The Arranged Marriage (A One...

By CookiesandBrownies

147K 3K 298

"...We've arranged for you to get married in six months." The sentence that changed my life forever. I'm Meli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
The Letters (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Read AN!)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 9 (EXTRA)

4.4K 79 0
By CookiesandBrownies

AN: Since I made you guys wait so long I decided to give you guys a little extra. It'll be parts of the day in some of the boys POV's. Enjoy!


Harry's POV (Bet you didn't see that one coming!)

I wake up later than I thought I would and start freaking out. I'm supposed to be ready by now!

I quickly get up and check to see if everyone's awake or not. I check on Liam; he's getting ready. I go check on Louis; he's slowly getting out of bed. I then go to Zayn's room; he's asleep, so I have to wake him up.

"Zayn, get your lazy arse up!" I say as I shake him, trying to get him up. Doesn't work.

"Zayn! Get up now!" I yell. He wakes up, but he just puts a pillow over his head. We're going to play that way, are we?

"Zayn, get up before I do something." I warn Zayn. 

"Never." Zayn mumbles into his pillow.

"I warned you." I laugh. I quickly grab the blankets and pull them off the bed. Now you see, Zayn has a death grip on the blankets, so he goes tumbling off the bed with the blankets. He lands with a big thud.

"Harold Edward Styles! You did not just do that!" Zayn yells.

"Oh, but I did." I say through my laughs. "Oh, by the way, you've got a little over an hour to get ready, so you might want to start getting ready." I quickly walk out of his room before he kills me. One last person to check on.

I quickly walk to Niall's room, keeping an eye out for Zayn. Once I get there I'm about to knock on the door, but then I hear people talking in the room. It doesn't sound like Niall is talking to himself.

"-started dating six months ago and we didn't tell anyone because you didn't want to be in the spotlight." Niall says. Sadly I caught him mid-sentence so I don't completely know what he said. No jumping to conclusions, Harold.

"Hmm. Lets say we knew each other when we were younger, but lost touch once you left for the X-Factor, and we ran into each other when you visited home last year and we hit it off. We could say that we got engaged last month and that's why we haven't said anything until now." Melissa says. What could they be talking about?

"What about why you don't speak like you're from Ireland?" Niall asks Melissa.

"Do you seriously think they're going to ask that, or do you just want to know for yourself?" Melissa questions Niall, obviously catching on to what he was doing.

"Both." Niall answers. Nice cover up, mate.

"That's what I thought. Anyways, it's quite simple. I moved to Ireland from the States when I was eight because my parents wanted me to grow up without people hounding me everywhere I go." Melissa explains.

"That explains so much!" Niall exclaims.

I decide to knock on the door so I can stop spying on them. So I knock on the door then say, "Niall, you need to start getting ready. The limo will be here in an hour."

"Okay." Niall responds. I quickly walk away so that I don't start listening to their conversation again. I end up going to my room so I can get ready.

Liam's POV (Did y'all see that one coming?)

A few minutes after Harry checks up on me I finish getting ready and head to the living room. I sit on one of the couches and wait for everyone to finish getting ready. Around thirty minutes later I hear someone coming down the stairs. The person walks into the living room and I look to see who it is. It's Melissa. Great. The person I've been trying to ignore for the past two days.

"Hey." Melissa greets me as she sits on one of the other couches.

"You look very nice." I blurt out, not really meaning to say that. She does look good, though. No. Bad Liam. Don't think that.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad either." She says. Well I wasn't expecting that. Not at all.

"Thanks." I manage to squeak out. Not that I said it in a squeaky voice. Now we sit in silence, waiting for everyone else to finish getting ready. Just what I need, an awkward silence!

After fifteen minutes everyone else comes into the living room.

"What took you guys so long? I didn't even take that long! And I'm a girl, for goodness sakes!" Melissa complains.

"It takes a while to make this." Louis sasses, talking about his "look".

"So you're saying that you're so bad looking that it takes you forever to look decent?" Melissa questions, jokingly.

"That's not what I said!" Louis protests.

"But it's what's between the lines." Melissa points out.

"No it's not! Stop putting words in my mouth!" Louis whines. Such a child.

I laugh at Louis' childish behavior then I say, "She's not really putting words in your mouth, Louis. A lot of people would get that from what you said."

"See! Even Liam agrees with me!" Mel brags. She's so adorable when she brags.

"It's not because he agrees with you." Zayn mutters. My head snaps towards him and I give him a look that says "say anything else and I'll hurt you".

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who heard him because Niall asks, "What'd you say, Zayn?"

Zayn's head shoots up and he looks like he just got caught stealing. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He says nervously.

"You don't seem too sure about that, mate." Harry says, not fully believing Zayn.

Zayn looks like he's about to repeat what he says so I quickly take action. "He said nothing." I say harsher than I intended.

"Okay, mate. Calm down." Harry says, with his hands up defensively.

Niall was about to say something but a honk from outside cut him off.

"That would be the limo. Let's go." Louis says. Smart Louis.

Then we all walk outside to the limo. I look over at Melissa and she seems very surprised on the size of the limo. It's huge We don't even need a limo this big, but we got it anyways.

We all get into the limo and Harry asks Melissa, "Like what you see?"

"Yes. A million times yes." She says while nodding her head fervently. (AN: Don't think I used that word correctly, but oh well.)

"Have you ever been in a limo before?" Harry asks her.

"Never." She says.

"Really? You're a genius with lots of money and you've never been in a limo?" Harry questions.

"Exactly. Mom and dad didn't want me to waste my money on such frivolous things." She explains.

"That sucks." He says.

"Not really." She shrug. Then the driver starts the limo and starts driving to our location.


Niall's POV

After an excruciatingly long drive we finally make it to the place the interview is taking place at. We exit the limo and quickly walk into the building, trying not to get mobbed. Liam and I help Melissa get through the crowd so she doesn't get clawed to death. When we enter te building we're welcomed by a good looking, flirtatious lady.

"Hi boys. So great to see you all!" She says, not holding back her flirtatious side.

"Nice to know I'm classified as a boy." Melissa snorts. I can't help but laugh at that.

I catch the lady looking at Melissa, but I can't tell how she was looking at her. "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot you were coming. How stupid am I?" She apologizes.

Melissa gives her 'the look' and narrows her eyes. "Very." Melissa whispers.

Then Harry pipes up and says, "You're not stupid. People forget things all of the time."

"Oh, why thank you Harry." The lady says while looking at the ground and twirling some of her hair around her finger. Two flirts make for a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

"You're very welcome." Harry says sweetly.

"Not to interrupt y'all's flirting, but we have an interview to get to." Zayn says, purposely interrupting the flirting.

"Since when do you say y'all?" I ask curiously.

"Must've gotten it from Melissa." Zayn answers.

"And how would have gotten that from Melissa?" I question, getting a little angry.

"Because I've been hanging out with her. Unlike her fiance, who hasn't spent any time with her since she got here." Zayn says accusingly. He just crossed the line big time. I try saying something, but nothing comes out.

Melissa must be able to feel the tension since she decides to change the subject. "So, not trying to sound rude, but who are you?" Melissa asks the lady.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kristine, your interviewer for today." Kristine introduces herself.

"Oh, cool." Melissa says with zero enthusiasm.

Zayn and I are still wanting to kill each other and it must be obvious. "We should probably get to hair and make-up now. I'll show you guys the ways." Kristine suggests.

"Sounds like a great idea. Doesn't it guys? Yes? Great, let's go." Melissa says quickly, not giving us a chance to protest. Kristine starts walking and we all follow her. While walking I try to stay as far away from Zayn as possible. When we get to our destination two lady's greet us.

"These two will be doing your hair and make-up today." Kristine tells us then quickly leaves the room.


Louis' POV

Half an hour after Kristine leaves we finally finish with hair and make-up. Niall and Zayn have calmed down a lot during those thirty minutes.

Then suddenly some random man walks in and says, "You're on in five," then leaves once he sees we heard him. Sheesh. He could've said where we need to go to.

"You six should probably go wait next to the stage." One of the hair and make-up ladies tells us.

"I can show you guys the way, if you'd like. The people who run this place are cheap so we don't have people for that." The other lady says.

"That would be great." Liam says kindly.

The two ladies walk us to the side of the stage. Once we get there we thank them and they quickly leave. Once they're out of sight I look at Melissa and she seems to be freaking out. Poor girl.

Zayn must've looked too, because he says, "Are you feeling well, Mel? You don't look to good."

"I'm awesome! All sunshine and rainbows!" Melissa says, being very sarcastic.

"What's up?" Zayn asks.

"Oh, nothing. Just gonna go on stage, in front of fifty or more people, for a live interview. Not nerve wrecking at all. You know, cause I'm so not going to screw this up." Melissa says, being even more sarcastic.

"Don't worry about it, love. Our fans are very laid back, they won't care if you screw up. Everything'll be fine as long as you can laugh it off." Zayn says, trying to help her.

"Thanks, Zayn. You're awesome!" She says. I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or if she actually meant that. He smiles at her then turns his attention to Kristine who just walked on stage. I decide to pay attention to her too.

"Thank you for the warm welcome!" Kristine says as the crowd starts to get quiet. "Are you all excited for our special guests?" The crowd starts yelling again.

"I'll take that as a yes, then. I guess I should have our five special guests and their even more special tag-along come out, shouldn't I?" She suggests. The crowd yells for her to have us come out.

"Alright then, here's One Direction and their guest Melissa Monroe!" Kristine introduces us all. We all start walking out, but Melissa goes slower than the rest of us. The boys and I sit down and wait for Melissa. I look over at her and see her turning away from a giant security guard. She starts walking towards us, but doesn't pay attention to where she's going and walks straight into a pole, knocking her out. Don't ask me how.

Niall immediately gets up and runs to Melissa's side. "Melissa! Melissa, wake up!" Niall says while shaking her.

The other boys and I walk over to him and I say, "I don't think shaking her is going to wake her up, mate. She has to wake up on her own." Niall sighs and steps away.

Not even fifteen minutes later Melissa wakes up.

Once she fully opens her eyes I ask, "Are you okay?"

"I was so worried about you!" Liam says. He didn't seem to awfully worried earlier, if I recall correctly.

She seems a little confused, but becomes un-confused quickly. "I'm perfectly fine! Head hurts a little, but other than that I'm great!" Melissa says, oddly happy.

"That's amazing!" Niall says joyfully.

"Yeah." She says, suddenly becoming nervous.

"What's the matter, love?" Harry asks, obviously realizing she's nervous.

"What happened before it all went black?" She asks cautiously, like she's afraid she's saying something she's not supposed to.

"We were all walking on stage and you went to walk the other way but this guy stopped you." Liam tells her.

"And then you turned around and ran straight into the only pole in this building!" Zayn finishes the story, laughing.

"Why?" Niall asks, sounding curious. Now I'm curious too...


AN: Hope you liked it! Chapter ten will be up in the next week or two. I'm busy next week, so sorry if I don't get it up then!

L.O.L <3 (Lots Of Love)


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