Obliviate (A Harry Potter Fan...

By UnicornofHogwarts

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What if you woke up and Harry Potter had vanished from the minds of everyone but you? What would you do? Foll... More

Obliviate (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Five

125 2 6
By UnicornofHogwarts

Chapter Five:

They went inside and Jo quickly found a table, telling her friends that she would save the table, and that they could get her whatever they ended up getting, since that’s what they basically always got anyways.

She pulled out her phone and checked the list. Just as she had expected, another item had appeared. “3. Meet J. Rowling and the other quester inside.” Jo gulped and looked at the table across the room.

Her hero sat there; the woman who had written the series that had changed her whole life sat inside, so near to her, talking, not knowing that she sat there, staring at her and the surprisingly familiar woman at her side.

Who is she, Jo thought, where have I seen her? As she tried to think, the part of her brain that she liked to think thought only of Harry Potter became fuzzy. Was it at one of the many conventions she had been at? Nah, it can’t have been, maybe she’s an extra in one of the movies, that was a possibility, but she couldn’t seem to remember anyone who looked like that. Strange…But, then again, it might just be her brain messing with her Potter memories. Why did that keep on happening?

She sighed and looked at where her friends stood in line, there were several people ahead of them, so Jo decided to do as the list had told her to do.

Every step she took seemed to take an immense effort and her heart thudded in her chest as she got closer and closer. There was an empty chair at the table and she could see them laughing together. Sweat dripped down the back of her neck, which wasn’t surprising, seeing as it was close to 100 degrees outside.

“Hi,” she said as she approached the table and felt instantly stupid. Why couldn’t she have said something amazingly brilliant?

They didn’t seem to care, but both smiled.

“Hello,” J.K. Rowling, or J. Rowling as the letter had said, said in her British accent, “Are you Jo Hazel?”

“Yes,” Jo said, swallowing since her throat seemed mysteriously dry all of the sudden.

“Come sit down here,” J.K. Rowling said patting the sit next to her, “We have something to discuss.”

“My friends…” Jo said, turning around to see where they were.

“Don’t worry. Just sit down here for a moment.”

Jo sat down and suddenly the others around them froze.

“How did you do that?” Jo asked, assuming that her hero had done it.

“Oh. I have my ways. Now, children, I don’t have a lot of time, so I’ll explain some things that are essential for your trip to you quickly. First, I need to introduce you to each other, don’t I?”

Jo looked at the woman next to J.K. Rowling. Why couldn’t she remember who she was?

“Jo, this is Evanna Lynch. Evanna, this is Jo Hazel, she’s the girl who you were going to meet in Orlando.”

Jo felt stupid. Beyond stupid in fact. She felt horrible. Luna was her second favorite character after Hermione and she had admired Evanna for forever. How could she have forgotten how she looked?

“Hello,” said Evanna holding out her hand, “I was really excited to get to meet you at Orlando, but I guess now is better!”

“So was I,” Jo said, shaking her hand, “You were great in the movies.”

“Thanks. If they even exist,” Evanna said sadly.

“What’s up with that?” Jo said, mentally wincing at how American and rude she had sounded, and turned towards J.K. Rowling again.

“Well. I can’t tell you much, but I will tell you what I can,” she said and flicked a piece of her hair over her shoulder, “What I can tell you is that magic is real. The story I wrote about in Harry Potter was 99% real and now because of a terrible group of people, it no longer exists. I can’t show you it, but as you can see,” she gestured at the frozen people around them, “It is indeed real. Secondly, since this disaster happened a group has been formed - or reformed as it is. The Order of Dumbledore, as they call themselves, is a mixture of the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix, and the loyal members of Dumbledore’s Army. This Order will be helping you along with your quest, and already has, if you have both indeed received the email,” they both nodded, “Good. Thirdly, after you leave this cafe, you must go to the Dragon’s Roar. I cannot tell you more and I wish you good luck. Goodbye.”

Jo tried to protest, to beg her to tell them more, but before she had even formed the thought in her head, J.K. Rowling had stood up and walked out the door of Le Petit Gateau.

The minute she stepped outside the doors, the people began to move and talk again, not knowing that they had been frozen in time.

Jo looked up for her friends, but they were gone.

“So, what now?” she asked Evanna, who - after all - was much older than her.

 “To the Dragon’s Roar - wherever that is.”

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