Hopes and Heart | Adopted by...


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Alyssa Carter is an orphan. She became an orphan after the tragic incident that took the lives of her parents... More

authors note
a/n : 4 years later


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I spent the last 2 hours in the orphanage by saying my goodbyes and hugging all the girls in the building except for Camryn, and her clique as they just glared at me from the door. Goodbye evil bitches and their snotty clique!

I was informed by Ms. Martin that Pete had sent his friend to pick me up from this orphanage to the airport so I could fly to Los Angeles where the Wentz family lived. I was quite nervous because i've never been on an airplane before, but Grace and Karlie assured me that it's going to be okay. Let's just hope they are right.

Miss. Fiona called me to the main entrance of the building, saying that Pete's friend and my chauffeur is already here. I gave my last hugs and said my goodbyes to Karlie and Grace. With heavy hearts and teary eyes, I turned away from them, readying myself for a new life.

I carried my suitcase and slung my backpack over my shoulder while I hold my guitar case on my other hand. I waved at them, letting a few stray tears slip from my eyes. That was probably the last time that I'll be in that room.

I followed Miss Fiona's instruction and walked down the stairwell to where Mrs. Martin is located. I stopped in front of the reception where Mrs. Martin and Miss Fiona were waiting. Mrs. Martin is holding what it looks like the ukulele case from the music room.

"Here, have this. It's a gift from us," Ms Martin handed me the case. Is she actually giving the ukulele to me?

"Wait, it's for me?" I questioned in confusion, retrieving the hard shell case containing the ukulele from the orphanage's music room.

Mrs. Martin smiled. "Yeah, it's a gift of appreciation from us."

I returned her smile not knowing how to react. This is the ukulele that I used all the time when i'm in the music room to practise. This ukulele carries so many memories of me sneaking out of my dorm in the middle of the night to practise in secret.

"Thank you so much Ms. Martin," I thanked her as she pulled me into a hug.

"Be good."

I nodded and Ms. Fiona signalled her that Pete's friend is already waiting. Ms. Martin nodded at her before waving goodbye. Ms. Fiona opened the main door and my black suitcase rolled against the concrete as she lead me to the black Range Rover belonged to Pete's friend.

"Hello, I assumed you're Alyssa?" He said as I enter the back seat after I put my stuff in the trunk. For some odd reason I don't feel privileged to be in the front seat. 

"Yeah, nice to meet you," I replied as I put my seatbelt on.

"Are you ready?" He asks, grinning slightly.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.


The car ride was silent but was accompanied by the songs that was playing from the radio. I was told that his job is only to dropped me off at the airport and help me check-in. I never flew out alone before and to think, that I will be alone through the intimidating TSA and at the boarding gate was quite nerve wrecking.

"You're going to be okay, you didn't do anything wrong," He stated while patting my shoulder. I smiled followed him to the check-in counter. He talked to the lady about the information before he helped me put my heavy suitcase and guitar case on the conveyor belt leaving me with only my backpack and ukulele case. I prayed that my guitar will be okay through out the flight.

The lady at the check-in handed me my boarding pass and wishes me a safe flight. Lets hope that she's right. It's also the time that Pete's friend to leave me to my own devices.

"Be safe kid," he said as he patted my shoulder. I said my thank you before exchanging smiles. He waved before walking away from me.

Wow I didn't even know his name.

And now, it's time to go through TSA. Fun. The TSA agent gave me a look as they saw my tiny 5 foot, thirteen years old self walked through the full body scanner. I brushed it off and slung my backpack that was previously scanned by a TSA agent behind the computer. I'm not smuggling drugs, I swear.

I walked past the security and safely made my way to the boarding gate. I did receive a few questioning looks from the people in there. I just walked past them and took a seat at an empty row of seats. I just have to wait until I board the plane and everything will be fine.

After what seems like an hour, they finally called for us to board the plane. We queued up for the agent to check our boarding passes. I thanked the guy and walked through the hallway into the big plane that will take me to my new home.


It was a four hour flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. My first flight experience wasn't the best. Conveniently, I was seated right in front of a crying baby and an elderly woman who snored loudly. Thankfully, I had my earphones with me so I could drown the screaming by listening to louder music.

The plane finally finishes it's taxiing before the seatbelt sign went off. I stood up to grab my backpack and pulled out my ukulele case from under the seat.

I exited the aircraft and a gust of chilly wind blew on my face since it's October right now. I walked to the baggage claim to retrieve my suitcase and my guitar case who is fortunately unharmed. Once I retrieve my stuffs, I walked to the arrival hall to find a guy who's supposed to pick me up from here to the Wentz household.

I saw a man with a beard holding up a sign with my name on it. My face lit up and I approached that guy. He introduce himself while we walked to his car. I can't wait to meet my new family.


The car ride was again, pleasantly silent as the songs were subtly playing from the radio. I hummed silently as the car drove past the infamous sunset boulevard.

Thirty minutes later, we finally arrived at the house that belonged to Pete and his family in a much more secluded area up in the hills. It was a beautiful double storey bungalow with a white exterior and a black flower carved gate at the entrance. It's fucking lovely.

I gasp at the sight of the house as we both exited the car. The man popped the trunk and I helped him grabbed my stuffs from the trunk. I thanked him for the ride and waved him goodbye.

The gate opened up and I made my way into the house. The entrance door opened and Pete welcomed me with a huge smile on his face.

"Welcome home, Alyssa Rose Wentz," He said as I entered the house. I dropped my stuff aside before Meagan and Pete attacked me into a hug. The hug was joined by a small person tugging on my sleeve. We pulled apart and I face the small child.

"Are you my new sissy?" He ask with a sweet tone in his voice. I kneeled to his height before smiling at him.

"Yeah, I'm your new sissy. My name is Alyssa," I said before his tiny arms were wrapped around my neck.

"Hello sissy, I'm Bronx," I laughed at his cute voice. He pulled apart before he put his small hand in my hand.

"Lets go see your new room. Mummy decorated it for you," He tugged on my arms so I stood up and followed him up the stairs to my room followed by Meagan and Pete trailing behind me.

We stopped in front of a black spruce door. I looked over a to smiling Pete and Meagan before opening the door.

It reveals a spacious, grey painted room with a black framed, queen sized bed in the middle of it. There's a white desk with an iMac placed neatly on it and there's a corner in my room where a black Fender Stratrocaster and a black Fender Bass were hung on the wall with a mini Marshall amplifier sitting. beside a mini Aguilar bass speaker under it.

There's a small couch for me to play the guitars, a bathroom, a walk in closet and huge sliding door with a balcony. This room is my dream room and it's awesome.

"Oh my God this is awesome," I gasp as I took a glance around the room. I turned to Meagan and Pete and pulled them into a hug.

"I'm glad you like it, Meagan here have been decorating it for weeks," Pete joked as he smiled at his girlfriend.

"Alright, we'll give you some time to unpack. We'll eat dinner together later," Meagan smiled as she helped me put my stuffs in the room. I nodded and returned her smile. Pete, Meagan and Bronx left the room leaving me by myself to unpack my stuff.

First thing I did was to unpacked all of my clothes and hung it in the closet. The walk in closet is huge but I only have a small amount of clothes so the task will be done pretty fast. My hanging was interrupted by a knock on the door. I leave the clothes on the floor and answered the door. Meagan is standing there with a box in her hand.

"Hey Alyssa, here's a new phone for you," Meagan stated as she handed me the white box that was in her hand. A phone ?

"Holy shit, thank you so much," I swore, mentally slapping myself for swearing in front of her.

She laughs. "It's okay, you can swear. Just not in front of Bronx."

I awkwardly smiled at her. She smiled down at me before closing the door. I leave my task un-done and sit on the bed. I unboxed the box and it reveals a space grey iPhone 6s Plus (y'all,,, i hate myself for this) Holy mother of God, this phone is massive. I turned it on and set it up. I downloaded all of the social media and back up my music from my iPod into the phone.

I also made a Twitter and Instagram account under the username,


I decided to put 'W' instead of 'Wentz' because they haven't announce anything to the public yet and I have to respect their privacy.

Once i'm done with my social media stuff, I resumed my clothes hanging job. Once i'm done doing that, I put my other belongings where it supposed to belong in this room.

Minutes later, Pete barges into my room asking for me to come down for dinner. I nodded and followed him to the dining area. This house is massive so it's easy for you to get lost in here.

I was greeted by some warm smiles from Meagan and Bronx. I took a seat beside the small man's high chair. The smell of warm macaroni and cheese filled through my nose.

"Are you comfortable with your room?" Pete asks as he digs his fork into the warm macaroni and cheese.

"Yeah, I love it. Thank you so much guys," I smiled. Meagan helped Bronx shoving his food into his mouth. That child will make a mess with his food.

"Tomorrow we'll going to the mall to buy you some stuff," Meagan said as she helped Bronx wipes his mouth.

"Alright, okay," I nodded as I finished chewing down my food. We finished eating dinner and I put my dirty dish in the sink.

"I love you guys," I said and I pulled them into a hug. It's my first day here and I already feel like home.

"Aww honey, we love you too," Meagan replied as I released them from the hug.

"Now go and get some sleep,we got a big day tomorrow and i'm sure you're tired," Pete said before he patted my shoulder. I smiled at them before marching up the stairs into my room.

I cleaned myself up and changed into my pyjamas consisted of a black t-shirt and black leggings. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I reached for my phone on my bed side table and scroll through my social medias and Tumblr while listening to some of The Killers greatest hits. I slowly find myself drifting away to sleep.

What a day.

By the way, the '//' between the paragraphs means time skip if you were wondering.

hannah x

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