Death's Scars

By brandyanime

120 0 2

Death lingers and revolves in a natural form, a residual being who can see your dreams, nightmares and if it... More

1 | Darkness |
2 | Bruises |
3 | Cuts |
4 | The Voice |
5 | School |
6 | His Soul |
7 | Nightmare |
8 | Last Breath |
9 | Life and Scars |
10 | Death |
11 | Regrets |
12 | Hell |
13 | Corruption |
14 | Taken Soul |
15 | Breaking Her |
16 | Confined |
17 | Whispers |
18 | Moonlight |
19 | Who? |
20 | Falling |
21 | Torture |
22 | Fire |
23 | Chain of Heaven & Hell |
25 | Pushed Beyond Breaking |
26 | Soul Split |
27 | Her voice |
28 | Inner Demon |
29 | Broken Down |
30 | The Last Piece |
31 | Born Within Death |
32 | The Goddess |
33 | His Healing Hands and Her Heart |
34 | A New Friend |
35 | Impulsive |
36 | His touch |
37 | Golden Soul |
38 | Snapping Out of It |
39 | Holding Back |
40 | Her Heartbreak |
41 | Unlocking her |
42 | Darkened World |

24 | His choice |

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By brandyanime

Zako woke in his room, he knows something is wrong there is no way that it was a dream and if it was how had he gotten here. He just stared across his room, he sat in silence for a while until he heard his door open. He turned to it but felt a sharp pain across his chest.

He looked down and saw the bandage wrapped around himself. He started doubting if it was even a dream now, he looked up for a second really didn't think too much of it as he saw two of his father's workers standing near his bed.

Rin, she used to be his mother's right hand butler but that was before she died. Rin still hasn't recovered much from that day but she is always happy to see Zako. The other is his father's main work force, Erikku, yeah he is one of the extremely busy ones. Usually he is found by his voice screaming down the hall for Rin or one of the others but Zako has gotten used to that, sometimes but very rarely you can find him in the study with Zako's father and he is quiet as a mouse.

Rin looked at Zako, she had this worried look on her face. She can't do anything with Erikku in the room though. Zako tries to sit up in his bed, even with the strong medicine the staff usually gives, he knows the damage is worse than it looks covered up.

Erikku watches the boy, he even can tell that Zako is still hurting. His father had made the hospital release him to them, as far as Erikku is concerned it was for the best.

"Young master your father has requested your presence in his study once you start feeling up to it. Rin, you will help him with anything that's needed."

He turned to her then went to leave. Rin didn't make any type of facial expression until Erikku left, she really is scared of him but Zako never blames her.

"Young master?"
"Rin, you know I don't like that title and he isn't here."

"Yes, Zako. It must hurt quite a bit."
"No, its fine. I'm built like father so it's not like I'm going to let it keep me down."

Zako went to stand like he was strong but he was instantly back on his bed, Rin laughing at him.

"Real funny Zako, you would have made your mother laugh too."

He looked down even he knows she would but he hasn't been here much since it happened. He spent most of his time at Mina's for this reason, ever since they moved back here its just been getting to him. His father was probably already trying to figure out how to get him down to visit mother's grave.

Zako hasn't been there in a few years, he has tried to be strong but he can't, he will always feel that pain. His father never blamed him but Zako hides the fact he blames himself. Every time he is alone he can only think about it, Rin had even saw her like that.

He had been crying back then but the look of horror on her face, scared him even worse. He was making himself mad, he hit his side table even before he realized he had.

Rin had notice he was getting mad and left, she knows his feeling on such a touchy subject. She shouldn't have said anything about it but so much of Zako is like his mother, she just let it slip. She went on through the house looking for any task to get him out of her mind. She entered his father's study, she was going to see if he needed her to do anything.

Instead she heard his voice, she actually thought he was talking to Erikku but when she walked to where he was, she already knew that wasn't the case.

"So Mina has been put on life support. I think its best he doesn't find out for a bit, he needs to worry about himself."

"I understand that if it gets bad that he will find out but until then he will be staying here."

Rin didn't know what he was trying to do, why does he want to hide this from Zako? He has nothing to gain from keeping that information from him, bad enough he kept the fact she was gone from him.

She backed away from that area, she turned but someone's hand now covered her mouth.


"Well that no way of speaking to the ones who have control over her life right now. How about you try acting nicer or she can die right here."

Lucifel looked at the woman, she pulled the knife where he could plainly see it. He wants to rip them to pieces but these chains hold him so he can't, even his demon is trying to get on his nerves.

"Release me so I can make them go away."

He ignored him and watched the woman set the knife near Ava's throat, he knew the anger showed in his eyes. His attention was turned from the woman to the guy who stood near him, holding the rose he had picked for Ava.

"She's precious to you, I see but you have to give us what we want before you can have her back."

Lucifel looked at him anger boiling inside, he was ready to tear this motherfucker up but he didn't say anything to him.

"Lucifel are you listening to me or shall we cause some damage to her. Even you know that you aren't getting out of those chains for a while."
"It's easy to give her more scars, those you had taken are nothing compared to the ones I will inflict. Even the one placed over her heart will never compare in pain to ones I can give her."

He pulled on the chains he didn't care how much they tore his wrist, "Leave her out of this!"

"Only if you do one thing for me."

He walked towards Lucifel, even he should know what he was to ask.

"Well, I need you to find something for me. Not particularly an item but a person, a child really."

"Don't question me!"
"I think you can find her even though your a demon. It's a real easy one."

He just looked at him as he walked around almost taunting him, he better be glad these chains still hold him or he would be nothing but a unrecognizable pile of blood. Even his demon wanted to see that, he was still keeping those chains from putting pressure on Lucifel.

"Do you know the girl with every bit of the world tied into her? The child that was to die by your hands but he saved her, yeah. I need you to find her for me."

He looked at this man like he was stupid, he wasn't sure what he was talking about. He stared at the guy until he heard his demon.

"I can find the one he speaks of. Tell him you are searching but you have to let me loose for me to even find her."

There is really no arguing with his demon especially since he has no clue who the guy is talking about. Lucifel released part hold of his demon, it was glad just to be free.

Once the demon held a part of his existence, it pulled through light after light just searching for the girl. He started with the angels' and quickly limited it to the two highest ones. Kiro his first target but the little light the one he knew wasn't near.

He left that and about got slammed down as the difference in energy become apparent, he knew he has to have her somewhere. He knows there is a risk that this guy will try something but he needs to save Ava for Lucifel.

He may not like her in the same way as him but there is no helping that. The time Lucifel lost himself even his demon wasn't particularly in control, rage and jealousy can cause a corruption within.

His demon looked near the stronger angel for the little girl, he couldn't really differentiate hers from his. He knew since she isn't near the other angel she has to be near him.

She felt herself falling into the darkness, she could hear his voice and nothing else.

"Come to me Ava."

She looked for the voice but kept falling, the darkness seeming to take over completely. No escape from what ever this is. His voice has disappeared but there is another one now, a voice she hasn't heard since before she was brought here.

"Body, soul, and mind of beauty. Mine to protect. Mine to hold and love. Ava my love your the only thing in this life that I'm willing to die for, your happiness is the only thing I live to see. Even if it's from another's actions as long as your happy."

She wanted Kizuato, Death, or him with her now, she felt alone again. Everything is getting to be worse, every time something starts going right it automatically turns bad the next minute.

She instantly felt herself slam to the ground, she felt as though her heart had skipped a beat and tried to bring in a breath. Ava couldn't move but there is something else moving through the darkness now.

There was this piercing pain shoot through her as a pair of bright red eyes appear from the darkness. A voice there as something starts clawing at her chest.

"You will die one way or another. Once your gone everything will be in place."

A horrible resonating cracking sound and the eyes got closer. The voice now closer and whispered.

"Enter the darkest realm of this world. A place where even light doesn't touch, you will be trapped forever for every sin you've ever committed."

The eyes got farther away then there was this feeling of something slicing into her chest. Ava is immobilized, she is helpless as this creature does this. Tears forming in her eyes as the pains starts to double. There is a tug as she is lifted a bit from the ground, she can feel the blood forming around her as laughter appears.

She hears a beating, her tears obstructing her vision and an almost suffocating feeling appeared.

"You won't be needing this."

The beating sound getting faster, a pressure building somewhere and the breathing getting worse. Something being pulled from her, the beat slowing. She coughs and tastes the blood, her vision blurring even more. She sees the eyes disappear and hears nothing.

A scream trying to leave her lips but silence, the heartbeat gone and breathing becomes non existent. She tries to get up, everything completely still. Every attempt to force movement is met with a disconnected feeling.

Blood still flowing from her mouth, everything silent even her own thoughts. It becomes incoherent as she just lays there chocking on her blood.

The darkness disappears so quickly, she still can't feeling anything as she wakes, she sees him first then she feels the hold. His eyes widen as he sees she is awake, the man walking over to her.

She ignores him and stares only at him until she feels a tug on her. She looks down the knife that is held to her throat seeming to be alive. She hears someone whispering to her.

"Pitiful little girl, the girl who has lived through scar after scar. How's it feel to know you might die here unless he does something."

Ava feels a pulling on her wrists, she doesn't know what is happening but she thinks she knows this voice.

She felt the knife move from her and a new hand near her, the whispering again.

"I know you can recognize me, it's not too hard just search through every one of the people you know. It might be a surprise."

She ignored the woman as she heard the guys voice, he was speaking straight to Lucifel.

"I need you to pull the little girl's energy and hand it to me or Ava will be taken from you."

Lucifel looked from Ava to the guy, his demon was searching best he could for the light energy but her life is on the line he needs to find it quickly. He heard the guy again then the woman got up and took Ava with her.

He knows he is just trying to make it apparent that he was serious, he wants that light. He just sat waiting for his demon to find her and give him the directions to get to her energy.

She felt the woman get up then pull her to standing, she was yanked toward another area of darkness. The woman stayed quiet until the guys were out of sight, well Lucifel since the guy can hear her from anywhere.

She pulled Ava's wrist together behind her and placed a dark seal on them so she wouldn't be able to move. She made her sit on the ground then walked a bit in front of Ava, she was trying to get her to remember since she would take her life if Lucifer couldn't get the little light.

She sat a few feet in front of her then grabbed Ava by her hair, she knew that Ava would remember this hold. She lifted her to face her, she was always weak.

"Want to know a secret. Ava, I know you remember this hold."
"Well, its not mine exactly but I was part of it."

Ava looked at this woman, she knows Victoria was the one she was talking about but what does she mean.

"Exactly as you think. Victoria or as she is known to me, a slut. Since that all she is good at other than hurting you."

Ava looked at the woman she was now laughing, which Ava herself never found funny.

"Ava the thing is she hates you for a reason. A little trick of mine and his."

"She was willing to do it, just a slip of your name since I blamed you for what I was doing to her. Every day for the past almost 3 years now I've been in almost total control of her."

The woman was smiling now just thinking back to those actions and how easy it had been to get Victoria and Drago to go along with this.

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