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° Escape Is Nothing But A Wish ° Chapter 1 °


° Annatashia's POV °

As I ran through the broken down hallways of the building I was frantically looking for a way out. Doors surrounded me yet none offered me the freedom I desperately craved. My hands were bound and I was gagged. Each of my desperate sobs were held back with the thin piece of cloth.

My heels scraped against the rubble and debris that lay in chunks on the floor. The walls were a sickly green color, their paint was chipped and peeling. A scuttling came from behind me. As I turned my head to peer behind me I saw him. He had found me and was coming to get me, to retrieve the asylum's escapee. I tripped on some unknown object and fell on the ground.

My attempts to get up were useless as my hands were bound together and the man was fast approaching. He wore a dark hooded coat that's ends reached the floor. Shadows trailed behind him, almost seeming to engulf him, blocking any other views of him.

I looked away and tried again to get up, but I couldn't. It seemed as if I had lost this battle. I whimpered as I felt him come up behind me. My eyes closed automatically as he reached out and grabbed me. I then felt all emotions, all life in me drain from my body. Everything then went black...

° ° ° °

When I woke I was back in my cell. I was yet again on display for my demented caretakers. I was to be put through tests, but they were torture. Since I had been "bad" in the eyes of the doctors they had to "uncorrupt my soul" with even more tests. But their attempts would be to no avail. I would escape this Hell hole and I would never look back.

"It's time for your treatment, Anna," the nurse said as she walked into my room. She had on a small white dress with a little apron in the front. Her shoes were white stilettos and adorning her head was a little hat with a red cross on it. It was a typical uniform, but she made it look skimpy.

"My name is Annatashia and what you do is not treatment. It is torture! You say you are here to help me yet you and everyone else are the cause of my problems! The only thing you will succeed in is ruining your skimpy little outfit when it burns with you in this damned place!" My anger and frustration were boiling at the surface. I would love to see her face when I punched her right in the middle of that surgical disaster she called her face. Sadly my hands were still bound.

"Wha-what?! Why you-you!" She spluttered for words as my remark sunk in. I just laid back and smirked at the fool she was making of herself.

"Emelia, the doctor wants you to hurry up. Do you need assistance with moving the girl?" A security guard asked as he walked up to her.

"Why that would be lovely," Emelia said this while giving me an evil smirk. Now it was my turn to splutter.

"You-you... You-" I couldn't make the words come out of my mouth as Emelia flirted with the guard.

"Save your words for later." The guard bit out the words harshly as he grabbed my arm and began yanking me into the hall. I knew there was no fighting him. His grip was to strong and he could take me down without a doubt.

° ° ° °

Once I was led down a dimly lit hall I was brought into "the treatment room" or as I call it, the torture chamber. It felt like one of those horror movies you watch on television during the weekend. One of those ones where you see the character get dragged around halls that are poorly lit and then shoved into a room full of equipment that ranges from a shock table to a dissection table. Except I couldn't change the channel or turn it off. This was no movie, it was my life. I was stuck here with no escape. Ever since I had the strange dreams and saw people who were never really there, my parents sent me to this asylum.

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