By HPfanforever13

7.4K 172 133

Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy, out of all the Siblings she was the one who was most irritated a lot. Especially... More

Take Me to My Grave...

The Best Birthday Ever!

2.2K 57 49
By HPfanforever13

As the small group finally descended the stairs Harry took in how lucky he was, he survived...
He didn't know how or why but he survived the war to make a family with the surprisingly gentle Malfoy.

He wonder what happened to the elder Malfoys, as much as Harry detested Lucius Malfoy he had to admit he never wanted him dead but it was a funny thing to think of the Death Eater in a Weasley Sweater.

Entering the kitchen he saw chaos was running rampant, Teddy was raising a eyebrow at James and Mack who were whispering on the other side of the table while Lily and Hugo ate easily with the latter stuffing his face, Rose settled next to Albus and Scorpius sedately with Ophelia pulling up her heel though choosing to sit by Fluer.

As Harry sat he noticed Fred and George beside Bill discussing the bank and Ophelia talking in French with Fleur who looked shocked, Vixit settled easily on the France raised woman's lap joining in once and awhile.

Meanwhile he saw Ron grumbling sit by him watching Hermione with a anticipation that Harry understood as he too could be caught giving his significant other the same gaze, said significant others seemed to be in a deep triad with actual debating that went both ways, Harry wasn't even startled that Malfoy kept up with his bushy haired friend.

"Here you go Harry." Hermione smiled as she glanced at the pile of presents passing Harry the top one.

He looked shocked having forgot it was his birthday, belatedly he realized there was no other place he'd rather spend his coming of age even if there were missing people.

"The one on top is ours." Mrs. Weasley indicated as Harry thanked Hermione for the book noticing her eying it he rose a eyebrow.

Harry pretended not to see Malfoy sneer and roll his eyes at the red headed family.

"Arthur want to wish you Happy Birthday but he had to get to work." Harry nodded beaming at the matron as he tore the paper of and looked at the small box curiously.

When he pulled the top off he saw inside was a worn gold watch that had hands spinning around the edges, the back was dinged and had the name Fabian on it but he could care less.

"It's tradition to give a watch to witches and wizards when they come of age, it was my Brothers it's not new like Rons but.-"

Harry had lept up not seeing Rons smile growing or Draco's shock at his reaction.

"It's perfect." Mrs. Weasley was so shocked the bacon flipped to floor from the pan.

"Well. I-I..." Vix butt in cutely.

"Is Daddy crayon?" Hermione nodded to the girl across from her.

"I'm crying cause I'm happy Vixxy, it's the most perfect present I've ever received." Ron smiled softly now enveloping his best friend in a hug.

"Glad you like it mate." Malfoy looked startled at his tears, in truth none of them would know it had been years since he'd actually cried, he had shed tears for loved ones but hadn't cried as he was since Dudley had called him a freak at five.

"I'm sorry to say Potter that I don't have a gift for you..." Harry nodded but then looked thoughtful.

"You do actually, you gave me my future, I have a Husband and kids and I lived past this damned war which is a accomplishment in my eyes, I have extended family that care for me and really Malfoy that is the most amazing gift I've ever been given." Hermione looked like she was choking back a sob at his speech before she launched herself at him across the table and wrapped his shaking form in a hug, Malfoys still stunned face making Harry laugh into her shoulder.

"You are a odd one..." he heard the blonde mumble before Albus laughed bringing him back to the present as he stared at his Black haired blonde tipped Son who stood.

"To Dad, the man who made our lives possible and defeated the evil named Voldemort!" The table cheered as one.

"To Dad/Harry/Uncle Harry!" Harry really couldn't have been happier in that moment, looking across the table at his future Husband who had willingly raised his glass and called him Harry.

"Teddy?" The mirror which was by Teddy on the table called.

"Oh hi Dad!" The blue haired Auror smiled.

"Ted, we found a way to travel back... but we won't be there for two weeks, what's the date again?" Teddy looked to him across the family and frowned.

"July 31st." He knew that the future version of him knew what was to come and had a bad feeling when said future version cursed out loud.

"Shit. Teddy, after the wedding ceremony, go home. Okay? Don't worry, we'll join you soon..." Teddy nodded looking at everyone then back at the mirror.

"I promise Dad, tell Pop I love him and we miss you." There was a coughing sound which told Harry he was crying.

"This may be the last mirror call Ted, pass it around. Drake, 'Mi and Ron are in the kitchen." Lily's eyes widened looking sad.

"Of course, hi Papa! I love you." There was a shuffling then bombardment of noise.

"I love you to Theo." The familiar aristocracy was gone leaving the drained sound of Draco's real voice making the Draco across from Harry sniff in shock but that was all for null as Ted passed James the mirror.

"Hi Pop and Dad, oh and hi Uncle Ron! Yeah I see you... I'm gonna miss you loads... don't play to much Quidditch without me m'kay?" James waved at the mirror as watery laughs rang around the room making Mrs. Weasley shuffle for a tissue.

"We won't kiddo, we're gonna miss you more." Harry said sounding more cheerful before the mirror met Albus and Scorpius.

"Dad! Hurry please?" Scorpius begged the mirror.

"Yeah! It's not the same summer with out you!" Albus added.

"Yet you have us, do you not? But we completely understand and are doing our best you two, stay close to you Siblings and protect VC all you can okay?" Draco's voice made the future Harry laugh which lead the most likely future Ron to join.

After affirmative from the twins it was passed to Ophelia who went on snootily how she'd miss them more than any of her idiot Brothers, after Ophelia it was passed to Lily who cried immediately.

"D-Dad. Don't leave me! Please Papa!" She may be eleven but she loved her Fathers and hadn't even gotten to Hogwarts yet Harry vowed to give her a big hug while she was still shorter then him.

"We'll be there soon Flower. We love you stay strong and remember, after all this time." The girl sniffed.

"Always." She returned.

Vixit had the mirror for a whole five minutes blabbering about how Harry and Draco wouldn't kiss and make up, making the elder versions chuckle and explain how they hadn't had they're first kiss and it should be special which the girl gasped and nodded dramatically before saying goodbye morosely.

When  the Weasleys has said they're piece and it was only Rose left the mirror was passed to her.

"Hi Mum, Dad. We miss you loads but I promise to do all my homework when I get home!" A round of laughter later Hugo snickered at his Sister before saying he missed his Mums cooking under his breath Hermione giving him a raised eyebrow.

"We love you two so much, keep strong and stay close to your Cousins which may not seem smart since they're half-Potter but it is cause Teddy is smart, we'll see you soon..." Hermione was shocked by how mature Ron sounded she burst into tears making all the women and a particularly emotional Harry follow.

"Listen to your Dad, those were some of the wisest words he's spoken." The room laughed before Teddy took the mirror did some spells and turned it to face the table:

"Bye!" Was chorused around the room as all form the past stared at the future.


And it was done. Black, went the mirror.

Teddy sighed as all the children under twelve burst into tears, Lily blubbering in Ginny's shirt from where the fifteen year old was hugging her.

"Let's get living, I'm going to do a sweep of our house, be back in a moment." James stood with followed by Mack and Teddy.

"Well come on then , it's a dangerous world MJ, our wands aren't registered so they won't even know if we're doing magic." Teddy looked hesitant.

"Only if you two keep behind me." The three were gone in a swirl of Teddy apperating.

Harry's head whipped around at yet another crash from the kitchen waiting irritably for his two Sons and Nephew to arrive, James hadn't been lying when he'd said it was dangerous.

Draco rolled his eyes at the boy yet he too had been caught coming into attention at certain sounds, Vixit was on his lap talking about her pet lizard named Iowa the Iguana.

Ron had taken Hugo's challenge at chess and the two were constantly at stalemate when Ron didn't win, Lily was watching and commentating for the games.

Rose was discussing with her Mother the uses of Dragons blood in potions to which Hermione would say they were very useful.

Ophelia could be found talking to George and Fred about the dangers of they're personality, Harry thought they didn't quite appreciate it or Bill sniggering in the background.

Albus had decided to just sit down and read a cookbook with Mrs. Weasley and help pick out the meal for the night while Scorpius sneered and complained about certain delicacy's.

Charlie and Ginny were outside playing Squip, a form of Quidditch that the young girl had made up.

Harry just couldn't sit still where he was, trying to read the book on women Ron got him, he'd get a few lines hear a noise and set it down.

He had been staring at it so long he didn't even hear his Son.

"Its upside down, you know." Scorpius looked like he wanted to laugh.

"Er-Yeah. Of course!" Flipping the book red faced he never saw Draco smiling at his antics warmly.

"I know you're worried Da, but there's nothing to worry about, you wouldn't have mentioned home in the mirror if you weren't certain it was safe. I bet they're just cleaning up so Lily and the little ones don't get hurt." Albus put in looking contrite.

"Where is this, home?" Malfoy asked.

"Well to be frank, there are two. One which is our everyday home, that home hasn't been built yet, and the other which is a old grim place that we fixed up and use for the Holidays we host cause we need the room." Scorpius weighed the options and smirked when he noticed Harry gap understanding instantly followed by the now listening Hermione.

"So it's safe?" Hermione inquires looking not for the first time concerned.

"Oh definitely, you guys stayed there for a month." Rose nodded entering the conversation, Hermione tittered intrigued.

"You know what the xurcroh are!" She exclaimed making the future kids cringe.

"We can not tell you, we know of them and where they are but not what they are, Dad only explains them as dark magic, chalking it up for a later date." Lily stated sternly.

"What's a Xurcroh?" Mrs. Weasley questioned.

"Dark magic." Harry said ironically.

"Really though, Harry dear. You to young for this trek!" There was a crack and Teddy stood holding the other threes hands, James looked sick.

"Albus, go The the potions cabinet and grab Essence of Holly to counter act that stupid music box!" Albus rose and scurried off as James was put lying down on Harry's vacated seat.

"What happened?" Draco demanded.

"The music box that Lily found in the attic a few years ago went after Jay, apparently not in the attic yet. It's not life threatening, we cleaned the place, gutted most of it actually." Music box? Harry couldn't help cut bring up the image of the music box that put people to sleep, not make them sick.

"It's a different one then your thinking, this one poisons people and would kill you slowly if you let it seep in for 48 hours, both me and Lily never got or are getting that far so we're good, just nauseous." James explained.

"Oh." Harry couldn't help the urge to fuss over the boy but he bit his lip to stop it, that didn't help because he saw Draco gaze at him oddly.

"Are you sure your okay?" The Weasley Matriarch asked as she Hermione and Harry helped the boy get comfortable til Harry's thirteen year old got back.

"Got it, it's nearly gone but just enough to do the right damage to the damn substance." Albus passed James the vial which he threw back then grimaced.

"Give it a hour to work." Teddy said leaving up the stairs after repairing their clothes.

"That was a adventure, to bad Kaleidoscope wasn't here!" Remus who had entered through the front door with Tonks behind him gaped.

"Kaleidoscope?" Ron rose his eyebrow from above the chess set.

"Yeah, I'm Prod, Mack is Ruffle, Frank is Trek, Fred is Kaleidoscope and Roxy is Snort." The whole room was giving the poisoned boy looks.

"James Patronus is a Stag, it's rather odd how that's passed down, mine is a Owl, Franks is a Gazelle which according to Mrs. Longbottom when we asked was known for its endurance, Freds is a Parrot rather tropical, most of the time we just call him Scope cause Kaleidoscope is long, Roxy is Fred's twin and inducted to the Golden Marauders when she pranked Frank into sounding like Professor Percy all day, most annoying day, her Patronus is a pig." Harry's eye twitched whenever Mack said Patronus, he would be having words with his Son and friends.

If they became Animangus he'd ground James for life, they were fifteen.

"Nice to know we lived on." Remus rose a eyebrow lightly looking like Harry felt.

"How'd you even know we're from the future? You weren't here last night?" James pouted.

"You look so like your Grandfather, it's uncanny. How I know is between me and myself." Harry laughed when James pouted farther.

"Hi Uncle Moony!" Lily yelped from the chess game.

"Hello, I am sorry I don't know your names." Tonks nodded winking at Harry from behind Remus's back.

"I'm James, that's Lily, Albus, Scorpius, Ophelia and Vixit, we're the Potters here. Those three are Mack, Rose and Hugo, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Rons kids and Teddy's upstairs somewhere doing who knows what, probably wallowing in self guilt for no reason." Remus laughed and gazed at the kids in turn sadly, the familiar face of each Malfoy-Potter reminding him of a happier time.

"I'm right here and for your information I was not wallowing in self guilt though I am sorry for not realizing what that box was." James waved his Brother off as Remus gaped at the purple haired Auror.

"Your a Metamorphogus!" Tonks yelled making the room smile.

"Bound to be one in a family of seven Malfoy-Potters." The elder said looking nonchalant yet Harry saw the underlying sadness.

"Malfoy-Potters? Oh hi Cousin!" Draco choked as Vixit giggled when she waved at him.

"Hi?" The room laughed at the heir to the Malfoy fortunes misfortune.

"I'm your Mothers, Sisters, Daughter! Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin." Draco's eyes widened.

"Your the one who's pregnant!" The room laughed again as Tonks looked innocent though the room brushed off the statement sure that Death Eater rumors were as true as Rita Skeeters work.

"They talk of me?" Hermione shook her head fondly as she hugged the Auror.

The door opened to Ginny and Charlie muddied from sports looking cheerful before Mrs. Weasley berated them over something from behind the fuss.

"Tonks!" Ginny squealed as she saw the woman.

"Aunt Nymphy!" Tonks hugged the gingers eagerly.

"Oh so much praise from my own made and false family!" Ginny laughed as Ophelia nodded apathetically.

"Let's do this thang!" James joked.

Harry had never had a more exciting birthday party, well he'd only had a few to begin with.

But this was amazing, his children all took it upon themselves to keep the mood light.

As the cake was brought out James started singing.

"There once was a boy named Harry! Destined to be a star! His Parents were killed by Voldemort who gave him a lightning scar! Yo Harry your a wizard. Harry goes to Hogwarts he meets Ron and Hermione, McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor. DRACO IS A DADDYS BOY AND QUIRREL BECOMES UNEMPLOYED! THE PHILOSOPHERS STONE IS DESTROYED BY DUMBLEDORE!" All the kids had joined in the chant making Remus laugh as Teddy shook his head begrudgingly being pulled in.



"HARRY GETS PUT IN THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT WITH DRAGONS AND MERMAIDS, OH NO.......... HES BACK!" Harry knew something had been cut there as it was inconsistent but smiled anyway.


"SPILT...... SEVEN PARTS OF A WHOLE. THEY'RE........ ITS ALL GONNA END!" Harry smiled at the cuts and changes.

"There once was a boy named Harry who constantly conquered death... But in one final duel between good or bad he may take his final breath...." They all whispered the end in a morose tone making the yard clap.

"Bravo! Encore!" Tonks wolf howled.

"For the last time Dora!" Remus yelled turning to her.

"Teeheehee." The pink haired woman winked at Remus.

"Thank you! Thank you! It's a birthday tradition to sing that song to Dad on his birthday... he loves it!" James bowed dramatically.

"I adored it, it's truly a work of art. Who came up with it?" Harry asked making the kids smirk.

"Uncle Ron and Uncle George." Both said men cackled at that.

"I do see that happening." Hermione admonished the two looking fondly at her future Husband.

When the cake was ready they sang happy birthday and opened Remus and Tonks present, to the surprise of everyone the future occupants came forward with Teddy in the lead carrying a box of something, passing it to Harry.

"Found this with those three today, it's the best present we got." Harry nodded opening the box, inside we're a bunch of photos the top one being a picture of baby Harry wizzing around on a broom, a letter accompanied the photograph, a letter Harry read with hungry eyes as it was proof his Mother had once lived and her warm hand had written the words, he never got to reach the end.

"The other half of the photo and letter were taken, you'll get then another time in someone's will." James explained, Harry felt Remus peer over his shoulder and smile.

"Those are you Fathers legs chasing you, I was there when the photo was taken, the other half had you Dad in it." Harry nodded not sure his voice wouldn't crack or he'd not cry if he talked.

"T-Thank you..." The teens and children nodded.

"Oh Harry you were so cute!" Hermione claimed when she saw him.

Harry smiled unbeknownst to himself as he mentally felt his happy balloon welling up.

This was the best birthday ever...

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