Law and Order SVU: The Child...

By alexisdevonne7

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When Olivia Benson arrived in family court earlier than she needed to be there she never expected to be leavi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

1.3K 42 2
By alexisdevonne7

Chapter 3: Hurt Me

They stood there staring at each other for a few minutes. Both pairs of dark brown eyes wide in surprise. Olivia snapped out of it first, her maternal instincts kicking in. She sprang into action.

She ran to Genesis, and wrapped her arms around her, using one hand to grab the hand with the razor adding pressure to force her to drop it. Genesis snapped out of her shock of being caught.

She started fighting against Olivia's hold. But Olivia was much stronger. So she started screaming.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! NOOOO!" Genesis tried squirming free again.

"Drop the razor sweetie. Let it go" Olivia said still squeezing her wrist.

"NOOO! GIVE IT!" Genesis wailed, still struggling against Olivia's grasp.

Eventually Genesis let go of the razor, and stopped struggling against her. She went completely still in Olivia's arms breathing heavily from exertion.

Olivia whispered reassuringly to her.

"It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just want to help you."She said rocking her from side to side.

Genesis was not use to such contact. She didn't like it but she knew she couldn't fight it. She completely shutdown. What Olivia did next scared her shitless but she didn't fight against it. She froze.

Olivia kneeled down, and lifted the child into her arms carrying her away from the bathroom, and into her own room. Olivia was surprised at how weightless Genesis was. She wanted to question her, she wanted so much to comfort her but now she forced herself to focus on tending to her cuts.

She flicked the light on in her bedroom, and laid Genesis on the bed. When she was sure Genesis wouldn't try running from her ,she dashed to the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet. She returned a moment later with the kit.

She sat beside Genesis, and wasn't sure whether she should be concerned with the state she was in. Genesis was aware of what was happening around her. But she felt she was being traumatized, again. She wasn't used to soft touches, or hushed voices. So she kept repeating to herself 'Don't move, don't you dare move. If you stay still it will be over faster'.

Olivia carefully removed Genesis' pajama bottoms, and tried not to gasp when she saw the heavy bruises on her thighs. 'That bastard raped her. It was probably ongoing until she ran away.' She swallowed the lump in her throat and continued to tend to the cuts there. There was so much blood she decided to just put her in the tub.

Olivia slowly lifted Genesis' shirt from her body, and wasn't surprised to see the bruises on her upper arms, and shoulders. She guessed to be from being held down. But the bones showing through her skin was what worried her. The bones, her sunken in face, hollow eyes,and her scooped out stomach. All she wanted to do was cry. 'No wonder she doesn't trust anyone. Everyone who was supposed to love her and take care of her has hurt her or threw her away'she thought. She shook her head.

"Genesis, I'm just going to give you a bath ok? You don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" She said softly.

Genesis didn't respond at all. She did bury her face in Olivia's neck when she felt herself in her arms again. Olivia's heart melted and she thought 'Maybe I'm finally getting her to trust me'.

Genesis thought'Maybe she really won't hurt me. But I still can't be too sure.'

Olivia sat Genesis down on her feet, and ran water into the tub. She turned her attention back to Genesis. She was standing there shaking. Olivia approached her slowly.

"Sweetie can you take off your tank top and shorts?" Olivia asked her cautiously.

Genesis just stood there staring at the filling tub. She was 3 years old again...

Genesis's memory

"Mommy? Alexis? Isis?" she called as she crept to the bathroom door. She heard splashing of water, and pushed open the door. She saw her mother holding Alexis under the water, and Isis was laying still on the floor. She walked over to her sister and shook her.

"Isis get up get up". But Isis didn't move. She walked over to the bath tub where Alexis had been thrashing about but no longer was. "Mommy... What's wrong wit Isis, and Alexis ?" She asked as she watched her mother lift Alexis's lifeless body from the tub. She felt something was wrong. But she didn't know what. Then her mother had her in her arms. "Cmon Genesis get in the tub" Her mother cooed at her. She placed her in the tub, and placed her hands on her head forcing her under the water. 'I don't like this game.'she thought. The fought her way back up, and started screaming. Her mother dunked her again.

And then the memory was over. And her memory became her reality.

Olivia was totally unaware of Genesis's state of mind and placed her hand on Genesis's arm, and Genesis fought her still trapped in her past.

"MOMMY NO! ILL BE GOOD! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME LIKE ISIS AND ALEXIS!" She screamed wrapping her arms around Olivia, crumbling to the floor.

Olivia sat on the bathroom floor with her, pulled her into her lap, and rubbed soothing circles on her back. It was then she knew she never wanted to let Genesis go. She wanted to keep her. She wanted to show her that there is good in some people. She knew then she loved her. The child no one wanted was the one she wanted as her own.

"Shhh it's ok honey. She's not here! You're safe now" Olivia soothed her.

Genesis pushed away from Olivia. And looked around realizing she wasn't back in that awful place.

"Let's get you cleaned up, so I can tend to your cuts ok?" Olivia asked.

Genesis nodded, stood, removed her tank top and shorts, and turned stepping into the tub. Olivia stifled a gasp being unprepared for the bruises on her back. She pulled herself together, kneeled by the tub holding her washcloth.

"Can I wash your back?"

Genesis nodded again. Olivia lathered up the washcloth with soap and washed over her back with such tender care. She tried not to notice that barely a patch of skin on her wasn't black an blue. Genesis spoke softly.

"You really won't hurt me?" She asked.

Her voice quiet, and reserved.

"No. I will not... please trust me Genesis"Olivia said promisingly.

"Why not?" Genesis asked.

Olivia took in a deep breathe trying not to cry. 'She really believes she deserves to be hurt.' She thought.

"Because you deserve to be loved, and no matter how hard you try to push me away, I'm going to love you. I'm not going anywhere. You do not deserve to be hurt. What happened to you wasn't your fault" Olivia said.

'Yeah right. I deserved all of it' Genesis thought.

Genesis sucked in a breathe. She was too tired to fight anymore. Once the bath was over she dried herself off, and changed into a clean set of pajamas. Olivia cleaned, and bandaged her cuts, and got her settled back into bed without hardly any struggle.

Olivia cleaned the bathroom, and put the blood stained clothes in the wash. She picked up the razor from where it fell earlier, and put it in the bottom of the trash in the kitchen. She was tired-exhausted even- but she knew she wouldn't sleep. She found herself sitting in the chair in the corner of the room watching Genesis sleep.

She slept the rest of the early morning undisturbed. Olivia felt herself begin to dose off when there was a light knock on the door. She took one last look at Genesis before leaving to answer it.

"Who is it?" Olivia asked looking through the peephole.

There was a woman she had never seen before.

"Caralee Edwards. I'm Genesis's social worker"She said.

Olivia opened the door, and stood aside letting the woman enter.

"She's still asleep. Do you want me to wake her?" Olivia asked trying to keep her tone quiet.

"No. I came to talk to you.I'll be straight forward a child this damaged isn't easy to handle, and isn't very desirable Ms. Benson."

Olivia stood there staring at the woman. 'Is she fucking kidding?!' She thought. Olivia paused before speaking.

"Ms. Edwards I love Genesis. And I know it isn't easy getting her trust but I want to adopt her. And she's not damaged! She's broken. Everyone who was supposed to take care of her hurt her. But I won't let her get tossed back into the system." Olivia said sharply.

Ms. Edwards stood staring at Olivia. Usually people are begging her to take Genesis back after the first night.

"What are your intentions for this child Ms. Benson?" Ms. Edwards asked staring Olivia down.

'Are you fucking serious?! I'm a damn cop! Maybe you should've questioned the Lambert's with such intensity' Olivia raged internally. She steeled her voice.

"I just told you Ms. Edwards I love her, and I want to adopt her."

"How can you love her? She has only been with you over night..and I'm sure she's kept her distance of you."Ms. Edwards scoffed.

"How can I not?" Olivia retorted.

"Well the fact you are a detective with a clean record would rule in your favor. But there are home visits, and paperwork. I have to see how you interact with her, and get a feel on how she takes to you. But Ms. Benson you really are taking on a lot. She's got years of abuse"

"I know. I read her file. Who better than me? I have experience with victims. I won't let any harm come to her ever again. I will fight for her. I want her" Olivia said firmly.

"I see there's no changing your mind. I also read she hand picked you? Maybe you are a good fit for her. I'll recommend that this adoption starts process. Goodluck Ms. Benson" She said letting herself out of the apartment.

Looks like maybe Olivia might be breaking through to Genesis. But we've still got a long way to go, and some more secrets to be uncovered. Comments?

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