The games we play...

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It's been almost a month since Josh kissed me and I've been doing my very best to avoid him, which turned out be easier said than done when he would show up more and more frequently, with the excuse that he was there to see Haley. 

I wasn't the only one noticing Josh's increase in visits as the weeks went by and Haley was clearly suspecting that something was going on between Josh and me.

Every morning he would stop by to take Haley out for breakfast, and every morning I got up at seven thirty, was out the door for my jog by 7.45 and just missed Josh.

"Chloe?" Haley called my name casually as she looked through her Stars magasine, and I looked up from folding my newly washed clothes to glance at her.
"Yeah?" I said as I walked over to the closet to put my stuff away.
"What's going on between you and Josh?" she asked and glanced up from the page she was currently looking at. 

I was so surprised by the question that I dropped the clothes I had left in my hands on the floor and crouched down quickly to pick them up.

"I have no clue what you're talking about" I muttered nervously and avoided looking at Haley who was on the fast track to becoming my best friend. Haley looked at me with narrowed eyes, obviously catching onto the fact that I was keeping something from her. 

"It just seems like something's up with the two of you" she said and closed the magasine, sitting up in her bed and looking at me expectantly.
"Nothing's going on" I said while biting my lip and closing my eyes before taking a deep breath and standing up to put the dropped clothes in the closet.
"If you say so" Haley said but it was clear she didn't believe me and I felt a sudden wave of guilt in the pit of my stomach. I felt guilty for not telling Haley about the incident and I felt guilty for keeping secrets from her. 

"By the way, Cam asked if we wanted to go out tonight" Haley said abruptly, thankfully changing the subject to one I was much more comfortable talking about.  I'd been here for an entire months, and I hadn't even gone out once yet. And just like she was becoming really good friends with Haley, she'd also gotten to know Cam a lot better and he was turning out to be a really great friend. I didn't have any siblings, but I'd always wanted an older brother, and somehow it was like Cam had just effortlessly slipped into that role in my life.

"Out, as in out out?" I wondered and bit my lip. It was really tempting, I could seriously use a night out to get my mind focused on something other than Josh. For the last month all I'd been thinking about was him, and all I'd been dreaming about was that day when we kissed. I didn't know what it was about him but I was completely stuck.

"Yup" Haley said and popped the p,  before she stood up and walked over to the speakers with her deckingport and plugged in her phone while scrolling through her spotify list. 

"So, what do you say?" she said looking hopefully my way, and I was already way ahead of her, grinning as I held up a pair of stunning black pumps I'd been dying to wear since I bought them a few weeks ago.

"I say, hell yes!" I beamed and walked over to my closet to find something to wear, thinking I might have just the thing. 

"Great, this calls for some music!" Haley grinned happily and pressed play, "Sweat" by snoop dog filled the room and we both started dancing around the room, jumping up and down whenever the chorus played while picking out the clothes, and accesories to complete the look.


I walked out of the bathroom with my hair now curled into perfect ringlets that framed my face and only a minimum of make-up. If there was going to be dancing, I didn't want to look like my face had melted of at the end of the night. I was wearing a skincolored bodice under a red strapless plumdress that I'd paired with thin black stockings. 

Love, Sex, Alpha, Hisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें