Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)

By Lava_Star95

55.7K 1.8K 883

Lavanya (Lava for short) is a 17 year old girl she grew up in New York until her mother died in a car acciden... More

Lavanya Stars
Chpt. 1 The Begining (edited)
Chpt. 2 School (Edited)
Chpt. 3 Vince
Chpt. 4 Help! Mrs. Darby!
Chpt. 5 No Not HIM!!
Chpt. 6 The Autobots
Chpt. 7 My Guardian
Chpt. 8 Where are your parents?
Chpt. 9 Wheeljack?
AN: I'm Sorry
Chpt. 11 The Escape
Chpt. 12 Thank you
Not A Chapter But A Thank You Note
Chpt. 13 What now?!
Chpt. 14 You're Leaving?
Chpt. 15 What's Happening!
Chpt. 16 Can you be my sire?
Chpt. 17 O COME ON!!!
Chpt. 18 Doc's Discovery
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20 The Test (For lack of a better title)
OH MY PRIMUS (Not A Chpt.)
Chpt. 21 An Explanation
Chpt. 22
Chpt. 23
Chpt. 24 It Has Begun
Chpt. 25 Let the hunt continue!!
Chpt. 26
Chpt. 27

Chpt. 10 What am I?

1.8K 70 29
By Lava_Star95

---On the Nemesis 3rd P.O.V. (betcha didn't expect that did yay?)-----

Soundwave had hacked into Wheeljack's com and was playing the conversation between Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

"A war hero, hmm?" pondered Starscream, " We haven't much time. Makeshift!" He calls to a dark colored bot that had previously been standing in the corner. Said bot walks over and Soundwave shoots his tentacle like things out at him. He plugs them into Makeshift. Makeshift's form starts to change and soon he looks like a different. "I too know how to prepare a proper welcome." Starscream then starts doing a really bad evil laugh, but then a St3v3 comes in.

"Lord Starscream, we are detecting a strange beacon, in a desert sector of this planet." St3v3 informs Starscream.

"What's so strange about it?" Starscream questions.

"That's the strange thing we don't know we are just picking up a signal. It could be energon, it could be an Autobot or it might be a fellow Decepticon. It can't be identified only detected." St3v3 explained.

"Grrrr" Starscream growled. "Fine Soundwave go inspect the source of the signal, Makeshift and the vehicons will ambush thisWheeljack while he is not expecting it but we must hurry we will not have a huge advantage. Now go!" Starscream gave his commands and everycon left to do so.

----- Ratchet's P.O.V. skip back to soon after he dropped Lava off----

I dropped Lavanya off and headed back to base. That femme really grinds my gears she is so fragging annoying. Why did I have to be her guardian. At least she doesn't live far from base so that makes things a little bit easier.

I got back to base and transformed I needed recharge. I went to my berthroom to do so. I laid down, but I couldn't shut down. Lavanya's word kept going over and over in my mind. 'Did she really think of herself as nothing but a problem. I mean, yeah, she is annoys me, but all the kids do and if anything she annoys me the least. She has a tendency to stay quiet and not bother me while I'm working, unlike Miko. Scrap she really has grown on me.' I sighed aloud.

I will go get her tomorrow, not only because Optimus would want me to because she is my charge, but because she is my charge and therefore my responsibility, and I take my responsibilities seriously.

-----Lava's P.O.V.-----

My head was still hurting, but it was only a dull ache not a full on migraine. I went to shift, but I realized I was actually hanging from chains that were wrapped around my arms. I panicked. Where was I? how did I get here? I thrashed around trying to somehow loosen the chains, but I only made them tighter.

Suddenly, a huge door opened and a Cybertronian walked in it was a little taller than Doc, but it also looked like it had high heels on. I wonder if it is a femme. Wait femme? what?

"Finally you're awake" It said in a high pitched voice. I wince at the pitch. Yep definitely a femme. "Now we have brought you here for a specific reason. you are giving of a strange signal, and you have been seen recently with the Autobot scum. So I have two questions for you. I will only give you one chance to answer." As she was talking she paced around the room in front of me.

I spotted a symbol on his chest that was similar to the autobots but somehow looked more menacing. I mentally gasped. this must be a decepticon. That means...! I froze. I was kidnapped by the decepticons the very cybertronians that the Autobots are fighting against and the ones that destroyed Cybertron. Their home.

While I was thinking all this over I didn't notice The femme walk over to a table full of prong looking things. She then walks toward me.

"Where is the Autobot base?" she asked scratching me with her sharp digit-- wait a sec where did I get digit from?! "and what are you? because you definitely are not human."

I look up at her shocked. I'm not human? Then what the pit am I?! Wait Pit? what is pit? I've never heard these terms before. Where are they coming from?! Nevermind I will worry about that later.

I turn my attention back to the Femme, "I have no Idea, but I do have one question." I say. I'm trying to stall, for what I don't know. The Autobots wouldn't worry about me. I only cause problems for them. I'm not worth a rescue that's for sure.

"Yes, what is it?" The femme asks me her voice dropping lower in pitch. Huh maybe it is a mech or maybe it is homosexual. I don't know, that isn't important right now.

"I have a problem with the customer service around here can I speak with the manager?" I say with a slight fake smirk. I try and look brave, but really it is all fake. On the inside I am screaming with fear. I wish someone would just get me out of here. Suddenly the con stabbed my shoulder with his digit. I with held a scream. I learned a long time ago that screaming only encourages the one inflicting the pain.

The con pulled it's digit out and was about to ask me again but froze and appeared to be staring off into space. The con soon came back to earth and glared at me. I winced.

"I will be back to get my answer," with that The con turned around and walked out.

I hung there for what seemed to be hours, but it probably was only one or two at the most. I was trying not to pass out because I knew enough about that if I fell asleep. I probably would not wake up from blood loss. I was becoming very light headed, when suddenly there was a loud commotion coming from somewhere outside the room I was in. The door then opened and somebot ran in and the door quickly slid shut almost as if the bot was hiding.

"W-w-who-o a-are y-you" I ask the new bot my voice shaky and hoarse from being here so long, also from exhaustion. He (I am assuming from what I can see of his body shape it is a he) jumps slightly and spins around to face me. I chuckle slightly, "You have no need to be afraid of me. If anything I should be afraid of you." I tell him, I then fall into a dizzying coughing fit. He walks forward toward me so he is in the light.

"The names Wheeljack."

AN: Hey y'all here is the next chapter thank you all so much for reading my story. I am glad that people actually read my story. I have over 360 view that's So COOL!!!!!!! Thank You all so much Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You ect.

Now the person who guessed last chapters song correctly was prowlerfruitbat1120 !!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

Now here is this weeks song. Also I have a new idea if you guys want to pm me song Ideas I might be willing to use them and I would say who suggested it you just wouldn't be able to guess. You don't have to. It's just a way to get you guys more involved. Anyway here is the song.

go ahead and ask her
For happy ever after
'Cause nobody knows what's coming
So why not takea chance on loving?
Come on, pour the glass and tempt me
Either half-full or half-empty
'Cause if it all comes down to flavor
The glass is tipping in my favor
Life gave me lemonade, and I can't imagine why
Born on a sunny day, beneath a tangerine sky
I live life without pretending
I'm a sucker for happy endings
Thanks for the lemonade
Thanks for the lemonade
Thanks for the lemonade

Have fun!!!

Till All Are One


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