
By Spriggs2756

176 6 1

In 2019, weapon companies around the world began making a killing on selling weapons to the public; a company... More

The Prelude: A life changing deal
This war of hers


36 1 0
By Spriggs2756

a large bullet train moved from the southern regions of Japan headed for Tokyo at high speed, a small group of men in the countryside waited by the train tracks with a couple trucks, miles down the tracks from the small group of men there was a strange object on the train tracks.

Most of the guys by the trucks were armed with assault rifles and some with rocket launchers, one of the men in the group laid on top of the trucks with his hands behind his head as if he was relaxing. The man looked very rugged with a wild beard and long hair that traveled down the back of his neck.

The man had one bright blue eye and one eye that looked foggy blue with an all white pupil, the man wore a pale olive green combat jacket with a pair of beat up jeans and even worse looking shoes that managed to still be good for walking. As the guy stared up at the sky above and into the clouds.

An androgynous person wearing a track jacket with shorts and bullet proof vest stood next to the truck and saluted the grizzled looking man and held a bullet proof vest on one arm." Captain Hu-" The androgynous person corrected them self." I mean Hancock...Please you should wear a vest, these men are Excalibur security, they will be very dangerous and well armed."

The man groaned before leaning up." No, body armor is for pussies Kat, if someone catches me with a lucky bullet then you don't have to worry about me anymore" He told the androgynous teen. After hearing Hancock tell them not to worry about them tears welled up in Kat's eyes and they held their stance of saluting." No Sir ! I won't stop worrying about you !" They told him.

The wild looking man hopped off the hood of the truck and onto his feet, he shoved his hands into his pockets." Kat I'm already hell bound and I rather not take anymore souls to hell with me when I die, you know how many men that I had fight for me and die for me, and your the last person that actually looks up to my name unlike others. I admire that you still idolize me, but I'm nothing but a killer who kills for the dollar and your just following me because of my old glory."

Kat stood in attention and stayed saluting to Hancock." Sir ! I will follow you to hell and back if need to, I remembered when you made the speech that all your men were bound for hell, and you told us that when we all go, you'd lead us to make hell into our haven." Kat told him.

Hancock put a hand onto Kat's head and patted their head, Hancock gave Kat a warm smile, but the smile had to be short lived as Hancock heard the train coming and put a hand into his olive colored jacket; taking out a small curved blade with a large hole at the end of the handle.

Hancock put his finger through the hole and spun the blade around his finger before the train derailed and began crashing; the other men with various guns began moving towards the train's cars and towards the driver's car of the train, even though Hancock was far behind the other men, he managed to not only catch up to the other men, but also get ahead of his allies while soldiers began climbing out the train cars and firing at the armed men with pistols.

In the Tokyo shopping district Jun was celebrating her victory the other day, it was a single week since Jun ordered Maya and Eiko to slaughter the competition that was arising in Japan; Jun was dragging the giantess and Eiko around a large classy suit store. Maya pushed a shopping cart with several different colored suits in the cart and on top of Eiko's lap as Eiko sat in the front of the shopping cart.

Eiko did her best to be relaxed in the metal shopping cart while her robotic leg hung out the side of the cart, in front of the two was their boss Jun, she cheerfully looked through suits that were hung up on different racks." Hey Maya." Eiko called to the green haired German." Hmm." she responded.

"Does Jun have a fetish for suits ? Or does she just see herself wearing nothing less ? " Eiko asked. Maya put a hand onto her chin and thought about it." I don't rightfully know to be honest, she probably does, she wore suits when I first met her, I've seen her wear a sun dress before."

Suddenly Jun came back to the cart with a black vest and a stylish looking striped tie saying," Ah Eiko this vest will make you look sooo cute and will go great with this tie. It's better than that ratty white t-shirt blue short shorts your wearing." Eiko didn't really defend her wardrobe from her boss seeing that she was only wearing that under the pile of suits covering her thin body.

" Hey uhh Jun, how come you never gone into the fashion business instead of the weapon's business ?" Eiko asked. For one of the few times Jun's face went to a blank like stare as if she really needed to dig deep into her own thoughts to answer the question, but she managed to answer after taking a long stretch of time to form the words.

The purple eyed woman looked down to Eiko, she looked her in the eye before saying in a cold tone." Well Eiko there are...There are things you just can't do in the world, no matter how hard you try, or how much work you try to do, some people will just force you into doing things you don't want to do no matter how hard you beg." Jun almost sounded like she was pained as she spoke to Eiko.

Maya could see that Jun looked upset and tried to divert the conversation to something else." Eh, um, Jun why don't you talk to the clerks and see how your magnum opus suit is doing ?" Jun instantly changed from old attitude and tossed the vest and tie into the cart, she regrew her smile as if the question about her job was never asked." Ohh yeah, I gotta check on it by-" before Jun could run off to find one of the store's clerks her cellphone rang with a catchy song.

Jun gasped when she heard the song and quickly got her cell phone from her suit jacket, when the purple eyed woman laid eyes on her cellphone screen she quickly swiped her finger across the screen and put the phone up to her head fast enough to almost hit herself with the phone." Hi Mommy !" She yelled sounding happy.

Maya and Eiko watched as Jun turned around and was quietest for probably the longest time Eiko heard her, Jun turned around to the two and her face was twisted in a grimace," Wait a shipment from..From where ?" Jun had a long pause before she spoke again." A lot of clothes and alloys. What are alloys ?"

Eiko and Maya could hear an older woman sigh over the phone, Jun's face twisted into another angered look." I need those to make swords with ! Where are they ? I'll make sure that their lives are short when me and my soldiers of hell get there." Jun hung up the phone and pointed at the two," Maya ! it's time !" she yelled.

Maya cocked an eyebrow wondering what she was getting at." Uhh What ? What is it time for ? " Jun did a pose where she held her arms out like she was waiting for a hug then made a peace sign with two of her fingers and put it in front of her face." It's time for us to reclaim our stolen property, that was my beloved mother and she told us that we got some trouble we need to take care of it since the J.S.D.F ( Japanese self defense force.) can't handle some train bandits that are stealing our stuff and my mother's things."

The German giant thought about it, Eiko just looked to Jun." As long as we're being paid for everything, I don't really mind what we gotta do." Eiko told Jun. Maya shrugged, " Well it's my job to make sure your safe, soo I guess I'm coming with you." Maya told her Purple eyed boss.

Back at the train, Hancock slaughtered a majority of the guards with his knives during the bandit's gun battle with the train's security, when enough of the train's security guards hit the ground dead, the rest threw down their guns and held their hands high in the air.

The other armed men took the train's remaining security hostage, the bandits took refuge in one of the train's over turned cars that gotten wrecked from an rpg with their hostages on their knees and hands behind their heads." Your not gonna get away with this shipment alive you bastards !" One of the guards said to Hancock, soon many soldiers of the J.S.D.F began surrounding the derailed train cars and gotten ready to mount attacks.

The wild looking man, spun a curved knife around in his hand and put it to the guy's chin and looked the man in the eye, the man had a scared look in his eye as Hancock stared him down." We will get out of this alive, so don't worry, you'll live too." Hancock dragged the knife from the bottom of the man's chin and cut him lightly making him bleed. Gunfire began erupting outside, bullets spraying across the plains, hitting the train cars, but soon the gun fire stopped just like it started abruptly.

Suddenly Kat came in from one of the other train cars behind the group Hancock is with." Ja..Hancock !" The long haired man looked over to the thin androgynous bandit almost saluted Hancock as they approached." Hancock the J.S.D.F are backing off they set up a perimeter around the cars. We took out their first wave and injured the second no body took a hit or gotten injured."

Hancock nodded to Kat before one of the train bandits approached him." Aye yo Hancock, we got a chopper on approach, it has the same sword logo that's on the train." One of the guys with dredlocks told Handcock as he looked out one of the various holes in the train car; Handcock walked over to the hole and pushed his dredlocked cohort aside to see out the same hole to see a helicopter.

The wild haired man turned back to the group." Everyone we got company, the big cheese for this company maybe coming here to make deals ! Take the hostages up to Obman in the front come on !" Hancock yelled to the group in the train car, Hancock turned to Kat giving her strict orders."Listen up go back to the assault team and tell them their pulling up to Obman and not to drag ass catching up to us."

Outside, the train was completely surrounded by armored cars and dozens of soldiers armed to the teeth ready to fight with everything they had under their belt and up their sleeves; from the helicopter's point of view, Eiko and Maya stared down to the large army of soldiers." They look like tiny ants assaulting a giant Raupe." Maya said aloud, Eiko looked at the German giant who translated what she said." Caterpillar."

Suddenly Jun stepped on the Helicopter's skit and hung out of chopper as it hovered thousands of feet in the air, she pulled out a mega phone and started to yelled insults into it." You god dammed bandits ! All of you just killed yourselves fucking with my company's stuff, I'll kill half of your group, and take the rest prisoner, and when I get my hands on the prisoners, I will rip your spines out your assholes !"

Jun sounded like a whole different person to Eiko's ears. Eiko wore a white dress shirt with the striped tie and black suit pants; she straightened her tie with her robotic hand. The cyborg looked at her cobalt colored hand before grabbing Jun and pulling her into the helicopter before she could continue to berate the bandits, Eiko sat Jun down in one of the chopper's seats and looked the pale purple eyed woman in the eye." Jun we need a plan, not insults Jun."

" Yes Your right we gotta...We gotta think of something even if we clean house we gotta find away to keep the J.S.D.F from pawing at our stuff and kill these guys without them knowing we're carrying anthrax in our shipment." Jun said aloud as she put a hand onto her chin .

" Wait is that train really carrying anthrax ?" Eiko asked.

" No, no, it's just some stupid analogy really, what's on the train is really a number of different supplies for the mega company's sub companies really, and when my mother tells me I need to get back our company's supplies, then I'm getting them back."

" So how are we getting these uber supplies back and away from these bandits ?" Maya asked

" Well I suggest we work with our national friends the J.S.D.F, but we make sure we keep our true intentions to ourselves." Jun told them.

" Understood." Eiko and Maya spoke in unison.

The helicopter landed away from the danger zone and away from the JSDF's vehicles.The purple eyed woman snapped her fingers agreeing with Eiko as she leaped out of the chopper and with both feet onto the ground she turned to Eiko and Maya who followed her.

Maya adjusted a piece of armor on her large forearm while the trio approached the large barrier of military vehicles, the bandits began firing from the train all of them gotten low to avoid being hit, once the gunfire died down the soldiers began slowly standing back up but still on their guard, the commander wearing a blue beret and army fatiuges along with a bullet proof vest, with elbow and knee pads.

He turned his back to the train to salute and the two." Ma'am your here to reclaim your property ? Ms.Minami ?" He asked. Jun nodded confirming what he said being right." Ma'am your..Uh..Mother's funds came in for us to just hold our perimeter and prevent the bandits from escap-"

In almost the blink of an eye, the commander's head exploded following up with the sound of a large caliber sniper firing, the gore and brain matter got into Eiko's eye and mouth, the pale cyborg coughed twice before looking at the blood splatter on her hands. Eiko began breathing heavy as everyone else besides her and Maya took cover, gun fire began starting back up.

Maya put a giant hand onto Eiko's slender shoulder, Maya spoke to Eiko, but the cyborg couldn't hear the words that Maya said to her, Eiko began feeling as if her body was moving on it's own, she slapped Maya's hand from her shoulder and took the knife off a soldier's hip before she vaulted over the armored vehicle being used as cover.

Eiko sprinted towards the train without caring if she was shot as bullets came from both behind her and infront of her, she cleared the large field between the vehicles and the train without even being grazed by a bullet from either side.

Soon Hancock heard the gun fire, in the front car, Hancock grabbed a walkie talkie from his inner jacket pocket he pressed the button on the portable radio before saying." Kat where the hell are you and the others ? Obman wants everyone to come to the front car, I never said attack the J.S.D.F God damn it !" He released the button waiting for them to answer.

Soon a nervous voice answered back on the radio." I-I'm sorry sir, it's just that Rico fired saying he could see the commander and took him out trying to take out a lady in a suit, and I told him don't, he told me shut up and still shot at the woman but missed and hit the commander now their shooting at us and the others are now shooting and I can't stop them." Kat spoke all in one breath sounding scared.

Hancock sighed before putting his thumb onto the radio." Kat tell them Obman will kill their asses if they don't hurry back now." He sounded angered, suddenly the radio crackled back to life with Kat giving a report of what was happening on her end." S-Sir there's a woman running up to the train, s-shes too fast to hit sh-." The radio cut off and Hancock looked at the radio in his hand.

When Eiko entered the train she found the bandits, there were a small group of them with different weapons, as she entered their car she made her presence known." Sooo which person wants to let me have a good time ? " She spoke as if she was another person.

The several bandits in the car all turned to her, Eiko for once had a large smile on her face and her eyes were a deep crimson instead of their usual sapphire color, one of the bandits wearing an odd track suit put a radio up to their mouth only for Eiko to throw her knife across the car and have the knife embed it's self into the girl's hand." You know what they say." Eiko smile quickly diminished." Snitches get stitches.

The other bandits looked shocked at Kat before she dropped her walkie talkie, Eiko sprinted passed the bandits and to Kat standing directly in front of her, she grabbed the knife and kicked Kat to the ground before cutting across one of the bandit's throat's at the speed of light, the other bandits began firing Eiko but she just simply danced around them.

As Eiko dodged around them she made three of the men shoot each other and fall to the floor dead, one of the guys with a sniper unholstered a revolver from his hip and fired it at

Eiko, the cyborg girl used the combat knife to cut the bullet and in the same motion cut the man across his chest then switched hands with the knife putting it into her robotic hand.

She jammed the knife into the bottom of his chin and forced the knife deep into his head before he fell over, the last two guys turned and ran away from Eiko heading towards the front car. Kat stayed on the floor where they were after Eiko kicked them onto the ground.

When Eiko walked over to the injured enemy she started to hold her head." No, not now I didn't even get a chance to have that much fun, this was only a warm up." Eiko said sounding desperate and feeling dizzy.

Suddenly Eiko blinked and her eyes returned to a cool sapphire color, she noticed where she was and her eyes turned turned to Kat, she grabbed Kat with her robotic hand and held her off the ground, she stared the androgynous person in the eye." Why are you stealing from my boss' train ? Who even robs trains anymore ?" Eiko sounded like her old stoic self.

Kat looked down to the floor seeing her feet swing." We wanted to to steal what ever was on the train." Kat told her quickly." But I'm not telling you anything anything else." Kat tried to sound tough.

Eiko stared Kat in the eye giving her a stoic look, she placed her left hand onto Kat's throat, and looked at Kat's thin limbs." My right arm is strong enough to bend and snap steel. Do you think your arms and legs are made of are made of something stronger than steel ?"

As the two men made their way to Hancock, long haired man walked up to the two out of breath men and grabbed one by the back of their collar." Where's Kat ?!" He demanded the guy answer, the guy spoke to Hancock in an incoherent tone sounding scared.

Behind of Hancock a thin hand touched his shoulder, it was Obman, he was a fairly skinny man with military pants a bullet proof vest and a pair of black sunglasses and a long blonde hair." Hey Hey Hancock I believe that Kat's alright, they've been in close calls before. Just give'em some time and I'm sure they'll catch up, who ever it is will be killed thinking they could take us."

A couple cars down Eiko was holding Kat down with her left hand as she began pulling on Kat's right arm with her robotic hand, Eiko put her foot to Kat's chest as she pulled her arm; all the while Kat screamed like a wild animal being tortured. But then there was a loud pop giving Eiko a sign that Kat's arm was dislocated." You don't have keep quiet, you could just tell me who's your leader."

Kat had tears welling up in her eyes as she didn't tell Eiko what she wanted to hear." N-Never, you can break my bones but I'll neve-ahhh." Kat began screaming as Eiko grabbed the androgynous' bandit's arm above the elbow and with a quick but strong pull she ripped off Kat's arm.

Eiko looked at the disembodied arm and just dropped it onto the ground." Tell me who your boss is or your leg is next." Eiko threatened Kat once again, Kat glared at Eiko before telling her." No, I-I can't I promised H-Hancock I wouldn't give any info away and I never will. You can take off all my limbs, and I still won't tell you"

The pale cyborg sighed before grabbing one of Kat's legs." I'm gonna break your leg backwards before I tear it off, just remember you chose for this to happen, you could've just told me who they were." Eiko told them in a cold tone. Soon Maya and Jun approached the train and climbed aboard to catch up with Eiko, the second they found her they were greeted by a gruesome sight.

The giant retched seeing the limbs on the floor, and Jun actually vomited onto the floor when Eiko lifted Kat off the floor by her head, in the short amount of time she had Kat, Eiko had taken off all of her limbs and taken out her eyes, Maya stepped in front of Jun, so her purple eyes couldn't see the body fully.

" Now what was your plans ? You couldn't just have thought about taking the alloy and other products on this train and keeping them were you selling them off ?" Eiko asked. Kat looked close to death before she managed to speak to Eiko." Y-yes, Obman wanted to sell everything here that wasn't gold, or money, everyone was to get a large amount of money." Kat said clearly for Eiko before they were thrown to the ground.

Eiko turned her head to see Maya and Jun who peeked out from behind Maya only to have her face covered by Maya's giant hand." Eiko..Wh-what did you do to that girl ?" Maya asked sounding somewhat angry.

Eiko wiped her bloody robotic hand on her dress vest and did her best to get it clean." I did what I needed to do, I wanted information, and luckily she knew something." Eiko said as she cleaned her left hand on her pants.

" No fraulein, this what you've done to that woman."

" I'm pretty sure that's a guy or was one."

" Regardless we don't do things like this to our enemies, yes we kill, yes we may take prisoners, but we don't torture our enemies, you have to do the merciful thing end her."

Maya lectured Eiko somewhat before she showed Eiko her P90, the cyborg looked at her hands before silently grabbing the machine gun, she aimed it at the blind dying girl's face before squeezing the trigger and ending her life, Eiko felt a sick feeling in he stomach for a second, then she sighed.

Hancock gotten irritable by not seeing Kat and tried to get a hold of her with the portable radio." Kat. Where are you ? What are you doing ?" Hancock asked over the small radio. As Hancock spoke on the walkie talkie, Eiko and Maya looked down to the blood coated walkie talkie.

Eiko grabbed the portable with her robotic hand, she pressed her robotic thumb onto the button before she began speaking into it." Tell your men to give up, and you'll just be arrested, if you don't comply you'll be killed."

There was a long silence over the radio. On Hancock's end he stared at the radio, before he looked at Obman and the others he was with." That's..I.." Hancock silently spoke to himself before he spoke to Obman." Obman give up your surrendering to these people."

The blonde haired guy cracked a smile and laughed at Hancock." Ah John, you..You are a funny guy man." The sunglasses wearing man told Hancock, but the bearded man wasn't smiling." My name isn't John Hancock Obman, it's Jack Hunter."

The remaining men in the room tensed up, the all kept their eyes on Jack." And two, your giving up, if not that then your dying at my hands." He threatened the blonde haired man as he slowly put a hand into his jacket.

As the trio began moving up waiting on the man on the other end of the radio to speak to them, they started to hear shots being fired repeatedly and the hostages actually met up with the group, even the security guards didn't stop to talk with the three as they went out to safety.

When the three made it to the front driver's car; where there was a plethora of bodies and a man with his back turned to the three, he was wearing a jacket that looked familiar to Eiko." Wait I'm almost finished here." He told them.

He was cutting his beard and mustache with a knife when he was finished he stabbed the knife into the control board and turned around to the three, his face lit up to see Eiko and he gave her a cool smile." E." He just told her simply.

Eiko's eyes went wide and she stared at Jack, she dropped her machine gun." I-I thought you were dead." Eiko sprinted towards Jack and hugged him." I-I missed you so much..Dad."

" Dad !" Maya and Jun said at the same time.

" E, for a long time I was dead, I felt like I was in hell. The second I heard your voice over that radio, I felt alive for the first time. It felt like I finally took a breath of air after holding my breath for 4 years." He told the young cyborg, when Eiko looked up to him he gave her a heart warming

Soon Maya got in close between the two before coughing to get their attention." Well guys I'd hate to be the girl that ruins touching moments but. we have a line of men, soldiers out there that's gonna move up and probably take your father out." Maya sounded worried wondering if the J.S.D.F. were closing in.

Jack broke from the hug and started to look around the room." Your right, as we're talking I feel as if their getting close to us." Jack told them feeling as if the soldiers were about to show up any second.

As Jack mentioned a squad of soldiers began getting onto the train and moving up to the driver car, once they met up with the group, Jack was dressed as one of the security guards and put a dark blue cap onto his lid." Something wrong sir ?" The disguised Jack asked cocking his eye brow.

" No." The squad leader responded, took a look of the scene and one of the guy whistled." Damn Ms.Minami, you sure keep a skilled group with you, we need more guys like yours in the J.S.D.F."

" Yes.Yes.I know that my company hires only the best of the best for security and bodyguards." Jun said with smile on her face, suddenly several other helicopters could be heard outside." Ahh that must be the retrieval team, well I'd love to stick around and chat with your squid, I must get back to my work.Ta !"Jun told them.

The purple eyed woman snapped her fingers making Maya and Eiko stand a her sides, Jack stood behind her and followed her out of the train, once everyone was outside, and the company helicopters landed. A man wearing what looked like a hazmat suit covering his entire body approached Jun, he spoke through his enclosed helmet sounding as if his mouth was covered.

Oddly when he finished speaking Jun just responded with a simple." Yup. it's all good." Eiko began to really wonder what was on the train, after seeing the guy with the hazmat suit and muffled voice, but her thoughts went over to keeping at Jun's side, she did look back at the train before looking forward.

The second they got onto the helicopter and slid the door closed, Jack let out a giant sigh." God damn, part of me was expecting one of the security guys or someone to see through my disguise." He said before leaning back into his chopper seat.

Jack soon took off the cap on his head and put a hand onto Eiko's head, he cracked a smile, the turned to Jun." Well Miss. As random as it may seem right now, I'll work for you, I'll first need a haircut first." Jack told the purple eyed woman.

Jun smiled before putting a hand on her small chin and looked the older man up and down." Well" She dragged the simple word on before leaning back into her chair." I think we can work something out and you can." Jun just watched as the one eyed man put a hand onto Eiko's head and tussled her hair messing it up.

" My Daughter." He just simply said to Eiko next to him.

Eiko just hugged her father and nearly shed a tear." My Dad." she told him back.

As the group went back to Jun's building, and the entire situation was handled, Jun hired Jack and even set him up with a apartment in the building. After getting Jack situated, Jun went to her office, she leaned back in her desk chair, putting her hands behind her head, and kicking her feet up onto her desk.

" Ahh, day's done and now I can kick back relax and." Before Jun could finish her sentence the phone occupying her desk began ringing, and she groaned hearing her phone ring." And yell at the motherfucker calling me." Jun spoke aloud sounding angered by the phone.

Jun grabbed the phone and tried to sound her nicest." Hello Minami Inc." Jun said with a grimace look on her face, but once the person on the other line began speaking Jun's face slowly changed from it's grimace to a cat like grin.

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