The Nightmares Sing

By Everlark_Katniss

3K 113 49

Ok! I know I've been a little confusing about stories. But with the first version of the Nightmares sing, it... More



116 5 8
By Everlark_Katniss

I wake up with Peeta looking at me, smiling. He is so handsom. I love him.

"Good-" Peeta begins to say, but gets caught off by a phone ringing. He then gets out of bed and rushes downstairs.

While waiting for Peeta to finish up his phone call, I hear things outside. I get out of bed and look through the window. I see hovercrafts in the sky dropping things. Parachutes.

"No" I whisper to myself, almost crying. I see a parachute hit the ground and a huge explosion happens not to far away.

"Peeta!" I scream, backing away from the window.

He runs upstairs and holds me tight.

"Let's get you to the attic" Peeta says and pulls me out of the bedroom.

As we are going up the lader to the attic, I hear more bombs going off. I'm crying uncontrollably.

"Katniss, shh, let's get you in the attic. Come on" Peeta trys to sooth me.

We make it into the attic, and I'm curled up into a ball with Peeta's arm around me.

"Peeta what is going on?" I cry

"Well, when I got the phone call, it was Haymitch. He said that the Capitol was just bombed and all the sick patients on the street died. Paylor called an attack on all Districts" Peeta says

"Why would Paylor do this though? I thought she was all about peace and against bombing" I cry, while hearing more bombs being dropped

"Her nephew was helping a sick patient, when the bomb dropped, it hit him" Peeta exclaims.

I stare at him for a second. He wraps his arms around me and says

"Haymitch will be here soon with Effie. Then we'll all be safe together" Peeta says trying to calm me. He then kisses my forehead.

Three hours pass and the doorbell rings.

"I'll be right back" Peeta says.

"No! Don't leave me Peeta!" I scream

"I'll be right back. I won't get hurt" Peeta says

"No!" I cry

"I'll be back. I love you" Peeta says. With that, he kisses me full on the lips and leaves the attic.

"Peeta no!" I cry as I hear more bombs explode.

Three minutes later, Peeta comes back with Haymitch and Effie. Three minutes seems like a lifetime for me.

"Peeta" I say as I run to him and sob in his shoulder.

"Well hello to you to sweetheart" Haymitch says

"Haymitch! Effie!" I say and hug them.

"Hello darling!" Effie exclaims

I know I hate to admit it, but I've missed Effie and Haymitch.

Then I also remember who I missed for a while.

Johanna and Flynn.

"Peeta!" I say

"Yes Katniss what is it?" Peeta says rushing to me.

"Johanna and Flynn" I say

"What about them? And who is Flynn?" Peeta asks confused.

"Flynn is Finnick little brother, and their Districts are being bombed too! We have to save them" I say, crying again.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll call them up. I'll send a 13 hovercraft for them" Haymitch says.

"Thank you Haymitch" I say.

For the next few hours, I sit in the attic, with Peeta's comfort and waiting for Johanna and Flynn to be here safely with me. All while hearing bombs go off

Then, the doorbell rings over and over again.

"I got it" Peeta says

"No! Your staying with me" I say to Peeta, holding his wrist.

"I'll go" Haymitch says and leaves the attic.

"I don't ever want you to go again Peeta" I say, sobbing in his shoulder.

"I won't. I promise" Peeta says as he hold me tighter.

Then Haymitch comes into the attic with Flynn and Johanna.

I stand up and run to give Johanna and Flynn a hug.

"Oh I'm so glad your safe" I say to the both of them.

"Yeah yeah, your happy. Now can you let go so I don't die" Johanna says.

"Sorry" I say

Then a bomb comes crashing down on the house.

"Peeta!" I yell and he grabs me and hovers over me.

I keep my eyes closed as tight as I can. I cry and scream for as long as I remember.

Then I open my eyes. I see Haymitch hovering over Effie, letting her go. I see Johanna over Flynn, letting him go. Then I see Peeta. Not letting go of me. I won't let him.

"It stopped. You two love birds can let go now" Johanna says

That's when Peeta stops hovering over me. But he doesn't let go of my hand.

"Ok, we have to get out of here" Effie says, fixing her hair.

"Well obviously meathead,half of the house has burned off" Johanna says

"Meathead?" Effie says

"Okay everyone stop!" I butt in "we need to figure out where we're going to go"

"Maybe we can go to-" Flynn begins but then gets cut off by peacekeepers barging into the house. They all go after me.

"Katniss Everdeen. Over there!" One peacekeeper yells.

He then grabs my arm tightly and pulls me away from Peeta.

"Peeta!" I scream

I see everyone coming after me. Peeta above all.

"Don't take her!" Peeta yells as he grabs my hand. I manage to escape the peacekeepers clutches just in time to give Peeta one last hug.

Then, the peacekeeper grabs me by my waist and pries me off Peeta.

"I love you Peeta!" I scream as the peacekeeper drags me into the hovercraft. The last thing I see before the hovercraft flies off is Peeta chasing after me and screaming my name.

Then a bomb goes off.



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