Just GettingFamous

By StayIcey

365 54 7

Book 2 Of Somebody Famous (Mindless Behavior ) More

Authors note
Next Day
Part 3
Authors note
Part 5
Fight Night
Dinner is served
Mama gon'knock you out
Forgive and Forget
Am I or Am I Not
Part 14
Wake me Up

5 years Later

40 5 1
By StayIcey

Directions for collage⬆
1st box. Your outfit
2nd Box. ➡Yn after 5 yrs
3rd Box.  ⬇Aiyana
4th box.⬅My car 🎆
5th Box.⬇Prod house
Last Box ➡Your houseee

♛To give you a visual picture♕


Yn:(Asleep,tossin and turnin)

(Yn's Dream )

5 years ago



Ray:Don't be like that bae

Yn:I'm Rocs bae!!(distant vision) (shoves him and tries to run)

Ray:Don't be like that (grabs you a pushes you against the door)

Making your head slam against it

You start crying

Vision moves to Tyler's room

Tyler:You prolly wanted that shit for attention like you always did ever since we we're kids when the spotlight wasn't on you.Me and prince we're dancing everybody was watching you got jealous and you and ray mad up a plan.

Yn:How dare youuu How fuckinn dare yoouu I hate you I hate you don't you everrrr talk to me againnnnnn  Your so lucky you got a baby in you hoe so lucky.

(Vision Blurrss)

(Vision becomes clear )

(Roc getting arrested)



Yn:Its okay Roc we are going to get through this

Roc:I'm sorry this happens to you I couldn't resist I hate seeing you hurt.

Yn:Its okay my Knight and Shining armour (kisses him )

Policemen :Alright Mr.August you  have to go now.

Roc:I love you Yn

Yn:I love you too (tears streaming )

Roc:Promise you would wait for me (being taken away)

Yn:(crying in Prods chest)

Yn:(wakes up Crying)
IT:Pull through Roc You will.always have a place in my heart (wipes tear)

5 mins later

(Prod in his basketball shirts cooking chicken and waffles)

Yn:Ooo this smells good

Prod:(jumps)Damn gal wanna give me heart attack nuh (Jamaican acent)

Yn:(bust out laughing )You not  even Jamaican you dutty pic 'ne

Prod:Neverrrrr I'm sesssyy

Yn:Nah I'm sexy as hell

Prod:You Damn right (picks you up wedding style)

Yn:(kisses him)

Prod:(kissing back)

Yn:Ewww haven't brushed my teeth yet.

Prod:I don't care(puckers his lips)


Prod:Oh yeah I forgot to tell you

Yn:What (walking to the bathroom)

Prod:(turns down heat and follows)

Yn:Prince coming over today ?

Prod:how did you know

Yn:Cuz you make raspberry waffles when you wanna invite him over.

Prod :Oh but I'm not done hun

Yn:(Brushing her teeth)What?

Prod:Tyler coming too...(mumbles)

Yn:No seriously what else (pauses)

Prod:I'm dead serious

Yn:Then I'm going to deliver another a baby.

Prod:How would you even know

Yn:There's a baby born everyday babe

Prod:I think ya should make up

Yn:Nah I can't theres not enough power in me to forgive her .

Prod:I understand i wont bring it up anymore

Yn:Thank you peanut  and why They gotta come to my house what about yours

A/n:Prod and Yn are together but they don't live together just yet it hasn't gotta to that point yet

Prod:Because gal my house is being renovated for Aiyana's basketball court.

Yn:Yeah where is my little baller

Prod:Sleep i tried waking her up she growled and shit.

Yn:Aww you gotta let Mommys handle this stuff.

(Aiyana's Room)

Yn:Aww look at my baby .

Prod:I guess

Yn:Go cook dem waffles boy

Prod:(laughs and leaves)

Yn:(shakes her head and laughs)Come on baby (walks to Aiyana)

Aiyana:(makes a mug face)

Yn:(pulls out your  phone to take a pic)Wake up Aiyana (shakes her)

Aiyana:(opens her eyes slowly)Hmmmmm

Yn:Come mamas we gotta get ready for your game.

Aiyana:Oh yeah I can't wait to see Xakiyha today we made a plan to whenever we score a point we gonna hit the folks .

Yn:Ayyye let's go eat Daddy cooking your favorite

Aiyana:Chicken and waffles(Jumps up and down)


Aiyana:I love you mommy

Yn:I love you too mamas guess what Grandma is coming to your game to sing.


Yn:Yes foreall!?

Aiyana:(stands up on her bed)Carry me.

Yn:(picks her up ) Damn girl getting a butt just like ya mama


(Dinning room)

Prod:Hey baby girl (takes her from  Yn how many waffles ya  want )

Yn and Aiyana:1 and a half

Prod: Like mother like daughter.( putting food on plates)

(2 hours later)

A/n:Aiyana and Yn are getting ready to leave the house

Prod:Where ya going

Yn:I'm taking her to the hospital

Prod:Why let her stay here

Yn:No she needs to learn mommy's business

Prod:Alright Shouldnt she go to practice

Yn:Oh yeah we gonna go to practice

Aiyana:Yeah (laughs)

Yn:Lets go mamas see you at the game (kisses Prod)

Prod:(kisses back )Be safe Love you (kisses Aiyana)

Yn:(pauses) Mhm

(In the car)

Yn:Ready mamas

Aiyana:(Ready texting Xakiyha )

Yn P.O.V.:I know you'll like why I didn't say I love you back it's hard for me to because the only person I really loved was Roc I don't just can't say the words My stomach has butterfly's something gonna happen today I don't know what or who

A/N:Yn now lives in California the boys had to move there because of MB.

(YN pauses at the stop light)

(Cars stop next to her too)

Yn:(looks over at the car )Nice Car but mines better (looks at driver and pauses)Is that.... No it can't be

(Car behinds her beeps)

Yn:Go the fuck around me nigga damn impatient ass niggas


Yn: Don't repeat what I said Aiyana

Aiyana:OK mommy

Yn:Good girl

(At the Lil' Ballers practice)

YN:(sees the same girl )mumbles that same girl here to I never seen her before (looks closely at her) that's Tyler.

Aiyana:Look mommy there Xakiyha  and her mom.( pulls your hand towards them)

Yn:Hello Xakiyha (smiling down) hello my daughter says that your daughter and her are bestfriends 

Tyler:Yeah (staring at you smiling )

Yn:Well see you later.

Yn:Bye mamas (kisses  Aiyana for head )bye xakiya Go Lil' Ballers!!

Kids:Ayyyyee( run to now to the coach)

YnP.O.V:Its so weird talking to her so that's her kid I knew she would have girls that have Princes hair.

Thank you for reading I'm trying to post as often as I could to get more views. Hope ya enjoyed this Part Two coming up with info about Roc.
Word count:1053

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