Take Me to My Grave...

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The wedding was a big event set for the next day and all tried to pitch in where they could, including future kids.

When the company for the tent arrived Teddy morphed into a Weasley looking man and went out to help, along with most of the family but Ron, Hermione and Harry who were planning for the year up in the redheads room.

"Dads got the disguise of Polyjuice, Teddy is obviously a easy one... I am going to charm my hair red with Uncle George's Spell, you two have to do something to yourselves, Ophie is pretty much safe and so is Vix but Lily you need a cover story on why your hair is strawberry blonde." James listed, looking at each in turn making Harry shocked.

"If your going to apperate right after the ceremony why don't those four go under my cloak?" He included Vixit because he couldn't bear the though of her being out in the open.

"That's-actually that's brilliant!" Albus noted as they were told to dress, Ted had taken they're stuff to the house last evening and only returned carrying some sort of ragged dress robes.

As the day progressed Harry said his farewells worriedly, starting with Teddy after he returned from helping with the tent to which the man flashed his hair bubblegum pink and winked before giving him a crushing hug.

When he'd done so to James the boy had jokingly stated not to make him cry as he had a reputation to uphold while he hugged his only a bit taller Father softly, as Harry said his pardons to Albus and Scorpius he saw Ron and Hermione doing the same.

"Don't worry Dad, wouldn't be long now." The two said in tandem reminding him of a different pair of twins.

Ophelia stiffly told him to keep it short as she was dressing and he did a hug, see you soon and he was off to find his blonde Daughter.

Lily was sitting on Ginny's bed crying when he found her which he immediately tried to rectify, though he was sure he'd made it worse.

"You talk of it, the war... but I never imagined how sad it would actually be, to the point of disguise and distrust that you all have or the constant shadows under your eyes... I've only seen you this exhausted once, I was seven and it was awful. You didn't talk for a whole day just cooped yourself up your office doing who knows what. You would shake when you moved your hands or flinch at noises and touches, it just never seemed real. The war." The eleven year old sniffed wiping her nose and making Harry feel worse.

"I-I'm sorry... that you have to see this Flower, I never wanted my kids. My Daughter, to see what I've seen... you all are so innocent it makes me have hope for the future, a generation not tainted by Lord Voldemort and his Death Possy. I love you all and want your best health most of all, between me and you it will always be you to me." She laughed and hugged him making the messy haired teen smile warmly and feel a prickly feeling from his toes up.

"We will see you soon." She ended the discussion by standing and exiting the room him following in a hazy daze.

When he went searching for his youngest he knew it would be the hardest to say goodbye to her, the little girls innocent ways reminded Harry that his kids were not him, they weren't told they were freaks or no good, they didn't have cupboards they had bedrooms, likely decorated in they're own ways and that, was the best thing Harry could remember himself thinking.

"Daddy? Why do you look sad? Soud I hug you?" The little eight year old glanced at him and bounded over.

"Vix, tonight is going to be the last time I'll see you for a bit." She nodded as though she already knew.

"I know! Teddy says you'll be wif us spoon dough?" Harry smiled nodding and heading to where the twins, - his twins, - were standing with Lily holding his cloak.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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