How to Train Your Dragon Slay...

By DarlingAsta

36.2K 758 205

After Natsu is struck by a mysterious spell on a mission something strange happens...he turns into a dragon... More

Natsu The Dragon
Wondering Dragon
Can you hear me?
Baby Dragon
Pet Dragon?
Christmas Special
The Collar
The Search
Dragon Wings
Got some work to do
How Will You Get Him Back
Final Battle
Reversal of the Heart
Halloween Special
What Do You Want to See Next? (AN)
Btw theres a squel now

What The??

3.4K 58 9
By DarlingAsta

A/N This fanfic is just for shits and giggles. I came up with this idea when I was playing an old Spyro game of mine one of the player models in the game is a small pink dragon (Ember) my mind went straight to the idea of it being a baby dragon version of Natsu.... and then this happened... so yeah. Enjoy~

Natsu was stuck staring into black nothingness, it took him longer then it should have to realize that his eyes weren't open. With far to much effort he was able to raise his eyelids, his eyes darted around and he saw that he was in some type of huge forest with trees that towered over him.

He attempted to get up but his whole body protested any movement he made. 'What the hell is wrong with me' the dragon slayer thought as he once again tried to push himself off the ground. "Ugh" he let out a small grunt of discomfort as he rose up to be on all fours. Finally being somewhat able to move Natsu tried to pull himself onto to his feet... that's when he noticed something was wrong.

The fire mage was able to to stand on two feet but his spin protested moving that way and he couldn't force himself to stand up straight. He stumbled back down to all fours having lost his balance. He then noticed a strange wait on his back. Natsu's eyes narrowed in confusion and he moved his head to look at his back, of course he couldn't actually find away to look directly at his back and instead wound up spinning in circles on all fours. He sighed and glanced down at his hands-.... paws he glanced down at his paws. Wait what?

"THE HELL" The young mage shouted, he dipped his head down to look between his... front legs, he was met with the sight of a scaly stomach, backs legs and he was able to see a long tail slowly waving side to side behind him. "WHAT IS HAPPENING" Natsu screamed as he shot his head back up, he suddenly found himself running straight stumbling slightly over his small yet agile legs. A small pound came in to focuses and the young dragon slayer had to slam down on his back legs in order to avoid falling in.

He slowed to a stop and was now sitting on the edge of the pound. Hesitantly Natsu looked down towards his reflection, "oh" was the only sound that he could muster. He was a dragon, and no not the epic adult giant dragons who could crush an entire city. He was a small, far less ferocious baby dragon. Believe it or not dragons don't start off as monstrous beast it takes hundreds of thousands of years for them to reach the glorious size and strength that dragons like Igneel posses. Instead they start off as tiny hatchlings about the size a normal lizard, Natsu wasn't that small though, no he was a welpling slightly larger then a house cat but not as big as an average dog.

The newly found dragon welpling study his features, his scales where a dark pink color, slightly darker colored spins stood on top of his head between two smooth caramel colored horns, his chest plate reached almost up to his neck then ran below his stomach it was a lighter shade of caramel, more of a tan color. Slowly Natsu moved himself so he could view the rest of his body in the reflection. His chest plate reached to his tail but ended shortly after words, on the tip of his tail he had a small ridged darkly colored spike, his wings weren't very big, the bones of his wings the same pinky red color but the membrane matched the tan color of his chest plates.

Natsu gulped and backed away from his reflection, he could feel his heart pick up speed and his breath came out as short panicked gasps.


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