The Snowflake Method

Από amindless-dreamer

855K 30.4K 33.3K

Sequel to The Iceberg Method Περισσότερα

Ch 2-Things Could Change
Ch 3- Hello Cami
Ch 4-Recitatif
Ch 5- The Little Mermaid
Ch 6- Small World
Ch 7- Oedipus
Ch 8- Cinnamon
Ch 9-I'm Not A Gold Digger
Ch 10- Perception
Ch 11- Are You Breaking Up With Me?
Ch 12- Very Charming Mrs. Jauregui
Ch 13- Knock Knock
Ch 14- Do We Need These Rooms?
Ch 15- I've Got You
Ch 16- Sentimental Value
Ch 17- I'm Sorry
Ch 18-The Benefit Of The Doubt
Ch 19- I Want Shots!
Ch 20-Where Everything Fell Apart
Ch 21-Why Do You Hate Me?
Ch 22- What About Dignity?
Ch 23- Queerly Beloved
Ch 24- Languages
Ch 25- I'm Ready
Ch 26-He Loves Me. She Doesn't.
Ch 27- Jones?
Chapter 28- The Iceberg Method
Bonus #2

Ch 1- It's Her Wedding Day

59.8K 1.3K 1.9K
Από amindless-dreamer


When Alex was a kid one of her first English teachers told her that if you repeat something over and over again it'll lose it's meaning.

Alex tried this and it seemed to work

Eventually. she realized it is the same way in life.

If you watch the stars every night they'll lose their fascination, and just become dots in the sky. If you just wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up you eventually forget the reason why. And if you repeat a mistake over and over again you will no longer consider it a mistake.

That is what Alex thought she was at first, a mistake.

Until the day she stood in front of the mirror and said

"I love her"

"I love her"

"I lover her"

She waited for the words to lose their meaning, but they never did

Alex realized her professor was mistaken.

You'd think that was an educator, and even more so one of English literature, he would value the meaning of words more.

"I love her"

The weight of significance in those words have the power to turn Alex's life upside down.

Daniela Estrebao is not a mistake, she realized.

For Alex? She's the reason the word 'love' regained it's meaning.


"Daniela?" I asked

She nodded with a bright smile and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"If you're sure" I said.

"Yes" she insisted "You said I'd get to pick my fake name. I want Daniela"

"Okay, okay" I threw my hands up in defeat as Camila sat beside me in the all too familiar black couch in her apartment.

I was writing for my book though I wasn't sure where I was going to put this excerpt. I'd find a place for it at some point, I'm sure.

I hadn't written much for it since the project was placed on hold for a bit, but now that it's getting picked back up I'm basically starting from zero.

"What's your name going to be?" she asked.

"Alex" I informed her

She smirked "Girls with guy names are hot"

I threw her a playful wink before she shut down the laptop that was in front of me

"Hey!" I whined

"No hey's" she said placing a soft kiss on my lips "We're going to be late to the wedding"

I began to open the laptop back up "But baby I-"

I felt her hand on top of mine forcefully shutting the laptop once more

"Lauren" she warned. "I'm not going to be late we promised we wouldn't be"

I looked into the warm brown eyes that we're trying their best to appear intimidating at the moment.

Endeared by this I nodded and set the laptop aside as I allowed her to guide me into our bedroom.

I have been trying to write more but I haven't gotten around to much. It's about time I sit down and really focus though even though that's been hard to do with our schedules. Camila and I have been busy looking for a place to live. The apartment is great but she's no longer a college student and most of my things are still in my ex-husbands house.

We need a bigger place so I can stop having to stop by Ronny and Ally's place for clothes.

Not to mention I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is for Ally to have your mans ex-wife coming in and out of your home all the time, though she insists it's fine.

"You pick" Camila said holding up two different dresses as she stood in her underwear.

She had red dress in her right hand a bright yellow dress on the left. I opted to point right in the middle as she furrowed her eyebrows

"What?" she asked

"The underwear" I say "I vote for the underwear it's definitely my favorite"

She tried to hide her smile but failed as she shook her head "I'm serious Laur"

I smiled and make my way over to her placing my hands on her sides.

"So am I" I said before pressing my lips against hers.

"We can't be late" she mumbled against my lips.

I smirked "We wont be"

I allowed our lips to crash together once more and this time I felt no hesitation in her response. I shifted my head slightly allowing for the kiss to deepen as she dropped the dresses she had in her hands. I walked forward pressing her gently against the wall and I heard her release a soft moan.

This is when I knew I had her.

My lips traveled down her jaw and I felt her slim fingers slide into my hair. I left opened mouthed kisses down her throat and I could see her chest moving up and down as her breathing became faster. My hands traveled down her body covering as much ground as possible before I bit down gently on her neck.

She released another soft moan before I stood up straight looking into her dilated eyes.

"Camz" I mumbled against her lips placing one more soft kiss on her plump lips.

"Hm?" she hummed as she trapped her bottom lip in her teeth.

"I like the red one" I said with a smirk before walking away.

I tried my best not laugh when I heard her low chuckle as if she couldn't believe this.

"Fucking tease" she mumbled.

I finally released the laughter that had settled at the base of my throat before rushing to into the closet to change my clothes.

"I hate you!" she yelled.

Which only made my laugh harder.


"The bride has requested to see you" A dark skinned man in a tuxedo lead us to the brides location.

I can only assume he's part of the staff or something due to his formality. They really did not hold anything back with the occasion. The location was beautiful there were white orchids and roses everywhere, no matter where your eyes landed, you almost got the illusion you were floating through someone's dream.

I thought she would want to get married in a church however it seemed she was convinced otherwise.

The location they chose was perfect though.

The Frenchman's Reserve Country Club was very high end and very beautiful. I knew the actual ceremony would be held somewhere outside and I must say the weather was perfect for it.

I followed Camila and the strange man into the area where the bride was getting ready.

We entered the room and saw the back of the beautiful white dress that she had picked out.

"You rang?" Camila asked.

The bride turned around and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you're here Mila."

A parade of bridesmaids, that I can only assume are Ally's family and friends, are nervously running around the room ignoring the new visitors. They seem too preoccupied with their hair and make up and it's completely understandable considering how soon the ceremony is about to start and some of them aren't even dressed yet. Luckily the most important girl already prepared and she looks stunning.

"You kidding? I wouldn't miss it" she said.

"And thanks for allowing me to be here Ally" I said.

The bride flashed me a smile

"You're family Lauren. We need you here"

"Speaking of 'we'" Camila chimed in "Where is Dorkoff anyways?"

Ally let out a nervous breath "Hopefully not freaking out" she said "He's supposed to be down the hall"

"Do you ladies mind if I pay him a visit?" I ask hoping they wouldn't need me for whatever it was Ally wanted Camila here for.

They both grant me a pass as I hear Camila ask Ally about the kind of food they'll have at the reception. I shake my head and smile to myself wondering where the hell the small girl stores all the food she eats.

I made my way down the hallway and didn't bother to knock. I saw a familiar pair of blue eyes shoot up when the door swung open.

"Hey" I greeted

He smiled "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" he asked.

"I'm not the bride this time" I said closing the door behind me.

He snapped his finger pretending he had just remembered this "Ah, thats right"

I smiled and took a seat beside the full body mirror he was now checking himself out in. I noticed a few of his groomsmen outside on the balcony smoking some cigars and I shake my head knowing Ally hated the smell. No one wanted anything to go wrong for her today, including myself, the girl has gone through enough to get here.

"I look good in a tux" he said with a smirk

"You're such an ass" I joke

"Yeah" he said turning around to look at his backside in the mirror "I do have a nice ass"

I try not laugh but it doesn't work "That's not what I said"

His humor was always what he used to deflect from his feelings, so I can only imagine how nervous he was at the moment. I could tell by the many jokes flying out of his mouth and the fact that his fingernails had all been chewed off.

"It'll be okay, you know?"

He didn't ask for any reassurance but I decided to give him some anyways

"You think so?" he asked letting out a shaky breath finally showing what his really feeling.

"I know so" I confirmed

He sat down beside me and smiled "For real though, isn't it bad luck to have your ex-wife at your wedding"

"There's a wedding?" I asked as if it was new information "I'm just here because I heard there'd be free food" I said taking a page out of Camila's joke book.

His chuckle filled the room as he shook his head "Hey I have a surprise for you" he said chirpily.

"Do you?"

He nodded and I wondered what it could be.

"Yeah, but not until after the ceremony" he said.

I decided not to push on him telling me what it was right now considering I didn't want to add to his level of anxiety at the moment.

"Which by the way is in 15 minutes" I said "So I should be finding my seat"

I stand up to exit the room before her stops me

"Hey you know I'm kidding, right?" he asked "I'm glad you're here"

I smiled and nodded "I know"

The truth is I wouldn't miss it for the world. I have never been in love with Ron but I still care for him deeply. In the past few months Ron, Ally, Camila and I have developed at least a friendly relationship. The four of us aren't exactly best friends but Camila and Ally get along great and so do Ron and I so we've all managed to stay in each others lives in the most cordial way possible.

We exchanged quick "See you laters" as I found my way outside where the ceremony was being held.

From a distance I could spot my beautiful girlfriend as a sea of strangers surrounded me. I found my way next to the girl in the red dress and discovered that Dinah and Normani had also arrived and were seated beside us.

"I thought you wouldn't make it in time" Camila said when she saw me take my seat beside her.

"I had to talk down the groom from escaping"

My favorite pair of brown eyes opened wide as she whisper-yelled "What?!"

I giggled "I'm just kidding"

She playfully slapped my knee as I greeted the couple beside us.

"So when is it your turn?" I asked "You can't just stay engaged forever"

"It's only been six months" Dinah quickly defended.

"Six months too long" Normani mumbled.

The air became thick and Camila whispered into my ear "There's trouble in paradise. Change the subject"

I felt guilty for unknowingly bringing up a touchy subject for the couple and threw Dinah an apologetic look as Normani continued to scold her on how they have yet to even select a date.

"So how's the bride holding up?" I asked Camila loud enough for Normani to hear to hopefully distract her and save poor Dinah from any further torment.

"Nervous but excited." she answered.

"Of course she's excited" Normani said "It's her wedding day" she said glaring at Dinah.

Before she was able to talk Dinah's ear off anymore, the music ran through the air and I noticed Ronny already standing under the arc full of white flowers waiting for his bride. The audience rose to their feet as Ally began to walk down the aisle.

The ceremony was short but beautiful and the reception was full of Ally's large Mexican family and some of Ron's co-workers.

Ronald didn't have many friends and he had no family left. I remember that being one of the reasons why I refused to let him go for so long. He had no one in the world but me, and I had no one in the world but him.

But that's all changed now.

Now, we have both met beautiful women who we love and want to marry.

I guess he beat me to the punch on that second part.

"Are you having fun?" A familiar voice asks me from behind as I feel her arms snake around my waist.

I put my hands on top of her arms and smiled.

"I am now that you're here"

I felt a soft pair of lips press against my shoulder as I looked out into the reception party.

I had already managed to make polite small talk with most of the people I knew.

Now it was time to dance with my girlfriend.

"Smooth" she praised.

I turned around and intertwined our hands. Without asking I led her to the dance floor but I didn't hear any complaints.

The song was slow and I took the opportunity to press her body against mine as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

My arms were laced around her waist as we swayed back and forth slowly to the music.

I stared into my favorite pair of brown eyes and smiled.

"When is it our turn, huh?" I asked

She smiled "I didn't think big extravagant weddings were your thing"

She was right. I'd be just as happy signing some papers in a courthouse.

The wedding was not what I wanted. I wanted the marriage.

I wanted to be able to meet someone new and introduce this beautiful girl as my wife. I wanted to wake up next to her every morning, I wanted to brew her the coffee she liked, no matter how weak I consider it to be. I wanted a kid with her.

I want a kid.

"I don't need the wedding" I said "I just need you to be my wife"

Though I must admit a wedding didn't sound too bad. Definitely not something as extravagant as this but, a group of friends, Camila's family and a small celebration wouldn't be too bad. I wonder if Camila would want her dad there. They have yet to speak since her suicide attempt back in New York and she doesn't like it when I talk about him. I can't help but wonder if for her wedding day she'd make an exception.

At least I knew Sinu would be there and she would definitely be accompanied by Ricardo. Right now the couple is in Punta Cana enjoying a well deserved romantic vacation. I think Camila was more excited to hear about how the vacation is than Sinu was to actually go.

It definitely made me happy to know they were on good terms now. Camila needed a mother, everyone needs a mother.

Camila smiled, but before she could respond I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt" Ron said.

"Do you mind if I borrow your girl for a minute?" he asked Camila.

I saw her smile at his use of words as she nodded

"Of course." she nodded politely "I should probably go and make sure Normani hasn't killed Dinah yet anyways"

I was more than pleased with the relationship that developed between Camila and Ronny. They definitely weren't friends but for my sake they got along and that's all I could ask for.

As she walked away and my eyes immediately landed on her backside.

"Are you checking out her ass?" Ronny asked as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hell yeah" I said "It's a great ass" I shrugged off.

He knew better than to agree, or disagree, with me because either one would end up badly for him. Instead he turned around and began to lead me to a more secluded part of the building.

"So I told you I had a surprise for you" he started.

"Ooh what is it?" my childlike behavior made him smile but I desperately wanted to know.

"More like who is it" he corrected.

As we rounded the corner I saw a familiar pair of hazel eyes and I immediately felt a my heart drop.

Of course Ronny thought this was a good thing, he has no idea what happened.

"Hey there Lolo"

I wanted to slap away the smirk that rested on Keana's lips as Ron greeted her in a tight hug.

"So Keana called me a bit ago" he began to explain "And said that she wanted to move back to Miami but she insisted on surprising you"

Fuck, Ron. Why do you have to be so clueless?

"She was taking a while to move though because she needed to find work here first and the modeling scene here definitely isn't what it is in New York. So instead of having her wait forever to move I offered her a day job" he explained.

He obviously hadn't noticed my lack of enthusiasm and is too concentrated on his story to take realize.

"Where?" I asked immediately silently praying for it not to be where I think it is.

"At my school" he said as if it should be obvious. "I can't put her on as a teacher obviously she doesn't have the degree but I figured she should be around people she knows so..." he trailed off and waited for her to finish the sentence for him

"I'm Camila's new teachers assistant" she said with a sly smile.

She walked away without another word and Ronny looked at me expectantly with a childlike smile on his face waiting for me to react to his surprise.

I couldn't be mad at him. He didn't know any better and he was trying to do something nice but, dammit did he fuck up.



There it is! So just to give you guys a heads up the structure to this one is going to be a bit different. The flashbacks are going to be prompted by excerpt of Lauren's book (like the very beginning of this ch) and they will be in order now. So it's like I'll be writing the sequel and the prequel through the flashbacks which will now be in Lauren's POV for the most part. There's going to be more emphasis on the first three years they were together on this one so yay for the people who wanted that to happen.

Also forgive me for any mistakes I kinda proof read this really fast so I'm sorry.

PS: The begining of this chapter was a refference to, and inspired by one of my favorite poems ever! Repetition by Phil Kay! It. Is. Amazing.

I hope you guys liked it!

Leave me your thoughts and be nice to your flowers!

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