
By Dallytexas

6.5K 152 59

A prophecy can really screw anyone’s sweet sixteen, especially for Hanna Sanger. A truth is brought to the su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note!

Chapter 10

204 5 1
By Dallytexas

Chapter 10

I couldn’t believe my eyes, but I know who I saw. It seems no one heard me, not even Sean, or I thought that was him at least. Everit stepped toward me with his sword drawn and placed it firmly on my cheek. He cocked his head to the side and I tried to keep focus with a straight face. He pressed harder, but Heinrik stepped by my side and took my hand allowing no pain in my cheek what so ever. I could tell blood was drawn, I felt the blood run down my face and onto my bare arm. Everit put away his sword and moved his hand along the cut he has given me. His breath was earthy and only inches away. I stood still as he placed his fingers to his own tongue, tasting my blood. He smirked down at me.

“Well we better get going before twilight” I took in a breath as a sign of relief. All five guardians turned besides the one who claims his name is Viktor. I gave him a small smile, seeing if I would get some response. He offered his arm and tried letting go of Heinrik’s arm, but he wouldn’t give.

“I got it from here!” I jumped at the anger in his voice, but Viktor gave a sharp nod and turned and walked the other direction towards his mates. He tightened his grip around my hand, but I felt no pain. This was good because I felt all of the pressure. We started walking toward the direction the guardians went off to, but it didn’t take long for Heinrik to push back a branch of leaves leading us to a busy village of some kind. I took in a breath to the new smell and I turned my head to the right seeing a bakery. My stomach growled on command.

“You must be starving! Come on” I smiled at his generosity. There were no paved roads, it was if I stepped in a time warp and went to the medieval time period. The village was surrounded my plowed fields and the road was muddy due to possible rain. The buildings weren’t made of cement, but were made of what seemed like a type of wood, not really stable looking though. As we finally came to the entrance Heinrik opened the door allowing a bell chime as I walked over the thresh hold. I immediately received a whiff of fresh baked goods that made my stomach hurt more than it already was.

“What will it be” I looked around at all the possibilities. Heinrik released my hand and went to the counter on the far wall to talk to an elderly man whose hair was almost gone but had the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen.

I walked over to the displays to see if one catches my eye. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around to see the old man staring at me.

“You” Before I could say anything Heinrik came to me with a brown box in hand and ordered me outside.

“We’ll eat on the way” He handed me the box and I immediately opened it finding a single cannoli covered in powdered sugar and chocolaty goodness. I took it in my hands and took a big bite. The taste was incredible! I always watched Cake Boss and wanted to try one so bad. The wait was totally worth it. I finished the last bite and licked the remaining cream off my lips.

“You will eat more once we get there” I smirked up at him as he rushed us through a crowd. Heinrik tightened his grip with his hand. We began to pass homes that boarded at least dozens or even many more in each building. It made me sick to my stomach to see all the hungry kids begging for money or whatever would be given to them. I felt guilty that I just ate something they probably couldn’t even afford.

He began to slow his pace as we became close to a brick wall that was tended to keep people out of something. I noticed a large gate to my left that Heinrik started towards. I looked behind me noticing the village was a little ways behind. The place looked hopeless but the food was excellent, or what I got to try anyways. We suddenly stopped as Heinrik talked to one of the guards. He seemed familiar, but the moment he looked towards me he kneeled.

“Hunter your highness” I smiled remembering he’s the one with the delicate features; he seemed nice in a manly way of course.

“I’ll take you from here” He said, but I felt Heinrik release my hand and placed his on the back of my neck.

“That won’t be necessary” He hissed.

“It’s protocol” Hunter placed his hand on his sword that was tied around his waist by a chestnut colored belt. He releases his hand from my neck and I took Hunter’s offered arm. I turned around and smiled.

“Thank you” I whispered, but I knew he heard me.

“Of course” He then turned on his heel and headed back toward the village. I took in a deep breath and walked through the opened gates with Hunter holding my arm in his.

On the other side of the barricade was extraordinary. The surface was made of grayish stone and deep green vines covering half way up. What I was expecting was like what I saw from the village outside these gates, but I was surprised to see a little market going on. This is kind of predictable if you ask me. What I noticed it wasn’t a normal market. Hunter tugged me toward one of the booths, my eyes widened as I saw the different herbs and all it looked exactly like the things in Taylor and Addison’s shop. I bit my lip at the thought of them.

“Here you are” I looked up to see an old woman with silvery white hair and a hunched back leaning on a stick as she handed Hunter a bundle of herbs or something, what I do know is it smelled very strange, well it all did. I smiled kindly at the old woman, but I also noticed she had green eyes also, but they were different somehow, like the bakers. They must be family or something.

“This way Katreena” I forgot he let go of me as he had to handle the large amount of bundles there was in his arms.

“Let me help” I started to reach, but he pulled back.

“That won’t be necessary” He smiled with his heart felt grin as he gestured with his head toward the end of the market. I noticed another large portal, but this time with guards on either side of the entrance.

“Wait this is a castle?” Hunter laughed like a bear which made me giggle.

“Katreena where do think we were?” I laughed at myself of how hideous I felt by making me sound stupid.

“Right of course, I’m just hungry is all. Not concentrating on anything really”

“That will be taken care of as soon as you are dressed the right attire” He said seriously.

“Right attire?” Hunter smirked.

“Well you don’t fit in dress wise now do you” I looked down at myself and realization hit me instantly. I’m a complete mess! My pants were covered in mud and the hem of my shirt was torn off. Great, I placed my hand on my forehead and there it was.

“I was hoping that fell off” I said through my teeth.

“No worries, you’ll get cleaned up in no time” I nodded in understanding as we approached the portal. The two guards opened the doors to the castle, which the moment I realized were I was, this was the place I was excited to see with my own eyes.

I gasped as I entered the entrance, the floors were stone no surprise there. However; the spiral staircase was magnificent, deep red carpet covered each step. The place was busy with waiters and maids cleaning.

“What’s going on?” I tiptoed and whispered into Hunters ear.

“You’re welcome back ball of course” A ball for me. Wait no Hanna they all don’t know it’s me when really they think I’m Katreena.

“This way” I noticed Hunter hand over the herbs to the butler. He offered his arm as I took it gracefully. Everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed as we past them. I felt nervous, but I had to appear strong and powerful. I walked up the stairs step by step, wanting badly to run and hide. The feeling of Hunters arm holding me comforted me and kept me from running. As we reached the top of the stairs I looked down over the railing seeing everyone get back to their duties.

“It’s the fifth door to your right” I turned and faced him.

“Thank you” He looked shocked but smiled.

“Go clean up and someone will dress you and tell you everything” He smiled one last time and headed the other direction of the hall. I breathed in taking in everything. I turned and walked over to the fifth door to my right and opened the door as I slowly walked inside.

I took in the room I was standing in, not really knowing for sure if I was dreaming or not. There was a single queen sized bed with dark bedding and wood as the frame. The room wasn’t particularly large as I thought it would be, but sure is hell bigger than the one I have back home. There was a door on the far corner opposite of the wall the bed was on. I walked over and turned the knob and grinned ear to ear. A bathroom, I ran to the tub and crossed my fingers as I turned the handle. Water gushed out of the faucet and immediately stripped my clothes off and went in to bathe myself.

As I stepped out I grabbed the white towel folded on the counter. I patted myself dry and looked in the mirror. I took off the wrap on my head while I was in the tub to properly clean the cut. It looked swollen and infected; I let out a sign realizing I knew I should have cleaned it earlier today. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the pile of dirty clothes. Great I had nothing to change into. As I was thinking on what to do, someone knocked on the bathroom door.

“Who is it?” I asked as I locked the door, making they couldn’t come as I was in all my naked glory.

“Madame your gown is placed on your bed please let me in once you are dressed”

“I will thank you very much” As I heard a door shut, I unlocked the door and peaked in the room. It was empty. I ran to the bed carefully to dress.

“Oh my goodness” I traced the black fabric. The top was laced and beaded and the bottom was mermaid fitted from the hips down. Before I put the dress on I grabbed the panties lying next to the dress. I put the gown over my head and tried carefully putting my arms through. The gown fit perfectly, as I remembered I opened the bedroom door allowing the women to come in. About four women walked in and one already zipped me up the moment she walked in.

“Come sit” I turned and saw a blonde girl about my age having her hands on a chair. I walked over and sat on the chair. I was bombarded instantly with makeup, hair products, and a nail filer. I didn’t have time to think as I was being transformed to the woman they thought I was. I looked in the mirror in front of me and I was shocked to be looking in a reflection of a beautiful woman staring back. Her eyes were bright green lined with light brown liner and dark eye shadow; the lips were ruby red that looked great to her pale skin. Her hair was curled and put in an up do allowing some curls at the sides to hang down.

“You’re beautiful” I looked towards the voice and saw Heinrik standing in the door way. I stood knowing I was finished getting ready.

“Don’t forget this” I felt one of the women placing a necklace around my neck. I looked down and saw the necklace that was given to me on my birthday. This moment reminded me why I was here as it glowed. I looked up to meet Heinrik’s eyes; walking towards him he offered his arm as Hunter entered the room.

“Hunter!” I smiled seeing him and he offered his arm in an instant and I took it without a thought. I looked at the corner of my eye seeing the look on Heinrik’s face. I reached for his hand, which made him seem confused.

“I don’t mind having two at my side” I said, he grinned happily as he accepted my arm. We walked toward the stairs. I didn’t know what to expect, but the moment I we reached the railing that overlooked an entire room filled with formally dressed men and women, who were all pale mine me adding. The two men made me pause before we walked down the stairs. Everyone raised there glasses.

“Welcome Katreena Sanger!” My eyes went huge and I took in a sharp breath. What the hell!

“Stay calm Hanna” Heinrik whispered in my ear, which had me calm down a little.

Why did Katreena have my family name? Wasn’t she the enemy?

Okie dokie I hope you all liked this chapter cause writing it was fun, well I think every chapter is lol, anyway don’t forget to comment to tell me what you all think and vote if you want :)

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