Chapter 17

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Anna came rushing over and grabbed my arms and led me to the bed. I slumped down and tried to come up with a plausible excuse to give her.

"Lexa! What is the matter with you? " I wince from her voice. I take a deep breath and reply "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in and it scared me. I just took a nap and was a little disoriented."

Anna looks doubtful and eyes me wearily. I try to keep an earnest expression on my face and after a moment she relaxes her posture slightly and it seems she buys the excuse.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense. I came over to tell you that we are going out tonight and before you turn me down I will remind you that you have not gone out with me the last 2 times I asked you."

The expression on her face is determined and I know if I don't willingly agree she will make me go. But after the "Chat" I had with Aiden I really don't want to tempt fate and possibly get hurt or killed just because I wanted to party.

"What exactly do you have planned? and where?" I ask . If I'm gonna be bullied into going out I am at least going to know exactly what I need to be prepared for.

Anna preened at me only hearing me accept to go out. "Well....I thought we would go back to Nightwalker's." At the skeptical look on my face Anna goes on to explain. "We can get dressed up and dance and drink and just hang out.And Travis will be coming with us so we won't have to worry about any guys pestering us!"

At the mention of Travis going I relax slightly, but I'm still weary. Anna sees my reluctance. "Come on Anna! Please!" She pushes out her bottom lip in a pout. I roll my eyes. "Okay Anna" A huge smile lights up her face, but before she can say anything I throw in "But, you have to promise me we will all stay together tonight and not separate and leave me alone."

Anna's face changes to concerned. "Lexa is there something you want to tell me? Why are you so .......cautious now?" I jerk my head in the negative. "I think the attack in the woods not far from here still has me on edge. I just have a bad feeling." Anna nods her head understandingly and pull me into a hug. She pats my back and assures me. "Don't worry Anna I won't let anything happen and we will all stay together tonight I promise."

Somehow I hold in a sob. I blink my eyes repeatedly to keep any tears from leaking out. My emotions are all over the place lately. She slowly releases me and I paste a smile on my face. "Alright." She says authoritatively. "I'm gonna go home and get ready and I suggest you do the same. I told Travis to meet me here at 8 so that gives us about an hour and a half to get ready."

I nod my head and Anna leaps off the bed and shoots me a smile as she leaves. My answering smile falls as she leaves and I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I slowly get off the bed and make my way to my closet to pick out an outfit.

Please don't let anything bad happen tonight.


Sorry It's short but I haven't had a lot of time to write much but hopefully I'll have another chapter up tonight!

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