BitterSweet [BillDip][1920's...

Vanilla_waffer द्वारा

41K 2.2K 1.5K

I guess there were some people even New York couldn't handle. Bill Cipher was undoubtedly one of those people... अधिक

Act 1:"Its magnificence was indescribable, and its magnitude was inconceivable."
"They were smart and sophisticated, with an air of independence about them..."
"They were careless people..."
"Everywhere was the atmosphere of a long debauch that had to end."
"...a mythic creature made of words and wit and wild deeds"
"Well-lit streets discourage sin, but don't overdo it."
Again and Again
Begging the Question
The Best Thing
With the coming of Winter
Falling for you
Bad Bad Boy
In Pieces
You're the Cream in my Coffee
The Meaning
Strange and Forgotten
We'll meet again
From Far Away

Merry Christmas

874 57 17
Vanilla_waffer द्वारा

Christmas, for the Pines family, was usually a rather boisterous affair. This year, however, was more so than the res – it had been quite some time since they had been able to celebrate together afterall.

It started with Mabel waking everyone up at eight o'clock sharp – she burst through the door and leapt on Dipper's bed, tackling her twin onto the floor and eliminating any chance he had of falling back asleep. Then the pair made their way into the kitchen where their Grunkle Stan was making breakfast - his signature Stancakes - and their Grunkle Ford was sitting at the kitchen table chatting amiably with his twin brother(if their usual arguing could count as amiable). Mabel moved to help Stan cook, and Dipper took a seat at the table to chat with Ford about the news. They all ate breakfast amidst loud chatter, the kitchen warm and inviting as the rather odd family laughed and joked through their meal.

And after breakfast, of course, came presents.

They had bought and decorated their tree a week before hand. Somehow, Bill had ended up coming along to help, claiming he didn't celebrate Christmas, but didn't want to miss out on any of the fun. The result was...interesting. The tree was literally dripping with tinsel which shone silver in the candle light – despite Fords claims that it was a fire hazard (a fact which only egged Bill on as he practically threw handfuls of the stuff at the tree).

Mabel had made them all cloth ornaments, which were hung amongst the glass bulbs and green spruce branches. For Stan there was an odd looking fish like the one on that ridiculous fez he wore all the time. Beside it, Ford's was a book with what looked to be a golden circle in the center, or what Mabel claimed to be a six-fingered hand. Dipper's was a blue Pine tree (and had Bill found that hilarious- his arm was still bruised where Dipper had punched him to get him to stop laughing) and Mabel's a shooting star. She'd even made one for Bill, a beaded gold triangle based on the outfit he had worn to the Halloween party. The blonde had almost run off with the thing, wanting to keep it for himself rather than place it on the tree.

Needless to say, it had taken quite a bit of convincing from Dipper for him to eventually give it up. Mabel had also made the star – a large, glitter covered thing stuck rather precariously at the top of the tree (Bill had decided it would be funny to pull the chair Dipper had been standing on out from under him). They'd even made popcorn and cranberry strands, or, strand to be more precise, as Bill had gotten bored two minutes in and ended up just throwing popcorn at Dipper until the brunette gave up and returned combat.

They were still finding popcorn in the couch cushions.

"Presents! Presents!" Mabel cheered, bouncing up and down on the couch from her position beside her twin.

"I'm getting to it!" Stan groaned, moving towards his chair. "Dipper, you are in charge of handing out gifts."

The brunette rolled his eyes, though he'd been expecting it all along. Getting to his feet, he moved towards the tree and the small pile of presents underneath it.

"Alright, then I guess I'll start with my gifts to everyone then..." he trailed, picking out the second most messily wrapped parcels (at least Ford had tried, Stan hadn't even bothered wrapping his gifts this year) and began handing them out.

The Stan's ended up with a new watches from Dipper and matching sweaters from Mabel with little penguins on the front that, when they stood side by side, looked like they were hugging. Mabel got a new sewing machine – a gift from both their great Uncle's, and a box of ribbons from Dipper.

He ended up with a new journal, a set of fountain pens, and a sweater with the words 'property of Cipher' printed on the front.

"It was Bill's idea." She commented with a smile, punching Dipper's arm as he stared at his gift in horror. "He has a matching one that says 'Cipher, touch him and die'."

Dipper was going to have a very animated conversation with Bill the next time he saw him.

Which, coincidentally was going to be later that afternoon.

Finally they had opened all the presents from one another, yet there were still two packages sitting beneath the tree.

"That's strange." Stan said, rubbing his chin at the golden boxes. Mabel couldn't stop smiling, and Dipper felt his heart flutter.

Gold. That could only mean one thing.

Stepping forward he picked up the two small boxes - neither larger than his palm - and gazed at the slips of paper attached to them. Written in a familiar elegant script was the name Cipher, followed by a small pine tree and a star respectively.

"They're from Bill." He breathed, happiness welling within his gut.

This... was probably the most romantic thing that had ever happened to him.

The Stan's exchanged a look, before getting to their feet and heading towards the kitchen.

"Well, we'll go clean up breakfast." Stan said as Ford awkwardly cleared his throat – and within moments Dipper and Mabel were left alone.

"Oh, oh, gimme!" Mabel reached her hands out expectantly, and Dipper handed her her gift before taking a seat at her side.

"I can't believe, I mean, for Bill to..."

"He gave them to me to hide underneath the tree. He was too nervous to give it to you in person, so I suggested he do this instead as a surprise." Mabel stated with a smile, flicking her twins forehead. Dipper winced, reaching up to rub the spot.

"How often do you two talk together?' he asked, only half joking.

"We call each other every afternoon." Mabel beamed, and there was that fluttering in Dipper's chest again, that welling sense of pride.

"Oh..." he turned his gaze down to the box in his hand, which was wrapped in a gold foil that, upon further inspection, was etched with a sort of ivy like design. It was beautiful, and he almost felt reluctant to open it.

Or, maybe that was because he was anxious to see what was inside.

"You go first." Dipper said and Mabel snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." She tore away the paper, revealing a jewelry box. Her smile merely widened when she popped it open to discover a thin silver bracelet made from interlocking stars – each one containing a different colored stone.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" she cried, lifting the Bracelet to evaluate the handiwork. It took a moment for Dipper to realize that it wasn't actually made of silver, but of white gold. Mabel slipped the bracelet onto her wrist, the pale metal gleaming against her skin. It really did suite her.

"Alright, your turn." Mabel turned to her brother, raising an eyebrow. Dipper swallowed nervously.

Of course, he wanted to open it – especially after seeing what Bill had gotten his twin. But... he was also worried. Worried for what, exactly, he wasn't sure. A part of him wondered if maybe Bill had given him a finger or something – knowing the blonde he probably would have thought it hilarious to give such a gruesome gift.

Then again, if that were the case, he'd likely want to be there when Dipper opened it so he could see the other man's expression.

So at least he could rule out disembodied limbs.

Or maybe, just maybe, the reason Dipper was afraid to open it was because this was the first real gift Bill had given him, and he was slightly disappointed that it wasn't given in person.

Still, the gesture was sweet, and after a few calming breaths Dipper gave a firm nod and proceeded to peel away the wrapping to reveal another jewelry box. He ran his fingers over the velvety exterior before popping it open to reveal a ring.

Scratch that, this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for Dipper.

Mabel gasped, and Dipper felt his heart leap into his throat. It was a large thing, gold and rather plain but for the triangle etched into its surface with a green stone at the center.

"Peridot!" Mabel giggled. "That's so romantic."


"It's our birthstone!" Dipper gazed at the ring, reaching out to run his fingers along the surface. The object seemed to hum at the contact, strangely warm to the touch.

"Well, go on! Put it on!" Mabel poked her brother anxiously.

"Okay, okay." He laughed, batting her hands away. He removed the ring from the box, discovering it was too large for most of his fingers but for his thumb. He slipped it on, and it fit perfectly, leaving him to guess that that was Bill's intention.

"Ah, so it's not an engagement ring." His twin pouted, evaluating Dipper's hand.

"Mabel!" he squeaked, face flushing, and his sister laughed.

"Don't make that face, bro-bro. I am counting on you and Bill getting married. He would be the best brother in law ever!"

"Mabe, he's insane. And a murderer." He stated though his heart was pounding at the thought.

"But he's your insane murderer." She responded with a shrug. "Dipper, it's all relative. I'm pretty sure Grunkle Ford is insane..." There was an eruption of laughter from the kitchen, "...and don't even get me started on Grunkle Stan's criminal record..." There was a thud from the kitchen, followed by more laughter. Mabel turned to her brother, raising an eyebrow as if to say 'I told you so'.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks Mabes." Dipper stood, kissing his twin on the top of her head before heading towards the door to the apartment.

"I'll be back before Dinner!" Dipper called over his shoulder, slipping on his winter coat and scarf.

"Be safe!" Mabel called back, her voice joining with the grunts of farewell from both his Uncles. Dipper smiled, shaking his head fondly before heading outside to catch a cab downtown.

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