze.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, you know last night? I was drunk. I'm sorry."

Can I just ask if you're a vampire?

"It's nothing." I stood up, leaving him there. "I have to go. It's already 2:30." Damon nodded as he followed my movements.

"See you at the Ball." He said and smirked.

I walked away and went home, thoughts still flying in my mind.

I saw Bonnie's car parked in front of our house, making me rush inside and to my room.

"Oh shit." I curse at myself as I remembered leaving my laptop open.

I opened the door and saw Bonnie with her eyes closed, my laptop in front of her. I mentally face-palmed myself as I saw the search engine with the results of articles about vampires.

Bonnie suddenly opened her eyes and turned to me with a blank face.

"We need to talk."

Revised on 06.22.17

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