Mute {KH/FF FanFiction} (Fini...

By yunru28

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In your past home you were abused, depressed, anorexic, you self harmed... Everything was going to hell after... More

Chapter I: Hush
Chapter II: No Reply
Chapter III: Gentle
Chapter IV: Party
Chapter VI: Speak
Chapter VII: Date
Chapter VIII: Drug
Chapter IX: Recovery
Chapter X: Argument
Chapter XI: Dismissal
Chapter XII: Night
Chapter XIII: Mystery
Chapter XIV: Park
Chapter XV: Science
Chapter XVI: Movie
Chapter XVII: Story
Chapter XVIII: Idea
Chapter XIX: Invite
Chapter XX: Carnival
Chapter XXI: Kidnap
Chapter XXII: Condemn
Chapter XXIII: Snow
Chapter XXIV: Snowball
Chapter XXV: Change
Chapter XXVI: Adopted
Chapter XXVII: Decoration
Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment
Chapter XXIX: Christmas
Chapter XXX: End

Chapter V: School

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By yunru28

You were awaken by Sora excitingly jumping on the bed but just barely managing to avoid jumping on top of you. You rubbed your eyes as you opened them, watching him jump all around.

"First day of school!" He exclaimed as he jumped off the bed.

You blinked and finally realized; where was Vanitas? Wasn't he here last night? You assumed he must have gotten up earlier than you and was getting ready for school. You sat up and watched as Sora darted out of the room and slammed the door shut, obviously he had gotten what he wanted and now had no more use staying in your room. You smiled to yourself as you got out of bed and slipped on that uniform with the long sleeved white shirt before deciding to go downstairs. When you reached the bottom of the stairs you saw Vanitas in his uniform lazily snoozing on the couch with his school bag on his stomach.

You couldn't go to wake him up, for Sora was shoving a book bag in your arms. "Mom and Dad are both working right now, their schedule is weird since dad is a police officer and mom is a doctor. So it's just us all day!" He smiled and dashed to the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Hungry?" When you shook your head, he shrugged and grabbed an apple and took a huge bite out of it. "We should probably wake Vanny up, it's getting late and we should get going."

Sora threw his brothers bag off of him before sitting on top of him, lightly slapping Vanitas' face in order to wake him up. Vanitas groaned and threw Sora to the floor and sat up with a glare on his face.

"Fuck off." He snapped, getting off the couch and grabbing his bag. When he saw you, he simply nodded and slung the bag over his shoulder and held onto it by one strap. "Let's just go."


"Look there she is!"
"Awe she's so cute!"
"Why is she so thin...?"
"She looks so miserable."
"Poor thing must have been through so much..."
"Her hair is so pretty though."

Everyone whispered about you as you approached the school. You weren't stupid like they assumed, you could hear every word they said. You kept your head low and tried to hide between Vanitas and Sora as they led you inside. You three were going to meet up with the rest of their friends... Well, Sora's friends. You assumed Vanitas and a few others didn't get along very well.

Right inside the school was Kairi, Namine, and Axel, who all were already there. When Kairi saw you three she smiled with excitement and waved you over rapidly.

"It's so great to see you here!" She exclaimed as she hugged you. You nervously backed away as Vanitas was instantly by your side, glaring at her. Kairi gave him a look, but didn't say anything as she backed off.

"Hey guys."

The twins walked into the school and joined the group, staying on the opposite side of the circle away from Vanitas who was still standing slightly in front of you. You peeked around his arm to watch Axel giving Roxas a noogie while Ventus laughed instead of trying to help his brother. You heard a scoff come from Vanitas before he left you with the group. You saw him walk away and was out of sight.

"Come on {Y/N} you need your schedule!" Sora nudged you before dragging you away to grab your schedule from the office.

It didn't take long for Sora to say your name to the lady up front and for her to hand over your schedule. You looked over it carefully, scared of what classes you were being forced to take this year. You were homeschooled yes but you were sure you didn't get all the education you needed to be in eleventh grade. Your worst fear was having to retreat back to ninth grade with the freshman and having to deal with more strangers. However there were only six classes on the schedule, which made you relieved. It wasn't too much.

"First period you have cooking with Mr. Dilan." Sora explained. "Oh cool you have it with Axel! Let's go back and he can take you there."

Axel seemed to be excited when he got the news that the two of you were in the same class. He winked at you before draping his arm over your shoulders, guiding you to the cooking room.

"Ya know..." Axel began on the way. "I took cooking last year before I was held back. I failed because I kept burning all the food. It sucked."

You gave him an amused smile as you approached the cooking room and he opened the door for you, letting you go in first. You gratefully nodded your head before entering, seeing the teacher sitting at a desk that was pushed back in the corner to make room for the kitchen and desks. The teacher was really tall and buff, he had long dreadlocks but had them all stuffed into a hair net which amused you because he looks so weird. He also had one of those tall chef hats on his head and a chef outfit as he tried to look professional. You and Axel found four seats in the middle of the room and you two sat beside each other as other people began to file inside the room since the bell had just rung.

It wasn't long after the bell that the teacher walked to the front of the room with his hands behind his back. He glared at you all with intense eyes as if you guys were in trouble for simply existing. He stared for a while before finally speaking.

"We have someone new joining us today. Her name is {Y/N}. Everyone give her a good welcome. My name is Mr. Dilan and I will be your cooking teacher for the rest of the year." Your eyes went wide as he continued. "Like I promised last class we're going to be cooking today in the kitchen. Get into groups of no more than four. The recipes are on the counters for you."

The class got up from their seats and started go chat and get into groups. Axel of course got your attention and dragged you to a kitchen that was furthest away from everyone else. You were satisfied that he realized you were shy and didn't like to be near a lot of people. Axel picked up the recipe from the counter and started to read it.

"Oh cool angel food cake. Just like you angel~" Axel smirked at you before continuing. "Anyway we need sugar, flour-"

Axel was cut short when there was someone's voice speaking from behind the two of you.

"I'm a loser so like... Can I join you two?"

You turned around to see a small boy, probably younger than you with white hair that framed his face and fair skin. He seemed a bit shy, but he was still willing to talk.

"Oh hey, Hope." Axel greeted. "Of course you can."

Hope grinned. "Cool! So what do we need?"

Axel listed off the ingredients and Hope went to find them in the fridge or they were simply laying around somewhere on the counters. He seemed excited to be helping out for when he got back he plopped everything on the kitchen counter you were using and said "Ta Da!" After doing so. Axel ruffled his hair in praise before grabbing a bowl.

"Alright {Y/N}, you can mix some of the ingredients together since we aren't suppose to mix them all at once. Think you can do that?" When you nodded, Axel handed you a mixing spoon and told you what to throw in the bowl.

You enjoyed doing this. Cooking was one of your favorite things since you were forced to cook for yourself when you still lived with Yaag. It gave you something to concentrate on, prevented you from being bored. After all you loved how the food tasted after it was all done. At least here you didn't have to quickly hide the food or throw it away when he came home from work... You could finally eat it all in peace and without worry.

Your group was the first group to put the mixed ingredients into the oven and had set the timer. Axel and Hope both cheered and gave each other a high five before turning to you with their hands up, waiting. You lightly tapped their hands with yours as you had just a small smile on your face.

"Now we wait and relax." Axel said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and started texting someone. "Gotta shove it in Roxas' face that I'm better than him."

While Axel was texting his friend, Hope approached you and leaned against the counter. He grinned at you to show he was friendly. "So you're new right? Where are you from?"

You hated it when people asked you questions. You didn't want to speak to answer them. Your smile turned into a frown as you shook your head, hoping that he would get the hint. He tilted his head to the side, obviously confused. Lucky for you, Axel came to the rescue and piped into the conversation.

"She doesn't talk bro." He said as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. "I mean Sora's dad is taking care of her for now. And we all know what he does for a living."

"Ohhhh." Hope said. His face got a bit red from embarrassment as he lowered his head a bit so you couldn't see it. "I'm so sorry {Y/N} I didn't know."

You placed a hand on his shoulder to try and reassure him as you gave him a sweet smile. You were glad most people were understanding about it. Hope seemed like a really sweet kid, so you wouldn't hold it against him. He seemed to appreciate the fact that you didn't mind as he lifted his head with a cheesy grin.

So far, school wasn't that bad. As you ventured from class to class, meeting all these different people, you were content with that. So far they all seemed friendly, even though it was fifth period and you still had that period and sixth to go. You knew some people were giving you a few strange looks here and there, especially from a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes. She seemed to have some unreasoned hatred towards you, for every time you passed her in the halls she had this menacing glare of death. You of course tried to ignore it as you scurried off to your fifth period class... In which she had followed you inside.

She was fairly tall, sitting in the back row with a smirk on her face as she leaned back against her chair. You took a quick glance at her before finding an empty seat and sitting down quickly as you tried to avoid eye contact. You stared at your desk, not noticing the figure sitting beside you.

"Looks like we're in the same class huh?" You lifted your head and saw Vanitas sitting beside you, leaning forward a bit as he got your attention. When you noticed him, he leaned back in his seat and rested his feet on top of the desk as he let out a sigh. "Guess we can learn about the past assholes together."

You gave him a smile and nodded just as the bell rang and the teacher rushed inside. He seemed out of it as he made his way into the class and plopped his books down onto his desk, panting. He had black hair that seems to be slowly turning gray and it was slicked back with some gel it seemed. He was pretty thin, he seemed like the type to do a bunch of drugs but never eat. His eyes were a piercing yellow as he stared at the class for a moment before sitting down in his seat.

"So uh we have a new kiddo." He said as his eyes made their way towards your direction. "Her name is {Y/N} and she's new and blah blah blah you guys know the drill. I'm Mr.Braig. Call me by my first name though little dude it's cool."

You made a confused look and turned to Vanitas, who was laughing silently to himself. You turned back to Braig, who was getting back up and had a stack of papers in his arms. He started to pass them out.

"Textbooks are under your desks, go to page 569 and read the chapter and answer the questions. I'm too high to teach today sorry. Don't tell the headmaster thanks dudes."

There were a murmur of giggles and hushed whispers of amusement as everyone grabbed the textbooks and flipped them opened. You grabbed a pencil  and took the worksheet as Vanitas brought his desk over to it was right next to yours. He opened a textbook and placed it inbetween the two of you so you could share one. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing as he had already answered the first question by the time you even knew what you were looking at.

"I know all about this trust me." Vanitas said as he began to answer the second question. "This stuff intrigues me."

You admired how excited he seemed about the war. He seemed like a violent person however, and you assumed the reason he enjoyed it so much was because of all the bloodshed and evil that went into the war. Your eyes blinked with curiosity, but you were startled and tore your eyes away from him when a pair of hands slammed onto your desk. You jumped with surprise and your heart slammed against your chest as you realized it was the tall girl with short blonde hair.

Vanitas let out a scoff of disgust as he quickly flipped over his paper as if she would copy. "Fuck off, bitch." He growled.

You cringed. He obviously didn't like her. He seemed extremely pissed that she was even there, she didn't even say anything for him to show off hostility.

"Vanny don't be like that." She said in a sweet voice. "I just need some help." She batted her pretty green eyes at him as she shot him an innocent smile.

"Don't fucking call me that Larxene." Vanitas muttered. "Go away."

Larxene pouted. "I also wanted to meet your new friend." She reached out and grabbed a lock of your hair, feeling it between her delicate fingers. "She seems so sweet."

Quick as lightening, Vanitas slapped her hand away and had jumped up from his desk, his teeth clenched tightly together. The two were glaring daggers at each other, you could feel the tension rise in the room as everyone stared in all.

"Guys don't fight today Jesus." Braig yawned from his desk. "Take it out of the classroom if you have to."

"You're lucky I don't hit girls." Vanitas muttered, he has his arm reaching in front of you... Protecting you. But why?

Larxene answered with a smirk. "Maybe after this you will."

She lifted a fist and with full force it was coming straight for you. Your eyes went wide with fear as you saw the fist coming towards your face. You turned your head away just as Vanitas had thrown the desk aside and had jumped out in front of you to take the blow for you. You heard the sound of bone to flesh as she had punched him on the cheek, which sent him falling to the other side of your desk. You gasped with surprise as he laid on his stomach, groaning. You quickly got from your seat and knelt down, helping him sit up.

He rubbed his sore mouth as he sat up, glaring at Larxene. His expression turned soft when his eyes landed on you.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Your lip quivered. He was asking if you were okay even though he was the one who was injured. You gently placed your cold hand on his cheek and turned his head so you could look at it. It was already bruised and swelling. You glanced up to see a satisfied smirk on Larxene's face as she had her hands on her hips, towering over the two of you.

The class was dead silent as they all stared with shock. Braig had fallen asleep on his desk, and didn't notice what had happened. Larxene let out a "Hmph." before storming out of the room. You just heard her mutter, "Fucking bastard." Under her breathe as she left.

You didn't understand why she attacked him. Why did she try to punch you? If it wasn't for Vanitas you'd be the one on the floor right now with a bruised jaw... It might have even been broken. You looked at Vanitas with a worried expression while you tugged on his arm, trying to help him stand up. Vanitas took your offer gratefully and got to his feet with you still attached to his arm.

"We're going to the nurse." Vanitas sighed.

You followed him out of the room and still attached to his arm, you walked with him to the nurse. It was a silent walk to the nurse. Neither of you talked. You were about to round the corner when you just happened to bump into the girl who punched him. You bumped into her and breathed heavily when you saw the look in her eyes.

"Fucking move bitch!" She growled. She tore you away from Vanitas and threw you into a locker. You felt the back of your head slam into it roughly before you slid down to the floor, holding your head as it throbbed with pain. You heard Vanitas cuss her out before he instantly lunged for her. Your eyes went wide as you watched him pin the blonde to the floor, holding her arms high above her head and sitting on her stomach.

"Go to hell." Vanitas retorted, glaring daggers at her. "{Y/N} did nothing to you. Why the fuck do you think it's a good idea to injure her? Especially when I'm around?"

Larxene smirked. "We don't need her trying to get close to you. We all know what happens when someone gets too close."

The phrase "I don't hit girls" flashed into your mind as Vanitas returned the present she gave him earlier and punched her right in the face. It wasn't long after that that a teacher came by to split the two apart. All three of you were sent to the office.

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