The Demon Within

By BlondePower10

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In the ages of the samurai, an Empire uses its samurai to ensure their secure rule. The only threat to the Em... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Sixteen

182 10 1
By BlondePower10

Mei sat in the cage with her legs pulled up against her chest, her face downcast. All along, the one man she despised the most was the one who had actually helped her and knew the most about her. Mei looked over and saw Taichi, his teeth gritting together and his eyes red, cursing over and over again as he looked to the side of his cage. Mei could understand his pain; he had been deceived from the beginning. Taichi had hopes in saving his family, but Osamu took that away too. False hope, Mei thought. Seems everyone clings to it now-a-days. Mei hoped Kazuma would continue on without her there and mobilize the forces so they could take on the Empire. The sooner the Empire fell, the better.

"I'm sorry, princess." Mei's head shot over to where she was looking at Taichi, and saw he was looking at her gloomily from the corner of his eye. Pain stabbed at Mei's heart from his expression, but part of her didn't feel like being forgiving. Despite Mei's own bitterness, Mei breathed out a sigh and half-smiled at him.

"You were trying to save those dear to you. I wish I could've done the same," Mei replied softly.

Taichi tore his gaze away from her. "That mongrel is right though. What kind of demon am I if I betray my princess?"

"You haven't betrayed anyone. Deceived, yes, but you haven't betrayed your kind. I would've ended up here sooner or later to take him on." At that moment Taichi turned and looked at her, his eyes glimmering with hesitation.

"You don't understand want he wants, do you?" Taichi asked carefully. Mei shrugged her shoulders and rested her chin on her forearms.

"He wants me locked up so I can't kill him. That part is obvious," Mei answered him. Mei could feel Taichi's eyes on her, like they were digging into her skin.

"Wow, you are naïve. That's not what Osamu wants, princess. To gain the power the Desani house holds, he's going to devour your soul, just like he did with your grandfather." 

"What?" Mei said, looking over at Taichi, bewildered. "That's ridiculous. I thought he had at least a part of that power when he drank his blood?" Taichi snorted before responding.

"Apparently that's not enough for his plans," Taichi said closing his eyes. He opened them and stared right at Mei. "He wants to reopen the chaotic abyss, and release Certo from his slumber. He wants control over both worlds; human and demon alike. Which is the last thing you need, princess."

"Certo can only be controlled by the Desani house," Mei stated as she narrowed her eyes slightly. "He has my grandfather's power. If he can't open the portal with that, then he certainly can't do it with me. Besides, he couldn't possibly open the portal the way things are now. That's why we haven't gone back! He holds a seal on it, preventing anything from—"

"How naïve are you princess?" Taichi said raising his voice. Mei was taken aback by his tone and looked at him confused. Taichi looked away, sighing heavily. "It appears your memory hasn't even begun to fully recover. Of course that's not your fault, but you would've thought your mother would've put more thought into this. I'm surprised you even remember Certo."

"Who could forget Certo?" Mei mumbled. "He's a savage, bloodthirsty demon deity." Taichi sat in silence for a moment, letting Mei's bitter response roll over him. After a few moments, a small smirk appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Humph, forgive my boldness princess, but Osamu is going to get the best of us if you don't pull your act together. We can't necessarily win without you."

"What do you mean exactly?" Mei asked dangerously, feeling like Taichi was belittling her.

Taichi gave her a sarcastic expression as he rolled his head to the side to look at her. "You are from the Desani house, and I am from the Paradomic house. I believe the Pureblood beside you in the courtyard is part of the Sanataic house. With the three houses working together, there's no way Osamu should be able to win. In order for that to happen, you need to get a move on. And I say this with the utmost respect."

Mei's eyes widened. "You knew Kazuma was a Pureblood? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Of course I know Kazuma; I'm not that stupid to give him away," Taichi laughed.  "As long as there is a Pureblood out there, we should be in decent shape. Besides, he would've killed me had he been captured; for several reasons too."

"Wouldn't see why he would after he heard what Osamu said," Mei said matter-of-factly.

"If only you knew," Taichi whispered, glancing over at Mei with an interested expression. "Anyways, you need to find your revelation princess."

Mei growled irritably. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying you need to find your inner demon," Taichi said. "That Pureblood and I found ours a long time ago. We need you to get yours."

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me what the hell you're talking about," Mei said angrily.

Taichi glared at her, frustration crossing his face. "You need to be able to get your true demon back, princess. That part is still asleep inside of you. Surely even you can understand the potential you are still lacking."


Kalik stood staring at the gates of the capital, completely furious with the situation. Why did Mei decide to turn herself over so easily? Kalik looked behind him and saw Takashi, Kaito and Kalas sitting nearby, their minds clearly occupied with what had just happened. Soushi was pacing a few yards off muttering to himself and Kazuma was standing with his arms crossed, an irritated look on his face. Kalik faced the gates again, wondering what exactly the Emperor wanted with Mei. It never dawned on him until now that the Emperor was only looking for Mei, and now Kalik was curious more than ever to know what he wanted.

"You should feel ashamed as a man, having a woman tell it to you straight like that." Kalik spun around and saw Kazuma eyeing him dangerously. Kalik returned the stare and walked towards him a couple of steps before stopping.

"Why did you let her go in there?" Kalik demanded.

"Why are you so pissed off?" Kazuma asked as he got up from his lean. "Aren't you the one who wanted that to happen? Stop being so bi-polar about these things and make up your damn mind."

"Shut up! If you care about her you shouldn't have let any of that happen!" Kalik froze as Kazuma's sword was suddenly pointed at his throat. Kalik looked into Kazuma's eyes and saw the killing intent in them. Kalik jumped back and drew his own sword. They glared at each other, their hatred glinting in their eyes.

"What do you know about Mei?" Kazuma growled.

"I know she was human until you changed her," Kalik growled back.

"Heh, she would have always been a demon even if I hadn't changed her. You cannot alter fates, human. Don't tell me you actually cared for the girl before I showed up?" Kalik lunged at him and they exchanged heavy blows, Kazuma having the upper hand in their spar. Takashi and the others watched anxiously, ready to jump in if Kalik got into deeper trouble. Kazuma's foot landed on the side of Kalik's head which sent him skidding to the side. Kalike stood up and glared angrily at Kazuma.

"Idiot," Kazuma continued, "Osamu has his mindset on one goal, but you're too proud to see it. You are all too bloody proud and you are letting the idea of 'demons' affect your common sense. You don't want to admit the Emperor you have been defending is actually a bloodthirsty murderer do you?"

"That's quite enough. What is fighting each other going to do at a time like this?" Both of them looked over and saw Soushi walking towards them, his face clouded with anger. "I have to agree with Kazuma on this one, Kalik. We were in the wrong, especially when it came to handing Mei over. If I thought this out through right, Osamu wants Mei's soul, correct?"

"WHAT?" Takashi and the others said with disbelief.

"You catch on fast old man," Kazuma said with a tone of mockery as he sheathed his sword. "Mei, unfortunately, is oblivious to the danger she is in because the remainder of her memories have yet to return. If that blood-sucking bastard gets a hold of her soul, he can turn even the human world into a dark abyss."

"So, my thought was right on the mark," Soushi said closing his eyes and putting his hand to his chin. "Research has its benefits."

"I underestimated you, old man. I never would've thought a human would actually understand the crisis this world is in," Kazuma said in a sarcastic tone.

"I figured this when we found out Mei was a demon from the start. I thought it was curious she knew nothing and she was raised the hands of people. That fact has always struck me as odd."

"Filthy humans would be the correct term," Kazuma corrected in a disgusted tone. Kalik narrowed his eyes at him.

"Piss off," growled Kalik and Kazuma just laughed.

"I don't care what you humans do, but..." Kazuma raised his hand and several demons came out from the shadows. Kalik recognized two of the demons to be Sakura and Masaru. They all came and stood behind Kazuma, their faces grim. "...I'm not about to lose my princess to Osamu again."

"Tch, what a pain in the ass," Takashi said as he stood up. Slinging his sword over his shoulder, he grinned wickedly over at Kazuma. "You think I'm going to let some filthy demon steal the girl I found first? I still owe her for slicing my arm. You've got guts. I'm going whether you agree or not."

"Guess that makes two then," Kaito said as he got up. He went and stood right beside Takashi. "It was me and Kalas who caught the chick first, so all you dirty-minded bastards can stand on the sidelines and watch me work."

"Well, I hoped you would've liked to go get her, otherwise you mounted her for no reason that day," Kalas said sarcastically as he got up and joined them. Kaito turned red in the face and Takashi started laughing. Takashi looked over at Kalik and Soushi, who were still standing off to the side.

"I won't judge ya if you're a coward, Kalik," Takashi mocked.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Kalik said sighing, giving in and walking over there with Soushi right behind him. Kalik looked over at Kazuma, who stood with his gang of demons behind him with an unenthusiastic look on his face. "Don't get in our way. Mei was ours first."

"Who are you to give me orders?" Kazuma glared at them. The tension between the two groups began to intensify before Soushi stepped in between them, signaling a truce. 

"Might as well work together for now," Soushi said as he looked back and forth between the groups. "We are after the same thing, and it would be beneficial if we put aside some differences at the moment. This is for Mei, after all."

"I don't trust filthy humans," Kazuma snarled, his fangs bared.

"And we don't trust bloody demons. But it seems our wishes aren't going to be granted until we get Mei, so deal with it," Takashi snapped back. Kazuma glared at them for a while before sighing.

"Get in my way and I'll cut you down," Kazuma said with a smile. "If even I see the slightest hint of one of you going to hurt Mei, I'll rip out your intestines while you still breathe." Kalas and Kaito flinched back as they visualized it.

"Glad none of us have violence issues," muttered Kalas.

Kazuma turned and looked over at Sakura, who just smiled at him as she walked up to him. "You can count on us, Kazuma! Nobody touches my princess! Well besides you. You do have more authority than me," Sakura said with a wink. Kazuma looked over at Soushi, who was smiling to himself.

"You're wise for a human. We'll need to take the Emperor by surprise. We'll have no problem getting into the palace since we are able to appear wherever we want. You, on the other hand, can't. What's your plan?"

"Tch, aren't you supposed to be the leader of this? Why the hell do we have to do all the thinking?" Takashi complained.

"We could act as if we are delivering demons," Soushi said ignoring Takashi. "You would have to spare us some of your men, though."

"I don't trust you with my men," Kazuma said flatly. "Sakura, Masaru! You faced these samurai before. Go with them and aid them. If they get in your way, kill them."

"I understand," Masaru said bowing to Kazuma.

"Better watch out, big boys. Hope you won't be to humiliated if I have to cut you down," Sakura said, smiling cruelly at them.

"We need to wait," Kazuma said as he and the demons started fading into the shadows. "Otherwise Osamu will figure it's a trap and be ready for us. Rest up and then we'll attack; I have to make preparations anyway. I don't want Mei yelling at me when all of you end up dead."

"Why wait when we can go now? Osamu may be taking her soul any minute!" Kalik said, his voice rising. Kazuma looked over at him, annoyance dancing across his face.

"For one who wanted to turn her over so badly, you seem awfully concerned," Kazuma growled. Kazuma crossed his arms and responded, ignoring the glares from the other samurai. "Osamu expects us to bounce back and free her. Besides, he'll be taking his time stealing her soul. Mei is strong-willed, so Osamu will have one hell of a mind battle with her before he gets even close. Sit your ass down and wait."

Kazuma and the rest of the demons disappeared, leaving Kalik and the others standing near the gates. Kalik grumbled to himself and looked grimly over at the gates. Very soon, they were going to be busting Mei out of her prison, which was ironic for him because he was the one who so desperately wanted her in there. Unfortunately for them, they would soon discover Osamu was already getting closer to obtaining Mei's soul than they thought he would, and they had little time before Osamu succeeded.  

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