Hidden Voices (Naruto Fanfict...

By anime_4_u

37.2K 1.3K 599

Have you ever heard voices in your head? Misuzu Seki did. She had conversations in her mind. She wasn't a nor... More

1: A 'Normal' Day
2: Profile
3: In the Naruto World!?
4: The dragon
6: Yay youth
7: Starting School
8: Hi There
9: Introductions
10: More Depth Into What Happenned
11: Finding Out the Truth
12: Becoming Genin- PART ONE
13: Finding Akuma and Jashin
An Author's Apology
14: Assemblance
Conclusion (IMPORTANT)
*Last Announcement*

5: You Learn Something New Every Day

2.8K 97 41
By anime_4_u

*Misuzu's P.O.V*

I walked into the store with my hand clutched around the money. There was alot of people here. Tetsuya woke up and was now on my head to avoid getting squashed, he was still tiny. No duh. He was born 2 hours ago. 'Shuddap'

I was also much smaller now and looked more... childish *shudder*. Although... I could use this to my advantage. I walked up to a lady who worked there and asked if she could help me find some clothes. Her face softened as it met mine and she helped me look. Although she picked a few outfits that weren't really my style but they were comfy and hey! I wanna change in style once in a while too.

(A/N: and 'cause the amazing author is way too lazy to describe I will put pictures down instead.)

(A/N: ok! There are the 1...2...3... Seven picures! The fourth one is going to be her main/ favourite outfit though because its cute. Deal with it *flips hair*)

I paid and walked out in my favourite outfit with a bag in my hand, that, in actual truth, was about half the size of me. A few people cooed at the sight of me. And to be honest, I couldn't care less.

I knocked on Kakashi's door and he opened it. He had sweat trickling down the right side of his face. Not the sweatdrop kind though. :(

Kakashi looked suprised to see me dressed like this before letting me enter. It was clean -ish. I was like :wow. Till we came to the kitchen. It reeked!!! I felt like I was going to puke my guts out so I ran out of the room. Kakashi scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

I was humming to myself," La la la... Icecream... candles... glitter... cheesecake... la la la... my phone... chocolate...- Wait?! My phone?! Thankyou god for my phone." I poked Tetsuya awake and showed him the wonders of the phone. Who very soon demanded he had one. He got a phone of his own (lucky dragon).

Then we went to my room which was conviently there thanks to Kakashi. I wonder where we are in the plot then? I hope I can go to the ninja school! And meet the kids there too.

Later that night when Kakashi was sleeping I snuck out to find the Hokage dozing off in his chair. I giggled at him and he woke up. He looked shocked and then realized it was me. He asked why I was up so late. I told him I had insomnia and that I wanted to go to the ninja acadamy. He nodded and nodded then realized what I'd said and spat out his coffee which came out of nowhere might I add.

Me being me I asked when I could start. The Hokage got himself together and said I could start next week. Sweet, I could learn this chakra stuff before I went to the academy.

I walked around the village with Tetsuya on my shoulder. He was curled up in a little ball and was snoring. He is lucky, he can sleep whenever he wants.

The village looked really pretty, it was so calm and peaceful. I kind of want to blow it up. I second that. 'Look, don't talk to me unless I talk to you.' There was no ancwer, good.

I poked Tetsuya awake. He stretched and yawned. He looked around and whined, "It's too early! Lemme sleep!" I looked at him with a look that clearly stated 'No.'. He seemed to get the idea and said, "The stars are really pretty Misuzu." "Yeah," I agreed.

We stopped at the K.I.A stone around 5a.m. and saw Kakashi standing there lost in thought. I walked over to him. "Are you alright?" I questioned. He jumped and turned towards me. He nodded and asked," Why are you here so early? I thought you were sleeping in your room." "You really aren't observant are you? I haven't been there since 11p.m."

Kakashi seemed shocked at this I wonder why.

*Kakashi's P.O.V*

Misuzu hasn't slept? At all? Thats concerning, I'll have to talk to the Hokage about this.

*Misuzu's P.O.V*

He seemed to nod his head after a while and said," Does the Hokage know?" I nodded my head and told him about when the Hokage spat his come-out-of-nowhere coffee on me. It was so rude. I also asked him to teach me chakra things. He nodded his head and told me to follow him.

We ended up at a training ground where he tought me how to do the substitution jutsu and the clone jutsu. He then went to the store and bought some chakra paper. He told me to focus my chakra into it. I did and it frosted over my palm and then crystalized. I don't get it. Kakashi stared at it wide eyed. I'm even more confused. Without a word he took me to the Hokage.

*Hokage's P.O.V*

I was doing paperwork before there was a knock on the door. "Come in." To my suprise it was Kakashi and Misuzu. Misuzu was pestering Kakashi about why he was acting strange. I narrowed my eyes. Kakashi was walking towards me with Misuzu in tow. He bowed in respect and said," Lord Hokage, there is something you must see." Confused I nodded and Kakashi handed Misuzu some chakra paper. She tilted her head in confusion.

Kakashi sighed and told her to focus her chakra into the paper again. Misuzu formed a perfect 'O' shaped mouth. She closed her eyes and focused her chakra into it. But frost started to cover her palm and the paper started to crystalize. She opened up her eyes and said," Its so pretty! Tetsuya! Look at this!" The dragon opened up his eyes and looked at it. He made some noises that I couldn't understand but I could tell that the little dragon was proud. Misuzu beamed at uh, Tetsuya?

Then the information sank through, her chakra natures were crystal and ice. My eyes widened a fraction but the dragon seemed to have caught on. He must of told Misuzu because she asked what was wrong. I shook my head and called an ANBU to get a crystal and ice scroll. They poofed away and returned with the scrolls I asked for.

I passed them to Misuzu and she seemed confused. I told her that they were her chakra nature scrolls and had some jutsu for her to learn. Then she hugged me. Misuzu looked out of the window. Then she turned to me and said," Can Kakashi help?" I smiled at her," Maybe." She nodded and Kakashi and her left the office.

*Misuzu P.O.V*

After we left I was bouncing around happily, Tetsuya seemed to be more energetic than usual too. Then I realized I hadn't told Kakashi I was going to the ninja academy next week.

"Hey, Kakashi." "Hmm?" "Uh... I'm going to the ninja academy next week." "Ok- Wait what?!" "I'm going to the ninja academy next week." He looked at me in disbelief," What?" he repeated. "I'm going-" "Okay okay, I get the picture. But why?" I shrugged, "Because I asked the Hokage whilst you were asleep or by the K.I.A stone." He nodded. We walked back to the house in silence. It was 7:30a.m.

Kakasi turned to me and asked if I was hungry. "A little," I admitted. He made a closed-eyed smile at me. He tugfed at my arm and took me to some shop that smelt like food. He asked me what I wanted to eat. I stared at him confused. He pointed to a menu with some, food names I assume. I kept asking him "Whats that?" as I pointed to various things on the menu.

Kakashi sighed after about 10 minutes and asked what I usually ate, I just said fruit. He looked at me and said," What else?" I then said pocky. He repeated his question 'what else' again. "What do you mean: what else?" I questioned. Kakashi's face was full of concern. He then took me to Ichiraku's.

They set down a huge bowl of ramen- stuff that Naruto eats. I prodded it with the chopsticks that I didn't know how to use. I looked at Kakashi for help. "You, don't know how to use chopsticks either?" he question. I nodded my head. He sighed and showed me how to hold them and how to use them. It took a whole hour.

I poked Tetsuya awake and showed him my new skill. I then asked what he liked to eat. He said he liked eating ice since that was the type of dragon he is and meat. I picked out bits of my food and fed him them.

I ate about quarter of it in total before I was completely full. When I told Kakashi I was finished I saw that he had eaten 2 bowls of it. My eyes widened and so did his,"How did you eat so much(me)/how did you eat so little(Kakashi)?!" I looked at him weirdly and said,"What are you talking about? I ate loads." I then began to feed the rest of the ramen to Tetsuya. He seemed to really like it.

Kakashi then said he had to go do something and that I could go and do whatever I wanted (within reason) for a while. I nodded and walked off to the forest. It was quiet there and I could read the scrolls in peace.

I started reading the scrolls but then I passed out. But when I woke up-...

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