Marauders Mistakes (blackinno...

By hotchocolatexox

56K 1.5K 224

Blackinnon story, starting at Hogwarts and then carrying on after they leave. It will have Jily and Meadowpin... More

Part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
Authors note
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty-one
part twenty-two
part twenty-three
part twenty five
part twenty six
part twenty-seven
part twenty eight
part twenty nine
part thirty
part thirty one
part thirty two
part thirty three
part thirty four
part thirty five
part thirty six
part thirty seven
part thirty eight
part thirty nine
part forty
part forty one

part twelve

1.5K 37 1
By hotchocolatexox

Once James and Lily had gotten over the initial disbelief of the Room of Requirement, and how it could literally change to your needs the questions began. How did you find it? Why are you only showing us now? Can it bring you food?

"Oh no!" James stopped dead in his tracks. "It isn't on the map!" He said, obviously horrified that their complete map of Hogwarts, wasn't actually all that complete.

"Why didn't Sirius tell us?" He asked.

Just as Marlene started to explain to James, the door burst open and Dorcas and Remus arrived, before Sirius winked and disappeared again, to bring the others. Marlene walked over to Dorcas, "Oh my God." She said, to the little brunette pointing at her. Dorcas looked over at Lily who quickly nodded and laughed, collapsing on one of the sofas nearest to the fireplace, where she began to pour a concoction of drinks for her friends on the coffee table that was conveniently placed in the centre of a circle of sofas, cushions and chairs.

Dorcas squealed, and jumped up and down before running to Marlene and throwing her hands around her neck, excitement evident. Marlene pulled back and looked closely at her friend.

"Oh Doe, how could I not notice? I'm so stupid! I knew there was something." She grinned before dragging Dorcas over to the loveseat by the fire and putting a drink into her hands.

James and Remus stood by the door. James looked baffled by the events occurring around him, first a whole magic room that Sirius had never told him about, then Dorcas being more excited than she was on Christmas morning, and Marlene seemed very happy, but surely Marlene shouldn't be happy, he just could not get his head around anything, so as he tried to figure out multiple things, he was stood frozen by the door. Remus however looked nervous, and kept wiping his hands on his trousers and messing with his hair, his face pale, trying not to look at James, Dorcas, Lily or Marlene.

"Do you have a clue what's going on?" James asked Remus. "Because Moony, I'm more confused than when Lily told be she would go out with me." He said.

Remus looked over at his friend and couldn't help but laugh, James was twitchy, and so very confused.

"Unfortunately I think I understand exactly what's going on." He muttered under his breath.

Lily shouted over at the pair holding up a drink for Remus, "Remus, for you?" She said.

"No thank you Lily, I think I need all my wits for this round." He grimaced before taking the drink and handing it to James. "You're going to need this Prongs, trust me mate."

James looked at the drink and shrugged before downing it and pouring himself another as he sat down on the arm of the chair next to Lily, still looking around in disbelief.

Remus turned to where he could see Dorcas happily chatting away to Marlene, who was listening, only speaking every few minutes. He looked across the coffee table at Lily. "Is that conversation what I think it is?"

"Yeah, you sure you don't want a drink?" She said laughing. Remus looked over at the pair again, and at that moment Marlene looked over at him, her eyes wide. "Remus John Lupin you saucy little thing!" She said before she was forced into silence by Dorcas who had covered her mouth with her hand and was now sat on her in an attempt to silence her. Remus flushed red and reached for the drink on the table, topping it off with even more of whatever Marlene and Sirius drank, because he needed whatever they had for this, forget his wits.

The door opened once again and Sirius marched into the room, with Emmeline, Mary, Frank, Alice and Peter. The others watched for their reactions to the room. They stood in awe, the whole room silent, before Emmeline turned to Sirius. "How the hell did you find this place?" She said, arms folded across her chest.

Sirius moved towards the fireplace, where his other friends were sat before reaching down and grabbing a drink.

"Sirius really?" Peter asked, still astonished.

Sirius downed his drink and turned to Marlene. "Care to do the honours?"

She smirked up at him. "Are we really telling this story?"

"If you want to." He said quietly, his eyes only on her as she scanned the faces of the people in the room before making her way back to Sirius.

"Some more drinks first?" She asked.

"Sounds like a plan. Beer pong it is you losers." He said confidently, "Winner gets a kiss from yours truly."

"Sirius, nobody wants a kiss from you." Lily objected.

"How about winner gets exemption from first truth question?" Remus asked, desperate to avoid the conversation he knew was coming.

"Sounds like a better plan." Lily grinned, knowing what he was doing.

"Let's split into two teams then guys." Marlene said, getting up from the sofa and making her way over to Sirius.

"Mckinnon they won't let us be on the same team, they never do, something about needing someone to do the shots on each team when everyone else is too far gone. Besides I like beating you at this." He grinned.

"Good job my name is 'Nobody' then isn't it." She whispered before grabbing Sirius' shirt and pulling him close and kissing him.

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