Soulmates (Harry Styles)

By SimplySammi

4.4K 132 36

All my life, I've dreamed about him, my soulmate. He was going to be handsome but not conceded, sweet, kind... More

Soulmates (A Niall Horan/Harry Styles Fan Fic.)
The First Day
Stupid Crush
At Least Someone Found Love
This Is Only The Beginning
No Right
Double Dating?
Rumor Has It
Take Your Pick

The Plan

342 11 1
By SimplySammi

Today is Friday, the greatest day of the week besides Saturday. I picked out a pair of dark washed jean shorts, a turquoise v neck, and a pair of silver sandles. I tied my hair into a mermaid braid (if you don't know what that is, go look it up) I put a silver flower at the top of the braid, and did the usual routine with my face, natural make up.

Practically skipping downstairs, I was surprised to see my mom there sitting at the table talking with Bella.

"Hello." I said slowly, staring at the two from the doorway.

"Hi sweetly, come have breakfast." Without saying anything I sat down and took a bite out of a piece of toast.

"You look pretty today." My mother eyed me from her chair "Did Niall have a good time last night?" I nodded, I hope he did anyways. "We like him." She said finally, smiling over at me.

"I like him too." I grinned swallowing my last bite of toast. My mom offered to take Bella to school today, so she could meet with her teacher. I set off to school by myself, enjoying my time alone.

"Hey beautiful." I turned to the black 69 Impala slowing down to talk to me, I bent down to see Harry in the drivers seat.

"Hey." I smirked looking at him, he eyed me up and down before replying.

"Need a lift?" He asked as I started walking again.

"I don't get in the car with strangers." I joked causing him to grunt in protest.

"What about sexy strangers?"

"If you see one let me know."

He chuckled and kept following me "Come on I thought we were friends." I walked towards his car, he stopped for me, I opened his door and slid in.

He stared at me for a second before driving off, I let my arm stay out the window and get hit by the wind.

"I like your car." I turned to face him, studying his outfit for the day. A plain white shirt, jeans, and vans. I then looked at his face, I took a second to admire how cute his curls are, but Harry caught me staring and smirked.

"Like what you see?" He ran a hand threw his curls but kept his eyes on the road.

"Not really." I laughed as he scrunched up his face. "Don't you take Niall to school?" I asked, remembering that Niall telling me Harry gives him rides in the morning.

"Yeah, he texted me this morning and said he had a ride." I nodded, silently curious who he got a ride from. Was it another girl? Wait, I have no right to be jealous, we're just friends.

Harry noticed my distraught expression and frowned, "You like him don't you?"

"No!" I said a little to quickly, avoiding his gaze I looked out the window. We arrived at school almost a second later,

"Wait" Harry caught my arm as I began opening the door. A spike of electricity went through where he had touched me, Harry felt it to, he quickly retracted his hand and put it on his lap. "Did you feel that?" He asked quietly, staring down at his hand.

"Yes." My voice was barely audible, but I knew he had heard me.

"What do you think it means?" He whispered, he hoped I knew the answer, but I didn't. I didn't want to think about what it meant, I wanted to pretend it wasn't happening.

"Can I see your soulmate necklace?" I wondered, simply curious, not because I think he could be my... no. I was just curious.

Harry frowned hesitating, he began to take it out of his shirt a shrill voice shouted out "Harrryyyyy!" We both jolted and looked up, Ashley stood smiling widely at Harry, when she noticed me, she sent me an evil glare.

"Shes stalking me." He said to no one in general, I patted his back and exited the car without another word.

"Natalie!" I look up to notice Louis and Zayn standing at my locker, is this our meeting place? Why is it always my locker? Don't they have lockers?

"How did it go with Niall last night?" Zayn cut right to the chase, I chuckled and motioned for them to move so I could open my locker.

"Just fine." I replied grabbing my notebook and 'Grimm's complete fairytales' book.

"Uh huh. Did you guys kiss? Did you confess your love?" I laughed as they kept coming up with ridiculous things that could have happened. Much to my dismay, I saw Niall walking down the hallway with a pretty red headed girl, Zayn noticed my gaze and frowned. "That's Nialls ex girlfriend, Molly." Zayn exclaimed, I registered what he said, it felt like my heart broke a little bit. How lame is that?

Louis sighed and patted my shoulder, "They're an on again off again couple, this summer he said he was done with her for good though, I'm sorry Nat." I shrugged, why should I care? Its just a little crush. No big deal. Right?

Liam ran up to us out of breath, "Nialls dating Molly again."

Zayn and Louis must have given Liam a look because he looked at me with sympathy.

"Oh, I'm sorry Natalie." I shrugged again clutching my book. "I'll walk you to class, eh partner?" Liam nudged me trying to cheer me up. I nodded with a small smile on my lips.

"Bye guys." I waved to Louis and Zayn. Liam walked slowly with me to class, there wasn't very many people in the hallway.

"I'm sorry about Niall." He said again stopping a few feet away from our class.

"Its okay, I just thought.. that after last night, he maybe liked me back." I confessed, sighing.

Liam took my books from me, before I could ask what he was doing he gave me a giant hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed again.

"Get a room." Someone laughed, we let go to see Niall standing next to us. His smile made me frown, but I quickly hid it by gently taking my books from Liam. I didn't take another look back, I walked away from the boys and headed into class.

Before I did though, I thought I heard Liam say "You're an idiot." To Niall. I smiled at the thought, sweet Liam calling someone names. I took my seat next to where Liam was suppose to sit, he walked in a couple seconds later and quickly sat next to me. He sent me a quick smile and then payed attention to what Mr.Talley had said

"I'm hoping you all picked out stories by now, so I'll ask each group who they picked and if you have the same one as whoever is announcing their stories, you better pick a new one." He added "I'll give you a few minutes to talk to your partners before we start."

"Did you think of a story?" I asked Liam turning my head to look at him, his dark brown eyes seemed lost somewhere else. I wondered what was troubling him, "Liam?" I said hoping to snap him back into reality.

"Oh, right, sorry." He muttered fixing his eyes on me.

"Did you pick a story?" I repeated, his eyes narrowed and he let out a humorless chuckle.

"No, I'm sorry. Did you?"

I smiled this time, staring down at my book, "I figured we could do Cinderella." I shrugged looking at the front of the room to Harry. His partner was the girl from this morning, Molly? I believe her name was, she talked with Harry while Harry nodded his head and pretended to listen. She sat her hand on Harry's *cough* man parts, his eyes quickly widened and he pushed her hand away. If shes dating Niall, why did she just do that with Harry?

Liam gasped, he must have seen what I did. I looked over at him as he stared intensly at Molly.

"You saw that to?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. He nodded and huffed in frustration,

"She's done this before, the first time she used Niall to get to Zayn. When we confronted her about it she lied to Niall and said we hated her so we were trying to break them up." Liam turned to look at me with his puppy dog eyes "It almost ruined our friendships."

"Liam and Natalie stand up and tell us what you chose?" Mr. Talley beamed from the front of the room.

Liam spoke up " We chose Cinderella."

"Why?" He asked, I didn't expect that. Liam looked confused,.probably racking his brain for an answer. Being the hopeless romantic I am I let out "Because against all odds, Cinderella finds her one true love." Mr. Talley grinned

"That's beautiful Natalie. Now Carmen and Daniels group."

The rest of the class went on like that, Liam and I watched Molly flirt with an uncomfortable looking Harry. What were we going to do? When class ended Liam basically dragged Harry to his locker, I followed, at least it wasn't my locker this time.

"What was that about?" Liam growled, Harry looked... a bit frightened at the sight of Liam mad. I have to admit, I was a little scared too. Harry looked at me for an answer, I quickly looked away.

"She came onto me! I didn't do anything!" He defended himself, putting his hands up as if to say hes innocent. Which he was, in this case.

"I saw that, but did she say anything?" Liam growled again, I put my hand on his shoulder, so maybe he would calm down. It worked, he took a step back from Harry. "I'm sorry Haz, but you remember last time this happened, it was awful."

"I know, all she said was that she wanted me to come over to her house." Harry ran a hand threw his messy curls, ah, I love when he does that. Wait what? Shut up hormones. I'm trying to consentrate here.

"We have to show Niall what shes doing somehow." Liam sighed, opening his locker. Liam grabbed his things and waved bye to Harry and me. I walked to the other side of the hall and down aways to my locker. I just kind of expected Harry to follow, which he did.

"I'm sorry Nialls dating Molly." Harry grunted putting his hands in his pockets. He chuckled at my scrunched up confused face.

"Louis told me you liked him." I slammed my locker shut, startling Harry a bit.

"I don't like Niall okay?! I had a small stupid little crush on him and after last night I thought maybe he had one on me to!" I basically shouted at Harry, I took a deep breath and then added sadly "But you see how wrong I was."

Instead of shouting back Harry stared wide eyes behind me. I sighed, knowing who was there. I turned around slowly, Nialls mouth hung agape and Molly sent me a glare that could scare the hulk. I wanted to giggle at the sight of the hulk running away from a small red headed girl.

Instead I rolled my eyes and pushed past them, bumping into Niall on my way by. Harry said something to them and then chased after me.

"Hey hey hey." He cooed running in front of me to stop me from walking, I kept my head down, letting hot tears fall down my face. You must think its pretty stupid to cry right now, but I can't help it. Do you know how many boys I've let come home with me? one. Do you know how many people I have told about my dad? one.

Even if I didn't tell him everything, I still counted it. I was so mad, mostly at myself. For a moment I thought that maybe Niall had a small stupid crush on me too.

Harry tilted my chin up with his index finger, he frowned when he noticed I was crying.

"Come here love." He said before pulling me in the best hug I've ever had. Again, I felt my whole body go off like fireworks, but I pushed it away and hugged him back tightly. I silently thanked the heavens for Liam and Harry, always hugging me when I need them.

"Harry?" My voice cracked from crying.

"yeah?" He pulled away a bit to look at my face.

"Thank you." Harry surprised me by kissing my forehead, my face turned a deep shade of red. He wiped my tears away and chucked at the color of my face.

"You're pretty when you look like a mess." My heart leaped at the sweet comment. Is this how he gets all his girls? Compliments them when they're down? I stepped away from the tall curly headed boy and said "We should go to class." Harry led the way, we walked into History together, Harry sat in front of Niall and I sat in front of Zayn.

"Natalie." An Irish voice whispered, I refused to look back there. I don't know if it was because I was to embarrassed or to hurt.

"Stand up!" Mr. Rickman slithered in and shouted, we all did as he said, then he started putting people in partners.

"Uhm.. Liam be with Harry." I cringed, he took the only two people I wanted to be partners with.

"Natalie be with.. Niall." Harry sent me a 'I'm sorry' look before him and Niall traded seats. I sat down, avoiding the boy now sitting next to me.

"I'm handing out a piece of paper, you guys will work on this sheet together, it's due Monday." The class groaned in protest, I think Mr. Rickman enjoys us suffering. The bell rang, I grabbed the worksheet, my things, and bolted out of there.

Fashion Design, just get to Fashion Design with Perrie. Perrie found me at my locker and we silently walked to class together. "Zayn told me what happened." I shrugged, so she knew I had heard her.

"I'm sorry Natty." Natty, that was Perries nickname for me, I have yet to come up with one for her.

When lunch rolled around, Niall didn't sit with us, he sat with his girlfriend and her group of friends.

Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Perrie all tried coming up with ways to show Niall the truth,

"We'll dress up like aliens, show up at his house in the middle of the night and tell him the truth." Louis suggested, Harry grunted taking a bite out of his food. I sat next to him, picking at mine, trying not to look over at the cute couple two tables down from us.

"Why don't we just show him?" When I said that Liam looked intreged waiting for me to continue. "We set her up, put Harry in the hallway, have Molly go out there with him. Someone leads Niall out there, he sees Molly all over Harry and then he knows the truth first hand."

"You're brilliant!" Louis shouted making the whole lunch room give us strange looks. We all laughed, then talked about the plan. I felt kind of bad, expossing Nialls girlfriend for the person she really is. Niall deserved better, I know he doesn't like me and that hurts of course, but I want him to be happy.

School ended and I made my way over to the second graders building.

"Hey Natalie." Of course, it was Niall, instead of avoiding him I waited for him to speak.

"I -I know you're mad at me, but we have to do that paper together so.. "

I rolled my eyes "I'll do it." I walked off again, hoping he would go away.

"Please." He begged running in front of me. His perfect blue eyes searched mine for something.

"Just text me when you want to come over, I don't have plans this weekend." Niall grinned and ran off in a different direction.

Harry walked up to me just as Niall ran off. "You two okay now?" Harry stared after him with a small frown on his face.


"Well, Liam upgraded your plan a bit. I'm gonna text Molly to come over and one of you guys are going to bring Niall over to catch Molly making the moves on me."

"Nialls coming to my house this weekend, to work on that sheet Mr.Rickman gave us."

"Ohhhhhh so you'll probably be the one to bring him over, "

"I hope not."

"Sister!" I heard Bella scream from behind me, I turned quickly to hug her, when she saw Harry her little face scrunched up.

"I thought you two weren't friends?" Harry smirked at me then bent down to talk to Bella.

"We are, your sister just said that because she likes me." I started to protest but Bella cut me off.

"I thought she liked Niall?"

"Not anymore." I answered for Harry, Bella sighed and stomped her foot making her light up shoes go crazy. Harry knew I was lying, he gave me a weird look but didn't say anything about it.

"I cant keep up with you anymore." She stormed off down the sidewalk without me. I couldn't help but smile, she's so dramatic

Harry chuckled and waved goodbye to me. I ran after Bella, thinking to myself, what have I gotten myself into?

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