Here the Shadows Lie

By RachaelRose16

9.2K 276 99


Here the Shadows Lie chapters 1-2
Here the Shadows Lie chapters 3-4
Here the Shadows Lie 5-6
Here the Shadows Lie 7-8
Here the Shadows Lie 11-12
Here the Shadows Lie 13-14
Here the Shadows Lie 15-16
Here the Shadows Lie 17-18
Here the Shadows Lie 19-20
Here the Shadows Lie 21-22
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 23
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 24
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 25
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 26
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 27
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 28

Here the Shadows Lie 9-10

486 17 5
By RachaelRose16

Ok sooo sorry about the wait! It took me forever to get a decent chapter up, but I really hope you guys enjoy this. Oh and before I forget, if anyone has ever heard of Owl City, well I didn't like them at first, but then I heard this song and it was really good. It's called Vanilla Twilight. Give it a shot if you haven't already heard it, you might like or not, but I was listening to it when I was writing this. Hope you like it! <3 Rachael

Here's the link:

Chapter 9*

You're Kidding Right?

Damian was officially, without a doubt, insane. There was no way in hell that I was going to even attempt to do that.

" Come on, this is the basic stuff. Just watch my movements again."

He ran back to the brick wall on the other side of the room. His feet traveled at a crazy speed, as he ran closer to where I was standing. Damian immediately jumped into the air gracefully. Moving his body in the air, he quickly pelted downwards into the ground. And when I mean into the ground, I mean physically dissolved into the ground. The only thing that was left of him was his faded shadow which was hard to see.

I fell back into the sofa," I'm not going to do it."

Damian emerged from the wooden floorboard with his pale arms crossed.

"And why not?"

"Hmm..." I made a dramatic pause," because it's insane!"

He scoffed," You're being ridiculous. It's easy, and it can also help you defend yourself when I'm not around."

I didn't think about that, and the demonic image of Sage flashed through my mind. I had never been so scared in my life, and what if Damian was actually right? Dud I need defensive skills in case I got into another situation like this weekend? All these ideas coursed through my mind at a rapid pace, when they were shattered by the sound of his voice.

"So, are you going to at least attempt it? Or what, we don't exactly have all day."

I glared at him, shot off from the sofa, and stormed over to the other end of the lodge. I swore I could hear him chuckling behind me. This was going to end up in one of two ways, either I was going to fail miserably, and land on my face again. Or I would succeed, and not be able to get out from the floorboards. I was hoping for the first one.

My spine sent shivers down my back in segments, why was I doing this? My lavender eyes met the brick wall as I took a deep breath.

I was not going to screw up.

I was not going to screw up.

I was going to screw up.

I mentally slapped myself," I can do this, I'm going to show up Damian."

I turned around with a severely determined look on my face, and started to sprint towards the middle. I didn't even bother glance at Damian, he was probably laughing at me with those crystal grey eyes, and gorgeous expression.

Oh shut up! You don't like him, get it through your thick skull!

I shook it off immediately noticing that I was at the jumping point. I made my move, hurdling into the air. It was not exactly as graceful as Damian's jump, but not horrible either. Those couple seconds I was in the air seemed like forever, I pictured a pool to make it easier for me. I could see the cool, blue water beneath me, as I dived in head first.

I felt as if I actually landed in the water without getting wet, and being able to breathe. I opened my eyes to see darkness surrounding me. I gazed up, and saw a glass looking window that stretched as long as the wooden floor. I must have made it.

In your face Damian!

I walked around still staring above me, it was like the zoo, when you look down under you to see fish or other animals. Except I was the animal, and the people couldn't see me, I could only see them. I could hear footsteps coming closer to where I was standing, and saw Damian gazing around. I decided to be a sneaky girl, and pop up behind him.

I jumped up far enough to go through the liquid looking glass, and came up behind Damian as quietly as I could. I tapped him hard on the shoulder, then transported to the couch, and laid in a lazy position.

I gave him a cocky smile," I guess the student should be training the teacher."

Damian gazed at me proudly with his sparkling crystal eyes, but shook it off immediately," I think your head is way too far up in those clouds, don't be cocky you still have a lot to learn."

I waved a hand up in annoyance," Yeah, yeah mister know-it-all. You're are so uptight!"

I skipped into the middle of the floor, and let my body twirl like the innocent child I used to be. The times when I wasn't a Shadow, or was without knowing it. Then again, it wasn't a horrible thing knowing who I truly was. Being a Shadow gave me different expectations for myself, and no boundaries to succeed. It was an incredible feeling, like I had finally reached a bit of actual freedom. It was kind of how I imagined turning eighteen. Like magically all the boundaries of adolescence would be released, never to be bothered with again. But I realized as I got older that it was just a lie, turning older didn't feel like anything, except the world was increasingly dropping on your shoulders. And I wasn't even eighteen yet! I still had until January 22nd to apparently reach my checkpoint in Shadow years.

Everything coursed my mind and one time. I fell to the hard ground, and gazed up at the ceiling. My life had changed in only a matter of days, I couldn't even explain how it happened, but it did.

Damian came over, and stared down at me, blocking my view of the nice ceiling.

" What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously, his eyes questioning my actions.

"Oh nothing. So how much more time do we have until Lori calls the police on me?" I solemnly queried.

I didn't want to leave as badly anymore, knowing that Lori was going to end up murdering me when I got home.

"You tell me," he cocked his head towards the clock built into the fireplace.

I squinted, trying to make out the time. It couldn't have been....I transported to the clock as my breath caught in my throat.

It was six o' clock, I was dead meat for sure.

"Damian, we have to leave like NOW!" I panicked hysterically.

I started to pace, I had never, ever done this before. I was the good teenager, the one who always obeyed, and stays at home during her free time for god's sake!

But that wasn't me anymore...

Damian didn't look too concerned, go figure. He sighed, and stretched his hand out to me.

"Hold on, and don't you dare let go."

My eyes went wide as I obeyed his command gratefully. My hand clasped his sending a deep electric shock between us. I stared at him for an explanation, but he didn't give me the satisfaction of glancing back at me.

He transported us back into my car.

Wait, did I just say he transported us into the car? I walked for nothing?!

I decided not to argue with him, in case he changed his mind and stranded me here without a way home. Which was something I definitely thought he would do at some point.

Damian backed out of the woods, and back onto the snow covered road. It would take us an hour to get home, an hour to see Lori, and the last hour of my life before I'm dead, or isolated from existence. Probably dead.

" Can't you just like transport us to my house with the car?" I asked anxiously, hoping there was a quicker way.

He shook his head," I can only transport objects that are around me. I can't do it while I'm inside of an object, especially with two people."

I sighed, was there no way out of this nightmare?

I rested my head against the car window, inspecting the darkened sky, and revealing the stars that hid away from the world during the day. My muscles finally relaxed as exhaustion swept over me like there was no tomorrow. I turned my head towards Damian, still resting it on the seat.

"If I fall asleep, will you wake me when we get home?" I yawned exhaustedly.

Damian's lips formed a soft smile," Of course I will. Rest."

I mumbled a thank you, but it turned into more of a yawn. Damian chuckled to my failure. I rolled my eyes miserably, but I couldn't keep them open any longer.

I drifted off into the darkness where my world was nothing, and my boundaries were closed once again.



Chapter 10 *

Death Planning

3rd person POV, Kairos

Kairos was drumming his long, skeleton like fingers on the arm rest of his throne, waiting to hear something about Zeke. Without him his whole plan would crumble into shambles.

His plan revolved around Alexa, without her there was no plan, no life for himself, no anything. He thought of how it was for five lifetimes, he lived until he was ninety-seven, then took his last breath. He woke up being an eighteen year old again, and it was the most amazing feeling in the world.

Kairos made that his eternal search, to find, and understand how Shadows were able to be immortal, and how to stay eighteen forever without aging, if it was even possible.

Alexa, would make it possible. He was sure of it.

But how was he going to get her now?!

Kairos clasped his wrinkled face into his hands, there had to be a way. Some strategy that he was ignoring, or missing.


Someone was banging on the door.

" Enter..."he growled through his hands.

The chamber doors creaked open, and Kairos reluctantly picked up his head to see a young woman standing in the doorway. Her hair was raven black, with a silver streak in the front. Her face was devious, and her eyes shined deep maroon that almost glared at the old man.

" I overheard that you needed a bounty hunter," she smirked, flashing demon like teeth towards him. Her heels clicked loudly against the stone floor, as she came closer to where Kairos was sitting.

" Yet it depends, oh worshipped one," she mocked," if you are willing to accept my cruel strategies.

She was definitely pushing her luck with the old man, but she knew he was desperate.

" Do you really think it matters that your ways are cruel? I need Alexa, and I don't care what you have to do. I want her alive, and I don't care what you do to get her."

The woman nodded, as her eyes blazed red.

Kairos stared at her, he could he trust this deranged woman? There was no choice, his plans had failed left and right. She was his only hope to get what he wanted.

"How many will you need?"

The woman pursed her blackened ash lips," Two of your best at most, yet I tend to be a soloist.

"How soon?

" No more than a month, I just need some time to plan a little and see what I'm up against," her eyes met Kairos's dulled red.

Kairos smiled, Zeke would be fully recovered by then. This plan would surely work.

" A month, but no more," he declared," I will give you Zeke, and Sage."

The woman nodded," I am Nia, and I am honored to serve such...high authority," she said slyly. Nia bowed slightly, and looked up to him.

" Do not fail me, because I'm losing my patience. If you fail, you will die."

Nia shuddered, but didn't show any expression on her perfectly shaped face.

"Of course."

She turned around and chuckled to herself," I'm not going to die, and the girl won't either, but I wouldn't be too sure about those lovely humans."

Nia walked happily down the corridor, her boots clicking all the way out, leaving Kairos very pleased with his judgment.

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