Her Price (on hold)

By LaLa87

310K 4.3K 309

"So Sweetheart, What's your price?" I hear a drunkenly dark voice ask. I turn and look at the man talking to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

8.8K 343 23
By LaLa87

I take a few steps back trying to put some distance between us. My body is still brimming with adrenaline from his fake attack.

I take a closer look at Aiden and something is different.

He looks odd....Not himself. I look in his eyes and they look sunken and empty.

That's weird. I think to myself.

While I've been appraising him he has been watching me never breaking his stare. Something is wrong.

Now that my heart rate has come down a little I steady myself more. I ignore my instincts and ask "What else did you want to talk to me about?"

He doesn't move or twitch or talk. He just keeps staring at me. I furrow my brow.

"Aiden!" I demand

That seems to knock him out of whatever trance he was in. He blinks once.

"I'm going on a trip for about a week and I felt it my duty to give you a little more information on our situation, so you can be cautious in my absence."

I don't like the sound of this, but I nod slightly letting him know to continue. Any way to get him out of my house and away from me is welcome.

I stand by the bathroom door and watch as he walks around my room looking at everything. He doesn't voice any thoughts on what he sees and I don't ask.

"As you know any vampire or creature you come across will recognize you as a Drudge. Most creatures will know to back off but there is a small chance one will recognize my mark and attack you."

"I already know this Aiden." I interrupt bitchily.

He stops looking at my room and turns to me with a frown.

But I'm still pissed off at him for about giving me a heart attack so it does little to intimidate me.

He eyes me wearily. "Like I was saying, there is a small chance you may be attacked because of it and I wanted to let you know if that happens there are a few ways you can defend yourself."

My eyes widen at that little bit of info but I don't comment. He sees my expression and smirks a little knowing I'm curious.


He slowly begins to stroll towards me. My body stiffens automatically. But I somehow manage to keep my facial expression blank.

He stops about a foot from me. I crane my neck back and look him in the eye. His pupils dilate just slightly and if I hadn't been looking at him I wouldn't have noticed it at all.

"I can't simply tell you how to protect yourself...." I go to ask why but before I can open my mouth his face is an inch from mine.

I squeak and jump back at his abrupt movement. But it barely puts any distance between us.

His smirk grows into a grin and he corners me. It feels like my heart is beating out of my chest and not in a good way. The look in Aiden's eyes is different, more predatory. I don't recognize this man standing in front of me. He looks like....well.....A Vampire.

"I have to show you." He whispers.

I can see the tip of two pearly white fangs in his mouth and I feel my throat go dry. I gulp loudly and don't move a muscle. I'm too petrified.

He leans down and runs his nose up my neck while inhaling. I close my eyes as goosebumps pop out all over my body. This is not a nice feeling. I would describe the feeling as the equivalent of being sniffed by a massive Grizzly Bear.

In other words it's just plain Terrifying!

I then feel his hot breath on my face but I don't open my eyes. I'm too afraid of what I might see.

Out of nowhere the breath is gone. I stand completely still for a few seconds and slowly peel my eyes open. I look around my room and Aiden is nowhere to be seen.

The window is still open. He must have changed his mind and left.

That's odd. I think to myself.

I take a step towards my bedroom door and before I can take another a familiar arm wraps around my shoulders pulling me against a hard body. All the breath leaves my lungs at the slam and my hands automatically reach up gripping the arm holding me hostage.

A deep voice whispers in my ear "Wrong move Sweetheart." I'm suddenly on my back on the floor with a smirking Aiden looming above me.

"Lesson 1. Always be alert to your surroundings. I was in the corner of your room. Vampires and few creatures can absorb themselves into shadows to stay hidden. So stay away from dark places if possible"

My eyes are wide and my breathing is rapid.

He lowers a hand to me and I get up by myself without accepting his help. I am terrified and enraged.

"Don't look at me like that Lexa. This is the only way to show you what your up against." He says in a serious voice. Actually his voice is always serious so I should say in his normal voice.

My whole body is trembling. He looks me over and then he attacks again. This time he wraps one hand around my throat and forces me into the wall beside my bed. His other hand is around my back and takes most of the impact. He tilts my head exposing my throat to him. Both of my hands are on his chest trying to push him away.

"Lesson 2. If you're attacked by a blood-sucking creature, Vampire or Other, This is the most common position you will find yourself in. Because you are human they will underestimate you.... which is a very good thing."

To me it doesn't feel like a good thing. I feel helpless and weak. And I'm still massively terrified of Aiden now. He continues speaking ignoring my fear.

"If you find yourself in this position there are a few moves that may stun your attacker long enough for you to run away. Just like humans all creatures have vulnerable spots. My first suggestion would be to go for the eyes. DO NOT HESITATE!

If any creature attacks you they won't spare you or give you mercy so you must do the same. If you cant reach they're eyes there is one other thing that works on most creatures. You can probably guess which one it is, especially if the creature is male but it will also work on most females as well."

I understand immediately what he means. He wants me to knee someone in the crotch. I nod my head in understanding.

He slowly releases my neck and moves his other arm from around me. He takes a step back still watching me.

I stand still and watch him cautiously. I don't trust him for a minute and my attraction to him is dying out being replaced by fear.

He turns his head towards the window and looks at his watch. "My time is up here. Remember my lessons and try to stay out of trouble." He looks back up at me and I squeak out "I will."

He strolls to the window leisurely. I take a few steps to my bed and sit down. I look back up at the window once I reach my bed and he's gone.

I let out a huge breath and lay down on my back. I rub my neck where his mark is and I can still feel the raised skin under my fingers. I lower my hands to my stomach and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and release them steadily telling myself over and over that he's gone for now and I'm safe.

After about 5 minutes I feel my heart beat return to normal. I begin to feel tired. I adjust my body slightly getting a little more comfortable.

Something is tickling my side. I shift a little and it stops.

I begin to drift off again and again I feel something tickling my side.

I open my eyes and on top of me is a grinning Aiden!

What the Fuck?

Before I can voice that thought his lips are on mine. His hands are holding my arms above my head. His lips are aggressive and rough. He licks my bottom lip trying to get me to open my mouth I suspect. But I don't go for it. This asshole broke into my house and terrorized my for an hour! That shit just doesn't go away.

I hear him growl against my lips but I still don't open. He lowers one hand still holding both of mine hostage with the other and jerks my leg around his hip pressing his hard-on into me. I gasp and try to jerk my head to side but he takes that opportunity to sink his tongue into my mouth.

Oh God! After that all thoughts of resistance fled my brain. I gave up my free will and returned the favor by licking his tongue with my own. I hear him growl against my mouth and the sound vibrates through me. He plunders my mouth with his own and again pushes his manhood against my sensitive place. A deep guttural moan makes it way out of my throat.

I feel dazed and euphoric. I feel him kissing his way around my jaw down my throat and he licks his mark on my neck I gasp and my body jerks. I feel a delicious electricity shoot through me. He nuzzles my neck and then I feel a sharp sting.

I expect the pain to get worse but instead I feel pleasure coursing through my body at every pull of his mouth. His tongue is constantly swiping my neck and I'm moaning repeatedly. I'm wiggling trying to get as close as possible and his hand is still holding both of mine above my head. His other hand is gripping my ass,pulling me into him.

Then all at once it stops. My hands are free and I automatically reach to grip Aiden but all I feel is air. I open my eyes and look around and he's nowhere to be seen. My window is closed so I know for sure he is gone this time.

I take big gulping breaths and pull myself out of bed and run to the bathroom. All that's running through my mind is "How could I let that happen and participate?...I'm such an Idiot!" All I can think to do is take a shower to get myself together.

I constantly wash my hair and body but no matter how hard I scrub I can still smell Aiden and it's driving me crazy with desire. After about an hour I can't smell him anymore. I get out the shower and wrap a towel around myself. When I open the bathroom door I scream my head off.

"LEXA!...CALM DOWN IT'S ME!" I blink my eyes and realize Anna is standing in front of me looking panicked. I take a deep breath and lean against the door jamb.

I have got to get a grip on myself.........

if your over 18 the restricted chapter is on my profile.

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