
By CrystalReed1

338 17 7

Annatashia has been put into a mental asylum by her parents because she was having strange dreams and could s... More

He's My Nightmare... But I Think I Love Him
All I Want Is A Hint Of Death And A Dash Of Demon

The Truth Is Bitter Just Like You

38 5 1
By CrystalReed1

° The Truth Is Bitter Just Like You ° Chapter 4 °


"You are mine but things like him they will always be interfering. They believe in customs and will use any means necessary to make sure that no rules are broken."

"Rules...? What? It sounds more like they have sticks up their arses." I knew this conversation was going some place that would not be mutually liked.

"Yes... It's just... I've finally found you and I don't want to screw anything up. Your just so..." My Demon was struggling with words, almost as if he were waging an internal war about us.

"I'm just so fragile. Is that it? I'm human and your not... They wouldn't approve of anything we did. I'm a risk, an accident waiting to happen." When could my life change around? How could I think that no one would interfere with this? "It almost feels as if maybe we were never meant to be..." I whispered the last part, almost hoping he didn't hear.

"No... I mean sure your human and it does make you weaker... But what I meant was that you are stronger than you think. You have the power to change people, emotionally, and that power is part of what makes you so strong." There was no emotion in his words leaving them with a heavy feeling, as if they were a shroud that masked what lay hidden beneath.

"If that power is only part of what makes me 'stronger' then what is the other part of it, my supposed strength I mean?" I made a gesture with little air quotes as a mean to empathize that what he was talking about made me just a small amount tougher than any other human being.


Fear. Such a basic emotion yet it covered something that everyone felt, the fear of a creature or, in my case, the fear of being abandoned in the hands of experiment crazy doctors. This emotion didn't seem to be much of a power but I let my mind ponder over it. "So... What your telling me is that somehow I can use fear to an advantage?"

"In a manner yes, but it's not any fear you utilize, rather your own." His words seemed to echo as a low hiss while I tried to process the extent of what this very power could mean.

During this whole event I had been sitting in the same spot on the bed while he stood off to the side by the fireplace, looking out one of the windows. Not once did he look away from whatever had enraptured him, but if he was going to be telling me any jaw dropping news I wanted to be looking in his eyes, or at least his face, when he told me.

I slid off the bed and began to make my way over to him, slowing picking my way through the room in an attempt to prepare myself for what he just might say.

"What am I exactly supposed to do with this power or whatever you may call it?" I asked as I stood behind him, carefully studying that intricate weaving of the carpet on the wood floor.

"What you do is up to you but as for what it is just call it a little gift, from me to you," he said still looking out the window as I snuck a quick glance up at him.

I sighed mentally in my head. No one seemed above giving me a complicated answer that was a riddle for me to solve.

"I don't know how to do anything with my gift. Do you think I would be asking if I did?" My question was more of a challenge towards him than anything else. I stepped up beside him and stared at him. He had started this and nothing, not even a stupid bird outside, would get in the way of me finding out what he really meant.

My little advantage in the challenge was quickly tipped into his favor as he spun on his heels and forced me back against the wall, pinning my wrists above my head with one hand. He leaned forward and I could feel his icy breath on my neck causing my body to react by sending shivers down my spine.

His voice came out a low and deep growl as he whispered in my ear, "Is this just a game for you?"

"No... I-I-I..." My voice came out as a moan. His body, in turn, pressed closer to mine. I didn't need any special powers to tell that he had done this on purpose and was enjoying every moment.

"Mmhmm..." He pulled away from me, leaving my body hot and cold at the same time, and returned to where he originally stood by the window.

"Wha-Where... Hmm?" Only a brief moment had our bodies touched and already my mind was a mess. My attempt at asking about his sudden departure went unnoticed though as he kept observing outside his window.

"Did you say something?" He asked, still not looking at me. I quickly ran my hand through my hair and got it stuck in a nest of knots.

"Where's your bathroom?" I blurted. Not what I was going for but I did probably look really bad.

"Oh... Let me show you." He turned, looked me at me, and then began walking out of the room. Maybe I looked worse than just really bad.

I was led down a series of intricate halls and many turns before we finally stopped at a big oak door. Whoever built this house must have been a work-out fanatic who exercised everyday before even thinking of going pee. I gave my demon a quick nod before flicking on the light and shutting the door. My eyes took a moment to adjust before I could see myself in the wall-length mirror. My reflection was scream worthy, but I settled for a grimace because I'd rather not have the door kicked down on me.

My hair did looked like a giant crow's nest, I had dark bags under my eyes, my eyes had become a dull green, my skin was a pasty white, and I had lost any fat on my body that I would have previously had. I was never the super model type nor the fat girl type, but I had had curves. Now I looked like a twig with two bumps in the front and two in the back. If I were at home I would've started with taking a brush to my hair and then a nice long shower, but I wasn't. So I settled for the next best thing, running my fingers through my hair and letting a tear slip down my cheeks each time my hand got stuck or some of my previously gorgeous raven colored locks got pulled out.

Once I had somewhat accomplished combing my hair, I set out to scrubbing what I could with the little bar of soap on the counter and an average sized sink. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

It didn't look like I had gotten much done when I heard a knock on the door. "Is everything okay in there?" A muffled voice came from behind the door.

"Yes, I'll be out in just a minute!"

When no reply came back I just shrugged and walked back to the door, unlocking it as I opened it. To my surprise no one was there. I walked out into the hallway and looked around still seeing no one.

It was weird that someone could be asking about me one minute and then gone the next. I ran back into the bathroom and locked the door. I felt stupid for doing that randomly, but something wasn't right. Little warning bells were going off inside me and I knew deep down that whoever was talking to me wasn't who I thought they were.

I huddled in the corner of the bathroom farthest from the door and before I could do anything the lights went black. I froze where I sat, not knowing what to do.

"Hello?" I whispered to the darkness. Now that the room had gone dark I could sense someone in there with me.

"Hello,  Annatashia," the voice from behind the door rang out through the darkness. I held back a scream as footsteps echoed in the bathroom, walking closer to me.

"You really shouldn't talk to strangers, especially in the dark," the voice taunted. "It's a wonderful way to reveal where you are!" The voice hissed from behind me.

I quietly sobbed as the thing's hands began to wrap around me. I was useless and dead at this point. Whoever this thing was could sense me in the dark while I could do nothing.

"Help me... If you really do love me, then help me," I pleaded quietly to the darkness hoping that he, my demon, would hear and come to my rescue.

"No one is coming to save you," it cooed in my ear as a clammy hand wrapped around my throat and something was jabbed into my side. I screamed in agony as the door splintered open. All of the darkness flooded towards my demon as he barged into the room.

"Leave her be! You didn't come for her and we all sure as Hell know that you won't get anything from killing her!" His voice was a deep boom that filled the room. Whoever had a hold of me let go pulling along with them whatever had been plunged into my side, leaving me to slump against the wall. 

My vision began to fade in and out as the two creatures fought. They weren't alone though, for I too was fighting my own fight. My demon seemed to be winning his fight but I was losing mine. I grimaced as sharp pains emanated from my wound. I couldn't tell what I had been stabbed with, but I knew it would be best not to know now.

"Just hang in for one more minute!" He yelled  before there was a loud screeching and a brilliant flash of light. I marveled at how beautiful the light was before everything went dark again. If this was how I was going to die then there would be many regrets and much pain, but no loss to anyone except him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before completely letting go. I felt my self fall before there was another flash of light. It subsided quickly and I let the darkness consumed me...


A/N: Very late upload :* Sorry bout the wait on this... But I hope it was worth it :) Not proof read so... Yeah.. And btw's when Annatashia is talking about him and what not she means her demon... And that should be it. Lol later! :P

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