Love, Sex, Alpha, His

By butterfly94

192K 3.8K 197

She left a troubling past behind her in New York and moved to Peninsula in Washington State for college. Her... More

Oh Boy
The games we play...
You always win
Walk of shame
This isn't happening
Family dealings

Listen Wolf

16K 344 23
By butterfly94

After Cam left and it was just Chloe and Haley again, they turned Chloes bed into a make shift couch and stacked pillows and blankets against the wall, using Haleys computer as a moviescreen and hooked it up to the speakers. They were eating McDonalds and had a minifridge stocked with sodas and ice cream between their bedside tables and they were watching, wait for it, Twilight!
They had a really good excuse to watch it though, the movie was stocked with hot guys, like Kellan Lutz and Peter Facinelli, not to mention Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Jasper Rathbone, frankly they could go on and on about the amount of hot guys in Twilight.

They were halfway into the movie when Chloe got out ice cream and spoons and handed one spoon to Haley, the attention on the movie had long subsided for thoughts and curioiousity and she just couldn't hold it in anymore.
"So," she said casually without looking at Haley.
"What did Cam want?" Haley turned to her with a cocked brow and a secretive smile.
"You tell me, I'm not the one who had a pillowfight with him" she said and Chloe snorted.
"Please Hales, I'm not the one who slept with him" she pointed out and watched in utter amusement as Haley turned red like a tomato and turned her head away.
"That has" she argued and shook her head.
"That has nothing to do with it!" Chloe put down her ice cream and stared at Haley in that "you've got to be fucking kidding me" way and Haley bit the inside of her cheek, glancing at the movie then back at Chloe and then she sighed before she turned off the movie and turned her whole body around so she was sitting cross legged facing Chloe who mimicked the action.
"Fine, but if I tell you, you tell me about last night" she prompted with expectance and Chloe rolled her neck and gave in with a quiet nod.
"Fine" she muttered and Haley grinned.

"Well, last night at the club, things got heated pretty fast" Haley admitted sheepishly and Chloe rolled her eyes and snorted.
"No kidding" she stated with a knowing smirk and Haley narrowed her eyes.
"You want to hear this or not?" Chloe put up her hands in surrender but the smirk never left her face.
"I won't say anything" she promised and Haley cocked her head to the side, seemingly scanning her and then she sat back when it looked like she'd found or hadn't found whatever it was she was searching for.
"So, first of you disappeared with Toby and left us all alone, and don't think I don't know you did it on purpose" she said pointing a finger at Chloe accusatory, who gasped and looked at her with an innocent look.
"Yeah, yeah," Haley said with a roll of her eyes but a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
"And well, he bought me a drink and we started talking. And you know, ever since we were kids I'd always thought of Cam as this outstanding guy who's nice and caring, and not to mention hot!" She exclaimed and fanned herself with her hand.
"I mean god, you should see him without a shirt on, mm-m" she said with a dreamy look and Chloe couldn't help the laugh that escaped her, it looked like Haley was talking about something unbelievably tasty from the way she was closing her eyes and dragged out the "mm".
Haley looked at her through one eye and smacked her with a pillow, causing Chloe to fall of the bed and right on her ass.
"Ow, what was that for!" she cried out indignantly and Haley gave her a look.
"For laughing, that's what" she said seriously and Chloe shook her head as she climbed to her feet and rubbed her sore but, the floor was really hard. She sat back down on the bed and leaned back against the wall, making sure to keep a little distance from the lunatic she shared a room with.
"I'm sorry" she said not really meaning it and it was clear from the look Haley gave her that she didn't believe her for one second but she sighed and continued with her retelling of last nights events.
"And then when you and Cam started talking I had some time to think a little and I realized that maybe I thought of Cam as more then a friend, and that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if things were to happen between us." She admitted with a smile and looked down at her hands, playing with a bracelet around her wrist.
"Then you and Toby went dancing and you motioned for us to join you" she said with a grin and Chloe grinned back.
"And then you know you and I rocked it" she said with a wink and this time Chloe laughed because that was fun.
"Suddenly his hands were on my hips and my arms found their way around his neck and he just leaned in and I swear when his lips met mine, I was a goner" she finished and Chloe gave her a small happy smile.
"Well, I'm glad it happened, I mean I've seen it coming for a long time now" she said and smirked, and it was true, Chloe had seen it ever since the first time she met Cam and the way he talked about Haley and then how they acted around each other, it was inevitable.
Haley snorted and hit Chloes shoulder with her fist in a playful manner.
"You're one to talk!" she argued and Chloe looked down with a small smile, a little ashamed but not really.

"Your turn" Haley said expectantly as she dropped back down on the bed after a short bathroom break and another fridgerun for more ice cream.
"I don't get how you want to know about me and Josh, I mean, he's your brother!" Chloe grumbled and Haley rolled her eyes in that "who cares" way and the expectant look came back on her face.
"Just spill already" Chloe huffed and dug into her ice cream, taking a huge spoon and swallowing it down before she looked at Haley and sighed.
"Fine," she said and looked out the window as she talked, it was just to uncomfortable to actually look at Haley as she told her everything.
"Josh came while you and Cam was getting hot and heavy in one of the corners" she said with a grin and felt highly pleased with herself as Haleys face once again turned red and she glared at her.
"Enough about me and Cam!" she said annoyed and sent her a pointed look and Chloe smiled but held her hands up in surrender.
"Okay well, at that point I was still dancing with Toby, but it was weird you know" she said and adopted a thoughtful look and Haley unconciously moved in a little closer and looked at Chloe curiously.
"What was weird?"
"Well, first of all it was like I could feel him the moment he stepped into the club, and secondly when he saw me dancing with Toby I could see him physically tensing up everywhere and his look hardened and then when he started walking towards me, Toby just let me go and backed away in like surrender or something, I don't know, it was just weird" she said with a shrug and barely caught the widening of Haleys eyes but she didn't think much of it because it was gone as soon as it appeared.
"And then what?" she said and cleared her voice that had a trace of something strangely similar to angry in it.
"And then, I sort of dared him to catch me" she said with a sheepish grin and Haley through her head back and laughed.
"Seriously?" she nodded her head and smiled shyly before she joined Haley and laughed a little.
"And just to warn you, don't dare a guy to catch you if you're in heels, it's painful" she said and frowned as she thought about how much her feet had hurt while she was trying to run and hide, not plesent.
"Warning noted" Haley smiled.
"Of course he caught me, and it was kind of embarrassing really because it only took him like five minutes, I mean I don't know how he did it because the place was crawling with people and it was impossible to tell people apart, but he still caught me" she said with a defeated sigh and Haley smiled inwardly, knowing very well why Josh had been able to catch her so fast.
"And after that it was like with you and Cam I guess, when we first kissed there was like no going back" she shrugged and Haley looked at her knowingly and a teasing smirk spread over her face.
"Mhm, I saw you guys on our way out, and I mean you two were much worse than us, when we walked past you your legs were wrapped around him and he was all over you" Haley said and wiggled her brow. Chloe gaped at her and threw her hands up to cover her face, she could not believe they had seen that.
"Oh my god, this is so embarassing!" she groaned.
"It's fine, just please don't ever make me see that again" Haley said seriously and Chloe felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, poor Haley having to see that, she felt so ashamed.
"I'm so sorry" she murmured and Haley laughed as she pried her hands away from her face.
"I said it's fine, don't worry about it" she said pointedly and Chloe nodded her head and bit her lip, she couldn't help but find it a little bit amusing, but mostly embarassing though.
"But, I mean, do you like him?" Haley said nosily, but it was important for her to know because she had a suspicion about what was going on and she needed to know if Chloe felt something for Josh.
"I don't know" she said honestly.
"I mean, we hardly know each other, but the way I feel around him and just how I'm a completely different person whenever I feel him around it's like," she sighed and caught a disgruntled expression.
"I don't know how to explain it, but I guess you can say I like him" she admitted and Haley relaxed inside, she was afraid she would say that it was only a one time thing or something because that ment something wasn't right with her brother, well something wasn't right but in a different way though.
"Hmm" Haley said deep in thought, she needed to talk to Josh, he had a lot of explaining to do and it better be a good one she thought grumpily.
"But you still haven't answered my question" she turned to Chloe confused and she smirked at her.
"What did Cam want?" she said with exagerating movements and Haley groaned, she'd thought Chloe had forgotten about that by now.
"He wanted to know if I'd go out with him" she mumbled and Chloe grinned and wiggled her brows.
"Sure it wasn't a booty drop-by?" she teased and Haley gasped, picking up another pillow and slamming her with it again.
"It was not!" she argued and Chloe covered her face while laughing.
"Okay, okay, I believe you!" she shouted and Haley stopped hitting her with the pillow looking at her disgruntled.
"But you are going out with him, right?" Chloe asked as she peeked over the covers she was hiding behind and Haley just narrowed her eyes at her.
"I told him I'd think about" she muttered and smiled.
"You're so going out with him, but I'm happy for you" Chloe stated as she once again dug into her ice cream and moaned at the heavenly taste, during the last twenty four hours she had realized one thing, nothing is better then sex and ice cream.


Josh groaned and rolled over in bed, he dragged a pillow over his head and tried to block out his fucking cellphone that kept ringing. Finally, he thought when it stopped and then three seconds later it started again, he pushed away the pillow and reached for his phone.
"What?!" he growled into the phone, he was tired and annoyed and his temper was really sparking, whoever called him better have a really good reason.
"Josh, come buzz me in" he heard Haleys voice and turned to look over at the alarmclock beside his bed. What the hell was she doing outside his place at 9.00 O'clock in the freaking morning.
"Your outside?" he questioned as he threw off the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, walking through the hall and towards the door. 
"No, I'm at the mall" he heard his sisters snarky response and felt his anger sparking, this was so not what he needed right now.
"Yes, I'm outside, now buzz me in" she demanded and he closed his eyes and counted to ten before pressing the buzzer and hanging up the phone, jesus Haley could be annoying.
He unlocked the door and opened it slightly ajar for her to let herself in before he wandered back into the bedroom and put on a pair of sweatpants, he knew Haley didn't appreciate it when he walked around in nothing but boxers, even though it was his place and she couldn't really complain.
"Josh, where are you?!" he heard from the hall and sighed as he walked out of the room and across the hall to the kitchen, looking briefly at Haley and hearing her trailing behind him.
She was quiet as she watched him going about the kitchen, putting on coffee and making eggs, she grinned sheepishly at him when her stomach grumbled and he shook his head but made eggs for her as well and poured her a cup of coffee that he slid across the counter, she smiled up at him and tied her hair into a bun on the back of her head and shrugged off her black leather jacket. She was feeling stylish today so she was wearing black skinny jeans and a navy blue formfitting top with the leather jacket to cover her shoulders.
"Thank you" she smiled as he placed the eggs in front of her and took a seat, digging into his own food.
"Any time" he said with a nod and turned back to his food, he knew that whatever brought Haley to his place this early in the morning when he knew for a fact she should be in class, was something he couldn't deal with on an empty stomach and without coffeein.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Haley asked as Josh was busy putting the empty plates in the dishwasher and she nipped her coffee, trying to predict his reaction.
"Tell you what?" his back was still turned to her and it annoyed her that she couldn't see if he had an idea what she was talking about or not.
"That you found the one" she said exasperated and watched as his back straightened and he turned around slowly, his head cocked to the side and his eyes narrowed.
"I haven't" he said and she looked at him like he'd just called her stupid.
"That's not what Chloe says" she said casually and looked down into her coffee, making a point out of blowing on it and glancing up at Josh, his face was locked in a expression she couldn't seem to read and his hand that he had been about to run through his hair had now stopped midair and fell back down to his side as he looked at Haley searchingly.
"What has he said?" he asked and walked over to the kitchen island, leaning over it and looking at Haley with a demanding look, she only shrugged in return and drank from her coffee.
"Nothing of importance I guess, I mean you say she isn't the one so I guess I was wrong" she said intentionally railing her brother up but she jumped when his hands slammed down on the counter making a loud resognating sound and she looked up at him in surprise, his normally black eyes was now taking on a hint of gold and she gaped as she understood what was happening, his anger had taken control and he was struggling not to shift. She swallowed and put down the cup, putting her hand over his and looking him sincerely in the eyes.
"She said she can feel whenever you're around" she murmured quietly and watched as his eyes slowly turned back to normal.
"And that she can be free whenever she's with you and you make her feel things she's never felt before" she finished quietly and watched Joshs shoulders relax along with his jaw and his eyes turn back to their normal shade. He pulled his hand out from under Haleys and rounded the counter, going over to the window and looking out, it was grey outside and it seemed like it would be a rainy day, maybe he'd go for a run after work today, it had been too long.

"What just happened?" Haley asked quietly as she joined him at the window and leaned against his side, it was something she'd done since she was a kid, Josh had always been her protector, it had always been Josh and her.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"I don't know Hales, I just can't seem to control myself when it comes to Chloe" he sounded a little worried about that and Haley looked up at him in reassuring way, wrapping one arm around his waist.
"Why haven't you told me?" she asked again and he looked down at her, feeling a little guilty but in reality it had nothing to do with her and he had no obligation to tell her, but she was his baby sister and they'd always been close so he couldn't blame her for feeling left out.
"I didn't want to say anything before I was sure, and I wanted to talk to mom and dad first too" he said quietly and she didn't say anything, just mulled over his words and came to the conclusion that she wouldn't push him on the subject, he had his reasons for not telling her about Chloe, just like she had her reasons for not telling him about Cam, whom she was pretty sure was her the one.

Josh pulled away and looked down at Haley with narrowed eyes and a teasing smile playing on his lips.
"Shouldn't you be in school now?" he said and she bit her lip, looking away innocently.
"I don't have classes this early" she tried to convince him but he just snorted as he walked back into his bedroom and dug out clothes for the day.
"Mhm, I'm sure mom and dad will love to hear about how you're already skipping school and it hasn't even been two months yet" he teased as he pulled the black t-shirt over his head and stuffed the rest of the things for work in bag.
He walked into the livingroom while brushing his teeth and looked over at Haley who was giving him the evil eye.
"You tell them and I'll kill you" she threatened and he only mimicked being scared before walking back into the bathroom and putting away his toothbrush.
"You shouldn't really worry though sis, I'm sure the news of you and Cam will make up for it!" he called from the bathroom and was positive he heard something break a second later. He walked into the kitchen and saw Haley standing there with a gawk and there were shards of glass all over the floor.
"How did you know about that?" she demanded and he rolled his eyes as he stepped around her, trying to avoid stepping on any shards and reaching for the broom and broomstick.
"I do have eyes" it came in that "duh" manner and Haley glared at him.
"It is not that obvious!" she argued and he snorted and gave her a dubious look.
"Please Haley, you forget Cam's my bestfriend and like I said; I have eyes" he told her again as he emptied the shards into the trashcan and grabbed Haleys jacket, tossing it to her as he moved into the hall.
"Come on, I've got to get to work!" he called over his shoulder and thirty seconds later a grumbling Haley joined him outside his door and he was able to lock up.
They were silent until they stepped out of the building and Haley turned to him still looking deep in thought.
"Thanks for breakfast" she murmured and he smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
"Don't worry about it, I'll see you around?" he asked and she nodded her head absently.
"Yeah, definately" she said and turned around to leave, but just as Josh did the same she turned back.
"Josh?" he looked at her and she bit her cheek in quiet nervousness.
"Please don't tell mom and dad?" she begged and he felt sorry for her, she looked so afraid that he might actually tell on her.
"Of course not," he promised with a wink.
"Your secrets safe with me" he said before he turned around and walked the other way, heading to work and she heading to school, trying to at least catch the last thirty minutes of her second class of the day.


Chloe was sitting in the library, three books was opened in front of her and she scanned all three of them for the answer to the same question, it was driving her nuts because all three were saying different things and how the hell was she supposed to know what was right?!
"Hey!" she looked up as Haley slumped down in the chair across from her and gave her an acknowliging smile, Haley frowned at the lack of response and sat back in her chair crossing her arms.
"Everything okay?" she wondered and Chloe looked up at her and as an answer to Haleys question she dropped her head on top of the table and huffed.
"That bad?" she asked sympathetically and Chloe looked up at her with a pout.
"Just kill me now" she pleaded and Haley chuckled.
"I can't do that" she said seriously before she turned her frown upside down.
"I like my roommate to much" Chloe smiled and sat up, closing the books and giving up right now, she needed to do something else than study, maybe going for a run would be good tonight.
"What's up?" she asked and Haley shrugged looking around the mostly empty library except for them and a couple of other people that were spread out on tables with heaps of books.
"Very little, I'm meeting Cameron tonight" she said with a small smile and Chloe chuckled as she started stuffing her books down her bookbag, not caring that she was crunching papers and squashing the lunch sandwich she'd bought but not been able to finish.
"That's not little" she pointed out and sent the other girl a significant look.
"Maybe not" she said cutely as she stood up and handed Chloe her last book.
"You want to help me get ready?" she asked hopefully and Chloe smiled as she closed her bag.
"Of course" she said and stood up, the two of them walking quietly out of the library so not to disturb anyone and chatting idly on their way across campus to their room.

"How do I look?" Haley asked as she spun around in a cute purple dress that she'd ended up borrowing from Chloe when she decided she had nothing to wear among her own clothes, which was ridiculus because she had far more clothes than Chloe did.
"You look stunning" Chloe said from her own bed as she was changing into her running clothes again, pulling her hair up into a bun.
"Honestly?" Haley asked a little unsure and Chloe sighed.
"I wouldn't lie to you" she pointed out and stepped past the other girl to go the bathroom where she had her training bra and shirt, she quickly changed into that and stepped back out.
She walked over to the bed and tied her shoelaces before she looked up at Haley that was scanning herself in the mirror. She felt the urge to roll her eyes, but managed to avoid it as she leaned back on her hands and considered the other girl.
Haley was a perfect cross between adorable and sexy, the dress stopped just above the knee and showed off just enough cleavage to make it alluring but not enough to make it slutty, and the way her hair was curled into ringlets that framed her face perfectly was only the tip of the iceberg.
Chloe actually felt sorry for Cam tonight, she was positive he would have a hard time concentrating on anything with Haley looking like that.
"Well Hales" she said and stood up with her iPod fastened to her waistline and the earbuds ready to plug in.
"You certainly dress to impress" Haley beamed at her did a little twirl before neying.
"Why, thank you" she said in a british accent and Chloe chuckled before she walked to the door and opened it.
"Have fun tonight Hales, tell Cam I said hi" Haley smiled and waved at her.
"Enjoy your run!" she called right before she closed the door and disappeared into her own little bubble where all that existed was her, the music and whichever road she decided to run today.


It was cold outside and her breathing left smoke in the air as she jogged first around campus and then into town, she hadn't jogged all weekend and while normally she wasn't much of a fitness person, she felt she had some catching up to do. When she ran from town back to campus she came upon a small road that led into the woods, and she knew it wasn't smart to run into the woods late at night when it was pitch black outside and she was running alone, but she wanted some new scenery and didn't feel like waiting until tomorrow. She was breathing heavily and as if on instinct she ran a little faster when all she could see was trees, but she was happy it was a full moon tonight because it lit up the road a little, making it possible to at least see something.
However she missed the giant treeroot in the middle of the road and managed to hook her foot into it, falling face first and scraping her palms and knees as she slid over the ground, her iPod loosened and the earbuds fell out. The ground was really cold and she knew she should get up, but her knees were hurting, she could tell she was bleeding and her palms were too sore to use to push of the ground right away.

She looked a little to her left and saw her iPod and stretched for it, she froze when she heard what sounded like branches snapping from her other side and turned her head slowly to the right, scrunching her eyes trying to see anything through the dark. She catched a breath as the snapping of branches reached her ears again and this time it was closer, she ignored the stinging in her palms as she pushed onto her still bleeding knees and bit her teeth together to avoid groaning in pain. She snatched up her iPod before she stumbled to her feet and remained completely still when a growl reached her ears. She turned her head to the right again and tossed a hand over her mouth to avoid screaming; a pair of golden eyes were staring at her not ten feet away, and she could tell it was a huge animal and from the growling it was probably something big enough and willing to eat her. She swallowed and took a step back and the animal growled again, taking a step towards her she thought she would have a heart attack as the biggest wolf she had ever seen, both on television and alive looked at her with what she could only describe as fascination. She knew that no matter what she did she was probably dead, but she wouldn't go down without a fight, she backed up even more and reached down to pick up a very pointy stick, it probably wouldn't do anything but get the wolf angry, but at least she had something in her hands.
The big animal only looked at her in amusement and for some reason she found herself narrowing her eyes in annoyance, wasn't it gonna attack already?

After five minutes of neither of them doing anything but staring at each other, she sighed and looked at the dumb animal in admiration.
The wolf may be humongous, but it was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen in all of her life. From what she could see it's snout and face was covered in golden fur that really shone in the moonlight, but it looked like the top of it's head was a lighter grey that turned black around the eyes, and the eyes were so mesmerizing, she could get lost in those eyes.
She groaned as a pain stabbed through her knee and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when she opened them agains she swore the wolf was looking at her in worry but that was just crazy so she shook off the thought and dropped the stick.
"Listen wolf" she said and stared pointedly at it, she could't believe she was talking to a wolf, and a wolf that was big enough to eat her in one bite none the less, still her knee was really hurting.
"My knees are killing me and it's really cold outside, and I would love to stick around and continue the staring contest, but I need to patch these up" she said and pointed to her knees.
"Soo, later" she said and started limping back towards campus, she was pretty sure it wasn't far from where she was right now and she couldn't see the wolf anywhere as she limped her way through the woods, but she was positive it was following her, keeping an eye on her, but strangely that didn't make her worry, it only made her feel safe.

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