Girl Meets World | L. Dunbar

By pvnkqueen

88.2K 2.3K 593

Maya Hart was okay. She'd discovered the secret to life and had fun doing it with those she loved the most. B... More



3.8K 129 10
By pvnkqueen

AFTER SHARING A VERY SPECIAL MOMENT WITH PETER, he offered her a ride home. But truth was she didn't want to face Shawn and her mom. So instead of a ride home she was given a ride to Liam's. The car ride was filled with an awkward silence.

"Maya, do you know what you are?" Peter asked. "Deaton called my powers Precognitions." Maya said. "It's a common confusion but your a seer." Peter said as he pulled up to Liam's house. Maya raised a brow but her confusion faded when she watched Mason leaving Liam's house. "Thanks for the ride and the seer thing. I'll see you around Peter."

Maya quickly made her way to Liam window. And saw him tossing and turning. She knocked on the window starling Liam. She watched as Liam make his way to the window. He opened the window and helped her in. Maya closed the window and finally looked Liam in the eyes. "Have you been crying?" Liam asked. She nodded as she took her phone out and turned it off.

"Apparently Peter Hale is my father. I don't know what to make of it. I don't how to feel." She admitted. Liam took a hold of her hand. "You just need to let it sink in. Maybe in the morning you'll be able to make sense of it." The blonde nodded her head. He was right maybe she was still in shock.

Maya laid in Liam's bed her arm wrapped around the pillow. There was so many things going through her mind that she didn't notice when Liam laid down and wrapped his arm around her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Liam asked. "I don't have much to say besides what if I was already like this. What if this has nothing to do with Scott?" Maya asked as she turned to face him.

"I wish I had the answer but there's people who can answer them" Liam said as he placed a kiss on her nose. Maya smiled weakly and rested her head on his chest.


The next morning Maya had taken the school bus with Liam. Her mind was still raising. Peter, her mom, even Scott. They were all on her mind. As she looked through her missed messages she stopped in front of Stiles locker. But only found Malia. "Malia!" She called. Malia walked over to Maya. "Do you by chance know where I can find Stiles?" "No. Do you want me to catch his scent?"

"Uh no that's just not a normal response." Maya said. Malia nodded, Maya noticed Scott leaving the weight room. "I'll see you later Malia." Maya said as she ran off towards Scott. "Scotty I need to talk to you." "What's up?"

Maya stopped in her track, searching for the right words. "I uh. I don't know how to say this." Scott looked at her concern in his eyes. "I am Peter's daughter." Scott didn't look at all surprised truth was he already knew. Maya looked over his features and something clicked. "You knew didn't you?" Scott didn't say anything but his silence was enough to assure Maya of his answer.

"Why? How could you not tell me? I've been so loyal to this pack. What else have you been hiding from me?" Scott looked everywhere but at Maya. He felt bad but Stiles had asked him to keep the secret.

"Malia's your sister."

Maya's world stopped spinning. "I have a sister." "Maya I am so sorry. We shouldn't have hid this from you." "We?" Maya asked. "Stiles and I thought it was better to keep this from you and Malia agreed."

"What gives you the right to think you know what's good for me?" Maya huffed. Maya stormed off. The past few days had been overwhelming and she just needed a brake, a long brake.


Maya wasn't in the mood for a lacrosse game but like the good girlfriend she was she still attended. She took a seat in the bleachers. Malia and Stilinski took a seat next Maya. The game started and Maya tried so hard not to watch. Stiles was being thrown around like a rag doll. Although Maya was mad at everyone but Liam and Mason, she still cares for Stiles. Stiles smiled at the blonde but she ignored him. Stiles raised a brow but proceeded to talk to his dad. Stiles and the sheriff left leaving Malia and Maya alone.

Maya notice Liam was nervous. Peter took a seat in between his daughters. "So who's winning?" He asked. Finally it looked like Liam had his head in the game until Brett tackled him. "I told you not to come here." Malia said. "I invited him. You see sis, Peter's been more honest then you've ever been." Maya said. Malia was speechless, "Maya that's.. Peter you promised you wouldn't tell her."

"I didn't say a word. You see Malia, my little girl is brighter then you thought." Peter smirked. "I guess I'm not what you expected. Malia you lied to me. I would've never hid something like this from you. I was actually excited to have an older sister but maybe that's changed now." Maya stormed off leaving Malia and Peter alone. The game finished and Maya made her way to the locker room.

The short blonde stopped when she heard Liam and Brett talking. Instead of waiting Liam, Maya left. As she walked down the hall everything became blurry. The blonde continued to walk not knowing where she was going.

Kate stood over Scott a deer like mask in her hands. "I'm not going to turn you into a deer. But you are about to become something unrecognizable to your friends. They won't know what there fight. Or killing."

"Kate hold on. No, Kate. No no. Kate, don't. No, no, no! Wait! No, no, stop! No!" Scott screamed as Kate pulled the mask over Scott's face.

Maya stumbled and fell onto her knees. She could feel it, everything Scott felt she could feel it all. The blonde let out a scream and finally her vision was no longer blurry. The rest of Maya's body collided with the floor. Somehow she had ended up at Derek's loft. "Stiles don't touch her." Derek ordered. He picked up the blonde and set her on the near by couch. "It was supposed to be a date." Derek informed the sheriff. "They were both here?"

"And now they're both gone." Braeden said. "Scott's been taken." Maya suddenly said. The group looked over at her as Braeden took a call. "She's turning him into a monster." Derek kneeled in front of her. "Maya who's she?"

"Kate. We need to stop her." She said as she quickly tried to get up. "Maya you need to rest." Derek said as he gently pushed her back on the sofa. "We'll fix this. Go lay down, I'll take you home when we get this sorted out."

"No. I am not going to lay down when Scott's in trouble." "Maya please." Stiles begged. "You don't get to beg. You lied, and hid things from me." Maya watched as Stiles frowned at her words "What? Are you upset? Because I am."

Stiles was quite, "I am going to lay down not because you told me to  but because Derek asked and he's the family you hid from me." Maya made her way to Derek's bed and quietly laid down.

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