Sacred Butterfly | Adrien Agr...

By animerocks00

706 23 17

According to everyone else, you're just a normal girl that came over from Japan to study abroad. You're smart... More

The Bookworm~1

684 23 17
By animerocks00

When riding for 12-13 hours on a cramped plane, it really does have some effect. As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, all of the passengers began to make their exit.

You exited the plane silently, being extra careful so that you don't bump into anyone on the way.

It would probably cause that person to get mad--then that person would cause a scene--then everyone would watch you--and someone might call the police-then--they'll force you back!

Now, you were panicking. Your social anxiety was acting up again. You've never really adored big crowds or the audience, you'd rather stay at home any day.

Slowly, but quickly, you made your way past all the people and continued inside the building. You struggled to ask someone for directions, and you finally received them--from a girl with short brown hair and glasses--to the street your apartment was on. Whilst quickly thanking her, you called out to a taxi and headed to your new home.


Since you were originally from Japan, it took a bit longer to read signs than it would've normally taken you if it was in Japanese. But! At least you made it to your apartment alright.

When you arrived in your apartment, you set your luggage by the door and took in your surroundings. The walls were painted a nice shade of (F/C)-which you had specifically asked for-, milk colored carpet, and various furniture. The was basically a penthouse, so there was a lot of furniture.

You had an island in the kitchen, with lots of counter space. Of course, an oven, refrigerator, cabinets, and windows. The sinks were on the island with across from a few oven burners that were indented into the counter-top.

A giant flat screen TV sat in the living room and sat directly in front of your vanilla colored sectional couch. There were also a few end tables, a rug, two symmetrical shelves on opposite sides of the TV, and stereos.

There were about three guest rooms that you needed to redecorate, because they just looked boring. And finally, your bedroom.

You decided to check out your room last, and boy was it worth it. It had a big casement bay window with a love-seat in front of it. It gave you a grand view of Paris! Also in the room was a giant queen sized bed with (F/C) colored throws; a large desk on the opposite side; a big bookshelf, and another flat screen TV that hung off the wall.

This penthouse was definitely worth your money. Sure, you could've went for a triplex penthouse, but then you wouldn't have been able to travel first class in your own private quarters! What? The hot tub was definitely worth it!

Shortly after you finished exploring the rest of the house-dining room, bathroom, indoor hot tub, etc-you decided to take a quick shower.

The restroom was just as grand as the rest of the house. It had beautiful polished blue tile floors and vanilla colored walls with a few tinted windows here and there. Next to the door-about three feet away-was a pedestal sink, and over it was a large oval mirror. There was also Jacuzzi. Also, a separate shower head that came out of the wall and it included a drain hole on the floor to get rid of the water. The shower curtain was an ombre of (F/C) that faded into blue towards the bottom. And on the ceiling, was a small chandelier, completing the special look of the bathroom. You then finished looking around the bathroom, and turned the hot water knob on the Jacuzzi so you could jump in.

Thank goodness it filled up rather quickly.

While you were soaking your aching back, you took a glance at the clock on the wall. "5:13" It read. Meaning you had about two hours until you had to go enroll at you new school. School actually starts around eight, but the principal said that you needed to be there around seven to get all of your paperwork and stuff done.

When finished with your bath, you climbed out of the Jacuzzi, wrapped a towel around your body and another around your long hair, then, walked back to your room.

You sat on your bed and glanced at the clock that was on the wall above your desk. "5:23" Since it still wasn't time to go to your new school, you decided that you would get dressed and everything around six o'clock.

So, there you were, lying on your bed, reading a "Better your French" book as you continued to lie in your towel. The towel that was wrapped around your long damp hair was discarded about five minutes ago. Every few moments or so, you would look out of your casement bay window. The view was just miraculous! The Eiffel tower could be seen, a few cafe's and lots of civilians either taking photos or walking and talking with their friends.

Smiling at the view once more, you then returned to reading your book. You were just approaching the definitions of "Je T'aime" and "Je T'aime Aussie" when---THUD!

The loud noise startled you so much, you dropped your book and quickly turned your head towards the direction of the sound, nearly giving you whiplash.

As you looked towards your casement bay, you saw a boy stuck to your window. He was about your age--14 or 15. He was dressed rather oddly. He wore a black skintight suit with a matching mask. What also caught you eye was that he had blonde hair; cat ears; a tail, and emerald eyes. While you were taking in his features, he was taking in yours.

You only noticed that after a giant grin appeared on his face. After taking a quick moment to recollect your thoughts, and a quick glance at your current clothing, you understood what the pervert was grinning at. You were still in your towel.

"Pervertir! Allez-vous en!" Your face was soon enveloped in red. You were so embarrassed, that you picked up your book and threw it at the window. The most he did was blink, but otherwise; the book just helplessly bounced off of the window and onto the floor. He let out a loud laugh before he started slipping. He eventually lost his grip on the glass and started to fall.

You quickly jumped out of your bed and rushed over to the window. Pushing the far left window open to gaze out of it.

Looking down at least twenty floors, you saw that he landed on his feet. He was currently talking to a girl dressed in a skintight red suit with black polka dots.

A ladybug.. You thought, taking notice of her weird clothing. The perverted boy in black turned around and waved at you. At least he's alright You thought, closing the window and stepping back onto the floor. You had to climb onto the small step to properly see out of the window. But, there was still one thing that bothered you. This penthouse is on the top floor... Yet the perverted cat survived.. And that's when you realized, it was impossible to survive that fall.

With a sigh, you glanced at the clock once again; "5:45".

"Merde!" You shouted, "I'm going to be late!"

You made your way back to the living room--where your luggage was--and dragged it into your room.

Sure, you could unpack later but you still had to find clothes. Who knew when that perverted cat would come back. You set your suitcase on the bed and opened it. This was going to take a while, but you still needed breakfast!

So, you quickly threw on your undergarments, a white long sleeved button up shirt. Then, a brown skirt that came up over your stomach and included suspenders,. After that, stockings that matched your (S/C) skin and some white flats to match your shirt.

You quickly braided your hair, grabbed your white and (F/C) shoulder strap bag and started to fill it with things you might need. Such as; Your phone, your wallet, a few photos, your notebook, a few accessories, and your belt.

Your belt... This belt was actually very special.. It was a large diamond shaped ruby attached to golden fabric. The fabric detaches behind the jewel, so you can open it and put it on.

Not only that, but this was a gift from your mother..

With a sad smile tugging at your lips, you put the belt into your shoulder strap bag and zipped it closed. You put your bag over your shoulder and let it rest on the opposite hip while you continued to walk towards your front door.

I'll probably have to get something from the cafe' to eat.. You thought, finally exiting your penthouse and locking the door. Then, you put away your keys into the side pouch of your bag.

You made your way towards the elevator and pressed the '1er étage' button. While waiting for the elevator to arrive, you pulled out your phone and decided to look for cafe's near you.

Thankfully, there was one not too far from you, and not too far from your school either. Perfect distance from both your destinations. A loud-but silent, Ding! was heard, causing you to look up from your phone.

Looking up, you saw another-taller person in the elevator, looking down.

Cue Social Anxiety.

You hesitantly entered and stood in the opposite corner. Doing your best to keep as much distance as possible.

What if this person was a bad guy?

Sent to take you back!?

Unconsciously, you started to hyperventilate, not noticing the person beside you start to become worried. The person, that you still weren't sure if it was a girl or boy, started to step closer to you. Making your breathing get worse.

"Mademoiselle? Ca Va?" The person asked, and it seemed that it was a teen girl.

It took you a moment to translate what she said. When you understood, you answered, "Je ne sais pas."

Another moment of silence passed before she spoke up again, this time, in English. "Do you need an asthma treatment?"

You shook your head and your breathing calmed down a bit. "N-No, Thank you." You replied in English. You finally gathered the courage to look her in the face. You were surprised when you did. It was the same girl from the airport. She had the same thick pink glasses and short brown hair.

"Hey.. aren't you the girl from the airport?" You both asked at the same time, which caught the both of you off guard.

After a moment of silence, the both of you started to laugh.

As your laughter ceased, the girl spoke up. "I-I'm Angela by--by the way.. Angela Di Angelo."

You raised an eyebrow, accompanied with a smile. What were the odds of that? You then told her your name.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You bowed. It was sort of a habit. You offered her a smile, to which she returned.

If you weren't so scared she was a secret spy, you would've invited her to eat at the cafe' with you. But alas, you were just so afraid of going back that you didn't really trust anyone.

Anyone except her...

You quietly gasped, moving your hip so that your shoulder bag shuffled the contents inside.

"So, um... I was planning on going to a cafe' not far from here... m-mind joining me?" Your eyes widened when she said that. "I-I mean! You don't have to if you don't want to!" Angela panicked after seeing you tense physically.

"No, I'll come." You smiled, "I just never really had any.....friends.." You stated, both of you bouncing a bit when the elevator came to a halt on the first floor.

"Me either." Angela smiled at you, "Maybe we both can get friends today." You nodded with a smile, both of you heading towards the nearest cafe'.


"--So, my mom pretty much wants me to stop with the books and continue her toy business." Angela finished explaining. She was on the verge of tears.

"If I were you," You paused to take a drink of your (F/D) drink, "I'd just do what I want. Run away if it was absolutely necessary." Angela looked at you as if you just swallowed a spider unknowingly.

"What?" You asked, breaking the awkward tension between you two.

"You say that so simply.." Angela mumbled sadly. Before you were able to push more on the subject, Angela continued. "Even if I do run away, there's still bullies who will pick on me for reading and wearing glasses..." Angela looked down.

With a soft sigh, you began to speak up. "Well Angela, bullies are everywhere and always will be. But, even they can't step in the way of your dreams." You gave her a small smile, but Angela only let out a shaky breath.

"I-I should get to school now." She whispered and stood. "Thank you." Angela added before leaving.

If only you would've known that everything was going to go downhill from that point on.


Soon, you finished your breakfast, and went up to the counter to pay. Apparently, a black credit card with golden numbers weren't common around here. They weren't even sure how to scan it. But eventually, they figured it out and let you leave.

While you were walking down the streets of Paris once again, you decided to check the time. You had pulled out your phone and pressed the power button, you caught the time as soon as it changed over from: "6:11" to "6:12". You had to get to school, now.

How did you possibly loose track of time like that?

You quickly opened the memo app and read as you walked. You had written the directions down in your phone beforehand so you wouldn't get lost. Who would want to get lost when they were already late? The layout of the city contained many twists and turns that you honestly didn't understand.

While you were trying to maneuver your way past civilians and read what was on the (P/T) screen, you failed to notice the same pair of superheroes from earlier run right past you. Though, even if you did notice, you probably wouldn't pay much mind to them anyways.

If you didn't look up when you did, you would've walked right past the school. Thank goodness for the bit of ADHD you picked up on the way. You turned off your phone and slipped it back into your bag before heading up the stairs. You silently skipped up the steps and continued your way in.

Since you were early--despite being "technically" late--there weren't many students around at all. Which you were incredibly grateful for. You only passed a few students who smiled and waved at you. Of course you waved back.

If the place was like this all the time, you wouldn't hesitate another second to enroll. You continued your walk of a few confusing turns and eventually made it to the Principal's office. (The giant golden slab was hard to miss)

After a long talk, the principal finally gave you your schedule and let you be on your way. He was extremely nice and seemed to like you. Thanks to the tour he gave you, you knew exactly where to go. You were currently standing outside your arranged classroom, checking the time.

"7:03" You sighed softly and put your phone back in your bag.

It had gotten so late while you were talking to the principal. Which most likely meant that more students appeared and you wouldn't have any time to bond with the teacher. And there was nothing you could do about it..

You shook away the negative thoughts, twisted the knob, and walked in. Thankfully, there weren't that many people, but it still was enough to notice you walk in and instantly start whispering. This made you cowered and begin to back away.

"I-I-I apologize. Wrong classroom..?" You started to leave the classroom but was halted by the teacher.

"Wait. You're Miss (Y/N), correct?"


The teacher smiled at you. "Then you've stumbled upon the right classroom. Come on over and introduce yourself!"

Hesitantly, but surely, you made your way over to her. When you stood along-side her, you turned to face the class. Still keeping your gaze low.

"H-Hi.. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm from Japan...I actually arrived this morning.. I'll be your new classmate for the rest of this semester and then I may or may not return home.." You spoke the last sentence with uncertainty. If your mission was completed by the end of this semester, you would have to go back. And no one wanted to do that.

"Japan? That's a long way! Surely you must be a bit drowsy."

You nodded and lifted your head. When you did, you locked gazes with a boy with blonde hair and emerald eyes. When you looked at him, his eyes widened. As if the same thought was running through both of your minds.

Do I know them...?

"Actually!" You suddenly spoke, breaking eye contact with the boy and turning to the teacher again. "I am a bit sleepy." You told her. She gave you a small smile and let you sit down.

You were seated in-between a girl with short blonde hair and a girl with long black hair that was tinted purple at the ends.

They seemed anxious to talk to you, but they decided against it and would let you warm up to them when you wanted to.

They seem nice. You thought with a small smile. These two didn't really seem like they would pose a threat, so why not give it a shot?

"Ano..." You mumbled, but quickly shook your head. You had started off with Japanese again. "Uhm.. Hi..My name is (Y/N)... if you didn't know already.." You spoke silently, keeping your gaze low.

After hearing you speak, both girls looked at you happily as if you were a baby just learning how to speak. They felt honored that you decided to talk to them first.

"I'm Juleka." The one with black and purple hair spoke.

"And I'm Rose." The one with blonde hair smiled.

You smiled back at the two then returned your gaze to the chalkboard. The teacher was currently teaching Histoire, and that made you realize how sleepy you had actually gotten. You tried your best to stay awake and listen, but, your head eventually fell onto the desk and you were out like a light.


"Um teacher?" Chloe interrupted. "The new girl is asleep." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder, pointing to where you sat.

"Leave her alone Chloe." Rose spoke up.

"She came all the way from Japan and arrived here this morning. Lay off." Juleka added.

Chloe clicked her tongue and glared at the two seated behind her. "Excuse me? You're going to take up for that when you barely know her? What if she has no money? I hope you know I can have daddy remove her from the city!"

It'll be more like (Y/N)'ll remove you and your dad from the city.

When they heard a whisper, all three of them halted and their eyes widened. Did you speak in your sleep? Even if so, you shouldn't be speaking in third person...

"Chloe!" Chloe jumped when the teacher called her. As a matter of fact, they all did. "That's enough! Let her rest." The teacher ordered, making Chloe turn back around cross her arms.

"Now. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," The teacher sent a glare in Chloe's direction. "was that the French once claimed the state of Louisiana in 1800..." She began to write on the board.

"Hey Adrien," Nino called, poking at Adrien's side. "What do you think is up with the new girl?"

"What's up with her?" Adrien raised an eyebrow. "She's sleeping."

"No!" Nino whisper/yelled. "I mean think about it dude, she has to have some sort of money to be able to get a ride from Japan to here! And if she isn't shying away, you could see something different in her eyes.."

Adrien scooted away from Nino a bit before continuing. "Different how?"

"Her eyes literally screamed power."

Adrien stole a glance at you, then Nino. You, and then back to Nino. Then you again, then Nino. Adrien snorted and quickly covered his mouth before he could burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered between the hitches of his breath. Indicating his attempt to hide his laughter. "It's just that I can't really imagine that.."

Nino glared at the blonde male beside him and lightly punched his arm.

"Ow.." Adrien whispered and rubbing the area where Nino hit him.

"I'm thinking about doing extra research on her. If you don't want to join me, then whatever."

"I don't think that's a good idea, who knows what might happen if you come off as a stalker."

Nino shrugged, "I'll take my chances."


Soon after class ended, most of the students filed out of the room. Most of them were heading to their next class to be early, and some were heading to their lockers. But there was one student that lingered. Asleep actually.


If it weren't for Rose and Juleka that had noticed you were still asleep, you might have remained there for the remaining school hours.

"(Y/N)..." Rose called softly, giving your shoulder a little shake. It was almost time for the next class and you still hadn't woken up yet.

"It's almost time for the next class."

Rose eyes widened and she begun to shake you just a bit harder. "Why didn't you say that before Juleka?"

Juleka only shrugged in response.

"(Y/N).. please wake up." Rose called again. This time, you shuffled in your sleep a bit. "(Y/N)?" Rose called again.

"Nani? Nani ga okotta?" You mumbled, keeping your eyes closed.

"Um...It's almost time for our next class."

You peeked one eye open and glanced around the room. The room was mostly empty except for a few lingering students and Juleka and Rose. You sat up, stretched, and started to rub your eyes.

"Watashi wa nagaiai dono yō ni shite nemashita no... ? Sensei wa ikatteiru hitsuyō ga arimasu.."

Juleka and Rose glanced at each other, confused. They weren't able to pick up anything you were saying. They didn't know if you were speaking to them or not.

"Would you mind repeating that..?" Rose asked quietly. Hoping you'd get the hint that she didn't understand.

"Eh?" You turned to Rose and Juleka. "Oh! Je suis désolé! I was just speaking to myself."

Both Rose and Juleka nodded, already catching on to that hint.

"We had to make sure to wake you before leaving." Juleka stated, causing Rose to nod in response.

What class do I have next..? You thought, reaching into your bag to pull out your phone. Just after the principal had shown you around, you decided to put your class schedule into your phone. That way, you wouldn't have to worry if the paper had gotten lost or wet, or something. Your phone is your trusty assistant and always will be!

"Looks like I have Algèbre next.." You muttered, looking over your schedule once more.

"Whoa, is that a (P/T)?" Juleka asked, stepping closer to you to get a better look at your phone.

Just as you were about to answer, Rose cut in. "I think it is!"

You nodded and held up the phone. "While this may be The (P/T), it's been improved."

"Improved how?"

"Well, my father re-engineered it for me, so now it's completely waterproof, shatterproof, most likely unbreakable, and the volume is able to go higher." You then flipped the phone over to show them the back of it.

"This is my father's business logo."

Rose and Juleka went silent as they inspected it. The logo certainly looks familiar. It's almost like the answer was staring them right in the face...

"It looks familiar.. Is it a big industry?"

You nodded, "Definitely. I would say that it's very well known around the world."

Juleka and Rose went silent again. They just couldn't remember where they had seen the logo before. Just when the duo were about to shout out where they could've possibly seen it, they were interrupted.

"You all are still here?"

You jumped and accidentally threw your phone. The phone bounced off a desk, then another, and started to slide down the isle.

"NOT THE (P/T)!!!" Juleka and Rose shrieked. The phone fell onto the floor and finally skidded to a halt in front of the person who caused this.

"It is probably ok." You smiled nervously and chased after it.

A boy with blond hair and large emerald eyes stared down at your phone in surprise. Most likely wondering how it survived that fall.

"Oh mon Dieu! Je suis désolé! Désolé, Désolé, So Sorry.. " You shouted, stepping down the aisle to retrieve your phone. "Are you alright Mon Cher?" You asked as you bent to down to pick up your phone. As you stood again, you were immediately met with the blonde's blushing face.

"Were you hurt?" You asked, taking a step back now that you took notice of the close proximity.

The blonde shook his head, causing his blonde hair to slightly shake also. His blush still hadn't dissolved, and he was scratching behind his neck now.

"No.. I was wondering why you called me "Mon cher"..."

"Eh?" You blinked. "Was that not the right thing to say?" You placed your index finger to your lip, thinking. "My french teacher said it was polite to address someone that way.." You muttered.


"Wakatta!! Would you rather I address you as Mon bébé instead?"

The blush in his face deepened in color.

"Or Mon chéri?"

His face was full on red now, and he was fidgeting uncomfortably.

You tilted your head. Were you perhaps using them in the wrong context? Well, your teacher was shipping you with your neighbor's kid or the longest time.. But that still didn't explain why he was so uncomfortable now. Wait a moment! There was one that was always used to cheer someone up.

"How about, Mon amo--" You were cut off when Rose clamped her hand over your mouth. She let out a small nervous laugh and started to stroke your hair.

"Isn't she adorable Adrien?" Rose laughed. "I never even knew she was such a kidder!" Rose continued to laugh, stroking your hair.

"Yeah..." Adrien ran his fingers through his hair. His blush was finally dying down, but it was still very evident.

"So, what made you come back here Adrien?" Juleka asked, descending down the aisle to stand next to you and Rose.

"Well, according to my Algèbre teacher, she said that (Y/N) (L/N) was in my class and she sent me to get her." Adrien explained.

Your eyes widened and you looked back and forth between Juleka and Rose. You tried to ask the two something, but it only came out very muffled. You wanted to know if at least one of them were going to be in the class with you.

"Sorry (Y/N), my next class is Art." Juleka sighed.

"And my next class is Science." Rose gave you a sincere look. "Sorry." She smiled sadly.

You grabbed her hand that was on your mouth and pulled it away. "But wait, he's already uncomfortable with me, I-I don't think It's a good idea to suddenly go with him. Alone." You could hear your breath hitch as the last word was let out.

You were so scared right now. He could be an undercover spy! And--

"Don't worry. Adrien's like the nicest guy in the entire school!" Rose smiled.

"Besides, he wouldn't do anything to you." Juleka glared at Adrien. "I hope."

"What would I possibly do?" Adrien asked, frowning.

Juleka waved him off and tried to help Rose calm you down. It took a few minutes, but finally, you calmed down and agreed to let Adrien escort you.


As of now, the two of you were walking down the hall to get to your next class. Though, it was complete silence for the two of you. Not only that, but you were sure that Adrien had noticed how much you tried to keep your distance.

You tried saying something, but you choked up on your words every time. You had a lot o questions, but not enough courage to match them. Thankfully, you didn't have to start the conversation.

"So, you're originally from Japan right?"

You nodded. "That's correct."

Adrien gave an approving nod. "How many languages can you speak?"

"I can speak English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and a bit of Chinese."

"That's amazing! I can only speak English, French, and a bit of Chinese."

You gave a nod but didn't reply. You both were enveloped in silence once more as you continued to walk down the halls.

"Hey Adrien...?"


"Uhm... What exactly did I say earlier that made you so uncomfortable? My teacher said that it wasn't weird to address people that way."

Adrien stopped at a door marked Algèbre and opened it. He held the door open for you and you walked through with a quick bow.

"That's what I wanted to tell you."

Adrien led you over to his desk and sat down. He gestured for you to sit next to him so you slipped in and sat next to him. He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Then he started to write on it.

As he continued to write, it started to make sense to you. You'd only use these word in a relationship or maybe, maybe in a close friendship.

Noticing your blushing face, Adrien laughed. "I think that you might've been taught wrong."

You nodded, "Definitely."

Both you and Adrien continued to go over different French words while waiting for your teacher to come in. While the two of you were going over different ways to use "Ca va" a girl showed up. She was a bit taller than you, she had dark blue hair which was tied back in two pigtails, and big round blue eyes.

"H-Hey Adrien." She smiled.

"Oh, Hey Marinette!" Adrien smiled back.

The girl that Adrien addressed as "Marinette" then acknowledged you. She saw that you were sitting next to Adrien and a certain disappointed flashed over her eyes. You looked at Adrien, then at Marinette. The two were simply carrying on a conversation, but Adrien didn't realize what she was hinting at.

"I can move if you want."

You had spoke so suddenly, it startled the two.

"What?" Marinette turned her attention to you.

"I said," You paused to gulp, "I can move if you want."

"Where would you sit then?" Adrien asked, causing a shiver to roll down your spine.

"I-I'll figure it out."

Marinette smiled. "No, that's okay, you don't have to move."


Marinette shook her head. "I'll just sit back here." She then walked off, taking a seat one level higher than you and Adrien.

"What made you suddenly want to leave?" Adrien asked after Marinette sat down.

You stared at Adrien. Then tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows, did he honestly not understand? As you continued to stare at him, Adrien only blinked and tilted his head as well.

"I didn't want to get in-between that, so I offered my seat."

Before Adrien could question it any further, the both of you were soon interrupted by a new voice.

"M-May I sit here..?" The question seemed directed more at you than anyone else, so hesitantly, you raised your head. There stood a boy, 14-15 with red hair and turquoise colored eyes. His face had a good amount of red on it and he was doing his best to not make eye contact. You looked back at Adrien and then back at the red haired boy.

"W-Were you talking to me?"

He nodded.

"Oh, ano..." You paused, thinking. It would be rude to let him sit here when Marinette clearly wanted to. But then again, she did decline the offer.. "Tabun sōda..." You confirmed.

The red head only stared at you, confusion written all over his features. "What?"

"Āh! Gomen'nasai! Ehehe, Japanese." You smiled sheepishly. "I said I guess so."

The boy nodded and sat next to you. His blush seemed to worsen when he noticed how close he was to you. And you had noticed the close proximity as well. You could feel the tension grow heavier with every passing second.

It seemed like he wanted to say something, but was extremely stuck on whatever it was.

"So, w-what's your name?

"M-Me? I'm Na-Nathanael.." He stuttered, looking down at the desk and playing with his fingers nervously.

"Your name is cute. It suits you." You complimented. "My name is (L/N) (Y/N)."

The blush on Nathanael's face matched his hair. "S-So your name is (L/N)?"

"Iie." You shook your head. "It's a Japanese custom to introduce yourself with your last name first. But if you feel comfortable calling me that, I don't mind." You smiled.

For some reason, you felt like you could trust Nathanael. The tension that was previously there had completely evaporated. And the two of you were carrying on with a completely normal conversation.

Of course, this hadn't gone unnoticed by Adrien. You were talking to Nathanael way easier than you were talking to him a moment ago. Maybe it was because the both of you were just that shy. Adrien decided to just shrug it off for now, letting you continue your conversation.

Just as you were about to tell Nathanael about your penthouse, you were interrupted by a violent vibration. The vibration was coming from your shoulder bag, but it still caused your entire body to vibrate. Your shoulder bag was sitting on the seat in-between you and Nathanael, so both of you were vibrating as if you were on a massage chair set to full power.

"That kinda tickles." Nathanael laughed.

If only he knew what that really meant. You nervously laughed with him before standing.

"Hey, do you mind if I get past you?" You asked Nathanael. He nodded and let you by.

"But, where are you going?"

"To the restroom."

"But the teacher isn't here yet." Both Adrien and Nathanael spoke at the same time.

"Well, could you please tell them that I suddenly felt sick," You faked a gag, "and needed to go? Thanks!" And with that, you were gone.


You weren't lying when you said you were going to the restroom. There was currently no one in the restrooms so it gave you an advantage. It was no where near as grand as your bathroom was back at your new penthouse, but that was nothing to worry about now.

You locked the door to restroom and continued over to the sink.

You dug around in your shoulder bag until you found your belt. Aka your miraculous.

You pulled it out and set it on the edge of the sink.

"Show me the tainted tenshi." You commanded.

The lights in the restroom flickered. They continued to flicker until they finally went out. Your miraculous projected a large screen directly in front of you, showing multiple pictures of an akumatized villain.

The first picture was showing a black necklace.

"The shade is dark purple. Danger: Somewhat high."

You nodded and swiped the picture to the left. The next picture to appear was a large book.

"What's this..?" You blinked.

"The magic she is currently using. The contents inside of the book is that of the individual's bad past."

You furrowed your eyebrows. Sounds familiar..

You swiped again, this time, it showed you a map. There were hundreds of red dots cluttered in the northern area of France.

"Over five-hundred civilians have been captured, the tainted one is currently heading northeast of France."

"I'm satisfied with my report. Phoebe, I grant you access to exit."

As soon as you said it, a tiny human sprouted from your miraculous. Except she wasn't human. Anyone who looked clode enough could've seen it.

She resembled your mother a-lot. She had long hair that was twisted like your mother's, golden eyes, and (S/C) skin. The reason you said she wasn't human was because she had white butterfly wings, antennas that folded backwards, and three symmetrical dots under both her eyes.

She was a kwami. And her home was your miraculous.

"Are we ready to go?" She fluttered her wings faster, showing how excited she was.


"Yatta!!" She cheered.

With a small smile, you took a deep breath and placed your left hand over your heart, while your right was stretched out.

"Phoebe, tsubasa ga saki!"

This was always your favorite part. You could feel your belt miraculous wrap tightly around your waist as Phoebe merged with it.

You could feel the rush, the exhilarating magic that flowed through your veins, your hair and clothes changing style, and finally, the mask that worked it's way across your face with a silk touch. You could also feel your muscles connecting to something else, the wings on your back.

With a small smile, you rested your weapon on your shoulder and placed your hand on your hip. Just an experimental pose because it felt right.

You touched the bathroom mirror as you saw your reflection. You could see how much your superhero form was upgraded from the last time you used it.

Your long (H/C) hair was pulled back into a ponytail and held with a few white scrunchies, you had exactly three symmetrical black freckles on your cheeks like Phoebe, and big white sparkly wings with many designs. You had antennas that folded back, and your eyes had a sparkling pink hue to them. Your outfit was all white. It had a high collar, long sleeves, and four-inch heels that were indented into the fabric.

"Wow, I'm hot!" You smirked, checking yourself out in the mirror. It's been a while since you've been in superhero form and clearly, you're long overdue.

"(Y/N)!!" Phoebe whined, your miraculous glowing with every syllable she pronounced. "Stop checking yourself out! We won't be able to get the Akuma!!"

"Oh right!" You reluctantly looked away from the mirror. "We should do that!"

You opened the window that was on the far wall of the bathroom and pulled yourself up onto it. Just as you were about to jump out, you were struck with another idea.

"Why'd you stop? WHY ARE WE STOPPING?"

You sighed, "Don't get your antennas in a wad, I just thought, how about I make myself known as a new superhero?"

Phoebe didn't say anything after that, but only gave a sigh. You took that as an approval and jumped back down out of the window. You ran back to the door, unlocked it, and rushed out. As you ran down the hallways, you passed by many people who gave you stares. Some odd, some confused, and some astonished. This further boosted your ego, so you slowed down to at least work a fast-paced strut.

"That's right everyone, get a good look at me~" You smirked, extending one arm as you walked down the halls. The only sound that was heard was the clicking of your heels because everyone had gone silent.

Even Chloe.

Now that surely guaranteed the smirk on your face. You had walked past your earlier class and saw both Nathanael and Adrien holding a conversation. Their conversation halted abruptly when Nathaneal had spotted you. His entire face had went flushed when you had waved and winked at him. Unfortunately, when Adrien had turned around, you were already gone.

So he had missed the show everyone would be talking about.

You continued to walk down the halls at your own pace, waving and winking at anyone who made eye contact.

"OKAY. THAT'S ENOUGH NOW. LET'S GO." Phoebe wasn't exactly screaming, but with the tone she used, she might as well had.

You sighed and picked up your pace again. "Fine!" You groaned, finally exiting the school. You tapped the jewel on your belt when you had stopped to check the status.

"The Tainted One is currently moving south. I would highly suggest flying to reach her destination before she does."

You nodded and took off. At the rate you were going, and the rate she was going, the two of you were going to meet up at the Notre Dame Cathedral. Which meant you only had to travel half the distance.

You weren't complaining.

As you saw the cathedral come into view, you slowed down and let yourself down on the rooftop easy. You couldn't see the villain, but the terrified screams alerted you that she was near.

"Be careful Shinseina, she's coming."


Hello my dear Chat noir fans!!
Can any of you guess what today is?


and since I really like giving more than receiving on my birthday, I decided to post the first chapter to Sacred Butterfly!

I wanted to do like this week oneshot special up until my birthday, but things didn't work out that way..

But I still have something like that in mind, so keep an eye out!

Also..sorry if it's so long..
And it needs more editing.. ;-;

Next up! The superheroes will come into play, and help the newest superhero learn the ropes! But will this new superhero need it?

Until next time!

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