Ron and Hermione- A Love Story

By hannahDaley23xx

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Ron and Hermione- A Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Draco Malfoy
Chapter 4- Louise Willsher
Chapter 5- Love Fight
What is love?......
Chapter 7- Draco and Hermione
3 years later
The Final Battle- part 1
The Final Battle - Part 2
It all ends- PART 1
19 years later

It all ends- PART 2

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By hannahDaley23xx

Harry went to the forbidden forest. Harry had just seen a memory, given to Harry by Proffesor Severus Snape. In that memory, Harry found out that Harry has a horcrux living inside him, and he had found out, that Harry has no choic, but to be killed by Lord Volemort himself. Harry was now on his way to the forbidden forest to face Voldemort and get it over and done with.


"My Lord, My Lord, turn round My Lord, He's here, Harry Potter has come". Bellatrix Lestrange told the dark Lord.

Harry HATED Bellatrix. Bellatrix was sister to Narcissa Malfoy, and they were both cousins to Sirius Black, And whilst Harry was in his 5th year at Hogwarts, Bellatrix had killed Sirius right infrount of his very eyes. Ever since that moment, Harry had had no intention of liking her, and he had always thought that she, somehow, fancied Voldemort, as Bellatrix always made a good impression infrount of him.

"Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived, Come to die". Lord Voldemort said.

"AVADA KEDAVRA"! Lord Voldemort shouted.

Harry suddenly opened his eyes, and was in a white, clean place, and at an instant thought it looked like king cross station, only a whole lot cleaner. Suddenly, Harry noticed a man walking towards him, with a long grey beared, and wearing grey, silky robes. It was Albus Dumbledore. (Albus Percivl Walfrick Brian Dumbledore, if you didn't know his full name).


"It's king cross you say. Well, Mabey you will be able to catch a trian"! Dumbledore said.

"Where to"? Harry said, questioning Dumbledore.

"Onwards. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who need it, More likely, Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it". Dumbledore said.

"Proffesor D-" Harry began. Then Dumbledore dissapered.

Harry then found himself back on the damp, mossy ground of the forbidden forest.


"Harry Potter is Dead, hee hee hee"! Voldemort said laughing, and all his other death eaters started laughing.

"NOOOOOOO". Ginny screamed. She had already nearly watched her brother die, she didn't want her boyfriend to be dead to.

"Yes young lady yes, Now. As Harry is dead, you will all have to follow me. I am your new master. Who is going to be joining me"? Voldemort said, looking at the last remaining members of Hogwarts and the DA.

Neville stepped forward. Limping, he went and stood in the middle of the courtyard. Everyone gasped.

"And whats your name young man"? Voldermort said, looking up and down at Neville.

"Neville Longbottom". Neville said, having the feeling of pride in his name.

"Well, I was definetly hoping for better". Voldemort said coldly. Bellatrix laughed really hard, as she had performed the cruciatus curse on Frank and Alice Longbottom, Neville's parents.

"Im not stepping forward to come and join you, you cruel git". Neville began.

"Im hear to tell you somthing actually. I've come to tell you that this battle is not over until your dead. We may have lost Harry tonight, and Remus, Tonks, Colin and many others, but the only person we don't care about loosing is you. Because the others died for a reason, for love, but you dont have any love left in you, so your going to die, and everyone will remember the day you died, as a celebration". Neville finished.

"I'd like to say something to if you don't mind you great big toss pot". Fred Weasley said, pushing his way to the frount of the crowd, and went to stand next to Neville.

"Stuff you Lord Little mr think he's the best, cos your going to be the last person to die tonight, and I agree with what Neville said, and their is one more thing that I need to say to the person who I think deserves to find out what I really think about them". Fred said.

Fred got down on one knee and pulled out a ring from his pocket. The ring was beautiful. The stone in the middle was sapphire, and it had silver crystal aroung the sapphire stone, and the ring part was gold.

"Lucy Lily Snape. Will you do the honour of beong my wife"! Fred said, and then a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Of course I will Fredrick Weasley, of course". Lucy said. Then everyone cheered.

"Right, enough of the Love story".

"You'll be the next to die Tom Marvolo Riddle". Someone's voice said. The voice was coming from in between the crowd of the Death Eaters.

"It;s Harry, It's Harry, he's alive". Ginny called.

"Yes I am, and now i'm going to destroy you Tom. I'm going to end you and all your 'cool gang' once and for all. AVADA KEDAVRA"! Harry yelled.

"AVADA KEDAVRA"! Voldemort yelled.

Then Harry and Voldemort's wands connected. Neville came running into the middle of the courtyard, and then he grabbed the sword of Godric Gryffindor, swung it, and chopped off Nagini's head. Voldemort suddenly screamed, threw his hands up in the air, and turned into a million, tiny pieces. Percy Weasley, and the rest of The DA came, and killed some more of the death eaters. Draco, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy all walked away and went home, Mrs Weasley destroyed Bellatrix, after Ballatrix tried to kill Ginny, and some more of the death eaters ran away, scared of what was happening. Everyone gave a huge cheer.

THE FIGHT WAS OFFICIALLY OVER. Harry picked up The Elder wand, and went with Ron, Hermione and the rest of the order of the phoenix and the DA to put the wand back in Dumbledore's grave.

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