Law and Order SVU: The Child...

נכתב על ידי alexisdevonne7

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When Olivia Benson arrived in family court earlier than she needed to be there she never expected to be leavi... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

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נכתב על ידי alexisdevonne7

Chapter 6: Accidental Discovery

After what seemed like hours of crying together on the floor Olivia convinced Genesis to let her take her to the hospital. She loosely wrapped her hand in a towel and helped her to the car. Genesis was still begging for death, and Olivia was devastated.

"Let me die. Let me die. Let me die". She repeated over and over in the car.

Tears continued to trickle down her face. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She wanted so much to die. She hated the life inside of her. She continued to think about the pile of shit her life had just dumped on her. When Olivia spoke.

"I think you need to talk to someone" Olivia said, exhaling.

"What?!No way!" Genesis snapped.

"Well you're not talking to me." Olivia said dryly.

"I do talk to you momma..." She whispered.

"Then what was that about?"

"I-I can't tell you..."

"Why not?"

Olivia pulled over, and cut the engine. She turned to face Genesis in the car.

"What is it? What is it you think you can't tell me?"She begged.

Genesis could see how much she was hurting and she didn't want to hurt her mother but she couldn't tell her this. How could she? It wasn't fair. The woman had opened her heart to her, and dealt with her craziness, and now this? No it wasn't fair. She had to handle this alone.

"I want to tell you...I-I just can't. You have changed your whole life for me. I'll ruin everything! Again!" She said burying her face in her hands.

"What is it Gen? Please just tell me. I know you're still holding back. But why?" Olivia begged to be let it.

She placed her hands over Genesis', pulling them down so she could look in her eyes. She hated to be shut out, again.

"I'd rather be dead! Please don't make me do this!" Genesis cried.

"Would you rather talk to Huang? What is going on?" Olivia pressed again.

"Momma please! Don't make me! I don't want to! I'll kill myself!" Genesis said yanking off her seatbelt, and bolting from the car.

She took off down the street. She had no sense of direction she just ran, and ran until she felt like her lungs were gonna burst. She fell to the ground crying, and wrapped her arms around herself. Strangers on the street staring at her.

"Are you ok kid?" A stranger asked.

"Move away from her please"Olivia said firmly.

Seconds later she felt herself in a hold that had become familiar in the past month, and she didn't fight it as her mother lifted her into her arms. She leaned into her mothers arms wrapping her arms around her neck. Olivia spoke to her in hushed tones as she carried her back to the car.

"It's ok sweetie let's get your hand taken care of ok?"

"I'm so tired mommy." She said softly. "So sick and tired"

Olivia kissed her forehead as she strapped her into the front seat.

"I'm gonna help you baby just hold on." Olivia said, worry edged in her tone.

By the time they reached the hospital Olivia was more than worried for Genesis' state of mind.

"C'mon sweetheart were gonna get your hand seen to" Olivia said lifting Genesis from the car.

"Someone help me please!" Olivia shouted as she came through the emergency room doors.

"What do we got?" A nurse asked.

"She put her hand through a mirror at home." Olivia stated.

"We need a gurney over here!" The nurse shouted.

Two orderlies rushed a gurney over, and Olivia placed her onto it.

Genesis locked her arms around Olivia's neck dragging her down with her.

"It's ok. I'll be with you the whole time" Olivia said.

"Promise?"Genesis asked looking into Olivia's eyes.

"Yes baby I promise."

They were wheeled into an ER bay, where the nurses removed the blood soaked towel. They placed her hand on sterile towels, rinsed the blood off her hand with saline water, and started to remove the bits of glass embedded into her knuckles. 18 stitches, a finger splint, and a mild sedative later Olivia was by her side in room 207 watching her sleep.

Olivia was still wondering what could have brought her daughter to this. She still remembered the way Genesis had freaked out when they tried to remove her clothes.


"Ok sweetheart were just going to put you in a hospital gown now"A nurse said.

When the nurse reached the hem of Genesis' shirt she lost it. She started kicking and screaming.


Genesis kicked an orderly, bit a nurse, and tried to snatch out her IV. Olivia requested they let her put her in the hospital gown.

"What if I put this on you?" Olivia asked searching her daughters eyes.

Genesis nodded.

Olivia slowly lifted Genesis' shirt and thats when she saw the bruises on her stomach. Bruises that hadn't been there before. She decided she would question her about it later, and slipped the gown on.

End flashback.

Dr. Goldman knocked on the door before letting himself in.

"She's still resting comfortably I see" He said glancing over the girl. "You may consider a psychiatric hold."

Olivia ignored the last comment, sighing in relief.

"It's the most rested she's been today" Olivia said quietly.

"I'll send around the hospital psychiatrist when she comes too" He said before leaving the room.

Olivia kissed Genesis on the forehead as she started to stir. Genesis rubbed her eyes with her left hand, shortly discovering her right was bandaged. She yawned, sighed and looked at Olivia.

"Where are we?" She asked hoarsely.

Olivia gave her hand a light squeeze.

"Were at the hospital sweetie."

"N-no! I wanna g-go home now!" Genesis said eyes wide with fear.

'Mom knows. She knows now. I'm fucked!' she thought.

"Hey hey hey. What's the matter?" Olivia said calmly.

"You know mom. I know you know. So just start yelling at me! Beat me, something!"Genesis said.

Olivia crinkled her eyebrows, and wondered if maybe Genesis wasn't one hundred percent lucid.

"Honey...I don't know what you're talking about" Olivia said sitting next to her on the bed.

"I know they told you!" Genesis said ripping out her IV

She kicked off the covers, and stood on shaky legs. Nausea overwhelmed her, and she darted to the bathroom. She wretched into the toilet, and felt Olivia behind her rubbing her back and holding her hair.

"Its ok...take deep and out...moms here... I've got you" Olivia said.

Genesis lay head rested on one arm, draped across the toilet seat, panting.

" it stop..." She groaned weakly.

"What brought this on baby? Your stomach is really rolling huh?" Olivia asked.

"Mhm" She said.

She rocked back and forth as she felt another wave of nausea and she clutched the toilet lid as another stream of vomit flowed from her body. She started to cry then, and she begged for death. Once she felt the nausea had passed she stood, wiped her mouth with the tissue her mom offered, and stood, flushing the toilet.

"Help me please" She asked motioning toward the bed.

Olivia wrapped her arm around her waist and helped her back into the bed, laying next to her. She stroked her hair.

"Are you feeling better?"

"My throat is scratchy" She cleared her throat "But I don't feel sick anymore"

"You didn't force it just now did you?" Olivia asked.

"No. I swear." Genesis said shaking her head.

Genesis lay quietly next to her mother thinking about that stupid baby. The baby that was forced on her, the baby she didn't want. The baby the baby the baby. She began thinking about how she could get rid of it. She had to get rid of it even if it meant her own life.

"What are you thinking about?" Olivia asked.

"Nothing." Genesis said turning away from Olivia.

Olivia turned her back to face her.

"Don't shut me out. Please. You get a crease in your forehead when you're thinking really hard about something. Why were you punching yourself in the stomach? I understand your first instinct is to push me away because no one has ever really loved you. But I do. I'm not going anywhere. Please talk to me." Olivia beseeched her.

"I know you love me mom. I love you too. But you don't deserve to put up with this. I want to tell you but I can't." Genesis said taking hold of her mothers hand.

Olivia opened her mouth to argue but was cut off with a short knock on the door.

"Hello Genesis. I'm Dr. Kerns." The woman said extending her hand.

Genesis eyed the woman cautiously, then rolled her eyes.
The woman dropped her hand back to her side.

"Genesis don't be rude" Olivia scolded her.

"Sorry mom" She grumbled.

"Oh, you're the mother? Genesis I'm the hospital psychiatrist, and I heard you put your hand through a mirror. Would you like to talk about that?" Dr. Kerns asked.

Genesis rolled her eyes. She didn't want to talk about this. She just wanted to go home and get rid of the small intrusion of her life. She shook her head.

"Thank you for coming to see me but I'm fine honestly. I just want to get released." Genesis politely.

"I'll see what I can do about that. But there's no harm in us talking is there? Would you be more comfortable if your mother left the room?"

Olivia interjected then.

"I'm not going anywhere" She said holding Genesis' hand tighter.

"I can talk in front of my mom. I just don't have anything to say" Genesis said.

She turned towards her mother.

"Mom can we go?" She asked hopefully.

"I'll ring a nurse." Olivia said.

Dr. Kerns edged forward.

"If you need to talk to anyone. Here's my card feel free to make an appointment" She said offering a card.

With one last wave, and smile Dr. Kerns left the room.

Genesis tucked the card away, and stood when her mother brought out her clothes from the closet. After she dressed herself with the help of her mother, she was ready to go. The ride home was silent, and rather tense.

Once they got inside Olivia went to the bathroom, and Genesis went to lay down in her room.

When Olivia finished in the bathroom, she was washing her hands at the sink, and she glanced down and saw a wad of tissue in the trashcan. What caught her eye was a purple cap sticking out of one end of the wad. She reached for it, and removed the tissue. 'A pregnancy test?' she thought. She turned it over and saw that ill fated word.


She put it all together then. Genesis having a breakdown, her reluctance to open up, and her being sick at the hospital.

"Oh my God" She gasped.

She left the bathroom, and pushed Genesis' door open finding her in a deep sleep. She walked over, and layed down beside her daughter pressing a kiss to her hair.

Genesis sighed contentedly in her sleep, and snuggled closer to her mother. Olivia whispered.

"Why couldn't you tell me? Did you think I wouldn't understand?"

Olivia knew in order fully to gain her daughters trust she would have to trust her. She knew it was time to tell Genesis her story.

They have come pretty far in the first month! Does anyone want me to write out Gen's adoption? Give us all a little happiness before the real "fun" starts? Reviews are love! C'mon and hit the button :)

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