"They were careless people..."

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-F.Scott Fitzgerald

"Dipper!" Mabel's voice broke startled Dipper awake, causing him to move his hand out from under his chin and smack his forehead into the table. For the third time that day no less.

"For Christ's sake." The brunette hissed, rubbing his aching head. He probably had a lump the size of his birthmark at this rate.

Wouldn't that be an interesting sight?

Mabel snorted, nearly choking on her drink. She gently prodded her brother's knees with her foot.

"That will never get old." She stated, swirling her straw around before handing her drink to Dipper. He shook his head, opting instead to resume nursing his now cold coffee. He'd never been much of a fan of sweets. His sister had kind of killed his taste buds with her... pallet.

Mabel crinkled her nose, shrugging and lazily sitting back in her seat.

"Suite yourself."

Dipper turned his attention back to the sidewalk, watching the constant flow of pedestrians as they passed the little coffee shop and the two twins sitting at a table just outside of it. Autumn was just beginning to set in, and the burning August heat had faded to a dull warmth, tempered by a certain chill that hung in the air despite the cloudless blue sky.

It had also been nearly a month since Dipper had begun working at Bartleby's – a speakeasy posing as a bakery by day. Dipper had quickly gotten used to the position as bartender. He'd been one quite some time before he and Mabel had come back to New York, and he actually enjoyed the excitement of mixing drinks, listening to jazz and making idle conversation with the customers.

What's more, Dipper really hadn't had any interactions with the bar's owner, Bill Cipher, after his first day. Occasionally he would see the eccentric blonde sitting at one of the tables talking with the bar's various assortment of odd and likely influential customers, but the two hadn't really been alone.

Which is exactly how Dipper liked it.

And even though Dipper didn't exactly get paid for his work, he did get to keep his tips, which combined with the fact that Dipper and Mabel got free room and board from their Great Uncles ( on account of it being Grunkle Stan's fault he was working at a job with no pay in the first place) meant Dipper had a relatively decent income.

Which is why Dipper had chosen to take his sister out for a change. The only problem was, he still hadn't quite become used to his new sleep schedule.

Dipper released a long yawn, earning a harsh look from his sister.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it!" he stated, lifting his hands in mock surrender. Mabel huffed, getting to her feet.

"You say that, and yet you keep falling asleep." She grumped, jutting out her lower lip. Dipper stood, wrapping his arm around Mabel's shoulder and offering her a guilty smile.

"Okay, okay. How about I make it up to you by taking you to a movie?" Dipper asked, His twin's face immediately lit up.

"Oh oh! I know exactly the one!" She cried, jumping excitedly. Her brother smiled, content to see his sister happy. He felt slightly guilty because for the weeks following their arrival to New York he hadn't been giving her as much attention as he used to. Not that Mabel needed it – she'd quickly been accepted into her own job sewing clothes for one of her favorite designers and Mabel had become fast friends with many of the woman she worked with.

His sister was by no means reliant solely on Dipper.

Still, Dipper had missed her terribly, and he felt that Mabel likely felt the same. They were siblings after all.

BitterSweet [BillDip][1920's AU]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα