The Spirit Inside

By Just_Kellie

566 21 25

Right now Lucy's life is ordinary, after her Mother's death 2 years ago Lucy has come to terms with the fact... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Taking a Break
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New book!
New Book

Chapter 24

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By Just_Kellie

Hia! Getting close to the end 😫 I don't think that there will be a sequel because I have no other ideas for a second book but that might change.

Chapter 24

Normal POV

A brilliant flash blinded the friends and in the boys place was a blue feathered bird, who's colours resembled the pattern of a wave.

The friends stared at the figure on the roof, the hybrids had stopped at his presence. None of them dared to move. "I'm surprised you six made it this far, however this is as far as you go".

They know that voice, it belongs to someone they all know very well. His wave like blue eyes couldn't be faked. "An-Antonio? What are you doing?" Lucy asked hurt evident in her voice.

He gave her an evil grin, "what does it look like I'm doing? As you can see, I'm not the same person you know. In fact I have changed". I an instant Lucy's heart shattered into a thousand pieces

"But... It was only a short time. How can you betray your own friends and family?" Dan asked furious that his friend betrayed then. Antonio laughed coldly, his cruel laughter ran through the friends heads. Taunting then.

"I didn't betray my family. My father leads Spiritual Realm. Yes I'm mad that he did such awful things to me but I looked past that".

None of them had a word to say. "Do you not remember what he did to Rick? How he killed him!" Suddenly another figure appeared beside Antonio, a cross between a horse and an eagle.

A Gryphon, golden feathers and fur covering its body. "Antonio knows the misery I put him and his friend through. However one of my newest members has a certain ability to brainwash and it works quite well, don't you think?"

They had all heard enough, it was time to attack. Phil was the first one to move running full speed towards the building. "*sigh* Antonio deal with this mess please. I have more important things to worry about".

In an instant the Gryphon disappeared off the roof leaving only Antonio. He took to the air and started to fly towards the friends but mainly Phil. Oh no you don't, Lucy thought as she took to the air as well.

"Hey, Antonio. Come and fight someone equal to yourself!" Lucy yelled at her mate, she hated fighting him but she had to save her friends.

Antonio turned his attention to the Fire Phoenix in front of him and he stopped in his tracks. "Lucy Baxter Jensen, the girl that shouldn't even exist in this world, and your Spirit, Blayze. The Phoenix that shouldn't be bonded to you" he was reading her like a book.

Every emotion and thought he read, "Antonio please, I don't want to fight you. I can't hurt the ones I care for" she tried to avoid violence but Antonio had other plans.

All of the sudden a powerful jet of water hit Lucy on the wing, she started to fall but quickly recovered and flew back up to him. She tried to reach him through his mind, but it was blank.

He's shut himself off, I can't reach him. Antonio please... You have to save yourself. She unwillingly formed a fire ball between her wings and with a powerful beat of her wings the fireball went flying forward.

It hit Antonio sending him flying backwards, he stopped and his eyes filled with rage. He stepped up on his attacks, first sending another jet of water, then forming a waterfall of water towards Lucy.

She dodged to the best of her ability and tried to ignore her fighting friends who seemed to be handling things well. She used most her strength to gather all the power she could muster and bring forth Blayze.

Blayze took over and controlled every move Lucy made. She could see that Antonio was letting Canto take control as well so it was a fair fight.

This was the first time that Blayze and Canto would talk to each other. "Canto! Listen to me! You need to stop! I never thought a Phoenix would be cruel! Your hurting everyone!" Blayze screamed at him and she heard a tear drop.

An empty space surrounded by darkness surrounded her and on the other side in the light was Canto. "I know I'm hurting others but I can't stop. He has-" Canto was cut off by another voice. "I have control of him. Canto tries to resit but the only way you can cure a brainwashed person is defeat them in battle and Antonio won't lose".

It was true, Antonio was stronger because he had developed that way from being tortured everyday. This fight wasn't going to be easy.

"Canto please, talk sense into Antonio. He's forcing Lucy to fight, she doesn't want to. Please Canto open your heart! Take control!"

Blayze was taken out of the empty space and was placed back in the fight. Lucy and Antonio attacked each other non stop. Getting a few hits in each time.

He had been silent for a while now, no contact was made only the sounds of fire and water clashing was heard. Lucy knew she had one last chance to attack as she had used most of her power already. She had to make this count.

She started to encase herself in her own flame and soon she was cocooned in burning hot flame. Antonio didn't react, he wanted to see if she would have the heart to do it. Lucy forced herself to fly toward Antonio at full speed.

Antonio's eyes widened and fear was set like stone in his eyes and it nearly made Lucy freeze but she knew she had to do it, for Antonio.

She lowered her head and it made contact with Antonio's feathered chest. He stopped beating his wings, he closed his eyes and started falling to the ground.

"No! This can't be! Antonio can't be beaten... He can't!" His father yelled in Lucy's mind "sorry but he lost and I won" Lucy stated.

A loud thump met her ears and she looked down to see a beautiful blue Phoenix lying on the grass in a heap. Lucy dove towards her fallen boy, she landed near him, transformed and ran for him.

He transformed himself and the flash left a battered and bruised boy. His eyes still closed his pale skin was covered with cuts and now forming bruises.

"Antonio... I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I love you so much, please come back to me", Lucy wept as she fell to her knees and rested her head on his chest.

Tears started to fall down her face as she cried. She sobbed, then she felt a hand placed on her head. She looked up and saw that Antonio had opened his eyes, they were different to before.

Instead of the rage and hate that filled them moments ago was now replaced with his kind and caring personality. "Hey beautiful. Why are you crying?" He asked weakly.

Why was she crying? She had just set him free, so why was she crying? "I- I thought I had lost you... For good" she admitted, never breaking the eye contact she had with him.

"You would never lose me. I'm sorry for the pain I have caused you. I understand if you can't forgive me. But know this Lucy, I stayed strong the entire time because I thought of you. I love you so much Lucy" he whispered.

She let the rest of her tears fall and she hugged him tight. "I love you too Antonio" she broke the tight embrace she had started and kissed his lips softly.

He wiped away the few stray tears that still stained Lucy's face. "Please don't cry. You have done enough crying, you deserve to be happy and free from tears" he spoke softly and Lucy nodded "I'm just so glad that soon this will all be over".

But the biggest shock and battle of all was about to unfold. The untold story of one of the seven friends past is about to be revealed and many more secrets wait to be discovered.
So how was that? Best battle soon to come 😆

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