Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

The next morning Jo woke up, hoping it had all been a dream.

Unfortunately, it hadn’t.

But, next to her bed lay a note in the handwriting of someone who had once willingly signed all 7 of Jo’s beloved Harry Potter books and then given her a big hug for sharing the same first name.

The note read,

  “Jo –

       Something horrible has happened. The very fate of our world rests in your hands. Follow the instructions sent to your email.

       Best of Luck,

                   J. Rowling.”

How did J.K. Rowling (since that’s who Jo thought J. Rowling must be) know that something was wrong? Well, she thought, if the world is devoid of your most popular work, then you obviously know something is wrong.

Jo sighed and checked her email. Just as the letter had said, an email had arrived.

She clicked it open excitedly and saw that there were several attachments to it.

  “Dear Ms. Joanne Hazel,

     Attached are the necessary materials for you to begin your quests. When you are finished please respond by email to us and tell us of your progress. We will then know what materials we will need to send you in our reply. Thank you for your help.


                   The Order of Dumbledore.”

No one, other than her old relatives and her teachers on the first day of school, called Jo, Joanne! She always introduced herself as “Jo Hazel,” so it was strange that the Order of Dumbledore would write to her using her birth name. Who could the Order of Dumbledore be? There wasn’t any group in Harry Potter that mentioned an Order of Dumbledore; of course there was the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army. Could this Order of Dumbledore be a combination of the two? And what about J. Rowling’s letter? How could the fate of the world rest on her shoulder? Harry Potter couldn’t be real, could it?

Jo had already faced the disappointment of knowing that the Wizarding World was fake on her 11th birthday, when her Hogwarts letter hadn’t come, but what if, what if the Wizarding World was real, what if wizards and witches and magical beasts really did exist and had been living in secret since the start of time? It was too good to imagine. But, what did any of this; the Ministry of Magic, J. Rowling and the strange Order of Dumbledore have to do with Jo or the disappearance of her precious series?

Maybe the attachments to the email could answer her questions. So, Jo carefully looked through each of the 7 different attachments, finding each of them equally interesting and intriguing.

The first document held a list, but there was only one item on it, “1. Travel to Washington D.C.” This confused her a great deal and she had no clue whether or not she should be following the instructions, since in reality, Jo was only a 15 year old girl, didn’t know how to drive and wasn’t one hundred percent sure that this could lead to any good.

She didn’t even know who was involved in the Order of Dumbledore! For all she knew they could be some weird mafia that wanted Jo killed! If they really did want to help her solve the strange things that were going on and if they really did know who she was, then they should at least know that she was only 15 for goodness sakes! A 15 year old Muggle couldn’t do anything! She thought of all of the amazing things that Harry had done by the time he was 15: found out about the Sorcerer’s Stone, and gone through the obstacles to get to it; fought a basilisk and destroyed a horcrux; created a corporeal Patronus; battled a dragon; saved his best friend from the bottom of a lake; traveled through a mysterious maze and fought Lord Voldemort. She didn’t think she could do any of those things, even with the help of magic. And let’s face it, she thought to herself, the best you’ve done is get straight A’s in 8th grade, you could never be a hero. She sighed and turned back to the documents.

After looking through the other documents, Jo came to the two non-text files; a picture and a video. The picture wasn’t especially interesting, since it was just a picture of the Hogwarts crest. But, as she thought about it, Jo realized that the picture was important, since it seemed that no one other than J. Rowling, the mysterious Order of Dumbledore and Jo remembered anything about the Harry Potter series. Maybe the Hogwarts crest could help her make people remember Harry Potter?

She decided that after she had watched the video, she would go show the picture to her family, hoping to spark hidden memories of Harry Potter. The video was basically a collection of Harry Potter fan made videos. It started off with “Harry Potter Puppet Pals,” followed by “Harry Potter in 99 seconds,” and then select scenes from StarKid’s “A Very Potter Musical,” “A Very Potter Sequel,” and “A Very Potter Senior Year.” Nothing special in last week’s world, but something very important in today’s world.

She hoped that the picture might help with her parents’ and siblings’ memories, but after she showed the picture to her mom, she lost hope.

The exchange basically went:

Jo: Do you recognize this picture? (holds up phone)

Mom: No. Did you draw it, darling? That’s beautiful.

Jo: Um. No. A friend did.

Then she left, since it hurt that her mother, the woman who had brought her to see the films since she was 6 years old, didn’t remember anything.

The same basic exchange happened with her dad – and her sister – and her brother.

This left Jo very discouraged, and she felt like this whole quest to save her beloved Harry Potter series wasn’t going anywhere.

Dinner started out as a normal event, and remained normal for those who weren’t Jo, but to Jo, her outlook changed once her Mom revealed some important information.

It all started when her mother asked her if she was excited for tomorrow, and when Jo didn’t know what was happening, told her about the trip that Jo had apparently planned with her friends, to go to Washington D.C. the next day.

Jo spent the rest of dinner grinning like the Cheshire Cat, knowing that tomorrow would be the perfect opportunity to follow the email’s steps.

Obliviate will be updated as soon as it recieves 75 reads, 10 votes, and 25 comments (This isn't because I'm mean, it's just so that I'll have time to write more, so that I don't post all the chapters I've written and get stuck because I haven't got any more chapters!). Thanks and I hope you enjoyed it!

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